PRIVATE CLUB: No Light Energies Tolerated Here!

Occasionally I’m impulsed or called to go back into lower vibrating forums (where angels fear to tread) for the single purpose of dashing in, writing a couple of posts, thereby holding up a lit Lantern for anyone there who’s ready to see it, who may resonate with what I’ve posted, or who were already looking for something vastly higher, and then get the hell out as fast as possible! I do not want to go back down into those types of lower vibrating “spiritual” forums at this point and normally I don’t unless I’m called or drawn there for very specific reasons.

You know some of those forums with the words “SPIRITUAL” and/or “LOVE” in their names? You know how they instantly manifest the polar opposite energies every time you, me, or anyone posts anything that they don’t believe in? You know those certain “spiritual” forums where they preach, rant, endlessly debate for pages and pages, intellectually masturbate over every topic, and instantly, viciously, attack anyone who thinks or perceives differently than they do? Someone who actually has the nerve to post about it on their energetically closed circuit forum! Those so-called “spiritual” forums where a few forum members and even Mods/Admins attack anyone who actually is vibrating faster than they are and is using something other than only their left brain intellects to perceive other levels, dimensions and states of awareness and being. There’s nothing more repulsive to me than when people use their tiny left brain intellects to try and investigate their right brains! It does not work that way no matter how many decades or lifetimes you try to make it so.

See and feel all their “SPIRITUALNESS”?  See and feel all their “LOVE”? Feel their intellectual patriarchal beliefs, egos and lower vibrating energies repeatedly trying to bludgeon you and your Light/Information, hammer you endlessly into a puddle of bloody mush?  Feel their  real Spiritualness and Love? All that is nothing more than the lower old world version of what they honestly perceive as true spirituality, knowledge or wisdom and love. Repulsive, scary and profoundly sad isn’t it?

This situation is exactly like an addict who’s stoned or drunk out of their skulls, but they honestly believe that no one is aware that they’re stoned, drunk, both and/or addicted! Or like someone who’s mentally ill but knows without any doubt that they are perfectly sane. These sorts of people honestly believe that the rest of us are so stupid we just do not see that they are drunk/stoned/mentally/emotionally ill/or still vibrating at a lower slower frequency! Self delusion. Grand and terrible self delusions. The truth is that far more people do see that you’re stoned or drunk or existing at a lower vibrational rate than you’d ever suspect. But how could you possibly know any of this being so self involved, so self-deluded, so disconnected, and so utterly NOT about “SPIRITUAL” and/or “LOVE” anything? The rest of us see this as clearly as we see everything else plus, we know why you’re still the way you are; why you still perceive what you do and why you do. Because we’ve walked through the transformational Alchemical Fires and have become more than that ourselves. You might reread that sentence again.

At the end of every Astrological Age—especially this one—the new higher incoming energies, consciousness and human carriers of it get attacked, killed off if possible, beaten and battered, distorted, lied about and so on by the people who fear actual spiritual change and growth. Remember the last Age change and how it supposedly went then? Today isn’t any different.

Another aspect of this is how quickly that dark violent gang mentality comes rushing in when a vibrational outsider posts something that’s beyond their forums lower vibrating Members Only Club frequency. Certain forum members and Mods/Super Mods/Ultra Fab Group Mods quickly rally around the vibrational outsider to literally take him/her/them down as quickly as possible to show the other forum sheeple members how “powerful” they are. “Off with his/her/their heads…” the call goes out across their forums and the alpha Mod Pack quickly comes in to kill off the real Light.

“Hey…we only intellectually preach and debate about things here! Nobody can come in here and actually claim to be living them themselves! What the hell do you think you’re doing here huh? Who the hell do you think you are anyway? Get the fucking hell outta our closed-off and totally energetically controlled Spiritual Forum Club!”

Of course none of them openly and fully says that to me or you. No, they dip their verbal negative shit in sweet sounding pious religious and/or “new age” poison and then sling it at me/you/us in open forum posts, PMs and emails. All the while feeling ever so “spiritual”, smug, and holier than thou. You’re going extinct and you don’t even realize it. We know who you are even if you don’t.

Denise Le Fay

July 30, 2008