The Rewiring Process & Internal Vibrations


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At this point many people have been living with the Inner Body Vibrations, inner shaking and electrical-like current buzzing inside their bodies for many years. This started for me in 2001 or 2002 and it took me a while to discern what exactly it was. I’ve talked about it before but wanted to mention it again because I’m still feeling it day and night, awake and asleep over a decade later and I know more of you are too.

For some people it’s a newer experience and one that’s rather confusing and could be—if you didn’t know what the causes of it are—rather frightening as well. It was never physically painful for me and I’ve never heard anyone else claim it was or is for them either. It is however, weird feeling and mildly distracting. When it suddenly stops momentarily, it’s rather shocking to then realize how intense and constant it has been inside you.

This inner body vibration is what’s called the Rewiring and that is an accurate term for this Process. Because of the ongoing Ascension or highly compressed evolutionary Process humanity is in now, our entire Central Nervous Systems (and everything else) simply must evolve to accommodate the tremendously higher and faster frequency Light energies. The Sun, the Milky Way galaxy and the cosmos continue to blast Earth, and of course humanity, with much higher frequency Light Energies. Our lower world 3D body/bodies (physical body, astral, emotional, mental, etheric etc.) weren’t designed for these higher frequencies so we evolve/ascend vibrationally, physically, and in all other ways as well. If we didn’t do this we would fry, or, we’d check out of our physical bodies (die physically). Those who want to remain in their current physical body and go through the ongoing evolutionary, Alchemical, Ascension Process changes will have these numerous “rewiring” ascension upgrades and more. Them’s the rules; fly much higher vibrationally or fry and eventually exit the old lower frequency body vehicle. No shame either way, just individual soul choice.

So this Rewiring Process takes time, years even, and like I said it isn’t physically painful so don’t worry about it. It does feel a little strange at first, like some inner body electrical energy is literally vibrating inside you. I’ve felt it move slowly throughout my whole body over the years, like different areas of my body were being worked on and upgraded to have my nervous system and other physical and energetic bodies and parts NOT fry or overload. I’ve used the analogy of trying to run 220 electricity through 110 wiring in a house and it just doesn’t work and you run the risk of setting the whole house on fire! This Rewiring is beyond kundalini rising in the old lower 3D body; this is about the physical body being upgraded, evolved energetically to accommodate, house and constantly run vastly higher frequency Light energies through you and it. This is going from a 3D central nervous system and body to a 5D central nervous system and body and it feels a bit strange when the Rewiring Process is happening. Fear not however as it’s a very positive sign.

Know too that if you’re experiencing the Rewiring in your body, then you’re also in the ongoing process of having your two brain hemispheres building new connections (being Rewired too) to have a whole brain, unified and integrated with NO divider, NO Veil or polarized separation within it as we did in the old lower 3D polarized world and dimension. Talk about an upgrade! Just imagine, if you can, what you and I will be able to do, perceive, create, envision, know, connect with, see and feel all because we’ve integrated our brain hemispheres and our nervous systems (and so much more) and can carry vastly higher frequency Light energies? We literally will not be the same species. We’ll be higher frequency beings that carry more Light than they ever could or have prior. How very exciting and encouraging!

So don’t freak-out or panic when you feel some internal vibration that feels like a mild electric current buzzing, changing locations and shaking inside your physical body in different areas and growing intensity and vibratory rate. It’s the evolutionary Rewiring Process which is a very positive sign that you are embodying increasing amounts of higher and higher frequency Light energies within yourself, your consciousness and your physical body. Float through it and remember to give yourself credit for literally transmuting into a new, higher frequency being housing much more Light than before. This is a lot of hard work on multiple levels and dimensions so be kind to yourself and rest, sleep and nap as much and as often as you need. Happy ongoing body and brain Rewiring everyone.


June 26, 2009

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The Ongoing REWIRING Process

About seven years ago I became aware that another unusual Ascension related Process had begun deep inside my physical body. I first noticed it when I’d wake up repeatedly throughout the night. I’d lay there in bed feeling this vibration deep inside the core of my body and it felt like a mild electrical current running, buzzing, vibrating deep inside my physical body. Now I can feel it while awake and physically doing things, but the strange thing is, I only realize this Rewiring current has been running when it shuts off for short periods! The abrupt quiet and inner body calm is a shocking contrast to the intense, high-energy current of this inner body REWIRING vibration.

Back then I was having so many other horribly intense Ascension symptoms, one more of them didn’t make much of a difference to me. Besides, this inner current/vibration didn’t ever hurt but was just strange feeling and I didn’t understand what it was or what it was doing to me for a couple of years. Then one morning in 2003 my mom told me about an unusual dream she’d just had. She described her dream as watching a group of workmen working on the city’s electrical lines. In it she asked one of the workmen what they were doing, and he replied, “We’re Rewiring the whole city.” The second I heard the word “Rewiring” I instantly KNEW what my inner body electrical current vibrations were and why I was having them.

My central nervous system and much more was being upgraded, Rewired. Why? Because it was impossible to run higher 220 current Light Energies through old lower and much smaller 110 wiring without blowing some fuses! So, I and much of humanity was, are, and will be living through this Body (and Brain) Rewiring Process so we can safely and comfortably embody, house and constantly carry vastly larger amounts of much higher frequency Light Energy within our physical bodies and all the other bodies as well.

About a year after mom’s ‘Rewiring the whole city’ dream, I ran across a couple of well-known people online who channel and this same word—”Rewiring”—was popping up all over the place. Forerunners/Lightworkers would first be going through a long period (years for most of us) of having our bodies and two brain hemispheres Rewired. After that, other groups of people would begin this body Rewiring Process too.

There are other aspects of this Rewiring that has to do with the human central nervous system being greatly expanded, evolved. This is a big subject that covers many aspects of our evolutionary Ascension Process. We must be able to literally physically and energetically embody and carry much higher and faster vibrating Light Energy in our bodies safely and this Rewiring Process of our bodies, separated or Dualized brain halves, and entire central nervous systems are doing that and so much more.

I woke up last night with this same deep inner body vibration and current present and I can, if I relax and observe, remain aware of this sensation for longer and longer periods. I realized last night that this Inner Rewiring current is and has been moving and rising slowly inside my body. I wasn’t sure about this until last night when I felt that it had indeed moved up slightly into a higher area inside my body. “The whole city IS being Rewired!”

When I first discovered this inner body electrical-like vibration it was very low in my body, in my core. Over the past few years, it’s slowly been moving upward or simply expanding. Last night I could clearly feel it had shifted a bit higher yet again. It moved from my upper chest area into my neck, throat, shoulders and base of my skull. It should be pretty wild and intense when it finally moves fully into my head/brain.

Denise Le Fay

September 30, 2007

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS 2007. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this article so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.