An Ascension Kundalini Process Story

I received this email July 2017, and its generous author gave me permission to quote it here. This persons name is being withheld, but Thank You D****** for allowing me to share your Ascension related experience publicly. ❤ I know we both sincerely hope that your personal experiences, as horrific as they were, may help other readers who already have, currently are, or will be experiencing varying degrees of the unexpected evolutionary Ascension Process which typically includes sudden and completely unsolicited Kundalini activation in the unaware subject.

“I’m in the middle of recovering from a rather traumatic experience that, I’m fairly certain was/has been a particularly extreme and unpleasant awakening experience, if my readings on the topic and intuition have been any indication. I don’t really have anyone I can feel comfortable talking to about what I experienced and am having a hard time convincing myself I didn’t somehow manage to break my mind or end up slowly going insane in some other manner.

My experience has been so far-reaching and also supremely bizarre at its extreme limits that I don’t even know how to properly do it justice. Right up until about February 2017 or so I was basically what one would call an open-minded atheist or perhaps an agnostic, I was open to many possibilities, but at that point my experiences and  primary beliefs were very firmly ensconced in a standard material paradigm. However, things began to fall apart several months after I began some experiments in dietary alteration coupled with fasting protocols of increasing zeal and intensity.

I started personal experiments in fasting in early December of last year. These experiments followed and also built on what was previously a nearly two years process in progressively more robust dietary alterations that had initially been the result of me attempting to find a way to cure type 2 diabetes that I had been diagnosed with. I actually managed to eradicate the diabetes before I even started fasting, but I couldn’t resist the impulse to test the limits of the human body’s innate healing capabilities that are opened up during a sustained fasting state.

The results were absolutely incredible and caused me to start to re-evaluate my stance on just how ‘stupid’ various religious and spiritual traditions where about how they understood the world and the way the human body functioned. I noticed that many traditions appeared to sync periods of fasting and bodily purification to specific seasonal cycles and that these periods were often consistent across traditions, cultures and geographies, so, in a fit of inspiration I decided to try to ‘observe’ lent as an experiment to see what would happen if I mixed a hyper minimalist fruit/vegetable diet with fasting over the Lenten period. This is when things started to get weird. They didn’t get full off the rails weird at that point, but the initial shape was definitely starting to take form.

Once again, I’ll try to cliff’s notes the progression of things and what/why I took certain actions, but, basically, over the Lenten period and the following months my body, the way it reacted to stimuli and my perceptions of things started to change. I started to have these very intense ‘experiences’, visions, tingling sensations in my body, weird intuitive feelings I’d never had before. At one point, during an experiment in fasting without food or water, I had a series of utterly overpowering experiences that resulted in, among other things, large amounts of parasitic worms being ejected from my body. I had wounds open up and then heal more rapidly than wounds normally heal, strange small objects would be ejected from my skin, I’d get random periods of feeling strange electric tingling sensation course over areas of my body and waves of cold would hit specific subsections of my body accompanied by the hair in that specific region only standing right on end.

All these experiences should have been overwhelming, but it seemed obvious to me that I’d somehow stumbled onto some sort of profound healing mechanism and some sort of important and profound array of spiritual experiences that I didn’t understand, but hat also meant I could no longer pretend that there weren’t actually strange and wonderful powers at work in the world.

Up until that point, the experiences where weird and bizarre, but I could handle them alright, however, the magnitude of the experiences started to get stronger and stronger and a series of events resulted in me ending up spending 20 days in a psych ward. I can’t begin to describe what I experienced in that place, but the problem is a fair bit of what I experienced during the three days leading up to my confinement and the 20 days in the ward itself make more sense within the context of what people like you and other ascension writers have described than any other explanation I’ve been able to come up with. There was a period of several days where I was struggling to comprehend time because it had seemed to become nonlinear and I no longer felt properly anchored in it. At certain periods, time around me seemed to slow down to an absolute crawl even while I appeared to be moving at normal speed. During this period, I could bruise or paper-cut myself quite easily by simply gently brushing into an object.

I was filled with a strange sensation that I was simultaneously being held by hostile forces and that some sort of incredibly benevolent entities were themselves present within the ward trying to assist me. Light and conductive surfaces in the ward appeared to exhibit unusual qualities, I kept being struck with the feeling that my physical body wasn’t quite ‘real’ and that instead I had another body that I couldn’t see that was the one that I really needed to be concerned about and that this body had qualities that I didn’t quite understand. For some reason, I developed a very strong aversion to plastic feeling that making skin contact with it somehow drained energy out of me in a way that was viscerally unpleasant.

Anyway, I’ve already gone on too long and probably taken up enough of your time, but I’m struggling to understand what exactly was going on, because I believe very firmly that some very real things that don’t fit into my old paradigm or any of the normal ones I’m familiar with were occurring, but I have no idea how to go about finding out what, exactly occurred and I can’t even begin to figure out how to find people I can safely talk to about this stuff.

I look at people like you talking about 3D and 5D consciousness, altered perceptions of time and ethereal entities that exist out of phase with the world most of us are used to and as recently as 3 months ago I would have laughed at how crazy it all sounded and now I’m left with the unsettling idea that either I’m crazy, or the world as I know it is a quite different place from the world as I knew it even two weeks before I was hospitalized. I have no idea how to adjust, adapt or properly account for this change in my understanding of reality the strain of trying to integrate it into my life feels like it’s burning me out. I’m afraid to go out into the world and interact with people or talk to my friends, because I no longer feel like I understand how the world works and I don’t know how to engage with them in a way that will seem natural or functional anymore. I used to absolutely adore science and exploring the world in that way and now, it’s like my entire framework for understanding has been toppled like a house of cards and I don’t know which way is up or how to reorient myself in a way that lets me actually live my life effectively.

I’m sorry for this long run on two-part letter, but I hoped maybe you might be able to offer some sort of guidance or insight into my situation. As difficult as it is for me to accept, the framework people talking about vibrational energies and ascension processes put forward makes a ton more sense as a way of explaining the weird stuff I’ve experienced and seen manifest around me than a more conventional understanding of reality would allow for and so I’m left with little choice but to reach out to someone like you, who seems to know what they’re talking about and has made blog entries in the past that eerily match up to my own experiences over the past 5 months or so. This piece in particular was distressingly on point with my own experiences regarding a series of dreams/visions I had around the published time period that were overwhelming and inexplicable to me at the time.”

Thank you for your time,


My own sudden Ascension Kundalini Process activation began February 1999, and was equally as intense in its own ways as this woman’s, but mine was and continues to be slightly different because I’m a Forerunner/Wayshower/Embodier/ a First Everything-er of the NEW Light and NEW higher frequency evolutionary Codes. [For more information about my physical activation see my ABOUT page.]

Pain, fear, trauma, shock, confusion, self-doubt, negative beings, psychic attacks, higher expanded states of bliss and visions etc. are universal when experienced by humans; intense to the nearly incomprehensible extreme and entirely isolating in its outside the accepted reality box that old lower frequency human patriarchal consciousness, society, the Big Pharma medical machine and all other matching frequency realities and humans clings to as the one and only truth.

But such is the Dark Night of the Soul, and when a person is suddenly activated by the current evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) to evolve into much more than what they have been in all ways, it’s a harrowing and usually lengthy process that literally transforms every person that lives it. Physical, emotional, mental, energetic, cellular, spiritual, psychic and consciousness evolution from as low, extreme and negative a level of Duality and Duality consciousness and external reality and life on a prison planet that global humanity has existed in for thousands of years, up to what’s happening in 2017 and beyond, which is Humanities Global Dark Night of the Soul, is serious and difficult for everyone no matter which different energetic Stair-step (level and phase) each of us are currently at within this evolutionary process.

This is not a little bit of evolution, not a little bit of progress and change for people and the global human collective, but a massive unimaginable evolutionary leap from complete darkness and global negativity, duality, separation, dis-empowerment, corruption, distortions, lies about everything, weakness and sickness in all ways up to, humanity evolving from negativity, darkness and total separation in all ways up to Light and Unity in all ways individually and collectively. This great of an evolutionary leap as what humanity, Earth and beyond is currently experiencing requires equally large and dramatic individual and species-wide evolutionary changes, growth, repeated releasing of all old lower frequency patriarchal everything and constant evolutionary expanding into the NEW higher frequency Light and matching levels of consciousness, physical body, life and external reality.

And if that weren’t a big enough evolutionary leap, it’s happening in our current lifetimes, as in just one I mean! And it hurts physically, emotionally, mentally and in every other way one can think of. This is to be expected however when individuals—and now global humanity—experience living the Alchemical transformations personally. In late 2017, this living Alchemical Ascension Process is being experienced by global humanity, ready or not, believe in it or not. Earth too is shaking, quaking, erupting, flooding, burning and being torn apart repeatedly by hurricanes, tornadoes, storms and all types of elemental extremes. This is part of the Ascension Process as well because Earth/Gaia has ascended too and is still living this process. We’re all in this fully now and together.

I could talk on and on about the Ascension Process (AP) and the Embodiment Process (EP), which is what the Forerunners have been doing since the start of the AP decades ago. We Embody the NEW Light and Codes within in it first in our physical bodies then anchor them into the physical dimension and ascending Earth world for humanity coming along behind us.

However, what’s most important for the people new to the evolutionary Ascension Process and information about it, is that they realize what it is and that it’s happening globally and not just to them like some weird, isolated case of craziness and extreme. People need to know that they’re not alone in all this, which is why Ascension teachers like myself and certain others have written about, documented what we’ve been personally experiencing, learning, discovering and remembering about all of this online for over a decade. Just knowing that these painful and often terrifying physical, astral, etheric, paranormal, supernatural experiences are “normal” during compressed periods of evolution such as what’s happening now makes it easier to deal with. Just knowing too that the old lower frequency and consciousness patriarchal country/countries falling apart now in accelerated ways is due to the Ascension Process makes things a bit less stressful as well.

Evolving—mind you in one lifetime—from a carbon-based, ego-centered human with separated Duality consciousness and external reality and life to, a crystalline-based, HighHeart-centered human with Triality frequency, consciousness and growing external reality and life of Light that exist within a higher frequency and higher dimensional level of being, consciousness and external physical reality is nearly impossible to wrap ones brain around. It gets easier the deeper into the AP one travels however but at first what most people experience, feel, think, dream, see, hear, smell, encounter is so bizarre, so incredible, supernatural and absolutely nightmarish at times while utterly blissful at other times that the whole business is often way too much. Too much until you read about another person’s experiences with the AP and/or the EP processes then the entire “craziness” and severity suddenly takes on a very different meaning. It doesn’t immediately remove all the ultra-weirdness and pains and pressures compressed evolution causes, but it does help a great deal to know that one is NOT alone in all this and that in fact it’s normal for what’s happening to humanity and the planet and beyond now.

When you honestly think about the bottom of the barrel darkness and negativity that humanity has existed in for thousands of years and that suddenly all that begins Alchemically transmuting all their accumulated dank old “Lead” into vastly higher frequency “Gold”, then much of the over-the-top personal experiences of transmutation people go through takes on a different intensity and overall heartfelt respect from the reader of such things. Is it any wonder that most people evolving now suddenly find themselves repeatedly purging their guts, hearts, minds, bodies, bowels and psyches out for months and/or years? Not really. This is one HUGE evolutionary shift we’re talking about and living.

Is it any wonder that some people suddenly experiencing the AP would look, act, sound, talk and behave like they never have before? Not really. I remember the first decade of my AP and how obvious it was to strangers that something was wrong with me” because I looked so strange, red-hot, toxic, angry, sick and borderline deranged at times, not to mention fighting for my physical life and soul at times as well. [Those who go first (Forerunners) encounter the swift and automatic countermeasures from Team Dark — negative nonphysical beings, aliens, entities and Portal People physical humans that are puppets of the nonphysical, nonhuman aliens and beings etc.— in a long attempt to stop us, derail us, drive us mad or kill us.]

At first all this is about clearing out all the accumulated density, negativity and separation etc. we’ve each collected on our lengthy travels through physical incarnations across time on Earth and elsewhere. As if that weren’t enough however, as the old lower everything is being removed from each of us in every way imaginable by evolutionary Light and much more, we also go through the equally painful and confusing process of Embodying the NEW higher frequency Light and NEW Light Codes. So first it’s out with the old lower stuff and very quickly after that, often simultaneously actually, it’s in with the NEW higher stuff so the whole AP becomes one big ongoing mashup of ugly negativity and density being purged while Divine NEW Light and other marvels and glorious freedom enters and you just feel all beat-up and exhausted for a good long while. Again, this is normal so fear not and just keep living The Process as willingly as you’re capable of. Surrender to it in other words because it hurts less to do so and these processes can unfold within you more quickly when you stop resisting or fighting or being in fear and self-doubt over all that you and your body and central nervous system are going through.

Thanks again to D****** for allowing me to share her email with the rest of you. Light is information so the more Light we all share with one another the more consciousness is lifted higher and expanded and everyone benefits from that. ❤

Denise Le Fay

September 24, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for your support.

Copyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2017. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Make You Smile Search Terms

It’s always been fun to go through the Search terms at my sites because the best, most telling and oftentimes hilarious, honest questions are always there and make me smile or burst into laughter, and always make my HighHeart swell with joy and excitement over the Ascension Process (AP). Here’s some I’ve found over the years that led people to my sites, which is also kind of funny when you think about it. For your entertainment and everyone’s ongoing edification. If we can’t laugh at ourselves and feel empathy and gratitude for others living with evolutionary AP symptoms, we’re in trouble. Keep your HighHeart open and be very glad that more and more people worldwide are experiencing them, even though they’re usually not very pleasant, because it means humanity is evolving and quickly now.

  • Why am I smelling shit everywhere?
  • Why is my asshole vibrating?
  • Are Starseeds evil?
  • Why does my left leg shake when I exhale?
  • What are Lightworkers?
  • Belly bloated
  • Logical explanation of …
  • Why are Lightworkers so afraid to die?
  • Tickle heart chakra
  • Ears ringing more and more
  • Kundalini burning palms feet
  • When I orgasm my lower leg vibrates
  • Hair falling out ascension?
  • Why am I vibrating inside?
  • Why do people get “Buddha Belly”?
  • Pelvic tightness and Twin Flame
  • Much vibration waves come my back head reason
  • What disease causes shaking inside the body coupled with fatigue?

I have to admit that I my all-time favorite is, “Why does my asshole vibrate?”  It’s a gem of a question isn’t it? Just wait until your whole body vibrates constantly questioner, which is what eventually happens as these higher frequency Light Energies moves through your entire physical and energy bodies triggering more and more highly compressed evolution to Rewire all aspects of you. Why? So you can exist within greater, higher frequency Light and a matching world and reality and not have it destroy you or your physical body.

Of all the search terms I’ve seen over the years the most often asked question has been about the mysterious AP side effect of inner body vibrations. 

It’s been interesting for me as an Elder Forerunner — Forerunner of the Forerunners, to see how more and more people have and are being activated by the AP over the years. It was easy to see on any stats page that shows search terms that direct people to your site for answers or insights about what they’re experiencing and why. Every year for over a decade more and more search terms about inner body vibrations have consistently shown up, revealing that greater numbers of people around the world have been and are being activated by the now very high frequency evolutionary AP Light Energies.

I’ve written about all these search terms and much more and they’re archived here at TRANSITIONS for anyone searching for information about the AP side effects. Just click on whatever topic heading you’re interested in under CATEGORIES in the sidebar area and all of the articles I’ve written under that topic will appear.

Now that we’re in 2017, greater numbers of people are and will be suddenly experiencing different AP symptoms/side effects. That’s why I’ve kept TRANSITIONS going over the past ten years; I knew that further down the AP road more people would suddenly need to know what’s happening to them and their consciousness, lives, body, mind, emotions, dreamlife, DNA and so on. It’s highly compressed natural evolution, and my friends, it has a tendency to make one’s asshole vibrate for a while. 😉 Happy reading or re-reading. ❤

Denise Le Fay

June 6, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2017. All rights reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, use it to make a video, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Compressed Evolution Means Your Body Is Changing, Now

As greater numbers of people worldwide continue being physically, biologically, energetically, consciously and spiritually pressured and pushed by the evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) , many are confused about what’s happening to them, their body, consciousness, their lives, their county and everything else. This natural evolutionary Ascension Process affects everything, not just a person’s physical body, but is a complete life-altering transformational process that takes time—years and decades, not days, weeks or months—to transition through its many layers so relax into it and do your best to not fear what’s happening within yourself and your physical body, and the external world. It’s all very positive despite it not feeling or looking that way at the moment. Humans are always resistant to change of any kind, and the AP related changes cover everything everywhere so there’s plenty of confusion, unawareness, wild misunderstandings and fearful resistance.

Stop Fighting the Evolutionary Ascension Process Side Effects

People are getting really tired of their bloated, distended, unattractive evolutionary Ascension Process “Buddha Belly” and want it to go away, immediately. I’d very much like this too but my “Buddha Belly” gets worse, not better, every time I/we go through another big—and they’re all very big now folks—increase in Light Energies. I also get numerous other side effects besides the severely bloated belly/gut/diaphragm/abdomen area, which I’d also prefer didn’t make me look like I’m sick and/or lazy and/or don’t care about my physical appearance anymore. Nonetheless, I’ve been living this evolutionary Ascension Process on the physical, biological level since the start of 1999, and my “Buddha Belly” hasn’t disappeared yet.

Simple answer is stop fighting it, stop fearing it, stop resisting the evolutionary AP changes you’re experiencing and surrender to this natural and normal evolutionary Process taking place during our lifetimes. After having lived this and much more for the past twenty-six years and counting, I know that it’s best to just let it happen, don’t try to “fix” it because there’s nothing to “fix” in natural evolution, don’t think it to death which is taken care of by the fact that ones old lower level of consciousness is being dismantled so NEW higher levels can replace it, and don’t resist because doing so only prolongs these many changes and makes it more painful in most cases. Just open your heart and surrender to the natural evolutionary Process taking place within yourself and your body.

I’ve often thought about the millions of people who’ve gone to doctors, specialists and hospitals since 1999–2000 because of evolutionary Ascension symptoms only to be told nothing is wrong with them, or far worse, be diagnosed with something they don’t have and given medications for it. Just horrible, and dumping pharmaceutical toxins into one’s body while it was/is already hard at work transmuting so much old 3D density, negativity and global toxins etc. only causes more difficulties in my opinion. Get a second and third opinion if your doctor tells you you’ve got such and such and his/her solution is to dump chemicals into your body to “help you with it”. You most likely don’t even have what the doctor claims you do so discern for yourself, and if you still feel uncertain, get other opinions to be safe. I’m not a physician, I am an Ascension Process Specialist, so discern and protect yourself from incorrect diagnoses, unnecessary chemicals, outrageous expenses, negative thought-forms, negative limiting old belief systems, and fear and worry.

It helps with your personal evolutionary Ascension symptoms/side effects to remember that everything is going through this Process, not just you and your physical body. Earth, our Solar System, the Milky Way galaxy, other galaxies, the Universe, the Multiverses are all going through this natural evolutionary Ascension Process now. There is no aspect, no corner, no layer, no dimension, no star or systems that are immune from evolution.

It’s normal to feel “hot flashes” with the Ascension Process despite one’s sex or age and this is because that inner heat is Kundalini Fire burning away lower frequency density and duality within you and your physical body. Also, Mother Earth/Gaia’s heating up—so-called ‘global warming’—is Her having Ascension related “hot flashes” because she is evolving, transmuting, and becoming something very NEW, improved and of a much higher frequency. Humans and Earth/Gaia have been heating up because of this natural evolution and doctors and scientists don’t know this, nor would they believe it any more than people understand the real reasons behind ‘global warming’. Friction causes heat, and there’s been and still is plenty of friction from the old lower dense frequencies and consciousness coming into direct contact with the NEW higher Light Energies and being changed, upgraded, evolved because of it. It’s okay and to be expected during these massive transitions. No fear, just greater understanding about all aspects of the Ascension Process.

It’s also common to go through periods where your mind doesn’t work like you’re used to. It seemingly isn’t there at times, and no matter how hard you try, how hard you focus mentally, you just cannot pull information in or connect to it or stay focused or get anything to work. It feels like your brain is on hold and you cannot mentally focus or remained focused on anything. The reason for this AP side effect is because you’re being deliberately UN-FOCUSED and Rewired so you’ll be able to expand your consciousness far beyond the old narrow frequency band it and you are used to.

This is the old neural brain and brain maps getting greatly expanded, Rewired so they can carry vastly higher frequency Light, Light information and Higher Awareness and not fry anything important or blow a fuse in there! During this process—and it happens repeatedly over the years so don’t assume you’ve got some mental, cognitive disease—the way you accessed information and memories is changing, expanding and becoming far more complex and evolved. It’s just during this transition the old doesn’t always work and you’ve not yet got the hang of the NEW and how it works so there are times you’re seemingly going to “short-circuit” in front of people when they’ve asked you something and you can’t find or get the correct words out to respond to them. This usually causes frustration and embarrassment, which typically induces a hot flash! Now you both can’t communicate and you’re sweating like crazy, are miserably hot and uncomfortable and want to just run screaming from the building and go home. Oh the joy of it all…

Because the electromagnetic energies have been and still are changing dramatically on Earth/Gaia, they’re also changing dramatically in you and your physical body too of course. This causes all sorts of symptoms and related anomalies. One is a severe build-up of static electricity in your physical body to the point that you’re getting zapped all the time, even in high humidity or rain. This too will come and go so relax into these changes. Attach a floor-length rubber tail off the back of your pants that drags on the floor behind you, discharging the excess static build-up as you walk. Kidding, except I honestly did think of doing this years ago out of sheer desperation when I was getting severely zapped every few feet in stores, in public, and usually uncontrollably cursing every time I got stung by an electrical zap. This was so severe that other shoppers often saw the blue-white “lightening bolt” shoot out my finger when I got close to something metal and would get zapped. And when one’s nerves (Central Nervous System being Rewired too) are rather fried from the AP anyway, getting zapped constantly for months on end only makes it all that much worse.

Another common symptom/side effect is what I’ve come to call the spinnies. It feels like the inside of your head (and sometimes your eyes too) are rotating and if you physically turn too fast, or just turn only your head, you almost fall over or crash into something. Vertigo, ungrounded, not connected to Earth in the old ways, in transition to another level of being and reality etc. all make one feel the spinnies.

Another aspect of this is the sensation that suddenly the floor has dropped out from under you and/or you’re falling, tipping over or suddenly dropping down a few feet. What you’re sensing is more energetic and frequency changes to old lower 3D energetic structures and systems etc., and this is just one of many ways your body and awareness perceive these fluctuations and disappearing old timelines with their blueprints and energetic structures.

The inner body vibrations or sense of an electric current running, vibrating, buzzing, shaking and/or pulsating in different areas of your physical body is another common Ascension related side effect. It’s caused by you literally embodying higher frequency Light Energies. As we continue clearing out old density duality within each of us, higher frequency Light Energies simultaneously replace them and are embodied by each of us and that feels like we’re vibrating inside our physical bodies. We are, and it’s simply our inner frequency being dramatically increased while incarnate in our physical bodies.

And no, the inner body vibrations is NOT caused by negative beings, aliens or demons as some incorrectly believe. They cause very different symptoms and interference’s and blockages in people. When your body is vibrating, it’s a positive evolutionary sign that you are embodying more and more higher frequency Light Energies and are vibrating faster and higher because of it.

Another common side effect of our continuing evolutionary AP is that the more NEW higher frequencies we encounter on Earth, the more people are hearing them, seeing them and feeling them in a variety of ways. When you hear high-pitched ringing in your ears, and/or around your head and/or over your head in stereo-like sound, you are hearing some of the many higher frequency Light Energies coming in from our local Sun, the Milky Way GC, from Divine Source etc. It’s just that you’re evolving enough now to be able to hear some of them. Eventually we’ll be able to “read” them, interpret them, discern them for ourselves, but for most now, we’re only able to hear these ringing, squealing, humming, buzzing, clicking tones and sound frequency Light Codes.

Some are able to clairvoyantly See some of these higher frequency Light Energies, and typically they’re perceived as brilliant Lights of different color. As we evolve and get more adept at Seeing these higher frequency Light Energies, we’ll be able to “read” them too and we’ll See much more than only different colored Lights. We’ll See Codes in Light form and often they’re in geometric Light form but they’re also more than this too. Always be open to perceive and experience more than what you are currently.

There’s also the linear time vs. quantum, Now Moment no time, and Spherical Consciousness that’s capable of perceiving multiple “times” and non or no time simultaneously. At first this one is just strange and rather confusing, especially as we repeatedly jump back and forth between linear time consciousness and reality and quantum no time Now Moment consciousness and reality. With more experience and experimentation however, we slowly discover that we’re evolving beyond the old lower frequency limits of linear time and the matching and appropriate consciousness that went with it.

Again, get out of your own way with these more exotic NEW AP side effects and perceptions, pay attention and learn more as you continue becoming more. This is natural and highly compressed evolution you’re living, experiencing, perceiving and being constantly effected by now. Stop trying to limit and reduce it back down into old lower 3D beliefs, structures, systems and consciousness. It doesn’t work and won’t ever work. Lower and Higher frequencies and consciousness cannot co-exist in the same space so stop trying to make it happen. Doing so only makes the whole thing more frustrating.

There are so many people still trying to apply old lower limited and profoundly limiting 3D patriarchal beliefs, expectations, systems and structures, further dis-empowerment, deluded hopes and desires, and tremendous lack of personal responsibility on to the NEW incredibly higher frequencies present, growing in them, their bodies and the Earth world and reality around them. However, we are not evolving so that humans can have a slightly better form of continued global, species-wide disempowerment. Not going to happen, period.

This is evolution and change, incomprehensible change and improvement to most people, and it’s not allowed to try to superimpose old lower frequency negativity, lack of awareness, and lack of personal responsibility on to the NEW higher Light Energies and 5D consciousness. It’s not possible because these frequencies are so profoundly different that they cannot merge with one another or even co-exist in the same space. What they are doing now is separating, literally repelling from each other and going off in very different directions, which is natural at this point within the evolutionary Ascension Process; the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. Be brave, be open to positive changes beyond belief and stop trying to limit evolution with your current lack of greater and Higher Awareness. I apply this to myself as well and always have. Dream bigger, aim higher, much higher and get out of your own way with your old lower frequency 3D patriarchal thoughts and beliefs because they’re not a match, in any way or form, with the NEW higher Earth world.


May 7, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for supporting my Work.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Old 3D Healing Tools Don’t Work For 5D Humans


A recent Comment by an ascension overload sufferer inspired this article. Thanks for it Karen. ❤

Since 2003, I’ve repeatedly heard people say online how they use different old 3D (third dimension) tools, methods and belief systems etc. to help them with their evolutionary Ascension Process induced aches, pains, pressures and related symptoms or side effects of becoming a 5D (fifth dimension) human being in a physical body.

I’ve never understood the thinking behind this or expecting old pre-ascension 3D tools, methods and consciousness to actually help with evolving into a physically embodied 5D human that’s actually a different species. How could such lower frequency tools and methods be beneficial to and on someone that is literally vibrating higher and faster than those tools? They cannot is the short answer and why should be obvious.

The difference between a 3D human body, central nervous system, DNA, brain wiring, consciousness and perceptions with that of a 5D human being and body and all the rest of it is so extreme that they’re not the same species. That was not an exaggeration for dramatic effect but a hard fact. This is highly compressed evolution and we’re living it now in these current lives and physical bodies.

So why and how could old 3D lower frequency, lower consciousness, lower everything healing tools, methods and modalities etc. possibly work on or help anyone living through compressed evolution that’s physically, energetically and biologically changing them into a higher frequency 5D being with matching body, consciousness and perceptions? They cannot, so why waste your money and time on them when they’re not vibrating high enough and aren’t nearly complex and refined enough for a fifth dimensional body, central nervous system, consciousness and everything else.

I realize that for some people some of these old school lower frequency 3D healing tools such as acupuncture, massage, therapeutic touch, crystals/gemstones, reiki and I don’t know what all else, gives them some momentary relief and comfort both physically and psychologically from the brutal energetic onslaughts caused by the evolutionary Ascension Process. I suspect that they help take the edge off sometimes for a bit when one feels like they are frying from the inside out. I’ve never done any of them because I’m a stubborn Capricorn that wants to get every juicy, painful, spectacular bit out of this very rare Ascension Process lifetime no matter how miserable it often is.  But, that’s just me, you do what you want and feel you need to get through this in-body living evolutionary 3D to 5D, carbon to crystalline, physical density and Duality to physical Light and Triality transition.

The real problem with all of this is that we’re still in transition between the old lower 3D we incarnated into and are habituated to, and the NEW incredibly higher frequency 5D (and higher) Light Energies that have been and still are Alchemically baking our bodies, brains, central nervous systems, egos, DNA, consciousness and very realities. We’re all in transition still and because of this we’re not all yet fully anchored into the NEW 5D while we’re still doing our best to shed the old lower 3D from ourselves, our bodies, consciousness and external physical reality. This makes it tough while we transition, while we evolve from the old 3D model, reality, tools, frequencies and beliefs and fully embody the NEW 5D model, reality, tools, frequencies and knowings (they won’t be beliefs because you’ll have Higher Awareness and Perceptions, meaning you will know for yourself).

Soon many Volunteer Forerunners won’t need any so-called external “healing” methods or other people (healers, life coaches, energy fixers, therapists, doctors etc.) because they’ll be able to correct and adjust whatever it is within them that needs it to return to full functioning themselves at that level of being. After that, more and more people will be able to do this for themselves, by themselves, because it simply goes with the evolutionary territory. So-called “healing” and “healthcare” won’t be anything like what we’ve had or have today because 5D individuals will be able to intentionally and consciously correct and adjust whatever they need to within themselves and their physical and energetic bodies on their own.

Until then however we’re straddling two radically different worlds of abilities, beliefs and awareness. The old 3D world was one of complete externalization, disconnect and individual dis-empowerment through global beliefs that they need someone else to solve all their problems, be they health related, spiritual, physical or anything else. In 3D, no one was empowered enough to take care of themselves by themselves. In 5D, everyone must be totally self-empowered, totally Self-as-Source connected within themselves individually to exist within that 5D level of being and reality. This is why this evolutionary transition is so difficult for so many, it’s literally 180° from the 3D world and reality we all incarnated into.

When I feel like my central nervous system is going to explode from overload of 5D and higher Light Energies being embodied by me/Me in this physical body, I absolutely have to lay down for as long as I need to slow down and get out of my head and back into my HighHeart and/or fall asleep and nap. (HighHeart exists in the center of your upper chest well above your physical heart.) The more quiet, private, motionless, thoughtless, soundless time I have, the more these 5D energies are able to easily flow unimpeded throughout my body and central nervous system and then anchor into and circulate through my HighHeart. But, when even this isn’t enough and my body and consciousness feels overloaded with Light Energies that vibrate so fast and high they literally rattle and fry my body and nerves like nothing else, then I fall asleep/pass-out for as long as I can so all this gets embodied and “rebooted” while I’m asleep and out-of-body. It’s an safety measure taken by your Higher Self & Co., so when you suddenly need to fall asleep during the daytime, let yourself do it for these very important reasons. You’ll feel so much better when you wake up, like the latest inner energy storm has subsided, for the moment that is!

Bottom line is that the old 3D tools of any type don’t work on or for evolving 5D humans. NEW 5D and higher ones do, which means there’s a lot of positive change coming and soon. Release the old lower everything including your personal beliefs and old habits as often as you find you need so you can more easily transition into the NEW higher frequency, higher consciousness 5D reality with its matching NEW tools, abilities, consciousness and perceptions.

Denise Le Fay

November 1, 2016

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Evolving Brain Glands & Smelling Nonphysical Scents

Pituitary3 Pineal3

The current evolutionary Ascension Process is causing our entire physical and energetic bodies to evolve, and quickly. Included in this of course is our brains, brain glands—the physical endocrine system in the brain—and the energetic Chakras in our brains and bodies to evolve as well because all these systems are interconnected. One doesn’t evolve without all others doing so too.

A couple of years after the start of my physical, biological evolutionary Ascension Process in early 1999, I suddenly began smelling what I 100% believed at the time were actual physical smells of burning fireplaces and/or burning incense or a combination of both at the same times occasionally. This would come on so quickly and strongly that the smells I was smelling, seemingly right in my face, nearly choked me and often made my eyes tear. After experiencing this for a month or so, I went in physical search of the nearby neighbor with the heinous smoking chimney. Needless to say, I found nothing that I could blame this miserable smelling/choking business on. There were no smoking chimneys, no local fires, no burning incense, no nothing just me smelling incredibly amplified and in-my-face scents of certain things burning and smoking heavily.

It took my actually trying to find the physical reasons for why I was smelling and choking on what I interpreted as physical chimney smoke and/or invisible burning incense smoke to finally realize that what I was smelling was actually nonphysical. Normally I could/can tell, can discern what’s causing what, but this business seemed entirely physical to me so I needed to discover that it was not physical at all but a nonphysical side effect of living the Ascension Process. Once I made this discovery I could, and did, access my own Higher Awareness to figure out what was going on and why.


What I perceived back then was that my brain glands—Pineal (Crown chakra), Pituitary (Brow or Third Eye chakra) and Hypothalamus primarily—were going through rather tremendous compressed evolutionary processes which were the cause of my occasionally smelling what seemed to me to be burning chimney smoke and other times burning incense smoke up close to my face. This I could deal with much more easily than if it had been a physical neighbor with a smoking chimney!

I found it interesting that since I started smelling these two scents around 2004, they never changed but remained the same two primary smells, until 2016 that is. The only other highly amplified olfactory problems I’ve had occasionally throughout the Ascension years have been when I physically cooked something. The smell of what I’d cooked would stay in my nostrils for days or weeks sometimes. You start worrying about your sanity after not being able to smell anything but sautéed onions or whatever you cooked for two weeks straight. Horrible, just horrible. The fastest way to drive someone mad I’m sure!

The evolutionary changes taking place inside my physical brain and brain glands, including the matching energetic changes that always goes along with all Ascension symptoms/side effects, have caused both physical olfactory amplifications to the point of near madness, and smelling what was my brain and Pineal, Pituitary and Hypothalamus glands evolving and mutating, merging, connecting etc. into something very different and vastly higher functioning and more complex. The first issue was nonphysical and energetic and had/has to do with my/your/humanity’s current compressed evolution. For most people these early brain and brain gland changes are “smelled”, are perceived as strong physical smoke and/or burning incense except they’re nonphysical.

I’m not talking about the physical olfactory senses, nor am I talking about Clairolfaction/Clairofactance/Clairolfactant — the “psychic” ability to smell nonphysical etheric and/or Astral scents. What I am talking about is caused by our current highly compressed and rapid evolution. Many people are smelling their brains and brain glands seemingly on fire and smoldering, producing great amounts of smokey scents. Of course, our brains and brain glands aren’t physically on fire, but it is them quickly evolving into more complex organs (along with many other organs throughout the human body) that function multidimensionally while fully conscious and in-body. This Ascension Process commonly causes side effect of smelling nonphysical smoke and/or nonphysical burning incense.

 Smelling horrific burning rubber mixed with strange chemical smells is common when a demon is attacking you. That smell is unfortunately memorable and completely different from the Ascension related side effect of smelling nonphysical burning smoke and/or burning smokey incense smells.  Two very different things, sources and causes so please be conscious of these major differences.

At different times in 2016, these two primary nonphysical scents I’ve smelled for the past twelve years have changed somewhat. Now I’m sometimes smelling smokey scents I can’t define because they don’t smell like anything I’ve ever smelled before. They’re not terribly pleasant scents, as the nonphysical burning incense was, but are strange combinations of scents sometimes with or without the smokey scent mixed it. When this started a few months ago, I automatically inquired within to See what was changing in there now and perceived those new areas of my brain and trinity of brain glands already mentioned, were changing even more and have been Rewired together in NEW higher, more complex ways. This is why I’ve smelt strange new nonphysical scents this year after them predictably being smokey chimney-like smells and burning incense smells for so long. No, I’m not smelling demons or any other etheric negative being. I’m smelling my own inner chemistry, DNA, Chakras, electrical systems, inner energy grids, central nervous system, brain and brain glands evolving into something very NEW.

All is good, just evolving, and dramatically at this point. Don’t go into fear if/when you start smelling nonphysical scents or when those scents change into different ones. If you’re honestly concerned, then see a trusted physician. Otherwise, know that what you’re smelling and experiencing is caused from you naturally evolving, right along with so very many other people all experiencing the same symptoms and side effects and other unusual anomalies smelled, seen, heard, felt and known.

Denise Le Fay

September 2, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL  and Copyright Notice is included.

Ascension Process Info for Newbies & Forerunners

The first half of this article is specifically for people new (“newbies”) to the Ascension Process, plus have no firsthand knowledge about higher levels of reality, consciousness and being. The second half is for the Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers.



‘…I get the inner body vibrations most of the time. It sucks. Sometimes I can’t lay on my back because I can feel the energy going up and out my back. I also get like a static energy in my legs. My head used to really hurt. Like tingling and being pulled apart. My vibrations feel like I have a motor in my body somewhere. It scares me. I’m not sure if this is ascension or if something is just wrong with me. I don’t understand 3d 4d or 5d…’

This is a recent Comment  from another article that pretty much sums up how I suspect a lot of “newbie” people feel and think at this point. They’re new to the natural evolutionary Ascension Process, plus are new to complex subjects such as multidimensionality, realities beyond linear time, Spherical Consciousness, different frequencies of energy, different beings that exist within different frequencies and dimensions, Team Dark, Team Light and much more. There certainly isn’t anything wrong with not having knowledge about these complex things, but when a person is activated by the Ascension Process (current compressed evolution) and searches online for information about what they’re experiencing, they typically run across older articles that were, for the most part, written for other Forerunners/Pathpavers/Wayshowers/First Wavers/Second Wavers and so on. They were not written for the general masses that wouldn’t be starting the Ascension Process for a decade or more in the future, which is the now of 2016.

The Ascension Process itself is confusing, especially so if you don’t have an esoteric, metaphysical background. Many of us that write/teach/lecture etc. about this and related topics do, but for growing numbers of people just beginning this current evolutionary process without any higher knowledge about reality outside the old lower negative controlled consciousness “box”, it could quickly become overwhelming, highly confusing and probably frightening.

As the person that wrote the Comment quoted above said, she doesn’t understand 3D, 4D or 5D. Most people don’t and that’s fine. If needed you will in time, otherwise do not worry about it or worse, don’t guess or speculate over any of it. Live what you are and learn from it as best you can in each moment. Doing so only expands your awareness and abilities which means you’ll automatically know a bit more and more over time about all things from your own Higher Awareness, not from collecting information from outside of yourself. This is so very important and something both newbies and Forerunners must Master individually.


What everyone new to the Ascension Process and related topics needs to know now is that the majority of online articles were originally written for what’s called among the Ascension Communities – the Forerunners of the Forerunners, Forerunners, Wayshowers, Pathpavers, First Wavers, Second Wavers, Third Wavers and Indigos. They were not written at that time for the general masses who wouldn’t begin this natural evolutionary process for a couple of decades or more. They were written at that time for fellow Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/Indigos that needed help in further consciously awakening to why they were reincarnated on Earth now and living the Ascension Process long before everyone else. The “newbies” to the Ascension Process need to keep this fact in mind when they read any of these older articles written by myself or other Ascension Teachers and/or channelers.

Here we are nearly thirty years into this Process at the completion of Galactic Alignment and the masses are being triggered by the NEW higher Light energies entering their bodies, minds, emotions, life, relationships, work and very reality to evolve and quickly now. All aspects of their lives, bodies and reality are suddenly being turned upside down and inside out and they have no knowledge about how to access their own Higher Awareness yet or how to discern mundane or spiritual and energetic information, people, teachers, physical events, nonphysical events, media messages etc. to gain insights or guidance about what’s really happening to them, their bodies, consciousness, lives and reality on Earth at this time.

What I’d like the “newbies” to this Process to know now is that you do not need to know about all the things that were written for Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/First Wavers/First Embodiers etc. one, two or more decades ago. What you need to know is that you are evolving now which means you, your old familiar sense of “self” and “identity”, your ego self, your consciousness, your body, life and both personal and global reality are and will continue changing and rather quickly. Know too that that paragraph reads simply and easily, where living it is a very different story! No fear however because it’s easier and faster to do now than ever before thanks to those Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers that went first to make it easier and safer for everyone else coming up behind them. Stair-steps in all ways with all aspects of this Process.

I read this funny line somewhere thirty-some years ago and it feels right to share here. I’m sorry I don’t remember who authored it because it’s great.

‘Lo tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not tarry and build a summer cottage!’

“Newbies” don’t necessarily need to know what 4D has been all about to the same degree that you know the back of your hand! It’s enough for now to know that 4D—the fourth dimension—is what’s been called the Astral plane and that you’ve been moving through it in this natural evolutionary Ascension Process. You do not need to spend years or decades mopping and polishing the vast labyrinth of floors there, just deal with your stuff, your inner emotional issues you’ve ignored, suppressed, denied and/or projected and keep moving. Don’t tarry and build a summer cottage there in whatever remaining dank Astral rubble of the collective past still exists because it is not your job to do so. YOU and you alone are your job. Please read that last sentence again or as many times as you need to.

You also don’t necessarily need to know all the wonderful details about what 5D—fifth dimension—is and isn’t at this moment either. You’ll soon know for yourself exactly what 5D is and isn’t because you are existing within that dimensional frequency. For now, just know it is “heaven” in comparison to the old lower 3D (third dimension) physical Earth world of profound negativity and dense Duality we incarnated into! There’s a big payoff to all this difficult evolutionary work “newbies” so just keep moving forward and don’t get sidetracked over the complex details that don’t apply to you personally but were written for Forerunners/Pathpavers/Wayshowers/Indigos that needed that info it at that time for their personal reasons.

At this point all the “newbies” to the evolutionary Ascension Process need to do is be flexible and brave; flexible to constant changes, and brave because they’re happening no matter what! Again, that sentence reads easily but actually living it usually is more difficult and confusing but such are the times we live in. And how absolutely amazing and unique is that? Be proud that you’re incarnate now to personally experience such rare and profound change, growing freedom and increasing responsibilities.


Please keep in mind and heart the fact that most all the information about the Ascension Process that was written by myself here at TRANSITIONS, and by many other Ascension Teachers at their online sites, is now ten, twenty or more years old and was, once again, written for other Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers/Indigos that very much needed to consciously know and/or remember why they were reincarnate here now and why they and their bodies and consciousness were going through such profound weird changes, painful experiences and repeated attacks. That information still stands today however the newbies won’t need to experience exactly what most Forerunners did because it’s simply not necessary for them to do so. The newbies won’t go through the same symptoms or side effects or for as long or as severely as the Forerunners did. Be very glad of that fact!

All you need to do now is live through what you are while constantly releasing your old lower concepts and beliefs about everything—yourself included—so that you can move through these rapid and amplified changes easier and with less “friction” created from resisting or fighting this Alchemical Process. When you hunt for information online or in books about the Ascension Process and related Kundalini (not the old info about Kundalini from a hundred years or so ago!), keep in mind that the older material was written for the First Groups that Volunteered to go through this first and Pathpave it all so that you and the masses could step on to that NEW higher Path much easier, faster and less painfully. In other words, take from the older information only what you need now and ignore the rest of it that doesn’t apply to you.

Also I need to mention the obvious, which is the growing insanity, negativity and chaos of the old lower patriarchy and their old lower systems and beliefs etc. It unfortunately goes with what’s happening which is their “end times”. Many of these negative lower vibe and consciousness people and beings are still fighting, hustling and trying their best to hang on to as many humans as they can, be they awake or still asleep doesn’t much matter to them at this late date in the Ascension Process. Bottom line with all this is to not be stupid, gullible, naïve, lazy, careless or expecting someone or something else will arrive on a snorting white steed to “save” you at the last moment. Ain’t gonna happen, this time is about YOU/ME/WE doing it, not about someone else or a group of someone’s (like ETs or Angels etc.) coming down to Earth physicality and “rescuing” you or doing all the hard work for you. These beings have always been where they are, working their etheric backsides off helping all of us to do it ourselves now down here.

And finally, know that life as we’ve all known it here is over and a NEW higher way of being and reality is rapidly manifesting in each of us and of course externally too. The prep work is always the longest and hardest while the great stuff happens pretty quickly in comparison. (I’m going to repeat that line for the Forerunners too newbies.)  😀



My tone is going to change with you my fellow Forerunners of the Forerunners/Forerunners/Wayshowers/Pathpavers because it’s time to quite screwing around getting distracted by all the silly left brained crap from people who don’t have a real clue about what’s going on. Discernment beings of Light! Self-empowerment beings of Light! Said another way, stop trying to read the tattered old tea leaves lying in the dirt of the past and/or ancient past and just get on with the current business at/in your own HighHeart!

My gawd it amazes (and surprises and sometimes frustrates) me how so many of the Forerunners are still, I repeat, still in 2016 looking for answers, information, guidance etc. outside themselves for things they already have/are within them! Now to be honest, on those extra bad days I sometimes do this too because I’ve momentarily forgotten who/what I really AM so I go back to the old lower familiar, which is searching outside myself for whatever.

Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners hear me when I say to you that our old times of transmuting, clearing, cleaning ourselves, others, blood lines, timelines, the human Collective across time, spending years or decades mopping and polishing the vast labyrinth of floors in the lower Astral, all we have since the start of the Ascension Process/Galactic Alignment around 1998-1999, has ended. We did it, all of it, now we need to get with the current program which is VERY different from the Work we’ve done since 1999ish.

Now we Forerunners of the Forerunners need to get proficient at constantly being the Light while in (insert your name – Denise) form on Earth. Not just for ten minutes every other Tuesday, but all the time no matter what insanity, distractions, chaos, negative interference attempts upon us or any other dark crap is taking place. None of that matters as it’s TD’s “end times” and the old patriarchy hanging on for dear life in whatever ways they can get it at this late date in the Process.

We’ve always known the Separation of Worlds & Timelines wouldn’t be all warm and fuzzy. Let the old things go while you/me/we Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners learn to constantly be the Light in the NEW World. That’s one of our jobs at the moment; becoming fully Sovereign and using ourselves as Source incarnate as you/me/we individually on Earth. You have constant access to higher information via your Higher Awareness and other dimensional Selves etc. You are the Light. You are Source incarnate as (insert your name) here on Earth in the physical. What exactly are you searching for externally now and why? You/me/we must learn to always look within first because that’s where everything is and we need to consciously know this and live from this HighHeart place of individual Self-Empowerment and Sovereignty (Embodiment of Higher with Lower). I know this is the complete opposite of the old lower world brainwashing from Team Dark (TD) but I hope you better understand why it’s so important for the Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners to correct this lie and do so from inside ourselves now. We are becoming the living examples of being Self as Source, or Embodied, or Sovereign as they’re all the same thing. This is an aspect of Embodiment. After that we can teach the masses how to do it if they desire or need it.

We’re now having to learn to never look without for things we need but always within for them. That sentence also reads much easier than it is lived and mastered. It’s what’s on our spiritual and physical plates now however; being Self as Source, being Sovereign in all ways, being the Light, being our I AM all the time no matter what or who tries to convince us otherwise.

I’m well aware that the best way for one to learn something and become really good at it is to do it many times, and probably need to do it a few more times! This is how we learn all aspects of something NEW to us and how to fully Embody it within ourselves and use it when we need it, whatever it is. Do this now fellow Forerunners and stop the old lower habit of always looking outside yourself for answers, insights, energies, love/LOVE, Light, power etc. Who ascended anyway and why? 😉 Don’t forget who you really are, who and what you’ve become or are becoming. It’s important and needed that each of us honestly understands this now at this point within the Ascension and Embodiment Process.

The prep work is always the longest and hardest while the great stuff happens pretty quickly in comparison.


May 13, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.  ❤

multicolored copyright 2 Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS & HighHeartLife, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this Copyright Notice and live link.

Negative Etheric Barricades

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I’ve debated whether to share this particular information or not. As the weeks rolled on since it happened, I’ve felt it did need to be shared, so here we go. Maybe you can relate to this negative etheric stunt, tactic, this attempt to stop me/you/us from doing what I/you/we’ve been doing all along anyway.

If you’ve been a TRANSITIONS reader for many years, you know that I stopped writing here around the Autumnal Equinox of 2013, and created another blog, HighHeartLife at that time. There were multiple reasons why I did both those things then, just as there are multiple reasons why I’ve started writing again occasionally at TRANSITIONS recently (late 2015). In between book writing, I intend to continue writing at both TRANSITIONS and HighHeartLife because information for both levels and stages are still needed and helpful I feel.

TRANSITIONS came under nearly constant negative assaults by nonphysical Team Dark (TD) beings and living, human Portal People also. Portal People is my term for humans that are easily used, influenced and directed by nonphysical TD to do negative things wherever TD wants to create more chaos and suffering etc. Nothing new about any of this, I’m just saying that I had to constantly keep TRANSITIONS protected, clean and clear since I created it in 2007, and doing so became increasingly difficult over the years as TD increased their attempts to stop me from writing here. I’m certainly not the only one whose had to deal with this in years past online and everywhere else for that matter.

When I stopped writing here in late 2013 and focused mainly at HighHeartLife, I didn’t work as hard or as often at keeping TRANSITIONS energetically free of the negativity like I did before. If I wasn’t here and wasn’t here writing about what I always have, then TD wasn’t here attacking me or others either. However, when I started writing here again a couple of months ago, I experienced something interesting and that’s what I want to share with you only so you can recognize it for what it really is and what it is not if you see and/or feel something like this too. Discernment as always.

A couple of months ago I was here at TRANSITIONS working on an article and after an hour or so, I suddenly clairvoyantly saw something I’ve never seen before. It was obnoxious, invasive, loud and nasty and it wanted to be seen and felt very clearly and it was.


I saw a black and white only etheric “news ticker” or etheric “crawler” or etheric “slide” as they’re called on our TVs, but this was located in the upper left-hand side of about 1/3 of my internal mind’s eye vision. It flashed very fast constantly in an invasive, in-your-face, blinding sort of way. It looked like alien black and white geometric symbols or glyphs and made no sense to me other than I had the immediate feeling it was an etheric barricade to prevent me from writing anymore at TRANSITIONS.


While I was writing I continued seeing it and I tried closing one eye to see if that changed it in any way or made it disappear, it didn’t, so I tried the other eye and a few other things. Even with both eyes closed I could still see it flashing in the upper left-hand side of my inner vision. Both eyes open I could see it, both eyes closed I could see it, but it was the insane migraine it immediately caused me that told me it was a negative etheric, energetic Do Not Cross barricade put in place here by TD probably quiet a few months ago.


It was all I could do to finish writing that article and publish it because the migraine-like headache and nausea seeing and feeling that etheric barricade caused was severe enough I needed to lay down for a bit and clean and clear again. After about an hour the migraine headache and nausea went away, which actual migraines don’t do that quickly.

After all this, I blasted out any and all residual negative etheric devices, tools, barricades, human created negative thought-forms, tidbits etc. because this sort of TD business is not allowed or endured any longer. Now I simply hose down the place with Light (whatever and wherever that may still be at this point) and everything is clean and clear and faster and easier than ever before. If repeated attempts on my life, my sanity, my very soul haven’t worked, some negative flashing etheric alien and/or human created crime scene tape transmission certainly won’t. But, this is how we learn about how the old lower frequency Duality business works at the end of TD’s reign of terror. After all I’ve been through because of them, this was almost laughable in its desperateness and that’s an important reason why I’m sharing the experience with you.

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On a much higher note, we are once again in the middle of another potent energetic Light sandwich of two eclipses and the March 2016 Equinox falling between them. Because of this, many are most likely feeling some extra pains, aches, the old Ascension Flu body chills and aches, head pains and pressures, extended periods of inner ear ringing, periods of dizziness or sense of spinning/rotating/falling/lifting off etc. and any number of other Ascension related side effects. Never forget however that these aches and pains are indicators that you are in another intense phase of evolutionary Ascension so use this time positively for yourself and for ALL. ❤


March 15, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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“How Can I Stop these Inner Vibrations, Heat & Pains?”

I’ve repeatedly seen this question used in online searches, plus I’ve had many people email me over the years asking me how to STOP what they’re feeling taking place inside their physical body such as hot flashes, inner body vibrations and other strange Ascension related evolutionary changes they’re experiencing. There’s been a few Comments recently on another article about how to stop, how to fix, medicate, how to heal some painful Ascension symptoms which is why I’m writing about this.

I realize most people do not know what their bodies are doing or why they’re doing it now, but every time I read someone desperate to stop the natural evolution taking place within them, I feel for them but more importantly I want them to understand the reasons for these oftentimes painful symptoms or side effects. People, there’s nothing “wrong” with you or your body, you are evolving while remaining in your physical body and that grand Alchemical Process causes some pains, pressures, aches and confusions as should be expected. Welcome to the evolutionary Ascension Process.

It Isn’t Easy Casting-off Thousands of Years of Dis-empowering Mind Control Overnight

The other aspect of this Ascension related issue is how many people automatically and instantly want to STOP what they’re feeling in their bodies usually because it’s painful and/or scares them and they go in search of an external healer, doctor, medication(s), shaman, facility or whatever or whoever to get rid of the damned pesky evolutionary pains they’re feeling. Humanity has been so effectively brainwashed, mind controlled and redirected (herded) into all-encompassing dis-empowerment and believing that, if it hurts there’s something wrong so immediately go to some external person to fix the pain and problem and typically with chemicals/drugs and/or invasive painful tests and/or surgery.

If a person doesn’t know that they’re experiencing the evolutionary Ascension Process with its many weird and usually painful side effects, then I understand why they would first look towards old external lower frequency consciousness methodologies, people and consciousness to supposedly help them with those pains and symptoms that scares, hurts and confuses them. It is however the people who do know about the Ascension Process and its weird variety of usually painful side effects and yet STILL believe in, look to and use external people like doctors, healers, drugs, surgery, plant-based drugs, gemstones etc.— anything so long as it’s not them but someone and something else external that occasionally frustrates me.

I understand that those people are in transition, are in mid-stream, are in mid-Process, are only partially there so far and are falling back on the only methods of old 3D “help” they’re familiar with which are all external systems, people, tools, methodologies, drugs and beliefs. It’s going to take a bunch of Forerunners repeatedly walking on water to begin to convince people—even some already living it—that there are NEW, higher and very different internal ways of dealing with everything. Stair-steps as usual.

You Have an Innie or an Outie?

Do you always go, search, look, think, feel, expect, believe, anticipate etc. externally for everything, everyone? Or are you evolving into increasingly greater Self-empowerment, Higher Awareness, honest Self-reflection and always looking internally at your Self as Divine Source? Are you increasingly, naturally looking internally to problem solve, know more, hold more Light, Embody more within your physical body and earthly being which naturally increases your Self-as-Divine Source in and with all things?

Are you making the evolutionary shift from being a dis-empowered externally focused “outie”, to being an empowered internally focused “innie”?

That’s what’s going on with the Ascension Process; people casting-off the mind control lies of complete and utter dis-empowerment while simultaneously being evolved to greater and greater self-empowerment, to the point that they KNOW and live their lives as empowered Self-as-Divine Source beings in these current physical lives on Earth.

Your “soul mate” is the Greater, Higher YOU. Your “healer” is the you that’s evolving, “ascending” now. Your “savior” is the Greater, Higher YOU that you are discovering is NOT disconnected from you or you from IT but merging, marrying, unifying, integrating within your growing HighHeart right here in the physical. Your HighHeart is where you and YOU meet, merge and “ascend” into the NEW Higher YOU and that you is a total “innie”. Everyone must become an “innie” to exist within the HighHeart because then everyone is energetically equal and zero parasitism or any other such old negative crap can ever manifest. This is all part of the ongoing Ascension Process, but because it has to do with old belief systems about our bodies, health, healing, power, lack of power, being self-empowered, physical pain, sickness, consciousness, spirituality, energy and so on, it’s one big stubborn old turd for most people to work their ways through. And typically, it takes repeated attempts to finally get them all and reach real freedom.

A lot of people have reached another of many levels in early 2016, where they HAVE to cast-off some more (please notice I said some more) of their old limiting belief systems, thoughts and emotions now. This is necessary to continue, and to get each of us to do more releasing of the old at times like this, we’ll find we’re getting hit over the head again and again, each time more intensely, to help us realize that we’ve got something else in us that HAS to go now. The old lower and the NEW higher cannot co-exist and so we go through many energy Stair-steps between the two which gives us the time and space to do more Inner Work so we can take the next step and the next and the next and the next…

Honestly keep looking at where you and your consciousness are still an “outie”, are still focused externally. The Ascension energies feel increasingly intense until we release whatever it is at the time we need to and become a bit more of a self-empowered, self-reliant, internally focused “innie”. This will only increase dramatically this month of March 2016 with two eclipses and the Vernal Equinox so get with the higher program and look within to discover places where you are still looking without. The more you do this the easier and faster it becomes.

Denise Le Fay

March 11, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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Evolutionary Ascension Symptom Information for People New to this Process

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I see daily search terms on my WordPress Stats page that people use to find information that leads them to websites like mine. I’ve written about the Ascension Process which is natural, highly compressed evolution at TRANSITIONS since 2007. I realize however that if someone is new to this process and not familiar with it or the terms teachers and people in the Ascension Community use when talking about it and the many unusual symptoms or side effects it naturally causes, that it all can be overwhelming and highly confusing. It’s because of this that I’m going to provide another article about these now common Ascension Process symptoms. If interested, please read through my older articles under this Category also.

I’ll try to remember to mention the most common of these symptoms or side effects but understand that, even though these are common, we each live, experience and interpret these inner changes in our own unique ways so keep an open mind and open heart when dealing with these issues that are vastly larger and more complex than anything humans have encountered before while in physical bodies on Earth.

Hot Flashes— Intense sudden inner heat caused by Kundalini Fire transmuting your old lower density and unresolved, suppressed, unloved aspects, emotional wounds, fears and so on. A lot of these Ascension symptoms are very much like the ones women experience during Menopause so don’t be shocked if you’re in a male body and suddenly are having “hot flashes”. Know they’re Kundalini related which is the same thing as Ascension related. Males must burn away all lower density and negativity along with those in female bodies.

These hot flashes can last for years, erupt and come out of different areas of your body, spine, back, chest, head, face, ears, bottoms of your feet, palms of your hands etc. Just try to stay as relaxed as you can while they happen as that allows the Process to take place a bit quicker and with less heat, sweating and misery.

Cold Spots— Intense sudden inner cold areas on your body, usually the chest and/or upper chest area around the heart and the NEW HighHeart (Thymus gland in upper center of your chest). When the old lower emotional Duality issues and energies have been burned away, transmuted, integrated and released into Neutrality, NEW higher frequencies replace them all. When these changes into the NEW take place, we often feel them as sudden patches (often large circles – chakra sized) of intense inner body cold that nothing warms up. Once we’ve integrated that particular NEW Light Energy at that area and level, we quickly warm back up. No fear, just let the higher frequency NEW energies take their place within you.

Inner Ear Ringing— Hearing constant inner ear, inside your head sounds of high-pitched ringing for days, weeks or months on end and for many years usually. This is typically caused by NEW Light Energies being transmitted by/through the Sun via solar flares, solar winds, solar storms and CMEs. I suggest that every time you experience this inner ear or inner head sound of ringing you double-check for yourself some website like to see what the Sun is doing at that time. You’ll see the connection between what you’re hearing (and most likely also feeling in your body too) in your head and the Sun transmitting higher frequency Light Energies. All this is another way the Ascension Process energies are naturally causing humanity to rather rapidly and dramatically evolve or “ascend”.

Sudden Nausea— These intense energetic evolutionary changes often cause sudden nausea. Try to relax through it and know it doesn’t last long. The nausea comes in sudden waves but leaves just as quickly.

Lack of Sleep, waking up repeatedly all night— With so much going on in your physical and energy bodies, we’re often suddenly shoved back into our physical body after having spent some hours out of it each night. That plus our old sleep patterns and needs of the past no longer apply or are helpful with these higher frequency energies and consciousness. Often we now sleep for fewer hours at night but also need to take cat naps during the day. You can receive hours of rest and recuperation now by being out-of-body for only a few minutes so allow yourself to take short naps throughout the day when needed and don’t worry about only getting 3-5 hours of sleep each night.

Sudden Food Allergies & other Ultra Sensitivities— It’s common to suddenly not be able to eat or drink or smoke or ingest the things you did prior to the start of your physical, biological Ascension Process. Your wild “party days” are probably over so just accept that you can’t abuse your body in your old favorite ways and/or eat or drink what you did before. Release the waffles, ice cream, beer, pot, the whatever it is for you that needs to now because it’s way too dense and low vibrating to be inside your evolving physical body. This is simply about the Alchemical Ascension Process and nothing personal, even though your favorite foods/drinks/activities have become toxic to the evolving you. Release, release, release.

Sudden Need for Heavy Protein Foods— Some people will experience the need to ingest more meats and heavy protein foods than they would like or ever want but this too is, for some, part of the Ascension Process. If your body is burning through large amounts of protein quickly due to all the inner transmuting of lower dense negativity in whatever form that takes, know that you’ve got to eat more high protein foods while you’re going through this phase of the Ascension Process. A couple teaspoons of peanut butter can help tremendously in a pinch. Find which protein foods your body can handle during this phase and forget about what any of the unaware, old school Food Police people say about anything. They’re not living what you are so how could they possibly council someone that is living the Ascension Process? They cannot so use your own discernment with foods (and everything else for that matter).

Hair Loss & Thinning— During the really intense stages of the Ascension Process some will experience some hair thinning which is caused from so much energy going into transmuting and evolving instead of your hair. This won’t last forever so try to not panic or go into mourning over your hair falling out. Let your body do what it is and know it will integrate and shine once again.

Weight Gain, Weight Loss— Some people unintentionally pack on the pounds like crazy during all these intense changes. For some it’s protection, padding against the harshness of The Process and for others it’s a side effect of so much hormonal change etc. Other people lose weight because they can’t eat much due to all the Ascension related symptoms. Either way, know that this too will eventually balance itself out. Forget about trying to look like what society says is “beautiful” while you’re embodying more of God/Source/your Higher Self!

Diarrhea— Some will experience periods of diarrhea due to all the energetic purging they’re going through. That plus what you can and cannot eat now while going through all this. Just know this too is common during (ongoing) phases of embodying more higher frequency Light Energies that cause us to purge more old lower frequency energies usually in the form of old emotional stuff/issues etc.

Lung Congestion & Coughing— Another common way our body purges toxins is through our lungs which means sometimes they suddenly become congested and filled with gunk that you cough up and out. Like the diarrhea, it’s all about purging old lower density so you can embody greater and greater amounts of NEW, higher frequency Light energies. As more NEW higher comes in, more old lower must be expelled.

Head Pains, Pressures & Numbness— With so much change taking place just in the human head/brain and brain glands, don’t be surprised when you feel pressures, pains, really sore bumps, lumps and dents on your skull, and numbness in parts of your head, skull, face and sinuses. There’s a tremendous amount of higher frequency Light Energies coming into you and your physical body via the space above your physical head and skull and it flows down into your body. You will most likely also feel it descending via your spine and that too creates pressures and pains in the spine at certain points. Know that your inner voltage is being naturally but dramatically increased and this typically causes different pains and pressures and aches etc. in the head, skull, face, sinuses and down into the spine and other parts of your body as well.

Blurry Eyes & Other Vision Changes— The NEW higher frequency Light Energies cause major evolutionary changes in our eyes and optic nerves and during this ongoing process it’s common to repeatedly experience blurred vision, dry eyes, itchy eyes, eye tearing, light sensitivity etc. It’s common to also experience not being able to clearly see when you go into lower vibrating locations, stores, buildings, homes etc. Because your eyes and vision is evolving, it sometimes is difficult to see clearly in lower frequency places so know this and don’t automatically assume that you’re loosing your sight. In a way you are, but it’s because you’re going to be able to See with greatly expanded Higher Vision.

Attacks by Negative Beings, Entities & living Humans— Many people experience this common Ascension related side effect. It has to do with the fact that you are evolving and rather quickly and these lower frequency Negative Beings/Entities/Humans etc. or Team Dark as I’ve called all of them, do not want to lose you as their food and fuel supply, so they attack anyone they sense that’s starting to “wake up” and evolve beyond their low-frequency range. This situation has however been GREATLY reduced by the Forerunners, the Lightworkers, the Pathpavers, the Wayshowers that went through all this years and decades before you. Some of it still exists however, but just know that this too is a level that you’ll pass through and beyond and that these lower negative beings, entities and unaware or damaged humans won’t be able to influence or affect you for much longer. Push through them and don’t look back as they’re not part of the NEW higher world and reality.

Strange Dreams, Attacks in Dreams, Lucid Dreams— Expect to have plenty of weird dreams during the Ascension Process. Also be prepared to experience some attacks and interference from the Negative beings/entities while asleep and out-of-body. It’s been easy for the negatives—Team Dark—to get at humans while they’re asleep and out of their physical bodies and some of this still exists at lower levels. However, as you continue evolving, this too will diminish and eventually disappear completely but,= it takes plenty of honest personal inner work on your part to move through this old dense layer of negativity. Protect yourself in whatever ways you prefer daily and nightly until you’ve evolved beyond the old Duality frequency range and discover you’ve made it to the higher frequency Unity range that exists well above and beyond it.

Growing Higher Awareness, HighHeart Consciousness & Abilities— It’s normal for humanities perceptual abilities and sensitivities to evolve during the Ascension Process. What many were totally unaware of and insensitive to before will suddenly be things they cannot escape, deny or ignore any longer. You will discover that you can feel other people, animals, all things and beings in this physical world and in nonphysical higher dimensions and worlds as well. This is your consciousness evolving and your HighHeart becoming the main seat and location of your perceptions and sense of Self. Let your HighHeart open and feel what you’ve not felt before. It’s sacred and further unifying but in individual ways. You won’t lose “you” because you can now feel more Others everywhere.

Inner Body Vibrations— This symptom is the one that confuses most people the most it seems. It’s also the one Ascension related side effect that lets you know you are indeed changing, evolving and quickly because you’re literally vibrating inside, buzzing inside, shaking vibrationally inside from the higher and faster frequency NEW Light Energies being embodied by you and your physical and energy bodies.

These inner body vibrations are you, literally, embodying higher frequency Light Energies that naturally cause you/me/humanity to exist at a faster, higher rate of speed/Light/being/reality. You are increasing your spin rate, your frequency rate, the amount of Light you could house in your physical body, brain, heart, nervous system, glands, bones and your being and consciousness. I’ve lived with this growing increase of embodied Light Energies since around 2001 or 2002 and I’m not only still buzzing, vibrating, shaking intensely internally today but it’s increasingly gotten more intense over the years as each of us continues embodying more Light which further decreases density and increases our individual inner/outer Light, frequency, consciousness and range of conscious functioning.

You’ll feel this higher, faster Light Energy inside your physical body in different areas at first but eventually it will be whole-body, whole-being. This is why we’re literally disappearing from the old lower frequency levels and densities of the past Earth world; we’re literally vibrating above them now. From that old lower point of view, we simply disappear; from our point of view, they disappear. Just continue vibrating faster and higher and don’t think this one to death either. Higher frequency beings, people, dimensions and certain things etc. simply vibrate faster than more dense beings, people, dimensions etc. do. This is you living the Ascension Process and feeling these changes and increases of frequency and Light inside your physical body.

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There are many, many more symptoms/side effects than these listed above. (See my other older articles about the Ascension symptoms if interested.) What’s more important for the people just beginning this Process now however is that you realize there are common symptoms we all go through, but we do so in our unique ways, which means we’ll each experience these and other symptoms in slightly different ways, intensities and duration. This is normal but don’t get hung up in your head, your old lower frequency left-brained intellect thinking the crap out of all these things. The Ascension Process is Alchemical and must be lived to change you, it is not and never will be an intellectual process. Live them and know that you’re being naturally and automatically evolved, changed by having lived them. It’s that simple, that difficult, that magical, that wonderful and that transformational.


January 31, 2016

Donations can be made HERE and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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gold hammered copyrightCopyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. All rights reserved. You may NOT use this article in custom-made YouTube videos. You may copy & distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Evolving Beyond the Dark

This article is specifically for the people from around the world who’ve emailed me over the years with the same horrible, difficult problem; they’ve been suddenly activated by the Ascension Process which causes them to “wake up” more spiritually, energetically and consciously, and due to this they’re experiencing attacks from negative nonphysical, nonhuman beings, aliens, entities and living humans, or Team Dark as I refer to all of them.

As humanity continues evolving beyond the old lower frequency blueprints of the last Great Evolutionary Cycle—that fully expired on December 21, 2012—all that was doesn’t want to lose its control, power, food and fuel sources which has been living and dead humanity on Earth for thousands of years. I’m not going into detail over the old lower energies, players, duality, consciousness and such in this because I have already written much about it all. What I want to focus on in this article is why so many people experience negative astral, psychic, and physical attacks from different Team Dark beings and humans both while awake and in-body and while asleep and out-of-body.

Very simply put, Team Dark doesn’t want any human to escape the dense and narrow frequency range they have existed within for so long. If you and I escape that lower frequency range, which is exactly what we’re doing thanks to the natural Divine evolutionary push from the NEW Evolutionary Cycle and its NEW energy blueprints/templates/codes etc., then who are Team Dark going to sustain themselves off from? And so, they attack humans when they sense that person is “waking up”, is naturally evolving due to the current Ascension Process and therefore will literally rise in frequency and rate and “ascend” out of that lower frequency range and consciousness into a much higher one that they cannot enter, touch or influence in any way whatsoever.

As most people begin the natural, evolutionary Ascension Process, at some point within it they will encounter repeated attacks from Team Dark simply because they’re starting the Process of moving out of range from them and so the battle is on to stop, prevent, or at the very least derail the person from being successful with this and escaping/evolving beyond their influence. Think of this miserable, dangerous, difficult situation as Initiatic because it is.

What many people don’t understand is that these levels, stages and phases within the Ascension Process are literally Initiatic and Alchemical and are extremely important and highly valuable personally. I won’t water this down and say any of it is easy because it’s not. It’s often painful, difficult and downright miserable in most cases and yet, by an individual actually LIVING, EMBODYING these Initiatic, Alchemical processes they are forever physically and energetically changed by each one of them… which is the point to the Ascension Process. One must individually be transmuted, transformed from top to bottom, from the energy bodies down to the physical body by these higher frequency Light Energies to literally have their DNA, dualized brain halves, consciousness, energy bodies and physical body integrated, unified, evolved and “ascended” up to the next frequency range and level(s). Not one bit of this is accomplished in the human intellect left brain or ego, but all the way down into every cell, organ, nerve ending, every thought and emotion because that is what Initiations and Alchemical processes do; they transmute and transform one thing into something very NEW, different and into a higher rate of frequency — like 3D Lead to 5D multidimensional Gold.

Of course, Team Dark doesn’t want that to happen and so they attack, derail, sidetrack, make sick, make weak, confuse, interfere, manipulate and attack some more in an attempt to prevent each of us from breaking through that Energy Ceiling and evolving beyond them and our lower consciousness, lower reality world, ways and systems. Only those who’ve gone so far from Source/God/All That Is would believe themselves to be more powerful than Source/God/All That Is! They are not and never have been so don’t give them any more power or focus than you need to during these changes. Realize, understand what’s happening to you and why and that there is some real work and effort involved on your part to break through that old lower Energy Ceiling and evolve yourself, body and soul, up out and beyond that level and range and into a unified, integrated frequency range that’s not remotely like the old lower 3D one.

This can be done, has been done, and is being done today by millions more people around the world and it will continue so no fear, just take advantage of the natural evolutionary Ascension Process Light Energies pushing us all to evolve now. Do the work, make the effort so you can honestly remember that you actually are an aspect of Divine Source/God/All That Is on a very exciting journey for individual Self and for unified Source as they’re one and the same after all is said and done. Don’t become discouraged or sidetracked by the negative tactics and diehard folks and beings of the old lower frequency world and ways. Keep in your Heart the knowing that you are Divine and have the Divine Right to evolve and live free at a higher level of being, consciousness and reality now, today. Use the tests, the Initiations, the Alchemical processes to propel you to the next higher level and don’t give a second thought over the lower old negative biting at your behind on the way up and out.  ❤

Denise Le Fay

November 22, 2014

Donations can be made here — thank you.

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