2011 Mid-May Energy Tsunami

800x800 treeheart Obviously I’m still in the midst of this current NEW incoming Energy Wave so my perspective of it all isn’t anywhere near complete or embodied enough yet. But, this is so big and potent in a painful but wonderful way that I wanted to post a quickie about it so far.

Every year when the Sun transits the sign of Taurus and moves through the late degrees of the sign (26–28° Taurus), we conjunct (align very closely with) the Pleiades star system. During this time the fifth dimensional Pleiades download or transmit their annual Energy Wave very directly to Earth and humanity. I’ve been feeling this Pleiadian energy transmission very strongly since about May 14th, but certainly hit in the High Heart by them (and more) on Sunday May 15th, 16th, and today the 17th 2011.

Added to the annual Pleiadian transmissions is the annual Sun in Taurus Full Moon (in opposite Scorpio) today, May 17, 2011 and it’s called the “Wesak Moon” and is connected to the Buddha and the particular energies the Buddha intentionally brought to 3D for humanity to see, feel directly, and learn from. [For a rare and special look into this particular information about the Buddha energies before he/it incarnated physically into 3D, see Chapter 8 in The Temple of Master Hotei: A Unique Past Life Memory]

The Buddha energies are very similar to the 5D Pleiadian energies in that they’re both highly integrated male/female energies of Love, Compassion and great Beauty. Earthy Taurus—ruled by feminine Venus—houses these energies very nicely…in well integrated and more evolved individuals. [For more information about the annual Wesak Buddha Moon, see Celia Fenn’s channeled May 2011 article at starchildglobal.com ] I was impulsed late last night to go to Celia’s site to specifically read her information about this years Buddha Moon energies only because I’ve been experiencing them very intensely for the past few days. That information coupled with Lauren Gorgo’s May 11, 2011 article “Human 2.0-christed edition” have helped me to put more of the NEW pieces together in what I’ve been living and feeling recently.

A few weeks (or maybe it was months?) ago I wrote about how, now that the Body and Brain Rewiring business was complete in many of the Starseeds, we would begin coming online with the NEW energies in early 2011, just as the Earth is with her newly Rewired Grid Systems. This Phase Two Process is and will continue to unfold week by week and month by month throughout all of 2011 so don’t think that May is it and now we’re “done” because we are not! This is just another energetic Stair Step some of us are living right now with many more people entering it later. Another level and Energy Wave will arrive with the annual Sun transit (conjunction) the 6D Sirius star system in July and early Aug this year. See how these other-dimensional stellar midpoints and portal activations happen in between the first Equinoxes and Solstices? And this year all of this also has the monthly 11-11 portals AND the Universal Underworld/Ninth Wave acceleration and Days/Nights cycling through every 9+9 days! Busy as little bees we are this year. (We enter Day 3 on May 20, 2011.)

As should be obvious, I don’t always get a loud and clear heads-up from my Higher Self about certain approaching or unfolding energies or Energy Waves, and despite the fact that I know about these numerous energy triggers throughout each year, well, this year is rather different because it is 2011 and the Ninth Wave and we’re rollin’ up fast on the end of the Great Expiration Date to the planetary madness and negativity. I’d jump around excitedly and throw confetti or something except I’m so profoundly exhausted at the moment that it’s all I can do to think and type this now. I know many of you can relate.

Sunday May 15th a bunch of neighbor stuff unfolded which I’m too tired to regurgitate right now, but suffice it to say that it was good…very good, and some mega High Heart energies did pour fourth through me and my Mom and did quite easily uplift some people and change the energetic landscape and “reality” here.

Monday May 16th I had to go to the grocery store. Once I was outside in my car and could see the sky, the sunlight, feel the energies in the air and see the pristine clouds and deep-blue sky, I knew we’re in another giant energetic leap forward into the higher dimensional NEW and that the Dark is greatly, greatly reduced. The energies were/are intoxicating to the point that my physical Heart/Chest area hurt with Love Light Gratitude over the beauty of what’s finally abundant enough to be easy seen and felt within the physical realm.

The flip-side of all this fabulousness is that—like Lauren Gorgo said—it hurts like all hell! But what’s new about that really? Some of us have been writhing in pain for the past thirteen years or more now because that’s what it takes for us to do what we’re capable of doing. So yes my physical pain level has been through the freakin’ roof lately…again…which told me I was in the midst of another important leap forward. Problem is that occasionally I have to leave my house and forage for food, cat food and cat litter, toilet paper and shampoo and this seasons flip-flop sandals and other still vital necessities.

So there I am dragging my head-to-toe body wracked with physical pain while my High Heart is uncontrollably radiating Compassion and Joy in one combined sensation. How one can hurt so terrifically and at the same time be in a mild state of Bliss and Compassion is a bit of a mind-blower. It took some real focus for me to not burst into tears and sob openly in the middle of the grocery store in front of strangers yesterday while I was FEELING such potent but beautiful higher energies pour through my physical body and out into the physical environment. Talk about coming online!

I felt profound sadness and Compassion for the great numbers of people around the world who are not and will not join (utilize) the Ascension Process and will experience increasing levels of pain and misery as the old negative world literally consumes itself because the Light isn’t around to feed off anymore. Simultaneously I felt profound joy and Gratitude for what all I’ve done and what all every other Starseed Lightworker has and still is doing to help manifest the NEW in the NEW Earth and timeline through their bodies.

I felt coming “Earth Changes” and the great pain and suffering they will cause so many people, but, at the same time I knew from that High Heart Consciousness level of being that all is perfect no matter what.

I felt the higher dimensional Beings/Lightbeings/Starbeings/ETs only inches away from me vibrationally with more Love and Respect than you and I can comprehend over what we’ve accomplished so far down here. In those excruciatingly blissful moments in the grocery store, and in my car looking at how much we’ve freed this dimension from the Dark Ones and returned the Light to this world so far, I recognized myself a little bit more. Be ready for this when you experience it because it’s something you’ll want to be mindful of because these moments are so rare and exquisite. You and your Higher Self rejoice and reflect each other in new ways and it’s nice to absorb those highly special moments to help you better understand yourself, and so much more.

Did I mention that a couple of days ago transiting Neptune entered my 1st House for the first time in my life? Bring on the mystical bliss by all means after the grueling, dark and lengthy Phase One transformational Ascension Work!

After I got home from the grocery store I hauled my Mom outside to see the pristine deep-blue sky and clouds and FEEL the energies herself. We stood in the street in front of our house and stared up at the even brighter Photon Light-filled sky in joy and excitement and saw The Light everywhere the Dark used to be. After this I had something to eat and literally passed out from 2:00 PM until 6:00 PM…as did my Mom…and the cat. None of us have ever been knocked out for that long during the day. After I awoke from my much needed out-of-body nap, I still felt exhausted and worried I’d have trouble sleeping that night at all. Boy was I wrong! We all slept for five hours straight which is profoundly abnormal for us since the Ascension Process started. And you guess it, we woke up the next morning still exhausted and in physical pain but also still surfing this latest Energy Wave with our High Hearts receiving/transmitting great Compassion and Knowing. I sense this is how it’s just going to be now…until the next transition that is.


May 17, 2011

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The Rewiring Process & Internal Vibrations


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At this point many people have been living with the Inner Body Vibrations, inner shaking and electrical-like current buzzing inside their bodies for many years. This started for me in 2001 or 2002 and it took me a while to discern what exactly it was. I’ve talked about it before but wanted to mention it again because I’m still feeling it day and night, awake and asleep over a decade later and I know more of you are too.

For some people it’s a newer experience and one that’s rather confusing and could be—if you didn’t know what the causes of it are—rather frightening as well. It was never physically painful for me and I’ve never heard anyone else claim it was or is for them either. It is however, weird feeling and mildly distracting. When it suddenly stops momentarily, it’s rather shocking to then realize how intense and constant it has been inside you.

This inner body vibration is what’s called the Rewiring and that is an accurate term for this Process. Because of the ongoing Ascension or highly compressed evolutionary Process humanity is in now, our entire Central Nervous Systems (and everything else) simply must evolve to accommodate the tremendously higher and faster frequency Light energies. The Sun, the Milky Way galaxy and the cosmos continue to blast Earth, and of course humanity, with much higher frequency Light Energies. Our lower world 3D body/bodies (physical body, astral, emotional, mental, etheric etc.) weren’t designed for these higher frequencies so we evolve/ascend vibrationally, physically, and in all other ways as well. If we didn’t do this we would fry, or, we’d check out of our physical bodies (die physically). Those who want to remain in their current physical body and go through the ongoing evolutionary, Alchemical, Ascension Process changes will have these numerous “rewiring” ascension upgrades and more. Them’s the rules; fly much higher vibrationally or fry and eventually exit the old lower frequency body vehicle. No shame either way, just individual soul choice.

So this Rewiring Process takes time, years even, and like I said it isn’t physically painful so don’t worry about it. It does feel a little strange at first, like some inner body electrical energy is literally vibrating inside you. I’ve felt it move slowly throughout my whole body over the years, like different areas of my body were being worked on and upgraded to have my nervous system and other physical and energetic bodies and parts NOT fry or overload. I’ve used the analogy of trying to run 220 electricity through 110 wiring in a house and it just doesn’t work and you run the risk of setting the whole house on fire! This Rewiring is beyond kundalini rising in the old lower 3D body; this is about the physical body being upgraded, evolved energetically to accommodate, house and constantly run vastly higher frequency Light energies through you and it. This is going from a 3D central nervous system and body to a 5D central nervous system and body and it feels a bit strange when the Rewiring Process is happening. Fear not however as it’s a very positive sign.

Know too that if you’re experiencing the Rewiring in your body, then you’re also in the ongoing process of having your two brain hemispheres building new connections (being Rewired too) to have a whole brain, unified and integrated with NO divider, NO Veil or polarized separation within it as we did in the old lower 3D polarized world and dimension. Talk about an upgrade! Just imagine, if you can, what you and I will be able to do, perceive, create, envision, know, connect with, see and feel all because we’ve integrated our brain hemispheres and our nervous systems (and so much more) and can carry vastly higher frequency Light energies? We literally will not be the same species. We’ll be higher frequency beings that carry more Light than they ever could or have prior. How very exciting and encouraging!

So don’t freak-out or panic when you feel some internal vibration that feels like a mild electric current buzzing, changing locations and shaking inside your physical body in different areas and growing intensity and vibratory rate. It’s the evolutionary Rewiring Process which is a very positive sign that you are embodying increasing amounts of higher and higher frequency Light energies within yourself, your consciousness and your physical body. Float through it and remember to give yourself credit for literally transmuting into a new, higher frequency being housing much more Light than before. This is a lot of hard work on multiple levels and dimensions so be kind to yourself and rest, sleep and nap as much and as often as you need. Happy ongoing body and brain Rewiring everyone.


June 26, 2009

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