Duality vs. Triality Consciousness

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There’s recently been a new terms introduced —”Unity” and/or “Triality” consciousness. Let’s look at the old lower polarized consciousness and how quickly many have and are shifting into increasing “Unity” or “Triality” or High Heart consciousness. I’d like to express what the beginnings of Unity consciousness looks and feels like to me, which really makes polarized consciousness stick out like the sick, ugly thing it is, from a more unified perspective.  😉

3D is polarized and that was normal. In 3D our brains, our bodies, our heads and hearts were also polarized, separated. Life in the old lower 3D world was/is as pulled apart, as separated, as disconnected as we can get within this entire system. That’s what 3D was for, the location within physicality to experience extremes in polarity; pain/pleasure, light/dark, life/death, love/hate, trust/fear, male/female, positive/negative and so on. Even our brains were separated into two polarized hemispheres with a Veil between them! Our bodies were either one sex or the other. It was either day or night and there were and still are no gray areas in a polarized world with polarized humans with polarized brains and bodies. It was them vs. us, unless or course you were standing elsewhere and then it was them vs. us!

Because of the ongoing Ascension Process we’re forced to vibrationally, energetically move through resolving polarity within ourselves, within our living spaces or homes, within our heads and hearts, within our many layered bodies, within our current and past lives, within our very space and lives. When the majority of that first stage is completed we suddenly discover that the world is looking and feeling very differently and in a most wonderful way as you might well guess. With some time and re-learning we slowly discover that because we’ve resolved tons of karma/polarity, we’re literally not vibrating at the same dense frequency we had been before. That is one of many aspects of the ongoing Ascension Process and it is literally Alchemical. 3D Lead into 5D Gold.

With the majority of our personal karma/polarity resolved or transmuted, many of us also worked on the Collective karma/polarity that’s been piling up for eons and eons. This 4D astral/Collective phase wasn’t much fun at all as you would well imagine! In fact it was down-right Dark and horrible, but there it is; the Collective Trash Heap and it’s rotten to the core and must be cleared before you can arrive in 5D, where that Unity consciousness resides. (I hope you all know that I’ve simplified this whole process terribly only to more easily express a couple of complex points.) This is much like finding a nice camp grounds, setting up your tent and goodies, hanging out for a while around the fire sharing stories, but before you pack everything up to leave, you’ve GOT to clean up your trash and junk.

After we’ve resolved the majority of our own personal Dark, Ugly, Projected, Unloved and Ignored stuff, many Lightworkers helped with transmuting large chunks of the planetary Collective Trash Heap as I’ve called it. By doing that, we’ve transmuted a lot of the long-standing negativity and chaos that hovered above 3D like another layer of an onion skin in 4D, the Astral Plane.

In 5D our High Hearts are our Center, our primary location of functioning and perception, NOT our left brains and egos like in the old lower 3D reality. That was the realm where left brain and ego were Center and our primary location; they were The Headquarters. In 5D our vastly unified High Hearts and High Minds are The Headquarters. If it, whatever it is, doesn’t hold up to this new higher High Heart unified consciousness and feel then it simply will NOT be able to manifest or remain manifested for long at all there. Once one goes through those Alchemical Fires of Transformation it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to create and maintain anything that vibrates below that level and frequency.

There is no “thinking” in this as it’s all about frequency and similar vibrating things/people/beings/dimensions/creations etc. We feel it naturally, we don’t have to intellectualize about things using polarized consciousness. We are vastly more unified beings because of what we’ve gone through (the early phases of ascension), and we know because we’re different beings using very different and higher tools to both perceive and create our new reality. We feel from our  5D High Hearts — as opposed to our 3D lower egoic emotional needs — what’s the best for both ourselves and for the Whole. That is one aspect of this higher 5D High Heart Unity consciousness.

Can you see now how and why so many things like governments, police, money, systems that control and dictate, religions, doctors, taxes and such simply will not exist within 5D? Can you see why they won’t? They won’t exist because we don’t/won’t need them at all within our ascended selves existing within a higher vibrating dimension.


June 8, 2008

multicolored copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2008-2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link. https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/

3 thoughts on “Duality vs. Triality Consciousness

  1. I know Lapis, people who haven’t had these enlightening moments just don’t understand it 😦

    What world shall we create, hmmm……… The beach scene in the film ‘Contact’ is a beautiful place to start 🙂
    Where’s that Happy Running smiley! 😉

    Love & Hugs,

    LB xx

  2. Lightbeing,

    Yes this new world and reality is so close…because we’ve been changing via the ascension process. We’ll create it with our new and greatly improved tools of perception, which is an awareness that comes from our High Hearts, not lower polarized consciousness.

    It’s hard to express, to explain to people who’ve not as yet ever felt those deep inner Heart moments of pure knowing from THAT level of Self. Just imagine what kind of world we’ll create with those tools?! 😉
    Because we and humanity are changing/ascending/energetically evolving, WE will create this as our reality and higher dimensional Home. Very exciting after so much Dark for so very long.


  3. Hey Lapis 🙂

    A world where we only do what we want from the heart, no thinking required, a world where there is no government or control systems, BRING IT ON NOW!
    I can’t really express how excited I am about what is just round the corner…………

    All the love in my heart to you my friend,


    LB xx

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