Recent Repeated Dream Messages

From about October 15–16, 2011 up to early this morning, I’ve had four different dreams all saying the same thing but using different personal tools to make sure I get the message. My Mom also had a dream a few nights ago with the same message, but using symbolic tools that meant something to her personally. I know if we’re both getting these messages now, so too are many of you, and all for the same reasons.

Most of these recent dream messages I and my Mom have had were specifically for Starseed souls. Very briefly, most of us Starseeds, and probably Indigos too, have had monitoring and assistance from our different dimensional and stellar Home Stations throughout our lives. They’ve typically happened while we’re asleep and out of our physical bodies in another dimension and “dreaming” (not a dream at all of course but an actual journey and meeting) where it was easier to connect with our non-physical Starbeing friends and family and them with us for different reasons. Some of those reasons were meetings where large numbers of Earth incarnate Starseeds needed to receive the latest information from Home about the Ascension Process etc.; other times we’d find ourselves in some hospital-like setting for Starseeds where we’d receive any needed energy adjustments and/or energy body repair work caused by our 3D Ascension Missions in physicality and so on.

These recent dream messages mean what they do to us now because they’ve been about our nearly lifelong Starseed inner plane “dream” meetings and hospital Repair Shop visits etc. Point is that all these recent dream messages have been repeatedly informing me and Mom that all the old Starseed ways, methods, tools information exchanges etc. don’t work any more and have been removed because we’ve evolved beyond the need for them. Said another way—Mission accomplished Starseeds—so these decades-old multidimensional, non-physical Starseed First-Aid Centers and Communication and Meeting locations have been dismantled because we don’t need them any longer. We don’t need these multidimensional middle-men and Way Stations because we’re now inches away from being Home again while on Earth in these bodies but in 5D finally!

So if you’ve been or suddenly start having repeated dreams about old familiar things, tools, methods and ways of doing things or traveling or fixing or “healing” and them NOT WORKING anymore, they’re just more clues about how close we are now to moving through the important transitional gates of 11-11-11 which will activate much more fifth dimensional type energies and consciousness within us.


I was going to make this topic another article but it fits with these dream messages so I’ll add it here.

I’ve mentioned in other articles that my lifelong Starbeing assistants/teachers/guides and help from Home began energetically retreating from me the last couple of years before the start of the Eighth Wave (January 5 1999), which was the start of the physical, biological Ascension Process for the First Wave Starseed group.

Once I got my nerve up, I asked them why they were leaving me, and they informed me that I was about to start a very intense and difficult process and phase of my Starseed Soul Mission work and that they could not and would not in any way interfere with my living/struggling through it. In other words, the training wheels were removed in January 1999, and I had to do this thing on my own for my personal soul growth. No more multidimensional middle-men while I went through the Alchemical Ascension Fires of Transformation. Said yet another way, it was time for me to evolve and replace my own Guides and Starbeing Assistants.

Many of us have done this long and slow graduating (evolving) away from our familiar and beloved ascension Guides and Starbeing Assistants because many of us have and will take their places at the completion of the Ascension cycle.

So if you’ve experienced your old familiar and much-loved Guides and other inner-plane Teachers and Assistants leaving you or not being able to contact or connect with them this is why. Once our primary Ascension Mission is completed, which it basically is now at the end of the Mayan calendar and 11-11-11 transition, these old Guides, tools, ways, methods etc. are rapidly dissolving and disappearing from us because they’ve served their purpose perfectly and are being retired. Stair steps remember?  😉  Thank you, thank you, thank you my old Starbeing Assistants and Guides for having my back and babysitting me while I was down here doing what I came here to do now. ♥


October 20, 2011

NOTE: please read the Comments too.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may share this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this URL and Copyright Notice.

89 thoughts on “Recent Repeated Dream Messages

  1. It is interesting that you mention Gadhafi–my initial feeling was sadness–sadness that he could not come to terms with the fact that he was old regime (could not take a look back at why and how he came into power in the frist place) and just step aside for the sake of his country and his people, and sad because of all those who had to die and suffer for the sake of his ego–but then…that is the way the old has to be deposed…but so sad that we could not go softly into the new without clawing and biting and beating of drums.

  2. Oh now this is interesting! For yeeeeeeeeeeears I’ve had various versions of dreams where I was back in school and needing to take more courses or found out that I hadn’t really earned my degree (which I did more than 10 years ago) after all. Or in a slightly different twist, revisiting a certain old job where, in the dream, I’m called upon to help out even though I know it’s not right for me to do so. In the past, I’d muddle through both of these situations, fumble trying to do what was asked of me, and wake up frustrated. There was a huge feeling of UGH, not AGAIN, I thought I was DONE with all of that! (Oh – and the old job – IRL – was one that I quit in, ha ha, the Fall of 1999 right before my wedding anniversary, which falls on 11/11.) In the past few months, though, there’s been a new take on these themes – I may show up and be asked to do more/pitch in, but now I’ve looked at those around me in the dream as if I finally recognized that I had more of a choice in the matter and I say – no, I’m done, I don’t need to do this anymore, and I walk out, satisfied that there’s nothing left I have to do in these places anymore. Nothing that is owed or lacking on my end of things. And I wake up feeling more triumphant, and definitely RELEASED from huge piles of old yuck. While I’ve been happy about the new perspective, I did think it was weird that there was an uptake in these University/Old Job dreams lately when they had been absent for awhile. What I *have* found myself doing just the last few nights in dreamtime, though, is being called on to do random/spontaneous healing work with totally different people than before, and in totally different circumstances (ie not the school setting, and not the old job setting), so there’s definitely been a big shift in that regard.

    @ lamplighter – oh yeah. Been very happy to see/feel the transitional energy in these various “occupy” events, but definitely had no inclination at all to physically participate. I just don’t feel like it’s my job (anymore). As you so eloquently put it: “I open my whole heart in gratitude, love and support, but it is for others to move those mountains.” Yup!

    Thanks again, Denise, for sharing the bigger picture of what’s been happening lately. So nice to read these and go ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, so THAT’S what that is/was! 😉

  3. Denise,
    The confirmation and validation that you and others have supplied us with over the years is truly invaluable and so dearly appreciated!
    My dream this morning at 5:55 am: Some dude had a gun to me and we both knew he intended to shoot me…I told him to make sure it does the job, LOL, then said WAIT, & I called out to my soul & said “Thank You For My LIfe!” and I smiled real big and then never felt a thing, more like a feeling of ecstasy.

  4. “WORD, Denise. WORD. And thank you.

    I have so missed this connection! In truth, I have missed so many connections in the last few weeks. For whatever (obvious) reasons, my sequestering has nearly become solitary confinement. I started teasing my guides the other night for being too chicken to hang out here in these last, thick moments. Didn’t work. ;0) I am totally on my own. Even my closest Earth friends have fallen away, disappeared, at least temporarily. I have lost two of my pets to the other side this week, one expected, one unexpected, and my heart is mourning in that old 3-D way. Bleh. (J, a big heart hug to you!!!)

    But what has really knocked me for a loop was when I went to an “Occupy” event in my town. I have been an activist/catalyst since my early teens and have been waiting for this moment pretty much my whole life. Humanity is shape-shifting right before my eyes, and I find it inspirational beyond measure.

    So last Saturday, on the day of the global protest (Unity Consciousness), Armed with signs and excitement I headed down to City Hall. I was moved to tears by the words and cohesion of this beautiful crowd. The Power of the People was palpable. Then we headed out for the street march; cars honking, people chanting, energy rising. Before long I realized I had fallen to the back of the line, BEHIND the 80-year-olds. Granted, I have a bad foot, but that was not keeping me back. Much to my shocked chagrin, I realized I was not comfortable being there. I could not chant, could barely hold up my sign. I was in a reality show as an observer that did not belong on this stage.

    For the rest of the weekend I wrestled with my mental and emotional alligators. This was the last stronghold of my greatest passions. This was the one fire I thought would never go out, that would lift me into the heated expression of LIFE AS I USE TO KNOW IT. I did not belong anywhere now, with anyone. Was I that depressed and tired? Didn’t think so, but why was I not able to stay present in the moment and motion of revolution? And WTF were my ethereal friends to give me the big hugs and high fives to let me know where to go and what to do throughout this very difficult week?

    It has taken me all week to fully accept that my work, in this reality, in this framework, is truly done. Over. Out. I open my whole heart in gratitude, love and support, but it is for others to move those mountains.

    As for me, I await, still, in the stillness, as patiently and trusting as possible, for my new role to emerge, my new family to embrace, my new life to unfold. Wherever and whatever it may be.

    Much love to you all, my fellow travelers of the universe!”

    Lamplighter & All,

    Because of your brilliant and heart-wrenching Comment Lamplighter, I can now reveal the why’s behind my recently being frustrated to the point where I disabled Comments.

    1) because I’d reached a point where I need to make some changes within myself and my Work here at TRANSITIONS, but evidently I wasn’t doing them fast enough. 2) things started to go slightly off-track in Comments here and I knew I had to redirect folks because we’re running out of time and HUGE changes are right around the corner for us all. 3) I knew that by my disabling Comments it would be shocking, jarring, unexpected and like throwing ice-water on people and it was VERY hard for me to do…but…the Higher-ups were doing the same thing to me too so I would do it!

    So, I threw ice water at everyone and retreated for a much needed period of isolation from TRANSITIONS so I could readjust myself and get my bearings once again. I knew cutting off Comments would unexpectedly force sudden changes and insight or realizations in many of my readers in the same sort of way that was being done to me by my Higher Self. Evidently we’ve ALL got to consciously realize who we’ve evolved into now and make the necessary adjustments, changes, releases etc. because even larger changes in us will activate when we transition the 11-11-11 portal. And again in Dec. and more throughout 2012.

    The past three years or so have been for me much like your great desire to FINALLY witness (and participate with) humanity waking up and fighting off the dark suppressors and take back their individual and collective power and freedom. It’s every Starseeds dream and its FINALLY happening in physicality with the masses around the planet. But, as you’ve painfully discovered for yourself, we must exist and function on the Energy Stair Step we’re currently matched to and cannot go back down in any way with the very masses we’ve nearly killed ourselves over the years to help Ascend!

    What many of us are currently being forced to consciously face and adapt to is our NEW positions and missions within this Process, and they’re very different from what they’ve been! I suspect that we’ll all be able to sense much more about our individual and collective NEW jobs/missions on the other side of 11-11-11.

    At any rate, I want to tell you Lamplighter how much I love and admire you and the HUGE changes you’ve made (I’ve made, we all have made) in 2011 so far. I feel about you and the other Starseeds/Lightworkers (readers) much like we all do about the masses we’re witnessing responding to what we’ve done since the start of the Eighth Wave. Now there’s a Heart orgasm! 😉

    Thank you and “ESPAVO” ♥

    As I’m writing this I’m hearing the news on the TV from another room. The President just informed everyone that Gadhafi is dead. And immediately I hear in the back of my mind that old Queen song screaming, “…and another one bites the dust, another one bites the dust…” 😆

  5. It is very nice to know that I am not the only one getting these transition dreams. Mine are all about leaving “childhood” behind and taking up the mantel of adulthood. That and learning to fly in new ways! I hadn’t noticed the changing of the guard but that would explain why my tarot are not “on” anymore. Have had the most incredible run of dead on readings for the last 2 years and this week, just crap. My “girl” is gone. Kind of sad but I know we will meet again! Yeah, things are changing very soon! Well, that is of course always relative. But you know what I mean, new types of changes! Yeah!

  6. “So crazy that you wrote that! I was just telling my 16 yr son the other day that for two nights in a row I had the same dream of being somewhere outside of this planet … in what felt to me like a space station classroom or something. (Kind of like what my lecture hall looked like in college) and at every one of our seats was a computer of some kind that we were each using. It was so odd. That’s about all I can remember … but instinctively I just knew that it wasn’t a normal dream. It felt to me like I had been downloaded information or something, yet I couldn’t access it right away. That is only way I can describe it. So weird. But so cool!”

    Not “crazy” at all that I wrote this article right now. 😉 I was PUSHED AND PUSHED HARD by my Higher Self to write this article this morning as fast as possible and hit the publish button immediately. It’s articles like this that have extra typos and forgotten words in them because I’m being pushed so hard to get a particular message out at that moment because many other people will immediately recognize what I’ve written through their own current personal experiences. All I do much of the time is confirm and validate what many of my readers have been living/struggling through themselves.

    I just tore through my archives looking for an old article I remember writing years ago but don’t remember its title. I rarely can remember what I’ve titled things so its really hard to find them using the “search” button. Anyhoo…instead of wasting any more time trying to find it, I’ll just repeat the primary info here as another confirmation and validation for you and what you’ve experienced fellow Starseed.

    Typically, the Inner Planes meeting places for us Starseeds have been, and I’m stating this from decades of personal experiences with all of them:

    1) A huge beautiful old Library
    2) A University
    3) A College campus
    4) A large Auditorium on some University and/or College where many of the incarnate Starseeds would gather to listen to Starbeings update us
    5) A certain Hospital where the Starseeds would occasionally go for energetic First-Aid and/or energetic surgeries etc.
    6) Some dark Movie Theater where one had to watch some movie – aka a needed message from higher dimensional Home
    7) Some large shopping Mall where certain Starbeings/ET’s would often meet us incarnate Starseeds to quickly exchange info and energies etc.
    #8) Being in a huge UFO-like craft where we interact with some of our Home Station Starbeing buddies to exchange info

    I think I’ve remembered them all but… Anyway, these tools, places, methods, ways of traveling and communicating is ending and disappearing fast…much like the “Separation of Worlds everyone. 😉 It’s Graduation time which means NEW tools, NEW ways, NEW methods, NEW teachers and guides if needed but most of us are currently stepping into being Masters ourselves now. Big changes for all everywhere.


  7. Thank you for your moving message/comments, and giving an insight in your individual paths. I don’t know exactly where my place is in this whole circus, but don’t recognize the starseed-guide thing, so I guess I’m no starseed :-). Probably just the rookie coffee guy, slowly working his way up the stairs. I guess many of you are my 3D guides, relaying all the insights from the other dimensions. But in a need-to-know universe you always get your bits and pieces in the right size at the right time… And it’s about time… 🙂 Shine a light, lots of gracias, Jay

  8. WORD, Denise. WORD. And thank you.

    I have so missed this connection! In truth, I have missed so many connections in the last few weeks. For whatever (obvious) reasons, my sequestering has nearly become solitary confinement. I started teasing my guides the other night for being too chicken to hang out here in these last, thick moments. Didn’t work. ;0) I am totally on my own. Even my closest Earth friends have fallen away, disappeared, at least temporarily. I have lost two of my pets to the other side this week, one expected, one unexpected, and my heart is mourning in that old 3-D way. Bleh. (J, a big heart hug to you!!!)

    But what has really knocked me for a loop was when I went to an “Occupy” event in my town. I have been an activist/catalyst since my early teens and have been waiting for this moment pretty much my whole life. Humanity is shape-shifting right before my eyes, and I find it inspirational beyond measure.

    So last Saturday, on the day of the global protest (Unity Consciousness), Armed with signs and excitement I headed down to City Hall. I was moved to tears by the words and cohesion of this beautiful crowd. The Power of the People was palpable. Then we headed out for the street march; cars honking, people chanting, energy rising. Before long I realized I had fallen to the back of the line, BEHIND the 80-year-olds. Granted, I have a bad foot, but that was not keeping me back. Much to my shocked chagrin, I realized I was not comfortable being there. I could not chant, could barely hold up my sign. I was in a reality show as an observer that did not belong on this stage.

    For the rest of the weekend I wrestled with my mental and emotional alligators. This was the last stronghold of my greatest passions. This was the one fire I thought would never go out, that would lift me into the heated expression of LIFE AS I USE TO KNOW IT. I did not belong anywhere now, with anyone. Was I that depressed and tired? Didn’t think so, but why was I not able to stay present in the moment and motion of revolution? And WTF were my ethereal friends to give me the big hugs and high fives to let me know where to go and what to do throughout this very difficult week?

    It has taken me all week to fully accept that my work, in this reality, in this framework, is truly done. Over. Out. I open my whole heart in gratitude, love and support, but it is for others to move those mountains.

    As for me, I await, still, in the stillness, as patiently and trusting as possible, for my new role to emerge, my new family to embrace, my new life to unfold. Wherever and whatever it may be.

    Much love to you all, my fellow travelers of the universe!

  9. So crazy that you wrote that! I was just telling my 16 yr son the other day that for two nights in a row I had the same dream of being somewhere outside of this planet … in what felt to me like a space station classroom or something. (Kind of like what my lecture hall looked like in college) and at every one of our seats was a computer of some kind that we were each using. It was so odd. That’s about all I can remember … but instinctively I just knew that it wasn’t a normal dream. It felt to me like I had been downloaded information or something, yet I couldn’t access it right away. That is only way I can describe it. So weird. But so cool!

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