2013: The Species-wide stage of the ‘Weighing Of The Heart’

“Denise, I keep on reading from you and the Commenters (thank you for keeping your site going), I barely talk or write at this point but I’ll ask, if you feel like giving an example of what you said here, about imagination and high heart and creating a future – something that I (and maybe others) would be able to understand better, because I’m thinking maybe there could be a way I haven’t considered…
It’s like, for example, I’ve been feeling a lot of pain that I can’t afford (and am not that interested) in going to doctors to “fix” (because I know they can’t really heal it), but if I imagine the body part entirely whole and perfect, the pain tends to stop, but nothing physically changes, it’s still visibly a mess and the pain still comes back. Logic and linearity have flown out the window a while ago, and I do feel these doors to the imagination more open, however very near zero has changed on the outside, and like some others, I’m having those moments of that sort of bitterness about the way life has been all along and wanting to even stop imagining something better.
If you do feel like giving an example of “how” (doesn’t seem the right word) one can do this , that would be great. Either way, thank you so much for being around.
Heart hugs to you and all.

Kaisa – July, 6, 2013″

Thanks Kaisa for your great Comment question. ♥ It helps me to focus on this topic more closely, plus it provides an ongoing conversation under this article for those who might be interested in discussing this topic further in Comments.

I too have been doing this very thing Kaisa mentioned in her Comment above for the past three years now, and in 2013, it’s reached epic proportions of frustration in many of us with amplified confusion as well. I said recently elsewhere that 2013 has been far more difficult for all of us than 2011 and 2012 combined! Lets be brave and talk about why that is.

No one was more big sigh eye rolling frustrated than me when I realized that 2013 was an extension year for humanity with the Ascension Process. 2013 has been an extended gift period from Source/Divinity/”God”/All That Is so that more people would have the opportunity to deal with whatever it’s been and/or still is that they individually need to work on within themselves.

Remember how the prophesied ‘Three Days of Darkness’ turned out to be something VERY different from what it was claimed to be many years ago? Remember how it turned out to be what I call the living Life Review that took place over December 21, 22, 23, 2012, and everyone went through it then whether they consciously remember it or not? This alive Life Review was very similar to what we all naturally go through at our physical deaths and we experience a higher level, zero ego involved, brutally honest spiritual energetic Life Review with our Higher Self and Source Divinity — or as the ancient Egyptians called it, the weighing of the heart.

That was what we all went through during December 21, 22, 23, 2012, or the Expiration Date as I’ve called it. We went through a Process during those days, nights, hours and minutes that were very much like what we go through after our physical death, but, because we’re “ascending” and taking our physical bodies with us, we went through this alive Life Review process while in our physical bodies and incarnate on physical Earth. That’s a rare and very big deal.

So what happened next within this ascension related process our IN PHYSICAL BODY Life Review? What happened next was 2013! And, 2013 has been broken up into the increasingly intense and developing Three Trimesters corresponding with the first three seasons after the 2012 Expiration Date and living Life Review. Said another way, these developing and increasingly intense Three Trimesters in 2013 are the equivalent of us incarnating in another life to intensely work on whatever it was that was revealed to each of us while we stood before Divinity with our Higher Self and had the rare, no frills, brutally honest, ascension related December 21, 22, 23, 2012 living Life Review.

What’s highly interesting to me about all this is how it’s a species-wide and planetary-wide Process that’s very much like many of the ancients mythological life/death/afterlife/traveling through the “Underworld”/working hard to get it right/ and eventual rebirth cycle stories. But, it’s all of humanity living through this stage of the Ascension Process while in-body at whichever stages everyone is capable of now that is. There’s those Stair Steps again. And Earth is simultaneously living through this Evolutionary Ascension related Process just as humanity is, because we and Earth (and well beyond too of course) are intimately connected energetically.

We have been and still are in 2013 living through the death/weighing of the heart/journey through the “Underworld” afterlife/difficult and compressed Inner Work phase which will help us reach and energetically match the NEW and vastly higher frequency that we’re about to realize we’ve been newly born or incarnated or ascended into. Pretty cool to be individually and collectively living the great mythological stories of old now in these physical bodies in this physical Ascension time wouldn’t you say?

If you view/review just 2013 so far from this perspective, it goes a long way in explaining why life and reality has been such a flaming pain in the everything for most everyone this year! We’re doing our best in 2013 to quickly deal with whatever it was that was revealed to us individually in the Three Days of Darkness’ species-wide ‘Life Review’ so we individually create as clean a slate as possible for ourselves which prepares us to finally emerge out into the NEW with a matching internal frequency.

I realize that this was a long and roundabout way of answering Kaisa’s question, but I felt it was time I laid this information out in this particular way now because once one get’s beyond the gasp and shock stage of it, it actually makes a lot of sense and makes the rest of the Sacred Journey before us easier.

So this is why many of us are not YET able to physically manifest to the degree we’d like to; we’re not quite there yet is all. We’re within the Ascension Process doing the last-minute, nitty-gritty and highly amplified hard Inner Work phase now but we’re so close to being ready to cope with, to handle being able to manifest quickly and intentionally within the physical realm. There’s great and very NEW responsibilities that come with being able to quickly and intentionally manifest in the physical, and 2013 is us working very hard to get there and quickly at this point.

I am old enough now that, like Kaisa was saying, I’ve either got to buy into—emotionally, psychologically, and financially—the old patriarchal world systems to supposedly help my aging physical body, eyes, teeth etc., or, I hang in there and do this difficult last-minute Inner Work and energetically reach the point where I’m capable on all levels of “fixing” and/or “healing” and/or Consciously Creating my reality, body and all, on my own. I’ve been a ‘System Buster’ all my 61 years so I’m certainly not going to fall back into the old lower world and consciousness at this point! Just keep doing what you’ve/we’ve been doing in amazingly amplified and compressed ways in 2013 so far, and what we’ve worked for and towards all along will be realized by each of us. This Ascension Process, plus plenty of positive higher assistance is fully physical now in 2013, so hang in there and don’t drop the ball at this late date in this great and amazing spiritual evolutionary process.

Denise Le Fay

July 19, 2013

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Here Comes the June 2013 Solstice

Just a quick note about a few things—

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1) Is that today–June 18, 2013–while carrying my trash outside to my trash barrels in my carport (the poor man’s garage), I couldn’t help but notice that the Light coming through the Sun has amplified yet again. I’ve watched this Process unfolding with the Sun for many years now and every time I see the brilliant higher frequency, star-like silver-white Light illuminating everything more than it had been the day before, I know we’re in the midst of another substantial shift up a few more energetic Stair-steps. This of course is wonderful news despite the fact that these higher frequency Light Energies typically make us feel like utter crap for a while. Whatever… who cares… just get a Divine Cosmic Photon Light Soul sunburn for a few hours or days. We’ve been doing it for over a decade already and look at how we’re radiating Light now!

Seriously, I find the timing of this latest Light increase coming through our Sun and then to and through us to be another indicator of what the Third Trimester (June 20, 2013 Solstice through to September 22, 2013 Equinox) will bring; a whole lot more higher frequency Light Energies! Why? Probably because the “baby” does so much very fast growing during the Third Trimester. As both the pregnant “mommy” and as the developing “baby”, are YOU ready for a whole lot of even faster growth during the last part of June, all of July and August, and the first half of September 2013 individually internally and externally? Of course you are, even when you think you aren’t you are. ❤  We all are. The great news is that we’re finally going to start actually seeing, recognizing larger positive changes in ourselves and our consciousness and abilities.

Many of us have been experiencing some new advanced Consciousness Tools manifesting within us during the Second Trimester. This will continue but increase and speed-up throughout the Third Trimester so be ready for plenty more changes within yourself, your “reality”, your consciousness, and your methods of perception and creativity. And also more anomalies or phenomena because of these changes. This is us starting to consciously embody more of the “baby” during the last trimester. How you’ve perceived time, power, other dimensions, other Beings, ETs, Angelic Beings etc. and much more will expand to new levels so be prepared to let go of whatever you may need to during these summer months (in the Northern Hemisphere) so that more of the NEW higher can come in and replace the old lower Consciousness Tools. Some of these changes you’ll expect–others will surprise you which will be fun and exciting.

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2) Is the old Stair-steps business. The Divine Cosmic Photonic Light and Sunlight shines on everyone–everyone standing on the Stair-step they’re currently standing on. How about making an effort to show some respect to all of the others standing on different Stair Steps both above and below where you are today? How about we all do this for ourselves and for each other? I bet we’ll each individually shine a lot brighter if we all collectively do this, especially during this important time of the June 2013 Solstice and entrance into the final Third Trimester. The profound changes that just doing that will cause and also assist everyone, is more than most can comprehend.

I’m very well-aware of how hard it’s been throughout the entire spring months (the Second Trimester) but this is us coming down to the wire people. Grin and bear it, go into your Heart, push through and please, lets all give each other some room and respect because we’re all standing on different Stair-steps trying to do this incomprehensible evolutionary thing in our individual ways and levels of development and awareness.


3) Some people are having one hell of a difficult time at this point because they’re trying to maintain their old familiar ways of doing/thinking/feeling/believing/working etc. but the higher frequency Light Energies are so much larger, faster vibrating, and more complex that it’s nearly shattering them mentally and/or emotionally. Do your best to stay out of their way if they meltdown, and hope you don’t have to interact much with them because it’s nearly impossible because of the growing gap. This too is part of the Ascension Process and ongoing energetic and everything else changes and some handle it better than others is all.

Again, make room for and have respect for everyone else going through what they’re going through… gracefully or otherwise! I remember Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians great term of ‘Fly or fry’. Some are flying and some are frying. Stand clear of the frying chaos and insanity as much as you can and radiate from your flying High Heart while keeping your heart consciousness on the high end results. Don’t worry about or focus too much on the September 2013 Equinox as we’re still in the game and the clocks running. We’ll talk more about the September 2013 Equinox and beyond in the coming weeks but for now, honestly and quickly deal with whatever it is that’s presenting itself to you in this important transitional Now Moment.


June 18, 2013

gold hammered copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

ET Rescue Savior Type Information


This is a continuation of my last post, Cusp Of Ages, Beliefs, & Consciousness (Aug. 30, 2010). I’m writing about this now because I’ve been receiving some Comments and emails that deal with the subject of ETs and our being “saved” or “rescued” by them, and the “UFO disclosure” business. This is another topic that I feel is in great need of being openly talked about for multiple reasons. I do not mean to offend anyone, only present what I know to date and the glaring discrepancies and distortions that seem to be increasing this summer.


There are many well-known people who’ve written books, done many video interviews, given lectures, plus channel about certain ET groups that are standing-by ever-ready to aid us, rescue us, save us, give us knowledge and some of their vastly higher technologies. I’m not going to name any names but most of you reading this will have at least one or two people immediately come to mind.

The few times I’ve read certain channeled articles at websites, blogs, or books, watched video interviews of someone claiming certain higher dimensional ET groups are informing them that they will come and rescue and save humanity, lift humanity off the Earth while all hell breaks loose down here because—evidently—some of them see us as victims that are not living the ascension/evolutionary process!

Just how dis-empowered do these supposed “positive higher ETs” think all of us down here on Earth are? Based on what they’re saying year after year through their human mouthpieces, obviously profoundly unaware, gullible, weak, helpless and still deeply entangled within the old Piscean Age “savior” and needing to be “saved” dis-empowerment negativity. Sounds to me like some of these supposed positive ETs are trying to support the lower negative traits of dis-empowerment. The important thing with all this is why.

I find it interesting and telling how many of these so-called positive ETs have either forgotten or are unaware of who the majority of us reincarnated Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wanderers/Wayshowers are down here on Earth! Don’t you find that troubling and disturbing or, if nothing else, just confusing? Personally I smell heaping piles of BS and outright negativity and do not believe that they’ve forgotten or are unaware at all, but that’s just me and my ancient First Wave Elder Warrior Lightworker sense about these particular humans and certain aspects of what’s being told/sold to them and then on to us by these particular “ETs”, which I don’t believe is who they are at all. So, let’s get real shall we?


If what some of these self-proclaimed “positive ETs” are claiming and channeling to and through their physical humans is true, then why is the entire Ascension Process and Dimensional Shift even happening now? Why would humanity need these particular ETs advanced technologies, help, rescuing, saving, removal from Earth for a period? It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t match up with real current reality and what has, is, and will continue happening on Earth and to humanity because of the ascension/compressed evolution and all the Service Work Wayshowers/Lightworkers/Starseeds etc. have done for decades and lifetimes already.

I don’t care who they are, when a human or non-physical being/ET or whatever wants me to believe that I need rescuing and saving, then every fiber of my Elder Warrior Wayshower Lightworker Starseed being informs me that something is very wrong. And because I spent the majority of my life in direct and nearly constant telepathic, clairvoyant, etheric, multidimensional, and occasional physical contact with some different dimensional ETs/Starbeings, I’m well aware of how they work, how they communicate, what they do and do not do and why. The primary thing real higher non-physical, positive ET/Starbeings beings would and will NEVER do is rescue or save us or interfere in any way with our spiritual growth and learning, our creativity and Free Will, especially with the current Ascension process happening!  Never. Period.

Beings who are ready to jump in and “aid” us are not always who they claim to be, or are very immature and unaware lower ETs. But, even giving them that, because this ascension process is so mammoth, so reality altering, so far-reaching in its effects across the multiverse, I seriously doubt that any ET group anywhere in the vicinity would be allowed to screw-up what is already happening to humanity and all life on Earth via the Ascension or compressed evolutionary process and the work of the Lightworker/Starseeds/Wayshowers.

If a planet and its species was in the process of ascending and consciously able to hold their multidimensional awareness, their quantum-ness and function within multiple dimensions simultaneously, plus were consciously reconnecting with their own Higher Selves and have vibrationally, energetically transmuted and ascended from a polarized, fragmented, ego-based consciousness and world—why would they need saving, rescuing, help or advanced technologies from some ET group or groups? Why would this be an issue now when we Lightworkers, Starseeds, Wanderers, Wayshowers—and much of humanity—is evolving and will be able to perceive and create higher things on our own? Why would beings who claim to be “positive ETs” be offering to rescue certain humans or help them by giving them advanced technologies?

When anyone on-planet or off informs me that I need rescuing and saving my first thought is not “Oh goody-goody, thank god because after living the Ascension Process and Dimensional Shift, I’m still completely dis-empowered and need an external someone/something to rescue my ass, continue defining reality for me, and telling me exactly what to do, when, and where!”


These types of lower manipulations, distortions and flat-out lies are only trying to suppress us and our spiritual growth, learning, creativity and self empowerment, while totally ignoring and disrespecting the entire species and planetary Ascension process! “Positive ETs” do not function this way, so when someone channels or tells us that the positive ETs they’re in contact with are saying plenty of things that do not reflect the very real ascension/compressed evolutionary process, AND the fact that Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers have been incarnate on Earth to anchor the ascension process from physical bodies and lives on Earth, then you should have red warning flags popping up all over in your awareness. What real positive ET being/beings would not know about Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers and why we’re here now and the entire Ascension process and dimensional shift?


Another aspect of this that I want to cover while I’m no doubt insulting certain people left and right…is the whole business of “UFO disclosure”. Breath now okay and just relax. It’s better than it’s going to sound at the beginning.

I know that this too is another aspect of those ascension, consciousness and energy stair steps I’ve mentioned before, but I would like some of you reading this to remember that many of us have been on these stair steps for longer than you have. Not better than or less than…just been at it longer and consciously aware of that fact.

Like with the “positive ETs” coming to rescue or save us, this business about UFOs and hoping, waiting and expecting the government to finally admit and disclose that they’ve known for decades about ETs, UFOs and other related things is, in my opinion, once again letting the “power” remain outside of yourself. That of course is exactly what the human and negative non-physicals want all of us to continue doing for the obvious reasons.

What I know is coming and soon however is the polar opposite of this planted story and spreading hope and belief about the governments finally disclosing their knowledge about UFOs/ETs. Let me add here that if they do “disclose” anything about this topic, it is carefully planned and distorted information to distract and further dis-empower. You’d better know that they know that humanity and Earth is in the Ascension process and that eventually we will evolve vibrationally, energetically and consciously enough to be able to perceive and interact DIRECTLY ourselves with certain real positive higher dimensional ETs/Starbeings.

To distract many people from having this happen to them via the ascension/evolutionary process, they roll out this promise, this big distraction of “UFO disclosure” which gets a lot of males all hot n’ bothered! Whereas we Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshowers are letting people know that through the ascension and dimensional shift process you and I and many people will return to a high enough frequency (the fifth dimension) where many (but not all) of the ETs/Starbeings naturally live or exist and have all along…and we’ll be able to directly communicate with them and they with us.

As always the choice is yours. If you want to stay focused on, dependent,  and connected energetically to the lower frequency external government to learn about UFOs/ETs (or anything else), then that is coming. If you want to evolve/ascend enough to where you will exist within 5D, which means you will have greatly increased abilities and consciousness and be able to perceive and communicate with many ETs/Starbeings directly and on your own, then that too is available via the species and planetary ascension  process and your choice as well.

Do you see that all of these things comes back to which reality, which frequency, which world do you want to focus on and exist within? Do you honestly want to be empowered and responsible yourself, or, do you still want someone or something external be the source that defines reality to you? Do you want to experience directly and firsthand? Or do you want to  continue experiencing indirectly through another human or ET being/beings secondhand so you don’t have to be responsible and develop discernment and be self empowered? These are the real current spiritual and new Age realities that ascension demands of all who enter it. This is spiritual grow-up time where we become individually empowered  (ascended Leo/Sun) and multidimensionally aware and can function in them simultaneously and interact with the many other non-physical beings in them (ascended Aquarius/Uranus).

The other option is to continue being dependent upon external other humans and non-physical beings to control your very reality and consciousness.  To me there’s only the high road but each of us has to make this choice for ourselves…and continue making it.

Denise Le Fay

August 31, 2010

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2010. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

Evolving, Ascending ESP Abilities

I’ve mentioned before about how increasing numbers of people are and will continue suddenly becoming psychic—clairvoyant, claircognizant, clairaudient, telepathic, empathic etc. due to living the Ascension Process and evolving beyond old Duality frequency. Expanding consciousness includes all of the old 3D ESP abilities plus much, much more. Having 5D High Heart consciousness means your Center is the higher creative High Heart, not 3D ego-based emotions and emotional needs. High Heart consciousness means you naturally feel others and that you are telepathically and clairvoyantly able to be in contact with like-vibrating others. The Internet has been trying to teach and prepare humanity about functioning within this 5D type of invisible, instant and interconnected way with other people around the planet.

While in Duality 3D and consciousness the ego-self sucked all the oxygen out of the room and didn’t allow for much of anything else. The ego is a 3D one-trick pony and excelled at what it was designed to do. But, with the compressed evolution ascension out of density, Duality and ego-self and consciousness, becoming vastly more aware plus aware of your connection to everyone/thing else, is rapidly becoming the primary way of perception and being. It is what 5D High Heart Consciousness is all about and many people are suddenly finding themselves perceiving and feeling a lot of things that aren’t theirs but other peoples.

Because I’ve been “psychic” all my life this transition wasn’t as traumatic to me as it could be for certain other people not familiar with ESP at all. So if you’ve recently started seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, or absolutely knowing things without knowing how you know them, welcome to the exciting phase of expanded awareness and higher functioning! Because everything is so compressed and sped-up now, I believe that people will naturally adapt and adjust to their suddenly discovering that they are perceiving and feeling much, much more than ever before.

Having said all that, realize that our ESP abilities will simply develop and evolve into even greater levels of awareness and communication—emotional, mental, visual—with like-others and also with the Others; the nonphysical Others, ETs, Starbeings, Lightbeings, Angelics, Masters, higher dimensional Groups etc. My point is that the great evolutionary/ascension leaps we’ve made already—plus all the ones still to come—are absolutely fantastic. But as with all spiritual growth, there is always more. Always. Be prepared to be really impressed with your new higher expanded abilities and awareness but know too that there are so many more levels and stages of development beyond them. Also know that it becomes less dramatic, less colorful, less intense the farther along you go. What used to be highly dramatic and impressive psychically, is replaced with a much quieter, much more simple and direct knowing or becoming quantum with Higher Self and Source and inter-dimensional like-Others. It only gets better and more fun from here on out. Enjoy the much larger playground.


November 25, 2009

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS 2009. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

Ascension related Headaches, Head Pains & Pressures

I’ve had another round of those unique Ascension related headaches recently. It took me a while to discern this ascension symptom only because I’ve had headaches all my adult life. Headaches from the vertebra in my neck being out-of-place constantly, plus twenty years of migraines, so I’m sort of a headache professional at this point.

But then the Ascension related headaches arrived a couple of years ago and they feel very different from any headache pain I’ve ever had. Another clue about them I learned is that nothing, and I mean nothing, makes them go away or eases the pain. No over-the-counter headache medicines, not even ice packs, not sleeping, resting, not moving, vomiting, absolutely nothing. They suddenly arrive, they hammer away for a day, a few days or a week, then magically it’s gone as quickly as it arrived.

Another aspect of these Ascension headaches has to do with our Crown chakra doing whatever it does when this happens at this vastly higher level now.  All I know is that the top of my head and skull hurts and feels bruised, hot, and sore to the touch. The upper half of my entire head inside and out (from the nose up) feels strange, larger than normal, a little disconnected or spacey feeling on top of the rather severe headache pains. Other times it’s just intense headache pains and noise sensitivities.

They’re strange pains like invisible laser beams that you feel and know exactly what angle they are entering your head at. The pain of them also moves around inside your head which normal headaches don’t do—at least not that I’ve ever experienced. Ascension headaches are about higher energies doing things, changing, expanding, merging brain halves or the Brain Rewiring Process, upgrading the insides of our skulls and the different brain glands; the pineal, pituitary, thalamus, hypothalamus and whatever else we have in there that’s rapidly evolving and activating so we’re multi-dimensionally aware 5D beings.

brain glands

When I have one of these four or five-day-long ascension headache sessions, I think of things Barbara Hand Clow and some others have said about the tiny crystals we have inside our brains. I can almost see these activating and evolving now because we’re simply at that stage within our ongoing Ascension Process—not to mention our two brain hemispheres being Rewired back together so we’re whole-brained beings. I suspect we are simply going to be feeling  head and brain pressures, pains, headaches, and other strange sensations as the old lower Veil between our two brain hemispheres vanishes and we evolve into whole-brained crystalline beings. May 2010 Uranus enters Aries which rules the head/brain. Imagine Uranian/Aquarian energies in your head now! Know that our brains/consciousness are and will be changing, evolving in extraordinary ways and rather quickly.

I know this isn’t a pleasant topic but because I’m so familiar with headaches, I was highly aware of how different these new Ascension headaches feel in comparison to old lower world so-called “normal” headaches and even migraines. But because they hurt and there’s not much we can do to make that pain stop, it can get unnerving after day-three or four and your skull feels like it has multiple invisible lines of light literally skewered through it. It does! Fear not however because the pain does end and know that more major upgrades have happened inside your head and you because of it.

Denise Le Fay

October 17, 2009


I Used To Be Psychic But This Is Better!

I was born psychic, sensitive, clairvoyant, clairaudient, empathic, claircognizant and I could feel/see/read (psychometry) energies when I touched physical objects. Not because I wanted to, but because that’s just what happens. I also remembered some of my “past” lives from childhood which just made things all that much more interesting and interconnected.

I mention this because by my being a lifelong Seer I’ve become pretty familiar with how all that psychic stuff works, how I would perceive higher information, how precognitive events came to me, and the timeline before the event would happen in the physical world etc. I learned how I was affected by other people’s energies, thoughts, emotions and how I affected some of them as well. We are certainly not islands unto ourselves. We spill-over on each other constantly and we do this unknowingly…unless you’re a psychic, sensitive, Seer.

Because being this way is all I’ve known in this life, I was acutely aware when my psychic abilities and what I was perceiving began changing a few years back. If a psychic goes through the Ascension Process, what happens to those 3D ESP abilities? They too evolve, expand, and change right along with everything else.

Having “psychic” abilities in the old lower polarized 3D physical world is drastically different from the ways in which I now perceive having ascended or shifted into 5D in a transmuted, integrated, non-polarized body/mind/heart. There’s no comparison between the two actually. It took me some time and major re-adapting when this change began. Being psychic means that information and images usually come to me in very dramatic, colorful, intense and brightly highlighted ways. In many cases it was like having a movie running in your mind’s eye and the emotions it caused me were very intense and dramatic. The things I saw and felt as a psychic were like getting hit by lightning. Talk about soap operas and high drama!

In comparison, the higher 5D awareness is rather bland, very non-dramatic and lacking in color, flash, and all that high-drama of ego-based 3D. Now I perceive things and information as profoundly simple and subtle knowings. I know and I know why and I know that I know, but I don’t know how I know. Know what I mean?  This is Higher Self knowledge that I’ve accessed. I’m expecting much more evolving/ascending however so I expect this ability will increase and expand into wonderful new ways of perception and knowing.

I’m still psychic but what I perceive is very different now as well. In my younger years—and this is very common with children, teens, and young adult blossoming neophyte psychic Seers—I usually perceived horrible events, disasters, deaths, murders, planes falling out of the sky and so on. Now I perceive more of the higher knowing behind the events and not just the blood and gore of the real event. This higher-level understanding of the many whys of these types of seemingly negative or deadly events makes so much sense it’s hard to express unless you’ve experienced it yourself. There are no mistakes and no accidents from our higher, non-ego Selves point of view.

ESP and the different psychic abilities and higher perceptions are also changing because we’re evolving/ascending into expanded levels of consciousness and being. So be open to and aware of your old familiar ways of perceiving both physical and nonphysical, but  also of expand into higher and larger knowing than ever before.  It is so subtle, so natural, so much a part of you that you don’t always know how you know and that’s perfectly fine too.

Denise Le Fay

August 7, 2009

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS 2009. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

Transitioning Ascension Symptoms

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It’s interesting how the starting Ascension symptoms I’ve had since 1999 have changed ever…so…slowly over the years. Many of those original profoundly horrible physical and emotional symptoms I haven’t had for the past  3–4 years. It was like surviving the Black Plague and such a wonderful thing to not have the worst of the worst of those weird and nasty symptoms anymore. Don’t get my wrong, I still have Ascension symptoms today, just much less severe than the first 6–7 years. Here’s a short list of the worst of the worst Ascension symptoms.

  • bottoms of feet painfully hot, sometimes hands too
  • ultra sensitivity to foods, drinks, chemicals/preservatives in foods, chemicals in stores, furniture, everything
  • amplified allergies
  • mega hot-flashes, night-sweats, cold flashes, cold areas on body at certain chakras–usually the High Heart
  • hot and red flushed face and eyes from severe chemical sensitivity
  • heartburn, acid reflux, esophagus spasms and sensitivities due to evolving corresponding Chakras
  • ultra sensitivity to all sounds, even my own voice when speaking
  • inability to mentally focus and/or remain focused
  • inability to remember the names of common everyday objects
  • insomnia and/or broken, non-recuperative sleep
  • repeatedly waking up at certain times such as 3:00 AM, 5:55 AM etc.
  • highly amplified processing of negative lower frequency energies in the dream state
  • nausea and vomiting, brief periods of “morning sickness” (all ages & both sexes)
  • sudden bladder spasms and nearly urinating yourself in public
  • severe brain fog, getting lost, not remembering what or where or why you’re out in some store
  • reading a paragraph 16 times and still not grasping or remembering what you’ve read
  • rage and intolerance with all lower vibrating people, belief systems, consciousness, products, places, systems etc.
  • periods of emotional amplification, crying, mourning, weeping, joy, love, peace etc.

Many of those Ascension symptoms I had I believe were how my Pisces ASC. body reacted/reacts to lower vibrating energies. The rage was a totally new one to me as I’d never felt rage before. I suddenly would not, could not “suffer fools” any longer and was actually a bit surprised at my intense hateful feelings towards what I lovingly call the assholes n’ idiots of the world. All my life prior to my Ascension Process the lower vibrating (assholes n’ idiots) people just scared me so I steered clear of them. However, the Ascension Process changes us dramatically — changes things like tolerance, turning the other cheek, keeping your mouth shut, being a “sheeple” and blindly, unthinkingly going along with the negative lower patriarchal national and global shit systems. Ascension changes all that in you and causes you to no longer accept anything that is harmful anywhere to anything or anyone. In other words, it forces people to be/express/live/perceive/feel/create at a vastly higher frequency than prior. No more shit, no more lower negative anything, because it’s just so wrong and that horrible time is ending now.

I still have many Ascension symptoms today and I will continue to have some of them… until I don’t! I still have occasional hot-flashes/night-sweats but they’re not as severe or as often. I still have phases where food and I don’t get along at all. I still have short phases where it’s hard to mentally focus but now I just go with the flow and stop forcing the issue. The bladder spasms are gone thank gawd because you look pretty obvious turning red-faced and shaking in a corner in a shopping store! I’m positive in the early years of my Ascension Process that many people who saw me in stores honestly thought I was on drugs and/or mentally disabled because I looked as horrible as I felt, plus, the chemicals in stores made me profoundly sick the second I walked through the doors.

Here’s a short list of the new or current Ascension symptoms I’m having only because it’s rather interesting to see some of the differences. Again, you may relate to these, or if not, they’re probably in your near future.

  • intolerance still when some lower vibrating person/people intrude into your only tiny space. How fucking dare they intrude into your minute square footage when they’ve got the whole lower world to run around in still!
  • occasional hot flashes, night sweats (which are just hot flashes when you’re sleeping or rather were asleep)
  • insomnia and/or broken sleep, sleeping for 2 or 3 hours and repeatedly waking up
  • lack of dreaming or inner clearing work done via lucid dreaming for long periods
  • lack of desire to be out or around anyone or anything vibrating lower
  • my home is the only energetic sanctuary at this point
  • disenchantment with most everything out there in the old world, boring, tiresome, stupid, useless, outdated
  • encountering tiny pockets of higher vibrating energies out in the lower old world! Amazing, but very tiny and fleeting at this point
  • inability of negative lower energies to reach you. You’ve seen them flailing around trying to get you, but they can’t reach
  • mega headaches that nothing helps, after days they often become vomiting migraines that then finally end
  • hearing high-pitched ringing in inner ears for weeks or months caused by solar energies/transmissions
  • sever pressure and pain in the spine and neck area primarily
  • esophagus spasms and sensitivities caused by activating High Heart Chakra (Thymus gland and area)
  • heartburn caused by changing Heart Chakra
  • acid reflux caused by changing Solar Plexus
  • phases of diarrhea during more energy adjusting and purging
  • skin eruptions/pimples/break-outs during the transmuting and purging phases
  • phases of total emotional disconnect and lack of caring about much of anything
  • phases of high creativity and feeling like things are closer to what Home felt like than ever before
  • phases of your hair looking like it died and is thinning but days later it’s okay again
  • ability to instantly release or let go of aspects within you that you know must go now. Fast and easy process now compared to years prior
  • long phases of constantly smelling burning incense smoke and/or wood smoke or other nonphysical scents
  • even fewer friends but a vastly better match with the few you do have at the moment
  • knowing on one hand and at other times not knowing or sliding back out of your current energy groove momentarily. Learning how to maintain and not slip-slide unless you want to energetically

There’s more but my mind is slowing down and turning to mush. Hey, there’s another really common Ascension symptom!


March 2, 2009

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