“How Can I Stop these Inner Vibrations, Heat & Pains?”

I’ve repeatedly seen this question used in online searches, plus I’ve had many people email me over the years asking me how to STOP what they’re feeling taking place inside their physical body such as hot flashes, inner body vibrations and other strange Ascension related evolutionary changes they’re experiencing. There’s been a few Comments recently on another article about how to stop, how to fix, medicate, how to heal some painful Ascension symptoms which is why I’m writing about this.

I realize most people do not know what their bodies are doing or why they’re doing it now, but every time I read someone desperate to stop the natural evolution taking place within them, I feel for them but more importantly I want them to understand the reasons for these oftentimes painful symptoms or side effects. People, there’s nothing “wrong” with you or your body, you are evolving while remaining in your physical body and that grand Alchemical Process causes some pains, pressures, aches and confusions as should be expected. Welcome to the evolutionary Ascension Process.

It Isn’t Easy Casting-off Thousands of Years of Dis-empowering Mind Control Overnight

The other aspect of this Ascension related issue is how many people automatically and instantly want to STOP what they’re feeling in their bodies usually because it’s painful and/or scares them and they go in search of an external healer, doctor, medication(s), shaman, facility or whatever or whoever to get rid of the damned pesky evolutionary pains they’re feeling. Humanity has been so effectively brainwashed, mind controlled and redirected (herded) into all-encompassing dis-empowerment and believing that, if it hurts there’s something wrong so immediately go to some external person to fix the pain and problem and typically with chemicals/drugs and/or invasive painful tests and/or surgery.

If a person doesn’t know that they’re experiencing the evolutionary Ascension Process with its many weird and usually painful side effects, then I understand why they would first look towards old external lower frequency consciousness methodologies, people and consciousness to supposedly help them with those pains and symptoms that scares, hurts and confuses them. It is however the people who do know about the Ascension Process and its weird variety of usually painful side effects and yet STILL believe in, look to and use external people like doctors, healers, drugs, surgery, plant-based drugs, gemstones etc.— anything so long as it’s not them but someone and something else external that occasionally frustrates me.

I understand that those people are in transition, are in mid-stream, are in mid-Process, are only partially there so far and are falling back on the only methods of old 3D “help” they’re familiar with which are all external systems, people, tools, methodologies, drugs and beliefs. It’s going to take a bunch of Forerunners repeatedly walking on water to begin to convince people—even some already living it—that there are NEW, higher and very different internal ways of dealing with everything. Stair-steps as usual.

You Have an Innie or an Outie?

Do you always go, search, look, think, feel, expect, believe, anticipate etc. externally for everything, everyone? Or are you evolving into increasingly greater Self-empowerment, Higher Awareness, honest Self-reflection and always looking internally at your Self as Divine Source? Are you increasingly, naturally looking internally to problem solve, know more, hold more Light, Embody more within your physical body and earthly being which naturally increases your Self-as-Divine Source in and with all things?

Are you making the evolutionary shift from being a dis-empowered externally focused “outie”, to being an empowered internally focused “innie”?

That’s what’s going on with the Ascension Process; people casting-off the mind control lies of complete and utter dis-empowerment while simultaneously being evolved to greater and greater self-empowerment, to the point that they KNOW and live their lives as empowered Self-as-Divine Source beings in these current physical lives on Earth.

Your “soul mate” is the Greater, Higher YOU. Your “healer” is the you that’s evolving, “ascending” now. Your “savior” is the Greater, Higher YOU that you are discovering is NOT disconnected from you or you from IT but merging, marrying, unifying, integrating within your growing HighHeart right here in the physical. Your HighHeart is where you and YOU meet, merge and “ascend” into the NEW Higher YOU and that you is a total “innie”. Everyone must become an “innie” to exist within the HighHeart because then everyone is energetically equal and zero parasitism or any other such old negative crap can ever manifest. This is all part of the ongoing Ascension Process, but because it has to do with old belief systems about our bodies, health, healing, power, lack of power, being self-empowered, physical pain, sickness, consciousness, spirituality, energy and so on, it’s one big stubborn old turd for most people to work their ways through. And typically, it takes repeated attempts to finally get them all and reach real freedom.

A lot of people have reached another of many levels in early 2016, where they HAVE to cast-off some more (please notice I said some more) of their old limiting belief systems, thoughts and emotions now. This is necessary to continue, and to get each of us to do more releasing of the old at times like this, we’ll find we’re getting hit over the head again and again, each time more intensely, to help us realize that we’ve got something else in us that HAS to go now. The old lower and the NEW higher cannot co-exist and so we go through many energy Stair-steps between the two which gives us the time and space to do more Inner Work so we can take the next step and the next and the next and the next…

Honestly keep looking at where you and your consciousness are still an “outie”, are still focused externally. The Ascension energies feel increasingly intense until we release whatever it is at the time we need to and become a bit more of a self-empowered, self-reliant, internally focused “innie”. This will only increase dramatically this month of March 2016 with two eclipses and the Vernal Equinox so get with the higher program and look within to discover places where you are still looking without. The more you do this the easier and faster it becomes.

Denise Le Fay

March 11, 2016

Donations can be made here and Thank You for the energy exchange.

Light blue Thank You

copyright dk blueCopyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL https://deniselefay.wordpress.com and Copyright Notice is included.

37 thoughts on ““How Can I Stop these Inner Vibrations, Heat & Pains?”

  1. Thank you Denise. Very timely as my symptoms have stepped up a notch in 2016! Over the years your writings have been of great help to me in understanding the Ascension process.

  2. I have never hurt so much, and been exhausted since starting this transition in 1999 as I have this year and its only March . And I have so much to do. And no energy body to do it. My house needs cleaning badly , my body needs cleaning badly, I feel like an 90 year old lady carrying around this blanket for the last ten years. I really feel like my life is over and I’m dying.. And like all answers I get from my higher self is to sleep. Sleep sleep sleep sleep. I sleep so much I don’t like it , I stair at the wall. And feel bad about my dirty house and body. I feel like my grandmother before she died, Is this it? Am I done? I’m only 56, I love being alive I love being on earth I have so much to see and do, but all I do is sleep and stare at the wall. Am I the only one?

  3. I have a thorn in my side (my slightly disabled son 28 who does not love me or anyone for that matter) for the last twenty years. I have tried to love him, ignore him, have compassion for him. I have done the inner work and know I must love and forgive him for all he has done to me, And I have over and over and over and over and over and over again 200 times no 20000 times. Why does he torture me when I try to love him. I’m pretty sure he is my last stair step.

  4. my heart is closed. i dont feel love for anyone or anything. i try to go within’ but feel nothing. i do go into christ consciousness occasionally and i love it!!! my ego is fighting me like crazy. its been hell on earth since my dark night started sept 2012. lol take care

  5. Jason222,

    No healing stones and anything else isn’t “bad”, I’m trying to get people to understand that the power they look for externally to help them is within them. This is the “Shift” from 3D consciousness and reality up to “ascended” HighHeart 5D consciousness and reality. The power is within each of us and we now have to begin living from this NEW level of being.

  6. What do we do if we go within’, ask a question and never get an answer? So, are using healing stones bad now? lol I never heard that one before haha “HEAL”ing Stones. take care. Good story.

  7. Thanks for the reminder Denise. It used to be abdominal swelling and now breast swelling and itching recently. I was diagnosed with “need for radiation” for the skin, (if you don’t name it, you don’t claim it), but did a lot of holistic things and it disappeared last year. In the last two weeks so much hair fell out that I’m wondering what to do! Don’t think a wig will be comfortable. I read that itching of the breasts can be a sign of cancer. So, it is hard to tell where the defining line is about what to do, or not do, even when you are aware of the innie.

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