Negative Entities, Human Possessions, Ascension & Staying On THE PATH

“Oh Man! This is huge! I’ve been dealing with this for so many years and yeah, I know when I tell people about some of my experiences they look at me and you can tell they want to pat me on the back and say, “There, there. You’ll be ok.” I have sensed dark entities since I was a kid, when my grandmother used to tell me to make the sign of the cross with my fingers and yell at them to leave in the name of God! And that seems easy compared to what I’ve been bumping up against lately!

So Denise, anyone, everyone – what the hell do you do when you have people in your life that are so dark, so awful? Not just friends, because I’ve been able to shake a lot of them off, but family, damn it! There they are, stuck in your face, trying to suck you in to their darkness and all the family drama that comes with them. I call them emotional vampires and some of them I think are sociopathic – no conscience, no feelings, just stuck in their own shit – you get the picture. Just when I feel like I’m holding my own – bam! Either the phone rings or they show up at my door with their bags of garbage and negativity, giving away free guilt trips. I just DON’T want to fix them anymore, I don’t want to be part of their drama, I just want peace.

I digress. IS there anything that can be done for these dark humans? Once they are so sucked into the darkness, is there any hope or help for them? Or should I just meet them at the door with a cross? This is so difficult, for me anyway. I’ve always been the “fixer” but I really really don’t want to fix any more, but I also really really don’t know what to do, other than run and hide!”

Love Chrysalis55

This is in response to many of the Comments left by readers about my Etheric Attachments & Possessions article of May 26, 2010. This topic is another huge, multidimensional complex and difficult aspect of being a Forerunner/Lightworker/Wayshower/Starseed living the Ascension Process that people experience. Next in line is often with the ascending persons husband/wife, lover/mate, parent/parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, neighbors, community etc. You have been activated to evolve and transmute yourself via the alchemical Ascension Process, or, you reincarnated as a Forerunner/Lightworker/Starseed/Wayshower to work from within the old lower negative system to break it up, bring in higher frequency Light energies, embody those higher frequency Light energies in yourself and your body first and Wayshow the rest of humanity who’ll begin the Ascension Process a decade or so later. [During the alchemical Ascension Process we encounter—in varying degrees of intensity, resistance, frustration and difficulty—many other people who are NOT and may never enter the Ascension Process in their current incarnations as we have. Obviously this can and usually does create huge tensions and plenty of emotional pain for both sides as Lou Ann and Chrysalis and others here have shared.

We’ve got multiple things and multiple dimensions going on within this one topic of Etheric Attachments & Possessions by negative Dark nonhuman entities attached to certain humans, and the Ascension Process, and Family of Light, and Family of Dark. We’re also talking about having to deal with humans that have an attached etheric negative entity and it controlling them and also trying to control everyone around them—especially you because you’re waking up and shining Light all over what’s been the Dark’s 3D territory for a very long time! And we’re talking about how some of us have been dealing with the Family of Dark—to borrow a great Barbara Marciniak term—since our early childhoods as Robin has mentioned. Others have had encounters with negative beings, aliens, entities and energies in their different forms but only since their physical Ascension Process began.

  1. Reincarnating as a member of the Family of Light into a totally controlled and Dark earth reality
  2. Being activated by the ascension process which means you now will meet the Dark directly or indirectly through possessed humans, humans with etheric attachments, and/or people with severely closed-off consciousness and so on
  3. Encountering negative energies, fears, lack of understanding etc. from family and/or other loved ones over your ascension-related changes and growth

As you can see there are a number of levels and layers to this topic because it is multidimensional, because we are multidimensional and are affected by other beings (both positive and negative) that exist in dimensions other than 3D. This has always been the case, but now with the ongoing ascension process and dimensional shift, the multi-D pot has gotten shaken up real good and the Veil or borders—especially 4D the astral plane—are wide open and citizens from 3D are traversing 4D and beings that have always existed within 4D are walking right into 3D with the greatest of ease.

So how to dodge the Dark negative in all of its many forms even when it may be a family member? Eventually you will, for your own sanity, safety, and continued spiritual growth within the ascension process, have to make a decision about not continuing to move forward vibrationally yourself and remaining back with other family members and/or loved ones, your own children, husband or wife etc.  or stepping away from them so you can continue evolving/ascending now. It boils down to that choice for each of us. I’ve had to do it with some family members, my child, and all of my physical friends over the past decade. As much as Lightworkers are “fixers” as Chrysalis correctly called it, in the end it is only us that we’re supposed to really “fix” now. When we do our own ascension Work, we make it so much easier for other people to then begin the Process themselves. But, we’ve got to do it for ourselves first and not the other way around.

Back to Chrysalis’ question about how to protect oneself from lower frequency family members that are not living the ascension process but you are. This may sound harsh but if you’re over 21 years of age, then I think it best for the ascending/evolving person to get away from them and any other people who are trying to stop or suppress you and your Ascension Process. Whether they are just unaware of what’s happening and why, or if they have a negative entity attached to them etherically or worse, or if they’re hard-core religious people incapable of growing beyond those limited immature and incorrect old belief systems, if any of these problems are aimed at you because you are growing, evolving and changing, then you need to disconnect from those people for as long as needed. Believe me, nothing causes them to then have to deal with themselves when they no longer have you to project upon for whatever their reasons! It takes two to tango as the saying goes, and your disconnecting has repercussions on them and it amazingly is usually exactly what they need to finally begin getting themselves together too. Or not.

There are many great books available that teach different methods of etheric protection so I won’t get into that here. I may in another article and if you are interested in that aspect of this topic write a Comment and let me know. I suggest that for your own sanity, continued growth, happiness and soul mission you change your situation so the person or persons who are trying to control you for whatever their reasons cannot any longer. This next statement may also sound rather harsh also but it is often very painfully true.

In many cases the 4D “monsters” — devils, demons, entities, negative aliens, possessed people, the emotionally and/or mentally imbalanced, the fractured people in our lives (especially during the time we’re living the Ascension Process first) are giant Duality mirrors for us, plus the painful irritations to guaranty that WE will continue with our spiritual, evolutionary ascension journey all the way. On the other hand, many but certainly not  all of these people who are deep in negative energy and/or possibly have etheric attachments and worse are not your concern at this point  within the Ascension Process. Never forget that if we don’t do it here now, we’ll go elsewhere that’s a better energetic match to us and continue on with our growth, education, creativity and spiritual development there. So no one is really left behind or left out; it’s all about personal choice and not about “good/bad”, “right/wrong” etc. at all.

Note: Today transiting Uranus entered Aries which will activate further changes everywhere. Just an astrological reminder as this is a potent energy change.

Denise Le Fay

May 27, 2010

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2010. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

12 thoughts on “Negative Entities, Human Possessions, Ascension & Staying On THE PATH

  1. Although I can’t see the dark beings in my waking life, I can sometimes feel on them on people. When they are near, even by a few feet, they gave off that creepy fucker vibe that can sink in my skin. And living in a big city of New York, which is really crowded, they can be everywhere.

    I haven’t seen the dark beings on the astral plane as of late, so I figured they are being cleaned up by Light.

    Much love,

  2. Karina,

    Thanks for letting me know about the name thing because I sometimes get confused with user names doubling up and I worry about getting people confused!

    I’ve only had a few experiences with what I call probable realities – other realities that are much like the one I’m in (many years in the past I mean) and yet in them I’m doing different things than this version of me here is. So…I don’t know if that’s the same sort of thing you’re talking about with parallel dimensions or not. I don’t know about parallel dimensions, only about other dimensions and the different layers within many of them.

    I have also had personal experiences with astral or 4D plane entities, and also what’s called haunting, and have also lived in two different locations (houses) that had large portals around them. So it does get rather difficult discerning what’s what with some of these nonphysical situations. And don’t forget that lower negative entities can appear differently to cause more impact on the human they’re messing with. Living in a house that was built within a portal area causes all sorts of unusual things to happen; beings to come and go through it, objects to suddenly disappear and, if you’re lucky, reappear days, weeks, or months later. This can sometimes feel like the place is “haunted” but it isn’t in the typical sense. Negative entities have, in years and decades past (based only on my personal experiences that is) seem to want to control portal areas and they hang out it seems around them. This may be some of what you’ve been dealing with for so long. Have you lived in the same house while all of these horrible inter-dimensional attacks and stunts have happened? If so that would narrow all this down.

    Now I certainly do not know your whole story, your entire personal experiences, so what I’m going to say next is based only on what little I have read okay? I realize it’s probably much more complicated. But, you mentioned that you’ve been doing “…lightwork lately with these christic interdimensional beings…”. I just want to say to be careful and that I think it would be wise for you to work on yourself and not focus on other beings existing elsewhere. That of course is just my suggestion, and again, not knowing your full story. It just sounds rather dangerous to me, especially now with the ascension process happening, and I don’t want you to have any more difficulties than what you’ve already have! I just want you safe and well.


  3. hi, this is karina but when that name is taken i use arishantia.

    i think parallel dimensions might come into play with this body inhabiting stuff. it gets pretty creepy to think about. when i was thrown into this dimension, the densest parallel, where i started being barraged with nonphysicals torturing me much more severely than they had been up until then (fr 12 years) and messing with my world in viciously mean ways as well as just puzzling ones (like moving my pets…i’d put the dogs out, shut the door, go into the living room and there they’d be, for example)… the people and pets were clones. my husband still is, but my son came here to join me. our old dog died in that first dimension but is alive (barely, sometimes, poor dear) here to help me. my parrots are different here. i’ve been here for 2 1/2 years now so my energies have infused them more…

    at least this is what i’m told. do you know anything about parallel dimensions?

    i have so much more to say about the lightwork i’ve been doing lately with these christic interdimensional beings. and today it took a different turn entirely. but for now i’ll just ask about the parallel dimension issue.

    off to bed, hoping for some peace!

  4. Barbra,

    Great Comment and thanks very much for sharing some of your personal experiences and hard earned knowledge/Light about this topic. 🙂

    My guess would be that, like in the case of “Walk-Ins”, the human permanently exits their body/life and dies and another higher vibrating being steps in. Maybe this same sort of thing happens when the human is totally overpowered by negative lower entities? Maybe it’s much the same and the human permanently leaves their body/life and basically dies but the other negative thing/things that had walked in prior just take over. I’ve seen humans that I knew were not human at all but something nonhuman and not from this world. I think there are a lot of different beings walking around now in human bodies that aren’t human or from this realm.


  5. “So how to dodge the Dark negative in all of its many forms even when it may be a family member? Eventually you will, for your own sanity, safety, and continued spiritual growth within the ascension process, have to make a decision about not continuing to move forward vibrationally yourself and remaining back with other family members and/or loved ones, your own children, husband or wife etc. or stepping away from them so you can continue evolving/ascending now. It boils down to that choice for each of us.”

    I choose to stay in my sacred space… AWAY from family members… even though I am financially unstable and in a LOT of uncertainty. This may be coming from an unappreciative, hypocritical stance coming from me: my folks are helping me with the groceries and student loan every now and then… until I get off the rough patch… but that’s about it.

    At least they hardly call. They have learnt to honor my space… even though they wish to fix me. It looks foolish of me to not return “home”: my very rational dad has tried to reason with me to see the downside for me staying in my apartment house… told me that it was the wrong move to even leave in the first place.

    Thing is… I knew such moments would come… but I would RATHER endure this than to live under their roof… feeling like a soft-spine, volunteer manipulated victim, smothered 30 year old… enduring hell on the inside and wallowing in that kind of misery. I know it’s foolish but I choose to be me… be happy… follow my heart… follow my bliss… be present… transmute my shit and my stuff… and to be at peace and grounded in spite of current affairs. I want to walk my talk, you know… and BREATHE my own air.

    I already talked to the Universe/Higher Self how COMMITTED I am on this spiritual journey and there’s no turning back… in spite of the seemingly lack of support from the Universe. I’ve been mocked, chastised, scowled, lashed, spanked, shouted down at… for living and evolving in the daydream-state… only to now bear witness to the VERY THING I’ve been told NEVER EXISTS. All my dreams coming true now… and to QUIT???? Hymph…!

    Many nails were hit with Lauren’s latest post. Remaining detached to the outcome is an understatement. However… I am perceiving Uranus entering Aries is a good thing on my end: CHANGE IS COMING THANK GAWD! Breakthroughs!?! Or more hell BREAKING loose??? Or both…? :S

    SOMETHING’s gotta give up in here. Something’s gotta give. The bottom end HAS to fall out and I’m still having that bubble sphere enclosing my sacred space. That’s all I can do for now. No negative vibes/people/entities in MY sacred place I’ve called home!

    Love and hugs to all in the wake of great changes,
    Lou Ann

  6. Wow, nothing you’ve written has resonated as much as this. The fluffies do NOT want to know about negative entities and demonic energies; I sometimes think that those new agers who say,’O, there’s no such thing as evil!’ would change their minds pretty fast if they got even one glimpse of the thoughtforms and beings around them.

    Most humans *are* being influenced constantly by 4D beings; they just have no idea. If a sudden cruel impulse comes to them, they don’t think, ‘Where did that come from?’ They just accept it as their own thought or feeling.
    Like most of the people here I could write a book on this! It’s disturbing and painful to watch even close friends and loved ones act as puppets for dark energies. These beings flash into someone with the speed of a striking snake; and no one, not even a child, is exempt, as they aren’t playing by any fair set of rules. : (

    I’ve noticed that the more often a person gives in to negative impulses (which in reality are coming from the dark attached entity/demon), the more it happens….until eventually, that being moves in and sets up home in the individual concerned. If you have any light in you, they will go after you with frightening savagery. I have to stay away from most ‘normal’ people, or spend only short periods of time around them, because this always, invariably happens. And as you said in the previous post, I’ve noticed like you that after about 1 and a half years in which the light increased, & all these dark beings seemed dormant, the dark entities are rearing their heads again!
    An image comes to mind of Nazi Germany at the end of WW2….the Germans knew the war was lost, but they fought on futilely in the rubble. Hitler actually ordered Berlin to be razed to the ground! A similar situation seems to be happening now; the last ferocious lash-out by the dark. Pleasant it’s not. 🙂

    I have a question that puzzles me. In those cases (rare, but they do happen) where a nasty entity or a demon actually takes over a human, and ‘evicts’ that person’s soul/astral self…where does the ‘real’ soul go??
    In theory, the evicted soul (that’s the only phrase I can come up with; I know it’s not perfect!) should be in 4D, in the astral. In practice, it disappears. I’m serious, I’ve found this several times. I had a friend, for instance, who was just about infested with demonic energies and discarnate entities. In the end, one of them just took her over. I felt it and actually saw it happen. Simultaneously, the ‘link’ between us felt severed.
    From that day onwards, I could never find her in 4D, not even on some very low, dark subplane, even when, on occasion, I tried intently to find her. This really puzzles me. The other being is in her physical vehicle; but where is ‘she’? It was as if she vanished, not just while awake in 3D, but at night in 4D, too! I just don’t get this, because it would seem to be that the dispossessed soul should be drifting around forlornly in 4D, but in practice they seem to disappear. Any idea why that happens?

    I think of this stuff with the possessed people as spiritual weightlifting. 🙂 The only way to deal with it is to keep yourself vibrating high; the more darkness around us that we have to overcome in this way, the stronger we’ll get! And, as they say, ‘You can measure a man’s stature by the greatness of his enemies.’


  7. Chrys,

    Well done you!!! Keep up the great work and see how fast and easy it is now to take our power back? 😉 I’m proud of you.

    And that’s a huge YES about Uranus entering Aries last night. The shit’s gonna hit the fan now in a new and much more direct, fiery, intense, no-holds-barred sort of way. Breath…


  8. Denise, thank you! And before I say any more, YES, I would love to hear more about methods of etheric protection. I know how to surround myself in a bubble, or surround myself with light, and always (try to) stay aware and awake. Whatever recommendations you can pass along, I would surely appreciate it.
    Your post was awesome and I can’t wait to read the comments from it. And – was this a crazy day, or what? I swear everyone seemed to be in a fog. In less than half an hour I witnessed 2 minor car accidents. One girl got out of her car and left it in drive 😦 The car rolled away and smashed into the front end of another car. A guy in a truck came around a corner and didn’t take the turn sharp enough and just crashed into a fence. Full moon and Uranus entering Aries, maybe??

    Denise, no such thing as coincidence, eh? I read your post, got tuned up and tuned in, and then went into town to meet with a real estate person to see a home I’m interested in. Didn’t know her but got a funny vibe from her over the phone. Before I got to our meeting, my cell phone rang and it was a friend of a friend who gave me a “subtle” warning that this real estate person was pushy and slick and to be on my guard. Wow, was she bang on! I “think” I would have picked up on it on my own, but having the heads up made me pay attention and it was almost too easy to see past the BS! My hubby, not being quite as tuned in, thought she was charming and sweet. HA!

    I’m so thankful for all the wonderful souls on this site and for all the knowledge that comes with them. Every time I log on and read I feel like I’m home. My peeps! And now I have to go deal with a phone message from one of my family members, BUT I feel strong and I know I’ll be able to bounce it off. Which is almost surreal because this particular person has been able to bully me all my life. Game on!
    With LOVE,

  9. An important topic that would be helpful to be discussed, especially now when so much more is bouncing around and with the process of opening up these encounters increase.

    I learned by trial and error and guidance from my healer. Growing up in the country it was never such an issue but in LA I walk around (especially hollywood area vs west side beach area) and I can feel the energies/entities.

    A ligthworker is like a giant battery, a big ball of ‘glow’ that ‘they’ can see from far far away. But I learned that you can just say no.

    As far as attachments go and negative entities you have more potent pure power then they do hence why they like you so much, they suck it right out of you. Symptoms indicate you have one, suddenly you’ll feel fatique, deep deppression totally uncalled for, intense and often frightening dreams, visions, and just weird stuff happening. I also get a sort of psychic haze, and I feet like I can’t wake up. It can be hard to recognize when your knew to it and just opening up.

    I had a particular one, a person who had been in a human body at one point long ago, he wanted me to suck the demon out of his stomach. It was one of the first experiences I had and I was pretty green. But as I drove home from where he became attached to me (my boyfriend’s place at the time who I discovered was not what he seemed) I flat out said ‘no you cannot come into my home, you cannot follow me anymore, you are not allowed”. And ‘he’ didnt. Often times I have helped releases spirits, and just open up a window of light for them to depart and ask for assistance. I just say no, call in the unseen guard and stand my ground. Getting scared spirals you into that energy so you want to try not to do that.

    For me the bottom line is, all these energies are aspect of a whole, that whole is you. I don’t even believe in demoms, which I know seems hypocritical after what I just said but I have no troubles from this area anymore. I can walk through downtown LA near skid row, aware of the energies but I move right through them.

    As far as family members, my stepfather and one of his children just died. I was born into a family of light (sister and mom) that was born into a family of dark. We have transmuted those energies and now they are gone (deceased) Unfortunetly I had to deal with it for a long time, but I did move away on my own, and cut off people. I had to even get away from my Mom because she got so poisioned by my stepfather. Cut them off. Create your boundaries and do your lightwork from afar. 🙂 Use the force!

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