Ascension related Headaches, Head Pains & Pressures

I’ve had another round of those unique Ascension related headaches recently. It took me a while to discern this ascension symptom only because I’ve had headaches all my adult life. Headaches from the vertebra in my neck being out-of-place constantly, plus twenty years of migraines, so I’m sort of a headache professional at this point.

But then the Ascension related headaches arrived a couple of years ago and they feel very different from any headache pain I’ve ever had. Another clue about them I learned is that nothing, and I mean nothing, makes them go away or eases the pain. No over-the-counter headache medicines, not even ice packs, not sleeping, resting, not moving, vomiting, absolutely nothing. They suddenly arrive, they hammer away for a day, a few days or a week, then magically it’s gone as quickly as it arrived.

Another aspect of these Ascension headaches has to do with our Crown chakra doing whatever it does when this happens at this vastly higher level now.  All I know is that the top of my head and skull hurts and feels bruised, hot, and sore to the touch. The upper half of my entire head inside and out (from the nose up) feels strange, larger than normal, a little disconnected or spacey feeling on top of the rather severe headache pains. Other times it’s just intense headache pains and noise sensitivities.

They’re strange pains like invisible laser beams that you feel and know exactly what angle they are entering your head at. The pain of them also moves around inside your head which normal headaches don’t do—at least not that I’ve ever experienced. Ascension headaches are about higher energies doing things, changing, expanding, merging brain halves or the Brain Rewiring Process, upgrading the insides of our skulls and the different brain glands; the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus and whatever else we have in there that’s rapidly evolving and activating so we’re multi-dimensionally aware 5D beings.

brain glands

When I have one of these four or five-day-long ascension headache sessions, I think of things Barbara Hand Clow and some others have said about the tiny crystals we have inside our brains. I can almost see these activating and evolving now because we’re simply at that stage within our ongoing Ascension Process—not to mention our two brain hemispheres being Rewired back together so we’re whole-brained beings. I suspect we are simply going to be feeling  head and brain pressures, pains, headaches, and other strange sensations as the old lower Veil between our two brain hemispheres vanishes and we evolve into whole-brained crystalline beings. May 2010 Uranus enters Aries which rules the head/brain. Imagine Uranian/Aquarian energies in your head now! Know that our brains/consciousness are and will be changing, evolving in extraordinary ways and rather quickly.

I know this isn’t a pleasant topic but because I’m so familiar with headaches, I was highly aware of how different these new Ascension headaches feel in comparison to old lower world so-called “normal” headaches and even migraines. But because they hurt and there’s not much we can do to make that pain stop, it can get unnerving after day-three or four and your skull feels like it has multiple invisible lines of light literally skewered through it. It does! Fear not however because the pain does end and know that more major upgrades have happened inside your head and you because of it.

Denise Le Fay

October 17, 2009

22 thoughts on “Ascension related Headaches, Head Pains & Pressures

  1. Aug2011: First time that I ever knew of you, from a FB link. I, too, am an unfortunate migraine professional. Hurting bad right now, so keeping it short. Interesting thoughts.

  2. Hi Kenzie and welcome to TRANSITIONS. 🙂

    The “ascension headaches” can be brutal for sure, and nothing seems to help them or ease the pain. They just play out and do what they do energetically in their own time, and then end as abruptly as they started! Hang in there.


  3. Thank you so much. I’ve been having sharp pains in my head – going from place to place- lately.

    I have a lot of ascension symptoms, so I know now that it’s really not a medical problem.

  4. susie,

    I hear you and I can totally relate to everything you’ve said. I too have gone through those long, long phases of where I was completely off my contacts. Because I’ve been psychic from birth, this was a total panic for me when it started along with my ascension process! But, what we previously psychic/clairvoyant/empathic/clairaudient etc. etc. people need to realize is that this is normal for what we’re going through because of the ascension/evolutionary process now. It really, really is a good thing! 😉

    Due to our (ongoing) ascension/evolutionary processes, sensitive psychic people, not to mention their guides, their Starbeing/ET kinfolk and friends, their other-dimensional assistants and so on are also changing and growing or evolving too. In other words, everyone is changing, moving, evolving, ascending and that means our guides and those others that have always been around for us sensitives/psychics/Wanderers/Lightworkers etc. – have either moved on themselves, or they are no longer needed by us because WE are changing/ascending/evolving. 😉 This is what I have experienced over the past almost eleven years now.

    The big punch line to this business is why right? It is because we are ascending/evolving to a new level where we can much more directly access higher lever “Light” or information/knowledge from our own Higher Selves!!! And let me tell you that that is 1,000% better than being psychic. So, this is another reason why we all are going through so much body pains and sicknesses; we are transmuting all of our lower frequency, denser, dark stuff/issues/polarity/and also much of Earth’s stuff too. This inner energy clearning work must happen first and it is, all on its own. We don’t have to “do” anything at this point but just go with the flow. And, on the other side of this process is being vastly more consciously connected with your own Higher Self and its incredible and endless knowledge. There is no comparison to this and being psychic. Be brave and just move through your Alchemical Ascension Process because it is so worth all the confusions, pains, and misery. It does get better.

    Dec. 8, 2009

  5. thanks denise for the reply – like you my back pain is a fairly constant thing but this time it is much worse which is why i asked you if it might be more the earths than mine – but i guess it is like you said – ascension stuff that has to be done in small pieces – my biggest problem is that when i started on the ascension clearing years ago i got fairly disconnected from the way i was getting information – it was like i was cut-off – one minute i was channelling constantly and getting and seeing so much stuff about everything and then it all more or less went – i have hoped that when i have cleared whatever it is that needs clearing – so much apparently – it will all come back – maybe in a different form – but so far it hasn’t. i still feel the energies and i suppose i intuitively know a lot of whats going on but i cant connect with – for example – the ascended masters like i used to etc etc – it is very frustrating as obviously lots of other people – yourself for a start – are getting heaps of information etc etc – i feel so cut-off from it all. patience has never been my strong point – maybe this is something i am meant to be learning!!
    i feel like i have so much i’m meant to be doing and here i am stuck with my weird aches and pains doing everyones clearing for them as i walk around and not getting any of the good stuff. i apologise for the major whingieness of this – i’m not usually so negative – sorry – susie

  6. Hi susie. Do not ever feel bad for asking questions. I have deliberately set-up TRANSITIONS as a place for me to write and share knowledge, insights, and personal experiences of mine. Having the Comments thing allows other people to not only comment about what I’ve written and ask questions, but also to share their own personal ascension related experiences and also ask questions of me and each other if they wish. I want TRANSITIONS to be a cyber location where like-vibrating people living the ascension process can build a new higher Earth cyber Community and share knowledge and personal experiences. 🙂 Physical building will come next.

    As for The PAIN. I know, I know believe me…I wish I didn’t but I do! Things have changed recently from the way I personally have been feeling physical pains. We have been through SO MUCH over just the past six months (since the Summer Solstice June 21, 2009) that it truly is mind boggling! Plus the 999 separation of Sept. 9, 2009 has really landed us in a brand new place and vibe…which we are and will continue adapting to.

    One of the ways I can tell when I am in yet another energy adjustment or transition phase is that my spine feels like it has frozen solid! It hurts, it feels like tremendous pressure is pushing in on it from all sides, and of course it is highly painful and miserable. After a week or so of this it will magically disappear and I then feel great and light and empowered and creative and happy, happy, happy…until the cycle starts up again! This is simply how this ascension business works while we are IN our physical bodies. We have to go through repeated smaller steps like this otherwise it would kill us. So, we go through little layers and stages over and over again so we can adapt, adjust, and keep readjusting every time it happens again and again. Eventually we’ll be so clear, so filled with light instead of lower dense 3D junk/issues/emotional wounds etc. that the pain will be very minor, and eventually, non-existent.

    So, until we’re all there, we will feel these aches and pains in our bodies as we and them continue moving through these monumental transformations.


  7. hi denise – dont want to keep bugging you with comments every few days but recently i have been having – as well as really bad face pain tmj stuff – which you talked about – but also really really bad lower back pain – i feel as though i’m clearing something fairly major – dont know if its my stuff or the earths – been a couple of weeks now – went away for a few days and then returned on saturday with a vengeance – any ideas if it is earth related. we are having loads of gales and heavy rain here too which also seems to make me feel v edgy – i wonder if its atlantis stuff being triggered. have just read a lot of your old posts – specially the ones related to picking up dark energies – do this all the time and have to spend each evening clearing it – your comments/writings are so helpful as they confirm stuff i would have no other way of checking. thanks so much – susie

  8. Beth,

    I suspect some of what we’re feeling inside our heads in the form of pains and pressures that move around have to do with the “Rewiring” that our brains are doing. This would naturally include integrating both brain hemispheres and all that that will produce.

    The body rewiring process (that feels like an internal electrical vibration or mild shaking) it doing this rebuilding and reconnecting within our bodies, and it too is a huge overall system upgrade. I wish I could adequately express what I see, symbolically, that is happening to our bodies and brains! We are rapidly evolving from one species into another higher vibrating species…literally.

    I sense that the majority of our day to day life situations, physical and emotional pains and frustrations, the struggles and constant adjustments we all are having to make at this point, is indeed, a very obvious and positive sign of how much we actually are changing/evolving/morphing/ascending into Cosmic beings – which are completely integrated beings. 😉


  9. I’m not usually one to ascribe every ache and pain to an ascension symptom, but I think I may be experiencing this type of headache. It’s not exactly as you’ve described, but it’s different from the headaches I usually have because the pain is concentrated on one side of my head–the left side. Do you reckon this has anything to do with the emerging feminine energy (feminine = left)?

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