Here Comes Your Soul Mate

Recently Lauren Gorgo mentioned something in her “Ass Over Teacup” article that her “Pleiadian High Council” (PHC) said:

“The PHC say that the pituitary and pineal are finally signing prenups and preparing to merge in sacred union…aka the sacred marriage of the male and female energies within us & the recipe/ingredients for transfiguration) Apparently, from this merging forward “all will be regarded as “new territory” and the old world will seem separated by a demarcation point. This demarcation point represents the completion of the merging process and from the point onward, our conscious memory will seem split before and after ascension.”

Lauren goes on to say:

“So curiously people…is this like BC/AD? I am pretty intrigued by that notion, and can’t help but draw the correlation. BA/AA??? Would love your feedback on that idea…”

I’ve perceived this demarcation point”, this “BA/AA”—Before Ascension/After Ascension(loved that, very funny and clever) for a few years now and am beginning to feel the outer edges of it. In my way I’ve written about it, hinted at it, speculated about it, thrown my own strange names at it and shared a bit about what I sense it will produce in us and automatically our external reality/world. One of the ways I’ve hinted at this final separation or “demarcation point” from how we incarnated in this life and have perceived “reality” and how the old lower Earth was to how it will be radically different is:

Consciousness changes = reality changes.

It’s that simple yet that amazingly difficult and profound.


Because I’ve remembered large chunks of the Involution Process or our intentional original Separation from Source, I’ve been able to see a bit more easily how this current Ascension Process is the same process but in reverse and tremendously compressed and sped-up. Instead of us separating our SELF into multiple smaller aspects (selves) to Involute, the Ascension Process is the reverse of this meaning we reconnect energetically, rewire, plug back in, collect, integrate and unify within ourselves what we worked so hard to originally separate so we could experience and further create from within the more dense created worlds and dimensions.

There was a profound demarcation point when we originally involuted into this massive separation and continued fragmenting from Source/SELF, and naturally there will be an important evolutionary demarcation point once our rewired selves, bodies, two brain hemispheres and pineal and pituitary glands—the sacred female and sacred male energy aspects or our real Soul Mate Selves—are rewired and unified once again. I sense this final transfiguration ascension phase is happening during the last three years of the Mayan calendar; 2010, 2011, and 2012.

Remember the super-ancients that existed long ago in the very beginning of etheric and eventual physical manifestation on Earth? Remember the original Lemurians? Remember some of the higher dimensional Starbeings/ETs/Angelic Beings etc. and how many of them are androgynous and not separated into dualized aspects/sexes? Now remember and feel in your heart why. They didn’t travel as far down dimensionally  and energetically into increasing density  and duality as we have so it wasn’t necessary for many of them to further separate or polarize their male/female energies within themselves to the degree we have to enter dense 3D physicality. They didn’t need (or desire) to separate and polarize their female/male energies, brains and consciousness to the extreme level that humans in 3D Earth have. The many polarized Veils of Separation were not in place for them as they needed to be for beings desiring to experience physical life in a physical dimension.

This is why the summer of 2010 and beyond are the initiating very physical and physically manifesting Cardinal Squares and T-squares will continue to be so important at this point within the Ascension Process and the last three years of the Mayan calendar. Many of us are entering this more obvious evolving or ascending “demarcation point” within the Ascension Process now.

Remember also how all things are planned, designed and created within higher dimensions first? Remember how whatever is planned, designed and created there first, manifests lastly within the most dense dimension and body that humans exist in—Earth and their physical bodies. The 2010 Cardinal Squares/T-squares are assisting us to initiate, create, manifest and ground our compressed ascension/evolution BACK into growing amounts of internal integration or unity; our plugging back in and reconnecting with our previously separated and fragmented aspects via the multiple body, brain, and DNA rewiring. We’re experiencing this process very quickly in reverse, and evolving/ascending back into much more integrated, unified, non-polarized beings that will fully exist on a matching higher dimensional and higher frequency planet. There will naturally be an important demarcation point with this reversed process also.

Consciousness changes = reality changes.


The Sacred Marriage or connection with your real “Soul Mate” is currently happening right inside your rewiring, reconnecting two brain hemispheres, brain glands (Pineal and Pituitary primarily), your reconnecting DNA, your central nervous system, your blossoming 5D High Heart Consciousness and multiple energy bodies. This is and will continue causing the manifestation of your ascended 5D High Heart Consciousness and matching external reality on the NEW 5D Earth. Due to the brain rewiring process and related Pineal and Pituitary gland integration (each person’s male/female aspects, energies and consciousness), plus the related Brow and Crown chakra evolution, we are rapidly becoming a NEW evolved, ascended, non-polarized, male/female/female/male integrated human that carries far more Light and Greater SELF within unified Self. That will automatically produce this wondrous reversed evolutionary demarcation point Lauren and her “PHC” group were talking about.

I’ve been saying how our earlier 3D lives in this same life and body will increasingly seem to us—from our evolving, unifying perspective and especially from this demarcation point backward—to be another of our so-called past lives and past-life selves. From the higher 5D side of this demarcation point forward, it will seem to us to be a brand NEW life or incarnation; a new higher frequency body with a fully integrated brain and greatly expanded non-linear consciousness, integrated, unified or “married” inner male/female aspects, emotions and energies existing within a like-frequency 5D Earth and reality. But the obvious and really impressive (and brutally painful) fact is that we remained IN-BODY and ran the multidimensional energy gauntlet that the real Alchemical Ascension Process is physically and transmuted our separated and polarized lower frequency Lead back into integrated and unified (rewired) 5D Gold. Take a bow already will ya! 🙂 The Universe is applauding wildly over what we’ve done so far and are continuing to do and create.


September 29, 2010

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Soul Mates

triality yinyangs

Thanks go to a new TRANSITIONS friend and reader for asking me to talk a bit about Soul Mates.

We’ve all heard the term Soul Mates and/or Twin Flames before and many people believe that term applies only to romantic (and usually opposite sex) relationship. Over the years this basic belief was expanded to incorporate other very important people in our lives; people like best friends, siblings, and even enemies or nasty and unpleasant people who came into our lives for a relatively short period but provided much hard and/or painful learning’s for us.

I was very glad when I heard that the term Soul Mates had been allowed to expand, evolve to take in other people and relationships than just romantic ones! I never believed that our other half, our missing externalized other half was wandering the planet somewhere and we could only hope that this mysterious Prince/Princess Charming would stumble into our lives someday. That whole belief system was terribly repelling to me. I always believed that if, IF we each were missing some other part or aspect of ourselves, then it was exactly that—another aspect of US and not another person, but another aspect of the overall “me” or “you”. That’s what I always sensed Soul Mates / Twin Flames where.

Example: Think of some dearly beloved nonphysical spiritual “guide”, teacher or Lightbeing that you personally know. Think of how much you love him/her/it/them, think of how much you respect and trust him/her/it/them. In many cases those nonphysical “guides”, teachers, helpers, Lightbeings, ETs etc. are other aspects of YOU that exist in other dimensions. To me, they are your current self’s Soul Mates in the very deepest sense.

Now with us rapidly evolving, ascending beyond lower frequency density and duality into Triality (Unity) consciousness, the term Soul Mates and/or Twin Flames will most likely change even more because we’re changing. Now our Soul Mate could be our increasing ability to be consciously aware of and interact with our own Higher Selves and reintegrated Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies and aspects. Now how’s that for a Soul Mate!


July 26, 2009

multicolored copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2009. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.