Totally Different Now

I try very hard to dodge any and all things having to do with the Presidential Parade on TV. I do not like having to look at or listen to those horrible people (all the candidates) and they all are horrible people to me. Same old BS and cheesy lies n’ cons just coming out of different patriarchal mouths and faces is all it really is. It’s so deeply repulsive and downright ridiculousat this point that I avoid and override all of it. Besides, they have their agendas (not for much longer however) and the Light has ours.

Consciously and intentionally creating reality and it’s easier and manifests faster now than ever before. Heck, I could end this post right here.

As we sit here now teetering between the ending of the last 1-9 year cycle and jumping up to the next higher rung to begin a very new cycle of 1 (2008=1), I’m realizing just how dramatically so many of us have changed over these past 9–10 years! It’s stunning really when you stop and do a little review of yourself, your life, and everything else that’s happened since 1998–1999. Utterly incredible and I feel the Universe smiling very warmly because of it. Big “changes” are indeed coming, just very different ones than what the presidential pimp parade promises those foolish enough to still believe them.

I don’t think I could easily discuss all the changes I’ve personally lived through since the beginning of 1999 through to January 2008. I’m literally not the same person, not the same being, and that’s exactly what that 1–9 year cycle was all about. Lately I’ve been realizing what this new (1) cycle is indicating for me, for you, for earth, for humanity and it makes my heart smile and my soul greatly pleased. There are so many Unseen Beings who are in awe of what we’ve done in such a short period here. They knew…but we’ve gone farther faster and that is exciting the galaxy and beyond. The real fun is right around the corner and the corner is only months now instead of decades! Wow, it’s been a long time coming but it’s here finally and it’s us.

I understand how easy it is now (the new 1 cycle) to simply override all the things and situations that repulse me in the lower world and consciously create over it all. Honestly, it’s that simple now and it’s what this new 1 cycle of energy and consciousness is about for those of us who’ve done the work of the previous 1–9 cycle. We’ve cleared away all that needed to be and we now have a blank canvas to consciously create upon only what we want at this much higher state of being and consciousness. It won’t remotely resemble what we’ve left behind either! No no no…there is no comparison between what we’ve come from and where we’re headed right now, and I ask all of you to remember this and don’t make the mistake of recreating aspects of the old lower world in our new higher one. It’s an easy mistake at this point as we straddle these cycles; not completely anchored in the new 1, yet and shaking off and releasing the past 1–9 years of intense dark transformations.

Try to always realize that it’s wide open now and imagine and consciously create (intend, desire) a world reality that’s so beyond your highest greatest fantasies. Give yourself plenty of extra room to create/intend/desire even farther than what we can comprehend today. As an old beloved Master Teacher—Master Hotei the “Laughing Buddha”—told me a couple thousand years ago, “Always leave that door of eternal possibilities wide open.”


January 10, 2008

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

2 thoughts on “Totally Different Now

  1. Intentionally and consciously creating reality is such an important premise… and the main reason for what it is that I do over at “Imagine Into Being.”

    With Love and Gratitude,

    The Intentional Sage

  2. Wow, this is an excellent post, Lapis!

    I suppose I could say that 1998-1999 seems like half a lifetime ago :gigglesnort:

    Seriously, I believe all of us have changed drastically in this short period of time…

    Lazuli/Balsamic Moon

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