Compressed Evolution Means Your Body Is Changing, Now

As greater numbers of people worldwide continue being physically, biologically, energetically, consciously and spiritually pressured and pushed by the evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) , many are confused about what’s happening to them, their body, consciousness, their lives, their county and everything else. This natural evolutionary Ascension Process affects everything, not just a person’s physical body, but is a complete life-altering transformational process that takes time—years and decades, not days, weeks or months—to transition through its many layers so relax into it and do your best to not fear what’s happening within yourself and your physical body, and the external world. It’s all very positive despite it not feeling or looking that way at the moment. Humans are always resistant to change of any kind, and the AP related changes cover everything everywhere so there’s plenty of confusion, unawareness, wild misunderstandings and fearful resistance.

Stop Fighting the Evolutionary Ascension Process Side Effects

People are getting really tired of their bloated, distended, unattractive evolutionary Ascension Process “Buddha Belly” and want it to go away, immediately. I’d very much like this too but my “Buddha Belly” gets worse, not better, every time I/we go through another big—and they’re all very big now folks—increase in Light Energies. I also get numerous other side effects besides the severely bloated belly/gut/diaphragm/abdomen area, which I’d also prefer didn’t make me look like I’m sick and/or lazy and/or don’t care about my physical appearance anymore. Nonetheless, I’ve been living this evolutionary Ascension Process on the physical, biological level since the start of 1999, and my “Buddha Belly” hasn’t disappeared yet.

Simple answer is stop fighting it, stop fearing it, stop resisting the evolutionary AP changes you’re experiencing and surrender to this natural and normal evolutionary Process taking place during our lifetimes. After having lived this and much more for the past twenty-six years and counting, I know that it’s best to just let it happen, don’t try to “fix” it because there’s nothing to “fix” in natural evolution, don’t think it to death which is taken care of by the fact that ones old lower level of consciousness is being dismantled so NEW higher levels can replace it, and don’t resist because doing so only prolongs these many changes and makes it more painful in most cases. Just open your heart and surrender to the natural evolutionary Process taking place within yourself and your body.

I’ve often thought about the millions of people who’ve gone to doctors, specialists and hospitals since 1999–2000 because of evolutionary Ascension symptoms only to be told nothing is wrong with them, or far worse, be diagnosed with something they don’t have and given medications for it. Just horrible, and dumping pharmaceutical toxins into one’s body while it was/is already hard at work transmuting so much old 3D density, negativity and global toxins etc. only causes more difficulties in my opinion. Get a second and third opinion if your doctor tells you you’ve got such and such and his/her solution is to dump chemicals into your body to “help you with it”. You most likely don’t even have what the doctor claims you do so discern for yourself, and if you still feel uncertain, get other opinions to be safe. I’m not a physician, I am an Ascension Process Specialist, so discern and protect yourself from incorrect diagnoses, unnecessary chemicals, outrageous expenses, negative thought-forms, negative limiting old belief systems, and fear and worry.

It helps with your personal evolutionary Ascension symptoms/side effects to remember that everything is going through this Process, not just you and your physical body. Earth, our Solar System, the Milky Way galaxy, other galaxies, the Universe, the Multiverses are all going through this natural evolutionary Ascension Process now. There is no aspect, no corner, no layer, no dimension, no star or systems that are immune from evolution.

It’s normal to feel “hot flashes” with the Ascension Process despite one’s sex or age and this is because that inner heat is Kundalini Fire burning away lower frequency density and duality within you and your physical body. Also, Mother Earth/Gaia’s heating up—so-called ‘global warming’—is Her having Ascension related “hot flashes” because she is evolving, transmuting, and becoming something very NEW, improved and of a much higher frequency. Humans and Earth/Gaia have been heating up because of this natural evolution and doctors and scientists don’t know this, nor would they believe it any more than people understand the real reasons behind ‘global warming’. Friction causes heat, and there’s been and still is plenty of friction from the old lower dense frequencies and consciousness coming into direct contact with the NEW higher Light Energies and being changed, upgraded, evolved because of it. It’s okay and to be expected during these massive transitions. No fear, just greater understanding about all aspects of the Ascension Process.

It’s also common to go through periods where your mind doesn’t work like you’re used to. It seemingly isn’t there at times, and no matter how hard you try, how hard you focus mentally, you just cannot pull information in or connect to it or stay focused or get anything to work. It feels like your brain is on hold and you cannot mentally focus or remained focused on anything. The reason for this AP side effect is because you’re being deliberately UN-FOCUSED and Rewired so you’ll be able to expand your consciousness far beyond the old narrow frequency band it and you are used to.

This is the old neural brain and brain maps getting greatly expanded, Rewired so they can carry vastly higher frequency Light, Light information and Higher Awareness and not fry anything important or blow a fuse in there! During this process—and it happens repeatedly over the years so don’t assume you’ve got some mental, cognitive disease—the way you accessed information and memories is changing, expanding and becoming far more complex and evolved. It’s just during this transition the old doesn’t always work and you’ve not yet got the hang of the NEW and how it works so there are times you’re seemingly going to “short-circuit” in front of people when they’ve asked you something and you can’t find or get the correct words out to respond to them. This usually causes frustration and embarrassment, which typically induces a hot flash! Now you both can’t communicate and you’re sweating like crazy, are miserably hot and uncomfortable and want to just run screaming from the building and go home. Oh the joy of it all…

Because the electromagnetic energies have been and still are changing dramatically on Earth/Gaia, they’re also changing dramatically in you and your physical body too of course. This causes all sorts of symptoms and related anomalies. One is a severe build-up of static electricity in your physical body to the point that you’re getting zapped all the time, even in high humidity or rain. This too will come and go so relax into these changes. Attach a floor-length rubber tail off the back of your pants that drags on the floor behind you, discharging the excess static build-up as you walk. Kidding, except I honestly did think of doing this years ago out of sheer desperation when I was getting severely zapped every few feet in stores, in public, and usually uncontrollably cursing every time I got stung by an electrical zap. This was so severe that other shoppers often saw the blue-white “lightening bolt” shoot out my finger when I got close to something metal and would get zapped. And when one’s nerves (Central Nervous System being Rewired too) are rather fried from the AP anyway, getting zapped constantly for months on end only makes it all that much worse.

Another common symptom/side effect is what I’ve come to call the spinnies. It feels like the inside of your head (and sometimes your eyes too) are rotating and if you physically turn too fast, or just turn only your head, you almost fall over or crash into something. Vertigo, ungrounded, not connected to Earth in the old ways, in transition to another level of being and reality etc. all make one feel the spinnies.

Another aspect of this is the sensation that suddenly the floor has dropped out from under you and/or you’re falling, tipping over or suddenly dropping down a few feet. What you’re sensing is more energetic and frequency changes to old lower 3D energetic structures and systems etc., and this is just one of many ways your body and awareness perceive these fluctuations and disappearing old timelines with their blueprints and energetic structures.

The inner body vibrations or sense of an electric current running, vibrating, buzzing, shaking and/or pulsating in different areas of your physical body is another common Ascension related side effect. It’s caused by you literally embodying higher frequency Light Energies. As we continue clearing out old density duality within each of us, higher frequency Light Energies simultaneously replace them and are embodied by each of us and that feels like we’re vibrating inside our physical bodies. We are, and it’s simply our inner frequency being dramatically increased while incarnate in our physical bodies.

And no, the inner body vibrations is NOT caused by negative beings, aliens or demons as some incorrectly believe. They cause very different symptoms and interference’s and blockages in people. When your body is vibrating, it’s a positive evolutionary sign that you are embodying more and more higher frequency Light Energies and are vibrating faster and higher because of it.

Another common side effect of our continuing evolutionary AP is that the more NEW higher frequencies we encounter on Earth, the more people are hearing them, seeing them and feeling them in a variety of ways. When you hear high-pitched ringing in your ears, and/or around your head and/or over your head in stereo-like sound, you are hearing some of the many higher frequency Light Energies coming in from our local Sun, the Milky Way GC, from Divine Source etc. It’s just that you’re evolving enough now to be able to hear some of them. Eventually we’ll be able to “read” them, interpret them, discern them for ourselves, but for most now, we’re only able to hear these ringing, squealing, humming, buzzing, clicking tones and sound frequency Light Codes.

Some are able to clairvoyantly See some of these higher frequency Light Energies, and typically they’re perceived as brilliant Lights of different color. As we evolve and get more adept at Seeing these higher frequency Light Energies, we’ll be able to “read” them too and we’ll See much more than only different colored Lights. We’ll See Codes in Light form and often they’re in geometric Light form but they’re also more than this too. Always be open to perceive and experience more than what you are currently.

There’s also the linear time vs. quantum, Now Moment no time, and Spherical Consciousness that’s capable of perceiving multiple “times” and non or no time simultaneously. At first this one is just strange and rather confusing, especially as we repeatedly jump back and forth between linear time consciousness and reality and quantum no time Now Moment consciousness and reality. With more experience and experimentation however, we slowly discover that we’re evolving beyond the old lower frequency limits of linear time and the matching and appropriate consciousness that went with it.

Again, get out of your own way with these more exotic NEW AP side effects and perceptions, pay attention and learn more as you continue becoming more. This is natural and highly compressed evolution you’re living, experiencing, perceiving and being constantly effected by now. Stop trying to limit and reduce it back down into old lower 3D beliefs, structures, systems and consciousness. It doesn’t work and won’t ever work. Lower and Higher frequencies and consciousness cannot co-exist in the same space so stop trying to make it happen. Doing so only makes the whole thing more frustrating.

There are so many people still trying to apply old lower limited and profoundly limiting 3D patriarchal beliefs, expectations, systems and structures, further dis-empowerment, deluded hopes and desires, and tremendous lack of personal responsibility on to the NEW incredibly higher frequencies present, growing in them, their bodies and the Earth world and reality around them. However, we are not evolving so that humans can have a slightly better form of continued global, species-wide disempowerment. Not going to happen, period.

This is evolution and change, incomprehensible change and improvement to most people, and it’s not allowed to try to superimpose old lower frequency negativity, lack of awareness, and lack of personal responsibility on to the NEW higher Light Energies and 5D consciousness. It’s not possible because these frequencies are so profoundly different that they cannot merge with one another or even co-exist in the same space. What they are doing now is separating, literally repelling from each other and going off in very different directions, which is natural at this point within the evolutionary Ascension Process; the Separation of Worlds & Timelines. Be brave, be open to positive changes beyond belief and stop trying to limit evolution with your current lack of greater and Higher Awareness. I apply this to myself as well and always have. Dream bigger, aim higher, much higher and get out of your own way with your old lower frequency 3D patriarchal thoughts and beliefs because they’re not a match, in any way or form, with the NEW higher Earth world.


May 7, 2017

Donations can be made here and Thank You for supporting my Work.


Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Evolutionary Ascension Symptom Information for People New to this Process

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I see daily search terms on my WordPress Stats page that people use to find information that leads them to websites like mine. I’ve written about the Ascension Process which is natural, highly compressed evolution at TRANSITIONS since 2007. I realize however that if someone is new to this process and not familiar with it or the terms teachers and people in the Ascension Community use when talking about it and the many unusual symptoms or side effects it naturally causes, that it all can be overwhelming and highly confusing. It’s because of this that I’m going to provide another article about these now common Ascension Process symptoms. If interested, please read through my older articles under this Category also.

I’ll try to remember to mention the most common of these symptoms or side effects but understand that, even though these are common, we each live, experience and interpret these inner changes in our own unique ways so keep an open mind and open heart when dealing with these issues that are vastly larger and more complex than anything humans have encountered before while in physical bodies on Earth.

Hot Flashes— Intense sudden inner heat caused by Kundalini Fire transmuting your old lower density and unresolved, suppressed, unloved aspects, emotional wounds, fears and so on. A lot of these Ascension symptoms are very much like the ones women experience during Menopause so don’t be shocked if you’re in a male body and suddenly are having “hot flashes”. Know they’re Kundalini related which is the same thing as Ascension related. Males must burn away all lower density and negativity along with those in female bodies.

These hot flashes can last for years, erupt and come out of different areas of your body, spine, back, chest, head, face, ears, bottoms of your feet, palms of your hands etc. Just try to stay as relaxed as you can while they happen as that allows the Process to take place a bit quicker and with less heat, sweating and misery.

Cold Spots— Intense sudden inner cold areas on your body, usually the chest and/or upper chest area around the heart and the NEW HighHeart (Thymus gland in upper center of your chest). When the old lower emotional Duality issues and energies have been burned away, transmuted, integrated and released into Neutrality, NEW higher frequencies replace them all. When these changes into the NEW take place, we often feel them as sudden patches (often large circles – chakra sized) of intense inner body cold that nothing warms up. Once we’ve integrated that particular NEW Light Energy at that area and level, we quickly warm back up. No fear, just let the higher frequency NEW energies take their place within you.

Inner Ear Ringing— Hearing constant inner ear, inside your head sounds of high-pitched ringing for days, weeks or months on end and for many years usually. This is typically caused by NEW Light Energies being transmitted by/through the Sun via solar flares, solar winds, solar storms and CMEs. I suggest that every time you experience this inner ear or inner head sound of ringing you double-check for yourself some website like to see what the Sun is doing at that time. You’ll see the connection between what you’re hearing (and most likely also feeling in your body too) in your head and the Sun transmitting higher frequency Light Energies. All this is another way the Ascension Process energies are naturally causing humanity to rather rapidly and dramatically evolve or “ascend”.

Sudden Nausea— These intense energetic evolutionary changes often cause sudden nausea. Try to relax through it and know it doesn’t last long. The nausea comes in sudden waves but leaves just as quickly.

Lack of Sleep, waking up repeatedly all night— With so much going on in your physical and energy bodies, we’re often suddenly shoved back into our physical body after having spent some hours out of it each night. That plus our old sleep patterns and needs of the past no longer apply or are helpful with these higher frequency energies and consciousness. Often we now sleep for fewer hours at night but also need to take cat naps during the day. You can receive hours of rest and recuperation now by being out-of-body for only a few minutes so allow yourself to take short naps throughout the day when needed and don’t worry about only getting 3-5 hours of sleep each night.

Sudden Food Allergies & other Ultra Sensitivities— It’s common to suddenly not be able to eat or drink or smoke or ingest the things you did prior to the start of your physical, biological Ascension Process. Your wild “party days” are probably over so just accept that you can’t abuse your body in your old favorite ways and/or eat or drink what you did before. Release the waffles, ice cream, beer, pot, the whatever it is for you that needs to now because it’s way too dense and low vibrating to be inside your evolving physical body. This is simply about the Alchemical Ascension Process and nothing personal, even though your favorite foods/drinks/activities have become toxic to the evolving you. Release, release, release.

Sudden Need for Heavy Protein Foods— Some people will experience the need to ingest more meats and heavy protein foods than they would like or ever want but this too is, for some, part of the Ascension Process. If your body is burning through large amounts of protein quickly due to all the inner transmuting of lower dense negativity in whatever form that takes, know that you’ve got to eat more high protein foods while you’re going through this phase of the Ascension Process. A couple teaspoons of peanut butter can help tremendously in a pinch. Find which protein foods your body can handle during this phase and forget about what any of the unaware, old school Food Police people say about anything. They’re not living what you are so how could they possibly council someone that is living the Ascension Process? They cannot so use your own discernment with foods (and everything else for that matter).

Hair Loss & Thinning— During the really intense stages of the Ascension Process some will experience some hair thinning which is caused from so much energy going into transmuting and evolving instead of your hair. This won’t last forever so try to not panic or go into mourning over your hair falling out. Let your body do what it is and know it will integrate and shine once again.

Weight Gain, Weight Loss— Some people unintentionally pack on the pounds like crazy during all these intense changes. For some it’s protection, padding against the harshness of The Process and for others it’s a side effect of so much hormonal change etc. Other people lose weight because they can’t eat much due to all the Ascension related symptoms. Either way, know that this too will eventually balance itself out. Forget about trying to look like what society says is “beautiful” while you’re embodying more of God/Source/your Higher Self!

Diarrhea— Some will experience periods of diarrhea due to all the energetic purging they’re going through. That plus what you can and cannot eat now while going through all this. Just know this too is common during (ongoing) phases of embodying more higher frequency Light Energies that cause us to purge more old lower frequency energies usually in the form of old emotional stuff/issues etc.

Lung Congestion & Coughing— Another common way our body purges toxins is through our lungs which means sometimes they suddenly become congested and filled with gunk that you cough up and out. Like the diarrhea, it’s all about purging old lower density so you can embody greater and greater amounts of NEW, higher frequency Light energies. As more NEW higher comes in, more old lower must be expelled.

Head Pains, Pressures & Numbness— With so much change taking place just in the human head/brain and brain glands, don’t be surprised when you feel pressures, pains, really sore bumps, lumps and dents on your skull, and numbness in parts of your head, skull, face and sinuses. There’s a tremendous amount of higher frequency Light Energies coming into you and your physical body via the space above your physical head and skull and it flows down into your body. You will most likely also feel it descending via your spine and that too creates pressures and pains in the spine at certain points. Know that your inner voltage is being naturally but dramatically increased and this typically causes different pains and pressures and aches etc. in the head, skull, face, sinuses and down into the spine and other parts of your body as well.

Blurry Eyes & Other Vision Changes— The NEW higher frequency Light Energies cause major evolutionary changes in our eyes and optic nerves and during this ongoing process it’s common to repeatedly experience blurred vision, dry eyes, itchy eyes, eye tearing, light sensitivity etc. It’s common to also experience not being able to clearly see when you go into lower vibrating locations, stores, buildings, homes etc. Because your eyes and vision is evolving, it sometimes is difficult to see clearly in lower frequency places so know this and don’t automatically assume that you’re loosing your sight. In a way you are, but it’s because you’re going to be able to See with greatly expanded Higher Vision.

Attacks by Negative Beings, Entities & living Humans— Many people experience this common Ascension related side effect. It has to do with the fact that you are evolving and rather quickly and these lower frequency Negative Beings/Entities/Humans etc. or Team Dark as I’ve called all of them, do not want to lose you as their food and fuel supply, so they attack anyone they sense that’s starting to “wake up” and evolve beyond their low-frequency range. This situation has however been GREATLY reduced by the Forerunners, the Lightworkers, the Pathpavers, the Wayshowers that went through all this years and decades before you. Some of it still exists however, but just know that this too is a level that you’ll pass through and beyond and that these lower negative beings, entities and unaware or damaged humans won’t be able to influence or affect you for much longer. Push through them and don’t look back as they’re not part of the NEW higher world and reality.

Strange Dreams, Attacks in Dreams, Lucid Dreams— Expect to have plenty of weird dreams during the Ascension Process. Also be prepared to experience some attacks and interference from the Negative beings/entities while asleep and out-of-body. It’s been easy for the negatives—Team Dark—to get at humans while they’re asleep and out of their physical bodies and some of this still exists at lower levels. However, as you continue evolving, this too will diminish and eventually disappear completely but,= it takes plenty of honest personal inner work on your part to move through this old dense layer of negativity. Protect yourself in whatever ways you prefer daily and nightly until you’ve evolved beyond the old Duality frequency range and discover you’ve made it to the higher frequency Unity range that exists well above and beyond it.

Growing Higher Awareness, HighHeart Consciousness & Abilities— It’s normal for humanities perceptual abilities and sensitivities to evolve during the Ascension Process. What many were totally unaware of and insensitive to before will suddenly be things they cannot escape, deny or ignore any longer. You will discover that you can feel other people, animals, all things and beings in this physical world and in nonphysical higher dimensions and worlds as well. This is your consciousness evolving and your HighHeart becoming the main seat and location of your perceptions and sense of Self. Let your HighHeart open and feel what you’ve not felt before. It’s sacred and further unifying but in individual ways. You won’t lose “you” because you can now feel more Others everywhere.

Inner Body Vibrations— This symptom is the one that confuses most people the most it seems. It’s also the one Ascension related side effect that lets you know you are indeed changing, evolving and quickly because you’re literally vibrating inside, buzzing inside, shaking vibrationally inside from the higher and faster frequency NEW Light Energies being embodied by you and your physical and energy bodies.

These inner body vibrations are you, literally, embodying higher frequency Light Energies that naturally cause you/me/humanity to exist at a faster, higher rate of speed/Light/being/reality. You are increasing your spin rate, your frequency rate, the amount of Light you could house in your physical body, brain, heart, nervous system, glands, bones and your being and consciousness. I’ve lived with this growing increase of embodied Light Energies since around 2001 or 2002 and I’m not only still buzzing, vibrating, shaking intensely internally today but it’s increasingly gotten more intense over the years as each of us continues embodying more Light which further decreases density and increases our individual inner/outer Light, frequency, consciousness and range of conscious functioning.

You’ll feel this higher, faster Light Energy inside your physical body in different areas at first but eventually it will be whole-body, whole-being. This is why we’re literally disappearing from the old lower frequency levels and densities of the past Earth world; we’re literally vibrating above them now. From that old lower point of view, we simply disappear; from our point of view, they disappear. Just continue vibrating faster and higher and don’t think this one to death either. Higher frequency beings, people, dimensions and certain things etc. simply vibrate faster than more dense beings, people, dimensions etc. do. This is you living the Ascension Process and feeling these changes and increases of frequency and Light inside your physical body.

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There are many, many more symptoms/side effects than these listed above. (See my other older articles about the Ascension symptoms if interested.) What’s more important for the people just beginning this Process now however is that you realize there are common symptoms we all go through, but we do so in our unique ways, which means we’ll each experience these and other symptoms in slightly different ways, intensities and duration. This is normal but don’t get hung up in your head, your old lower frequency left-brained intellect thinking the crap out of all these things. The Ascension Process is Alchemical and must be lived to change you, it is not and never will be an intellectual process. Live them and know that you’re being naturally and automatically evolved, changed by having lived them. It’s that simple, that difficult, that magical, that wonderful and that transformational.


January 31, 2016

Donations can be made HERE and Thank You for the energy exchange.

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gold hammered copyrightCopyright © Denise LeFay & TRANSITIONS, 2016. All rights reserved. You may NOT use this article in custom-made YouTube videos. You may copy & distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Here Comes the June 2013 Solstice

Just a quick note about a few things—

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1) Is that today–June 18, 2013–while carrying my trash outside to my trash barrels in my carport (the poor man’s garage), I couldn’t help but notice that the Light coming through the Sun has amplified yet again. I’ve watched this Process unfolding with the Sun for many years now and every time I see the brilliant higher frequency, star-like silver-white Light illuminating everything more than it had been the day before, I know we’re in the midst of another substantial shift up a few more energetic Stair-steps. This of course is wonderful news despite the fact that these higher frequency Light Energies typically make us feel like utter crap for a while. Whatever… who cares… just get a Divine Cosmic Photon Light Soul sunburn for a few hours or days. We’ve been doing it for over a decade already and look at how we’re radiating Light now!

Seriously, I find the timing of this latest Light increase coming through our Sun and then to and through us to be another indicator of what the Third Trimester (June 20, 2013 Solstice through to September 22, 2013 Equinox) will bring; a whole lot more higher frequency Light Energies! Why? Probably because the “baby” does so much very fast growing during the Third Trimester. As both the pregnant “mommy” and as the developing “baby”, are YOU ready for a whole lot of even faster growth during the last part of June, all of July and August, and the first half of September 2013 individually internally and externally? Of course you are, even when you think you aren’t you are. ❤  We all are. The great news is that we’re finally going to start actually seeing, recognizing larger positive changes in ourselves and our consciousness and abilities.

Many of us have been experiencing some new advanced Consciousness Tools manifesting within us during the Second Trimester. This will continue but increase and speed-up throughout the Third Trimester so be ready for plenty more changes within yourself, your “reality”, your consciousness, and your methods of perception and creativity. And also more anomalies or phenomena because of these changes. This is us starting to consciously embody more of the “baby” during the last trimester. How you’ve perceived time, power, other dimensions, other Beings, ETs, Angelic Beings etc. and much more will expand to new levels so be prepared to let go of whatever you may need to during these summer months (in the Northern Hemisphere) so that more of the NEW higher can come in and replace the old lower Consciousness Tools. Some of these changes you’ll expect–others will surprise you which will be fun and exciting.

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2) Is the old Stair-steps business. The Divine Cosmic Photonic Light and Sunlight shines on everyone–everyone standing on the Stair-step they’re currently standing on. How about making an effort to show some respect to all of the others standing on different Stair Steps both above and below where you are today? How about we all do this for ourselves and for each other? I bet we’ll each individually shine a lot brighter if we all collectively do this, especially during this important time of the June 2013 Solstice and entrance into the final Third Trimester. The profound changes that just doing that will cause and also assist everyone, is more than most can comprehend.

I’m very well-aware of how hard it’s been throughout the entire spring months (the Second Trimester) but this is us coming down to the wire people. Grin and bear it, go into your Heart, push through and please, lets all give each other some room and respect because we’re all standing on different Stair-steps trying to do this incomprehensible evolutionary thing in our individual ways and levels of development and awareness.


3) Some people are having one hell of a difficult time at this point because they’re trying to maintain their old familiar ways of doing/thinking/feeling/believing/working etc. but the higher frequency Light Energies are so much larger, faster vibrating, and more complex that it’s nearly shattering them mentally and/or emotionally. Do your best to stay out of their way if they meltdown, and hope you don’t have to interact much with them because it’s nearly impossible because of the growing gap. This too is part of the Ascension Process and ongoing energetic and everything else changes and some handle it better than others is all.

Again, make room for and have respect for everyone else going through what they’re going through… gracefully or otherwise! I remember Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians great term of ‘Fly or fry’. Some are flying and some are frying. Stand clear of the frying chaos and insanity as much as you can and radiate from your flying High Heart while keeping your heart consciousness on the high end results. Don’t worry about or focus too much on the September 2013 Equinox as we’re still in the game and the clocks running. We’ll talk more about the September 2013 Equinox and beyond in the coming weeks but for now, honestly and quickly deal with whatever it is that’s presenting itself to you in this important transitional Now Moment.


June 18, 2013

gold hammered copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2013. All Rights Reserved.

On the Other Side of the 12-21-2012 Three-Day Long Life Review & Expiration Date


2012 RECAP

You may remember that in January of 2012, I began doing Lisa Renee’s 12 D Shield Technique, and it was while doing that visualization that I first clairvoyantly saw the incredible density and total lock-down and control that Team Dark had over all of the second dimension (2D – Elements and Elementals). It was shocking to see this and realize how utterly and completely the Negatives had taken over 2D and so many beings that exist and/or were held prisoner there by them. All I clairvoyantly saw from January 2012 (I’m not saying this started in January 2012, but that that’s when I first saw to what extent 2D was controlled by the Negatives and how the Light was not allowed to penetrate into that dimension at that time), was total darkness, blackness and heavy density that resembled thick black tar everywhere. It was heart breakingly gross and suffocating in its heaviness and density.

However, since January 2012, I’ve watched week by week and month by month the immobile dense, black negativity within the second dimension be broken up, transmuted and cleared by the Cosmic Cavalry, the Light, and many of us Forerunners and Starseeds. From January through August 2012, I watched increasing chunks of that super heavy density, darkness, negativity in 2D and eventually the beings there — human, elemental, demonic, lesser negative entities, negative Aliens — be totally removed and relocated elsewhere. Every few days during those eight months I’d see that more of that density and darkness that Team Dark had built in 2D was being broken apart and removed, transmuted, freed and released etc. and it was an amazing process for me to witness in this expanded way throughout 2012. Needless to say, Team Dark went into intense attack mode to try and prevent or override all this but it’s been useless in not only 2D but 3D and 4D and all other locations where they have distorted and parasiteized off of Source’s many creations and externalized aspects — aka humans, animals, elemental beings etc. Remember that nothing happens in one dimension that’s not intimately connected to and through all other dimensions and beings that exist within them and so on. So even though I’m talking about what I watched unfold and be transmuted in 2D, know that it was also happening in all other dimensions too.

By July 2012, an all-out frantic battle was going on down there by Team Dark because The Light/Team Light was evicting Team Dark and removing all their distortions and stolen property. By September 2012 Fall Equinox, all the density, distortions, darkness, negativity and prisoners were gone and nothing but brilliant Light was clairvoyantly visible to me throughout all of 2D. From September 2012 forward all I’ve clairvoyantly seen when I view the multidimensional layers below my physical feet — 2D and 1D — is brilliant white Light everywhere. (This is why I wrote the article “Grounding into Light” recently in hopes of helping people realize that those old methods of grounding into dense 3D Earth no longer works because it’s all Light there now!) Amazing, absolutely amazing to watch this Process unfold in about nine months. Yes, these nine-month gestation transformation periods have been and still are very important clues about the timings of certain unfolding energetic events and changes. (Note: from December 21, 2012 Winter Solstice, the first day of the Three Days through to the Fall Equinox of September 22, 2013, is another nine months. More about that in a moment.)

This brings us up to today, December 26, 2012, the other side of the rare transitional Three-Day Living Life Review — and Expiration Date and Shift Point of 12-21-12, 12-22-12 and 12-23-12. Today when I clairvoyantly viewed the energetic situation around me, below me, above me, there is now nothing but brilliant Light everywhere and I mean everywhere. This brilliant Light is no longer just below my feet in 2D, and also emanating from the 1D Earth’s core now, but now that we’ve traveled through the “three days” all I can see below, around and above me is brilliant Light everywhere. Because of this I can easily and safely say that I have, that you have, that we have indeed transitioned, Shifted, exited/entered into a higher frequency space and location. Is this the Ascension end-all? No, but it’s one heck of a huge evolutionary shift in itself. Stair-steps remember?

12-12-12 — December 12, 2012


Before I forget again, I want to mention that I basically slept my way through the incredibly important 12-12-2012 portal. I was all ready for it then, whammo, I’m suddenly passed out for nearly five hours that day! Never in my adult life have I slept during the day for as long as I did on December 12, 201212-12-12. A lot happened energetically that day, so much so that many of us HAD to exit our physical bodies for many hours to more comfortably and quickly embody those energies and profound changes that took place on that day.

Even while asleep that day I was aware of and could feel tremendous energies coming in and through my body causing it to internally vibrate, shake, rumble and roar more strongly than it ever had prior, which is saying something! I slept through the majority of the December 12, 2012 12-12-12 portal which I suspect many other people did too. It was perfectly correct to live the 12-12-2012 energetic event while asleep and out-of-body which is often when Volunteers, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Forerunners do their very best Work. So cut yourself some slack if you too unexpectedly and abruptly fell asleep during the December 2012 triple 12’s and feel you “didn’t DO enough”. Know that you most certainly did and you did it just fine and didn’t miss out on anything. Our beliefs about lots of things must and are expanding so be open to even more changes within yourself, your spiritual ascension, time, and Shift beliefs plus a whole lot more having to letting go of.

THE THREE DAYS — December 21, 22, 23, 2012 Living LIFE REVIEW

I cannot tell you or define for you (nor would I) exactly what happened during the Three Days — 12-21-12, 12-22-12, 12-23-12 of 2012. I can only share with you what I personally experienced, perceived, felt and am still discovering about this profound event, transition, expiration, shift, completion, ending and beginning, living ascension death Life Review. Your mileage will vary because we’re each unique individuals, unique aspects of Source/God/All That Is and every individual’s experience and perception is important and valid in its unique way. If Source/God/All That Is wanted us all to have the same identical experience and perception, then there would only be One of us, whereas there are countless aspects of us so that Source/God/All That Is gains as many unique experiences and perspectives as possible and more.

I know it’s hard sometimes to get one’s awareness out of the old familiar pre-ascension 3D linear time perspective, but the Three Days Expiration Date and Shift Point did exactly that even if we’re not all experiencing non-linear or quantum time and/or Spherical Consciousness yet, or the same degree, or in the same identical way(s). Again, more changes and expansions to all of our old spiritual and ascension beliefs. We’re new beings in a new land in a new timeline and space and it’s no doubt going to take us all some linear time to adapt to, further expand our perceptions, plus get the hang of these new higher “rules” for this new higher stage of learning, creating and being.

The December 2012 Three-Day Long Alive LIFE REVIEW For Me Was…

For me personally the first day of the Three Days was full of energetic, psychic, mental and emotional interference from mass humanity. I semi-expected that as a sensitive I would feel, sense and/or be somewhat affected by mass humanities expectations, fears, confusions, religious delusions, general disbelief, rejections and lack of Higher Awareness about December 21, 2012. I basically felt huge psychic noise from humanity concerning December 21, 2012 for many hours that first day of the Three-Day long Life Review. At one point during the day I even started becoming depressed, frustrated and angry at the political mentally and emotionally ill people running this country. That was me picking up the Expiration Date of the global patriarchy and its structures and systems, plus plenty of people also being all done with the insanity of the rulers and their negative ways.

Thankfully I suddenly fell asleep around 11:30 AM until 3:00 PM which helped me move beyond that layer of collective emotional and mental negative interference “noise”. The rest of December 21, 2012 was for the most part for me, a crap day sort of like experiencing an unsophisticated, semi-sloppy physical death. After clairvoyantly seeing for the past two years the image of this crossover Shift Point, I guess I expected more impact from entering it. My first mistake, if one can call it that for an event such as this, was my preconceived expectations. I think all of us got hit in varying degrees with that one and that’s also perfectly fine. Adjustments were automatically made repeatedly throughout these transitional Three Days just like we knew what we were doing. Amazing.

12-22-12 FOR ME WAS…

December 22, 2012 from midnight through the early AM hours until I woke up consisted of many dreams that were other aspects of my Three Days personal Life Review. During those early 12-22-12 AM hours I met with many old physical human friends, teachers and loved ones that I haven’t even thought of in decades, a couple of them I’d actually forgotten altogether! It was wonderful and emotionally felt so good and positive seeing those particular people again and having the opportunity to hug each of them while we revealed to each other how dear and important the other person had been in our current physical lives. These many different December 22, 2012 lucid dream reunion and gratitude meetings with old physical friends were another very important aspect of my personal alive and in-body Life Review.

From 12-12-12 through 12-23-12 — December 12, 2012 through December 23, 2012 — was for me one continuous Life Review both while I was awake and asleep.

While awake I repeatedly found myself in a deep inner state of Gratitude and Thanks with each animal and animal pet I’ve ever had and loved throughout this lifetime. In many ways my love affairs and relationships have been stronger and deeper with animals than humans, which many Volunteers and Starseeds etc. understand and relate to. From 12-12-12 through 12-23-12 I naturally found myself going through this inventory process of mentally and emotionally saying my Gratitude Thanks to every animal and animal pet I’ve ever had a relationship with in this life which was highly emotionally satisfying and appropriate. This was simply another aspect of my personal alive Three-Day long Life Review.

The daytime hours of 12-22-12 into that evening were, for me, feeling better and free from the previous days interference’s, mild depression and frustrations I’d felt coming from the human planetary collective primarily. December 22, 2012 was easier for me and very much felt like I was deep in transition and it was an extremely positive and comfortable feeling.

12-23-12 FOR ME WAS…

December 23, 2012, day three of the Three-Day Life Review and my 61st birthday, started out with my having a weird long dream in the early AM hours. It consisted of many frightened strangers frantically running about trying to get away from, escape from some perceived approaching disasters or attacks and other unpleasant types of physical experiences. The message of this dream for me personally was that these panicked strangers were actually not in any way threatened by any real danger but were REACTING to what they believed and feared might harm them but never actually did.

The truth of the matter was that they repeatedly injured themselves physically while frantically running away from those things and events that they believed and/or expected were coming and would very much injury or kill them. Nothing came, they only succeeded in injuring their bodies because of their emotional fears, panic and lack of awareness.

December 23, 2012 daytime hours and for every up there’s a down at least until one is totally beyond duality! Please, no one feel bad or sad for me because my birthday — December 23rd and the final day of the Three-Day Life Review — was utter shit and emotional pain and ridiculousness for me. I don’t feel bad, sad or guilty so please don’t anyone feel that way either. I know very well that for every decent into the Shit Pit as I’ve call it, I always come back up with new treasures in hand, heart and awareness.

Because I’ve done this Plutonian Shit Pit Decent Diving hundreds of times in this life, I’m pretty good at it actually, but I must admit that experiencing it on this particular day was profoundly amplified compared to anything I’ve ever experienced before while down in the Muck Pit of Ridiculousness and Darkness or whatever one wants to call it. I wouldn’t have expected anything less to be honest. Not even a tiny speck of residual inner emotional imbalanced crap can get past this Grand Initiation Threshold Alignment nor should it. I do intend however to no longer do this old Shit Pit Decent Diving method any longer to solve whatever remaining emotional reactionary stuff I have that needs transmuting and neutralizing. Enough already — it’s now time to learn and master the higher frequency ‘Neutral Observer’‘ method instead.

I won’t go into all the stupid family details, and trust me, they were pretty stupid but who should judge our personal and potential greatest freedom triggers! I certainly won’t because I know better. So I had some personal old triggers get activated on my 61st birthday which just so happened to also be the final day of the Three Days Life Review. Actually, they were a blessing because my emotional reaction (therein lies the big clue) was so profoundly amplified that the whole business (myself and my reactions to these particular triggers) repulsed me right into greater self-awareness and greater higher awareness in general. Such are the higher intent and point of “triggers” if we’re wise enough to use them to further grow.

Did I unnecessarily wound myself like those strangers did in my dream hours earlier? You bet I did emotionally, but I also lived through this highly amplified intensity at the speed of Light and was able to feel, deal, heal, understand, neutralize and release the stuff I needed to. However, here’s to not injuring oneself physically, emotionally, mentally or in any way ever again for any reason. Seriously, this is boring at this point not to mention embarrassing, so I hope I’ve finally learned how to remain neutral from here on out no matter who or what suddenly jumps out at me with whatever ridiculousness in hand or mouth! My deepest thanks to all the players in this very important personal education, test and potential ultimate freedom 12-23-2012 birthday trigger.

It may at first sound like my personal Three-Day long living Life Review were a total bust, a total screw-up or a pathetic missed opportunity but to me they were actually great Initiatic lessons and Life Reviews that further assisted me in getting and remaining free from those things we’re all working towards freeing ourselves from. We rarely look as fabulous as we might like to while in the midst of more inner transmuting and learning. Whatever, just do it and keep moving forward. blowcandle


From December 12, 2012, 12-12-12 to this minute I’ve experienced bouts of extreme inner freezing cold in my body much like a “Cold Flash”. It’s internal cold, not external weather-related. This particular ascension symptom is one huge change for me because since February 1, 1999 when my physical, biological Dark Night of the Body Ascension Process started, I’ve had nearly constant severe inner body heat. I had “Hot Flashes” constantly for ten years since 1999. By year eleven the Hot Flashes had reduced to only occasionally which was a huge blessing after burning for an entire decade! On top of all that inner body heat and Hot Flashes, I also had many years of my feet and the bottoms of my feet especially (also my hands) being so hot that I couldn’t wear shoes for ten years. I had to wear flip-flops otherwise my feet would get so hot that it was unbearable. When higher frequency Light Energies come in contact with lower frequency dense duality stuff it causes tremendous friction and HEAT and Hot Flashes etc. to Alchemically transmute and literally burn away that density in and around us, hence why many of us have been on Kundalini fire for over a decade.

But since around 12-12-12 I’ve been experiencing more and longer bouts of freezing inner cold which radiates outward just like “Hot Flashes” do. These bouts of inner cold are wonderful in comparison to the inner HEAT caused by transmuting 3D duality density. To me it’s a nice change because I’d rather feel internal cold than heat any day. The reason I mention this now is because I know many of you reading this have been and/or will soon be experiencing these same energetic Shift symptoms of freezing inner cold too. This inner cold many of us are now feeling has to do with us no longer needing to transmute lower frequency residual density via inner Alchemical Fire, but us Shifting, Evolving, Ascending into higher frequency space that registers in our bodies like extreme inner cold, sort of like empty deep space every time we enter another level of it.

Interestingly, the day after the Three Days — December 24, 2012 — one of our two battery operated atomic wall clocks got weird and jumped two days into the future. On the morning of 12-24-12 it read 12-26-12 which made my mom’s brain fracture for a few minutes as she tried to figure out if she’d lost two days or more or what exactly was going on.

After checking the batteries and playing with the clock to try to get it back to the correct date, she finally had to reset it manually because nothing else was working. When this first happened we checked all the other clocks, the clocks on the computer, the clocks on the satellite TV etc., because we really weren’t sure what was going on with “time” at that time. I said to my mom, “We’ll have to see if anything happens or is significant on 12-26-12 just for the heck of it.” 

The morning of 12-26-12 I glanced at the other battery-operated atomic wall clock we have in the kitchen and it read 12-28-12 and my brain fractured for a few minutes as I fumbled with time and reality and trying to locate myself within it! Therein lies the key to this anomaly but time will tell more I suspect.

This second atomic clock also has new batteries in it, which I tested to make sure they were strong enough as I did with Mom’s atomic clock in her bedroom on 12-24-12. The batteries in both atomic clocks are new, strong, fine and working properly. The clocks however are jumping two days into the future — from our point of perception that is. Once again, I’ll check to see if anything different happens on 12-28-12. (Okay, today is 12-28-12 and both atomic clocks are reading normally now with no more jumping two days into the future. I suspect these clock/time anomalies had something to do with the Three Days plus the annual Galactic Center conjunction and ascension downloads that take place right before every December Solstice.)

My eating habits have suddenly changed due to the Three Days, Expiration Date Shift Point. Some of us are experiencing food changes now, while others will experience them in their uniquely individual ways over the weeks, months and years to come. Just be prepared to have the foods and liquids you’ve needed to ingest during the HOT, heavy, difficult transmuting stages of the Ascension Process to dramatically change now that we’ve reached this NEW higher stage that’s feeling like inner COLD inside at times. Many of us Forerunners are no longer having to or needed to transmute massive amounts of density duality as we have for many years and because of this our eating habits have change rather dramatically and very suddenly (hallelujah!). Those of you still transmuting your density duality stuff will most likely still need to eat more protein foods more often which is normal for that phase of this Process, while others are in an in between phase with this. Stair Steps.


I’ve heard many people say this post December 21, 2012. My question to everyone who believes this is, “Really? How do you know that you’re still in 3D?”

I and many of you have been existing within pockets of 5D frequency for many years already and when we’ve needed to we went out into transitioning physical 3D reality to shop, put gas in the car, buy groceries, go to the doctor or whatever. But when we returned back to our higher vibrating, higher frequency houses/homes/properties we reentered our personal little “sequestered” 5D energy spaces and continued working and waiting for the others. In this way you haven’t been in 3D for years so why do you believe, on the other side of the Three Days, that you’re still “in 3D”?  

Just because the sky is still blue and traffic is still noisily zooming around and you still have to eat, sleep, shower and do all those other lovely bodily things we all still have to, and that the evils of the old world are still visible to us does NOT mean that you, me, many of us are not existing and functioning from within a fifth dimensional level of frequency now. We are, and more and more of us will realize this as the months of 2013 roll on.

This brings us back to those old beliefs and expectations again. We’re in a very new learning curve now and continuing to make more adjustments, adaptations, realizations and greater understandings as we gradually come out of the Other Side of the Three Days and Expiration Date. There will undoubtedly be many more articles to come about these new changes, new rules, new abilities, new methods, new beliefs and belief systems etc. This is long already so I’ll end it here and wish you all a very Happy New Year and NEW 2013 Life and Reality.

Denise Le Fay

December 29, 2012

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice are included. 

Multidimensional Crimes Against Humanity

Because some readers had commented about the complex, confusing and sometimes downright difficult multidimensional subject matter in Lisa Renee’s May 2012 article “Pushing for Timelines”, I thought I’d try to explain some of it based on my personal experiences and some of the incredibly horrible things I’ve clairvoyantly seen in months and years past. This article will be another that seems to go in multiple strange directions yet these subjects are all intimately connected and multidimensional so please hang in as you read through these events that affect us all.

Old Message from a Positive 8D Orion

Back in the 1990’s I had a few telepathic messages from a much-loved old 8D Orion friend. Because there’s been so much negativity surrounding Orion, I’ve not said much about this positive eighth dimensional being because of this. He told me back in the mid-90’s that in the future I’d have to psychologically, emotionally and energetically deal with some very dark and difficult multidimensional history in relation to certain negative, Orion-based beings. He didn’t go into detail at that time, but was trying to prepare me for when I would have to know, see, remember, integrate and transmute some of it. That ‘future time’ he spoke of has grown for me since 2009. It seemed the closer we got to the 2012 Ascension Expiration date and shift timeline the more this, and plenty of other negative multidimensional Alien activities, have needed to be consciously remembered, integrated and dealt with now like it or not, believe it or not, want to or not.

As our consciousness evolves and expands, we’re increasingly remembering more of our multidimensional memories from other timelines, events, actions and hijacked timelines crafted by negative Alien beings. Many of these negative Alien’s actions are nearly incomprehensible to us due to the extent of the evil they’ve done to humanity. I know how hard many of these negative Alien’s past and present actions and agendas are for many Starseeds/Forerunners/Energy Transmuters to even comprehend and cope with consciously, but, this is the phase and level we’re at now and many of us have to remember more and consciously admit to the scope of negativity that is “normal” to Team Dark members. I know how hard it is for most of us to even have this type of awareness in our minds and hearts because they simply do not fit due to their profound negativity and parasitic qualities. This is how “alien” negativity in general is to us, but we’ve been Working very long and hard to energetically override, disintegrate and permanently remove them.

Positive Grey Aliens

I mentioned briefly in A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution that I’ve had a few conscious telepathic inter-dimensional meetings with a couple of positive Grey ETs. Like the positive Orion’s, the positive Grey’s aren’t something I’ve talked much about publicly either because there’s been so much confusion and distortions with these particular ET groups (and no doubt some others as well). Throw in multiple timelines and any topic becomes vastly more confusing and difficult to discuss. Because Lisa Renee mentioned them again in her May 2012 article, and because I know there’s plenty more information and awareness about our multidimensional Selves and other ET neighbors coming to the surface of increasing numbers of Starseeds and Indigo’s consciousness now and in the months ahead (and humanity eventually as well), I figured I’d talk a bit more about some of my experiences and current perceptions about this. Remember however that I too am going through this further 2012 expansion of multidimensional consciousness, personal multidimensional and multiple timeline memories integration and current Starseed Ascension Work now also.

There were many times before the start of my physical Ascension Process in February 1999, that I felt some strange familiarity in my physical human Denise body with certain positive Grey ETs. This familiar body awareness has always felt to me just like what having a “past life memory” feels of being in an opposite sex human body to the one you have in this life, and/or with different human racial features, skin color, hair, eyes, musculature, bone structure etc. [The quote(s) below are all from Lisa Renee’s May 2012 article]

“There are many factions of Grey Aliens, so please know that most of the benevolent ones have been human in the past, or have chosen peaceful evolution.”

The couple of times in decades past when one of these positive Greys would etherically show up while I was awake, it felt like having an old best friend unexpectedly drop in for a visit. For those of you reading this and whose hearts are beating faster because of it and are second guessing whether Denise is one of the “good guys” or one of the “bad guys”, please realize that due to all I’ve been through in this life I can feel, sense and know the energetic difference between the “good guys” and the “bad guys”, be they Greys or any others. I can tell from the energies they radiate or don’t radiate and/or try to cloak.

The Negatives or Team Dark as I call all of them, can cloak or try to hide their energies from Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigos but you can still sense and feel either the great negativity they radiate or the great lack of Light within them. I’ve learned that when a non-physical Being(s) shows up and I feel nothing emanating from it/them, it’s because they’re cloaked and/or hiding behind their created False Light. This False Light looks like bright white light from a physical fluorescent light bulb and has zero energy coming from it because it’s empty, fake, inorganic.

Positive Beings emanate such delicious positive, abundant and expansive Light/Love/Life-force that it’s sometimes overwhelming or intoxicating to us in physicality and we’ll sometimes fall asleep (exit our physical bodies) in their etheric presence if the energy gap between us is too great for us to cope with. Not so with Team Dark! You sense you’re in deep shit when they show up and that you’re in for a real fight for your life and life-force with them. Huge difference between Team Light and Team Dark and it’s easy to feel the potent differences in both multidimensional Groups of Beings. And as long as it’s needed, get intimately familiar with how both groups and energies feel so you’ll know in an instant whose really in your space.

April 2012 Multidimensional Inner Earth Changes

It was in early April that I noticed something had suddenly changed and was continuing to change every time I did Lisa Renee’s “12 D Shield” technique. The point in it where you visualize your platinum 6-pointed (mer ka ba) star going down into the center of the Earth to connect with it was where I saw things looked and felt very different. Compared to what I’d always seen before, now the inner Earth had changed colors, density and energy and was looking and feeling to me like all hell had broken loose down there! I didn’t know what exactly was happening down around the Earth’s core energetically in early April 2012, but I could tell by the sudden and drastic color and energy changes that something big and very positive was unfolding. [from Lisa Renee’s May 2012 article about this]

“Approximately Mid April, the main hub networks of the Mira Flores Grey Alien technology base was systematically annihilated to prevent the May 1st Beltaine Agenda.”

After a few days of clairvoyantly seeing and feeling that the old inner Earth colors I’d always seen when I envisioned my star going down into the Earth had changed, I began investigating in an attempt to better understand what was happening down there. For however long it’s been that I’ve been visualizing Lisa’s 12 D Shield technique, the other-dimensional inner Earth area has always looked to me like a dense, dirty, unpleasant and terribly congested dark brick-red color with matching dense frequency energies. After some thought about this in April, I realized how stereotypically “hell-like” it actually looked down there which, amazingly, I hadn’t even considered prior assuming it to be “normal”. But when I saw that dark brick-red color and dense low-frequency congestion down within the Earth being broken up in mid April, I knew one old non-physical location of earthly “hell” was in the process of being permanently removed by multidimensional Team Light members.

Physical location-wise where what I was seeing, feeling and even Working on myself during April corresponded to within physical reality didn’t enter the picture for me. I knew I’d been Working deep within the Earth in another dimension fixing rocks, (yep I said fixing rocks! It was so natural at the time but sounds weird when I say it) connecting energy lines and mopping-up down there in other dimensional inner Earth areas. During April I saw the old dense brick-red colors replaced with bright and vibrant white, light yellow and light green swirling colors of Light and very positive higher frequency energies down there. A few weeks later when I read Lisa Renee’s May 2012 article I knew it was connected to what’s happened in and around the physical areas in Peru she talked about and the corresponding other-dimensional areas.

Vlad the Impaler & Multidimensional Negative Alien Actions & Parasitism

Some of you may remember a 2009 article I wrote about an abnormally disturbing and highly amplified reaction I had to only partially watching a TV docudrama about Vlad the Impaler.

[ ]

At the time I was surprised by how deeply I was emotionally affected by this TV program describing how people’s physical bodies were pushed onto wooden poles much like how we skewer pieces of beef onto metal skewers for kabobs. Sorry, I know how disturbing and difficult this topic is, believe me, but we’ve got to go there so some more of what’s happened and is currently happening, and some of what’s being dismantled now makes better sense to greater numbers of us on a conscious level.

Because of my extreme reaction to watching parts of this TV docudrama about Vlad the Impaler, I knew there was something else underneath that was the greater original source of my emotional pain and repulsion towards Vlad’s physical actions in the physical world. I knew I had to investigate this matter deeper to find out why this particular Vlad the Impaler topic affected me to the degree it did. The moment I consciously decided to find the deeper level source of this profound repulsion and terror, I found myself in the Astral plane (4D) viewing a vast area of blackness with something resembling a massive fish net cast across the empty space and pinned in place. To me this particular space and fish net was massive and could have covered hundreds of physical miles. How large it was in 4D I couldn’t tell you other than it was massive and stretched out far and wide.

Caught on and trapped in this massive Astral trap net were a few intact human bodies, far more human body parts, plus unrecognizable chunks of human flesh. I saw arms, hands, legs, feet, torsos, heads, and just sections of human flesh that were still producing energies even in this mutilated condition. Every piece was extremely valuable to Team Dark (the negative non-human, non-physical Aliens). Each one of these human body parts and pieces of human flesh impaled and trapped in this massive Astral net were producing energy which Team Dark has used/uses like batteries to fuel many of their dark distorted, self-serving trans-dimensional systems.

A few years ago when I clairvoyantly viewed this massive Astral net with human body parts impaled upon it I had another personal Matrix movie moment where Neo wakes up for the first time, looks out around him and sees the hundreds of thousands of other asleep humans (batteries) that the machine beings parasite off of to power their world and its systems. It was a horrific moment for me having to see the real life version of this consciously and acknowledge it as an actual multidimensional fact and reality. As I viewed these billions of human body parts and bits of human flesh impaled on this massive Astral net, I hated more than I ever have and simultaneously wanted to end this inter-dimensional, multiple body murder, mutilation and heinous thievery more than I wanted my next breath. Stair Steps within the Ascension Process, and, Stair Steps within our Starseed/Lightworker/Indigo conscious awareness and multiple timeline memories also.

Multidimensional Responsibilities

Every time we hear about human suicide bombers, car bombs, landmines, mine fields, grenade explosions, bomb explosions and any other patriarchal warring tools designed to kill, mutilate and blast to bits other living humans, know that those etheric human body parts and pieces of exploded flesh are energetically caught and utilized like this by non-physical Team Dark. Even if the human lost a limb(s) but survived physically, these etheric body parts are caught and held in these other-dimensional Astral nets where they’re USED by negative, non-physical Aliens and other non-physical parasitic entities for the organic energy they naturally produce. Every inch of us in every dimension (physical, emotional, mental etc.) is holographic and contains all of Source, all of the All That Is in it. Every inch of us is profoundly multidimensionally potent and important and produces energy even when physically ripped from our physical bodies and exploded to bits.

Human psyches and souls can be blown to bits also just like physical bodies are in physical wars, accidents, explosions, murders, tortures etc. (9/11 was created to do this and create and fuel another of Team Dark’s offshoot timelines, plus all the other physical dimension things that came from it as well.) In these cases the souls are fragmented as if an etheric bomb tore them apart and they too are caught, impaled and used by Team Dark in other dimensions for the same reasons as etheric human body parts are; they produce energy which the negative Aliens and entities use as fuel and food. There’s physical trauma which rips apart physical human bodies but because humanity is multidimensional there’s also emotional, mental, psychological and etheric body and/or soul fragmentation and trauma that also happens. Team Dark has utilized humanities multidimensional bodies—not only their physical bodies or physical body parts.

The Truth—although oftentimes a real bitch—Will Set You Free

Remember Lisa Renee’s March 2012 article entitled “How Much Are You Willing To Know?” When I first saw that title I chuckled to myself because I knew it meant all of us were entering another phase of having to consciously know more. For me the first thing I needed to be more consciously aware of arrived through one of my readers sharing a link in a Comment for another reader. What I found interesting was how I instantly reacted emotionally to that link. I hadn’t even clicked on it but I instantly had one big emotional reaction to it while not even consciously knowing what it was about. Typically that’s a big clue that something important—and most likely unpleasant in some way—was right around the corner.

It took me about three days of squirming and complaining to myself before I finally clicked that link and went to consciously face whatever information was there that I needed to know now. What I found at that website was some information that fully explained an event that I experienced in 2004 — a mere 48 hours after we moved out of our old house and into the one we’re still in today.

Those of you who’ve read A Lightworker’s Mission know the back-story. For those of you who haven’t read it, very briefly, I and my Mom lived under intense demonic attack from April 2000 to June 2004. These attacks were manifested on the physical plane via two male next-door neighbors, Portal People renters who moved in April 2000. Only one year into my physical Ascension Process and these two very low frequency humans are manipulated by Team Dark to move in next-door to us, and because they were already the property of a demonic entity, it turned its focus on me immediately and less intensely on my Mom. Problem was that I was so wrecked due to all the severe Ascension energies and symptoms that I didn’t perceive they were both controlled by a demon. Assholes totally, possessed no. That dangerous lack of awareness almost cost me my life. By 2004, my Grid Work in that physical location where our old house was located was completed, but I was hanging on by a thread due to the extreme Ascension Process I’d been going through from February 1999, coupled with constant etheric and physical demonic attacks on top of it all.

Quite simply, I got my ass handed to me repeatedly for those four years until I was able to regain enough mental focus to finally even think to do etheric level Energy Protection. Sad but true. You wanna know what the Negatives whisper in our etheric ears oftentimes? “This is normal, this is natural, don’t do anything, don’t move, don’t do anything, this is normal, this is natural…”.  Only hours after I first put up Astral etheric energy protections around our property, house, and myself, the demon clairvoyantly revealed itself to me after four years of hiding from me this way. Yes, I said hours. Once I clairvoyantly saw it I realized I was—and had been—in deep trouble and now that it had revealed itself to me, the Duality war would unfold with a fervor it hadn’t earlier. That was when we decided to sell that house and move because I knew I wouldn’t physically survive if we didn’t. [For more information see A Lightworker’s Mission: The Journey Through Polarity Resolution (2010).]

Within 48 hours of moving into our new house in another city in 2004, I came under demonic attack again, but in a very different way.

There I am in 2004 our new house thoroughly cleaning it before we moved the furniture in. We needed a gas line installed for the clothes dryer so I asked my son if he knew of anyone who could do that job for us. He did and call his plumber friend to come over and give us an estimate for the work. Mind you, it’s only been 48 hours since Mom and I escaped our old house and four years of demonic attacks while struggling with living the ongoing Ascension Process.

I hear a really loud car coming and my son says that’s his friend the plumber coming. I looked out the window and saw his car half a block away but couldn’t see him at all. In the next nanosecond I was totally and completely “in love” with this never before seen young man. I’ll never forget how conscious I was in that moment that, somehow, I was being manipulated to “fall in love” with this male stranger I’d never seen before and did not know at all. I was furious and resisted as hard as I could but couldn’t stop myself from feeling this way about the stranger driving towards my “new” (old) house to install a gas line. I was that acutely aware that something abnormal was happening to me in those few seconds but I didn’t know what, who, or why it was happening. Long and embarrassing story short, I had a sudden and intense “crush” on this poor young male stranger despite how hard I tried not to. I know over the weeks he did other plumbing work for us that he felt me and the energies building between us and didn’t want any of it either. Thankfully near the end of the bathroom plumbing jobs he ran away which was a blessing because it ended this form of Team Dark attack on me and general misery for him. But I didn’t put the invisible negative manipulation pieces together back in 2004 to realize that manipulating humans emotionally in these sorts of romantic and sexual ways is profoundly easy for Team Dark and more common than anyone would believe.

The LINK & Needing To Know More

So I’m getting more and more angry at this link someone left in a Comment a few weeks ago and I’m well-aware that my irrational anger is a clue to something else underneath. Just like with that young plumber stranger, I was emotionally affected by this link before I even clicked on it. After a few days I finally did click on it and found myself at Eve reading a few of her articles about what she calls the “Alien Love Bite”. This of course was the information I needed at the end of April 2012, concerning my sudden strange June 2004 crush obsession over the young plumber stranger. My god those unrelenting Team Dark bastards! And just how much are you willing to know?

While reading about these sorts of negative alien manipulations termed “Alien Love Bites”, I was so angry that I’d been had yet again by Team Dark. After the initial anger I realized how foolish I’d been not realizing that if Team Dark can do what all they have to humanity, Starseeds, Lightworkers, Indigos then they can very easily manipulate and direct human romantic and sexual relationships too. In my case with this young plumber in 2004, it was a derailment tactic intended to distract me as a Starseed working on the Ascension timeline. I was able to shake off the deliberately created “crush” on this guy but it still bothered me for a long time because I’d always known that none of it actually came from me, that none of it was legitimate and real. This emotional romantic manipulation done to me by Team Dark was—compared to the demonic entity trying to kill me or drive me mad—a small speed bump in the Ascension road. But, like so many of us, I needed to consciously know this particular information which fully explained my sudden, 48 hours after moving, unwanted obsessive crush on that young man stranger.

Moving Right Along

I started writing this article in early May but so much has happened throughout this month that it was repeatedly put on the back burner. As much as I don’t even want to talk about these types of negative things any more, I need to occasionally, and many of you reading this need to hear about them for whatever your current personal reasons. So, there’s another chunk of the icky, negative trans-dimensional crap so let’s move on because the May 20, 2012 Eclipse and Alcyone alignment and planetary “reboot” is still working its transformational magic on us all.

I wanted to briefly add here that since the May 20th Eclipse alignments I’ve had some old Ascension symptoms flare back up again as I know many of you have too. I’ve had the head pains and pressures again, not as severe as years past but there nonetheless. I’ve also been having mild Hot Flashes again which, thankfully, had diminished greatly over the past three years but they’re back again. Also the head dizzies or that sense of falling or tipping over in slow motion. And the old Morning Sickness nausea business is back again, along with the pain in the spine and different joints. Let us not forget the seemingly unending exhaustion! Another old Ascension symptom I had for ten years has returned thanks to the Eclipse energies and it’s that feeling of going into a mild state of shock; cold, sweaty, clammy and slightly nauseous. And the food/eating/digesting business has reached a new level of misery too since the May 20th Eclipse which I know many of you are experiencing also.

Because we oftentimes forget that moving through these major transitions such as the May 20, 2012 Eclipse alignments, that they naturally activate major physical body changes in us all too. I wanted to mention that this is why many of us have had Ascension-related symptoms reappear recently and/or some new ones manifest as well. Gads, and we’ve still got all the major June 2012 energy events to traverse! Hang in there my friends.

Denise Le Fay

May 25, 2012

copyright black square Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2012. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author(s) and you include this URL and Copyright Notice is included. 

Ascension & Earning Money


Hello again!!! Hello to Everyone here and boy do I feel you. Thank-you so much for your helpful reply’s to my last comment/question. I do have more questions and would like your guidance again, please.
It seems that many of us lightworkers/starseeds/wayshowers etc., have been moved around, suffered all these symptoms and wondered if we were going crazy, have been alienated by those still asleep and overall have felt that we do not belong anywhere and have no idea how to proceed into the future (the last two resonates strongly with me–I do not want to speak for others) , yet HERE WE ARE trying to figure it all out. With all that going on in our lives, for some us now going on 20 years, it seems that most of us have another issue to deal with and no one really talks about it, so I am going to ask you to please enlighten me/us on the topic of financially struggling just to survive. I read a lot of sites and those asking this question, rarely get an answer of any substance.

I mean really on top of everything we are going thru, with barely enough energy to put a sentence together, (again my issue). It has been just baffling to me that no matter how hard I work, no matter how hard I try, no matter how much I meditate on it and ask for guidance by my higher self and my spirit guides–I cannot break free from it–in fact it just gets worse and the hits just keep on coming and like I have indicated, it seems that the majority of us aware of and/or working on ascension are going thru this. Please tell me/us why? I am doing something wrong?

I take responsibility for my beliefs, mainly that our planet’s money structure is designed to fail due to greed and power issues and mostly because the Dark Ones just print money to keep control of us. Zeitgeist and all that. I am just tired of it and I really would like a detailed answer to why we must continue to financially struggle. I am exhausted, like many of us here and I don’t know how much more I can take. Thanks for listening. Take Care, Love, Peace & Light to all,


This was a Comment written by Valerie about a month ago or so. Sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to this Valerie.

The greedy money and ascension business… Those of us who’ve been living–transmuting and embodying–the Ascension Process the longest are the ones who’ve had the hardest time being able to earn money to survive each month. It’s nearly impossible to go through the many ascension symptoms and maintain you’re old ways, habits, awareness, ego, level of consciousness, ability to talk, think, write and actually make sense, not to mention hold down a job and act like you’re NOT living the Ascension Process! Just with the mind/intellect and ego dismantling that the Ascension Process naturally causes makes it nearly impossible to remember your name or what year or decade it is, so how in the hell is one supposed to go to work every day and earn money during all this? It seems a cruel and unusual punishment doesn’t it?

We set up pre-incarnational situations for ourselves so we could live/embody/anchor the Ascension Process in 3D physically but not end up having to live under some freeway over-ramp or starve or freeze while doing so! At that level we had a pretty good idea of what we were getting ourselves into (kind of) before we incarnated or reincarnated in these current lives and time and we covered our physical butts (in multiple ways) to help us be able to do what we Volunteered to do here on Earth now. But, as we all know, doing something in dense physicality is a very different thing from planning to do it from those non-physical higher dimensions!

We Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers Volunteered to come to 3D Earth physicality now to provide an energetic way out of the madness and negativity that physical life has become over the past few thousand years. We came to carve a Path of Light out of the darkness and negativity, the greed, insanity, distortion and vampirism. We Volunteered to incarnate physically and “go where Angles fear to treadto help humanity and all life on Earth and Earth herself and so much more. We did not do this to perpetuate or improve the Goddess/females/feminine/Earth-hating patriarchy and their negative, corrupt systems, one of which is money and how it’s been used to control and derail humanity.

In most of our cases we’re living through our Ascension Process doing all we do, and for the most part, barely getting by financially. Many of us created pre-incarnational spiritual living arrangements and working conditions with certain other people and/or mates who would help us and/or financially support us while we do the Alchemical transmuting of the old and embodying of the new first. (I’ve often suggested to people who’ve questioned me about this money problem while struggling with the Ascension Process, that they try to share living expenses with someone — roommates, family, friends etc. — they can tolerate and trust while they themselves transmute and embody the ascension energies for humanity.)

It’s amazed me how there was, and still is in some circles, a big push by some so-called spiritual teachers/writers/lectures to learn how to attract wealth and/or abundance while the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process has been happening (1987–the end of 2012). Again, we’re not here to fix or improve or get the patriarchal greed monsters to share the wealth with the entire world, or to master learning how to attract or manifest money/abundance, or to continue making a living from selling our 5D spiritual knowledge and products in old 3D ways. We’re here to carve an energetic and consciousness Path to a vastly higher and better way for everyone, and sooner rather than later, money will NOT be in the picture at all because we’re evolving beyond it.

The obvious difficulty is that we’re existing within the biggest and most miserably wonderful cosmic CUSP period that’s ever been! Like Valerie says, living or surviving the Ascension Process is enough on its own, but needing to earn a living at the same time is nearly impossible for most of us. So how does one live with a foot in two worlds and dimensions that are profoundly different from each other? We’ve all struggled with this issue since our individual biological Ascension Processes started.

There are numerous reasons why each of us experience whatever it is that we have concerning not having money or enough money to live during the Ascension Process (1987–the end of 2012). Instead of discussing those reasons, let’s focus on what’s coming, which I hope will make the current financial suffering, difficulties and limitations we’ve all experienced in one way or another a bit easier to deal with until we don’t need to any longer. Amazingly it’s 2012, and the bad stuff/good stuff is accelerating and becoming impossible to ignore by everyone around the world. From what I’ve sensed so far, we’ve got the rest of 2012 to transition while the insane, dead-end patriarchal systems devour themselves and each other on the world stage. Unfortunately, these old corrupt patriarchal systems and beliefs must become so extreme, so severe and so blatantly negative that greater numbers of people are finally able to see them and let go of them so that sweeping changes in consciousness and reality happen. Add to this the good stuff–rapidly evolving human consciousness, the completion of the 25-yearlong Ascension transition and past Evolutionary Cycle–and we’re quickly heading towards a world reality where money isn’t needed for anything. We’ve still got some ground to cover between now and “heaven on earth” arriving, but because it’s 2012, this collapse/transition/manifestation is happening very quickly so hang on and hang in there in whatever creative ways you can produce now.

Because this global monetary system is a 3D based system it can’t and won’t exist in a vastly more evolved 5D world and consciousness. So until we reach our goal, which is closer now than ever before, find a roommate or housemate or family or friends etc. that are willing to help you with your monthly living expenses. If you can move in with someone or have them move in with you then do so and everyone contributes what they can to the monthly bills. As more and more regular people lose their homes, jobs, vehicles, plus as gasoline prices soar (and everything else because of gasoline prices) in 2012, far more people are and will be forced to create different ways to live without certain things and join with family and friends to share and create in new more unified ways. At first this may seem like a negative situation but it’s the transition into High Heart or Unity Consciousness manifesting within the masses and society at the close of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process.

If I didn’t cover all the aspects of this topic you wanted to talk about Valerie, we and the other readers can continue this topic discussion in Comments.


February 22, 2012

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2012-2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and live link.

One Month Into 2012 & We’ve Been Solar Fried!

Did your DNA get sunburned during January 2012? Does your head feel like it’s three times larger than normal…whatever “normal” is at this point? How’s your digestive tract been working, or rather, not working? How’s your Pituitary and other brain glands feeling lately? Do the tops of your eyes feel like they’re being pressed from above by the amplified Light energies in your brain/head? Is your body swollen, retaining fluid and/or bloated? How’s your inner antenna—you’re spine feeling? Sore, stiff, tight? How about your entire head and crown chakra? How about your tailbone, hips, pelvic area? How about your heart? Has your heart suddenly been pounding and having thudding palpitations in your chest lately? How about that nearly constant ringing in your ears and head from your brain, brain glands, and DNA being further evolved now?

When my biological Ascension Process started in February 1999, my body reacted to the 1999 (and later) solar energies with those lovely “Ascension Flu” symptoms; body and bone aches, chills, headache, and the occasional sudden stabbing ice pick-like pains in certain bones for a couple of seconds that literally took your breath away. From the mid-1990s on I’ve been periodically incapacitated by solar energies (solar flares, CMEs etc.) and was forced to rest and/or nap if I could while I had chills, severe body and bone aches and pains, and numerous other ascension symptoms. Over the years these solar triggered ascension symptoms have lessened and become more easily dealt with, not because the energies being transmitted have lessened since 1999 because they’ve steadily increased, but it’s the way they affect our bodies and why that’s changed.

These Cosmic and Galactic Light energies being transmitted to and through our Sun are rapidly evolving us, our bodies and consciousness. As we’re increasingly altered and evolved by these energies over the years, the pain we feel from them, the areas of our bodies, brains, DNA and everything else changes and feels different to us. The ascension symptoms that felt like they’d kill me five, ten, thirteen years ago are today both much less painful or non-existent because I’m carrying more Light and less density within me which means I’m vibrating faster and at a higher level now as we all are. However, with our entry into 2012, these solar transmissions have amplified tremendously so we’re once again dealing with what feels like different and more potent Light energies bombarding us, our bodies, brains and consciousness now. Because of this many people are currently feeling the solar energies in different body-parts; our heads, brains, and brain glands primarily. (Please remember those Stair Steps and that every person is not standing on the same step or level or timeline with this Process and because of this everyone experiences these solar ascension symptoms in slightly different ways and in different body-parts.)

With the start of 2010, the solar Light Energies caused pains and pressure in one area in the left (from the old 3D system of duality–female) side of my head/skull. My entire scalp and skull felt bruised and was sore constantly. The previous and familiar “Ascension Flu” solar symptoms had eased considerably with some of them gone entirely, but in 2010 it was painfully clear they were now focused in my/our heads, brains, and brain glands (Pituitary and Pineal primarily). With the larger solar flares/CME in 2010, 2011, and 2012 my body still experiences chills like when you have a fever, but my head has hurt with tremendous inner pains and pressures (not “headaches”) nearly constantly. Even though this head pain and pressure is constant it increases and diminishes in waves. The head pain is always there but sometimes much more painfully so than at other minutes, hours, days and nights.

Since 2010 I’ve felt these energies more in my spine, the left side of my head, and my Crown and Brow chakras. With the start of 2011, these solar transmissions caused my entire head, skull, eyes, jaw and into my sinuses to hurt and feel bruised and sore constantly. There were many months in 2011 when the pain was focused primarily on the right (from the old 3D system of duality–male) side of my head. Eventually the head pain and pressure was everywhere and would move from the whole head to an area on the right side, then back to the left side, then to the back of my head and neck, then to the top, then the front and down into the forehead and Brow chakra. I could feel my Pituitary being changed and connected, Rewired, in more complex ways with my Pineal and other brain glands. Literally our two brain halves have been Rewired to function as a (from the new 5D system of polarity integration and resolution) unified organ. Along with that our Pineal and Pituitary glands are being Rewired, connected, evolved into far more complex unified systems that can perceive much, much more.

With the start of 2012, it’s felt like we’ve lived six months worth of life in only the month of January! This is a clue as to how fast the rest of this year is going to unfold. The solar transmissions have shifted into final year mode and are quickly integrating and transforming our heads/brains/brain glands like never before. In late 2011 and all of January 2012 I’m feeling the energies in the tailbone and hips area too. It seems we’re feeling these energies at both the top and bottom—the head and base areas primarily with the occasional heart expanding palpitations and poundings as it becomes our new ascended base of operations. It’s going to be like this throughout 2012 so rest when you need to and don’t try to push yourself during these tremendous blasts and waves of higher dimensional energies altering us. I’ve tried pushing through the head pains and pressures to work and/or to write which only cause me to become nauseous and forced me to bed. Lesson learned, now I rest and/or nap when these amplified solar energies are doing what they are and I suggest you do the same.

Here’s a list of some 2012 ascension solar symptoms I’m experiencing and know you are too:

  • severe head and skull pains and pressures—not traditional “headaches”
  • severe eye pains and pressures, blurred vision, sensitivity to light
  • sinus pains, pressures and soreness
  • head pains and pressures radiating down into the temples and side jaw area
  • constant ringing in the ears
  • dizziness, sense of tipping or falling, feeling ungrounded
  • exaggerated sense of smell
  • ultra-sensitive hearing
  • hot flashes, cold flashes
  • vivid weird dreams, psychically dreaming other people’s dreams (collective)
  • sore, bruised, tender scalp
  • hair loss and/or thinning hair
  • Crown chakra – top of head pains and pressures
  • Brow chakra – forehead pains and pressures
  • pain and stiffness in spine
  • body and legs/feet swelling and/or fluid retention
  • pain in tailbone and hip area
  • heart palpitations, heart pounding while at rest
  • easily becoming breathless or winded
  • exhaustion
  • feeling like you only have an 1/8th of a tank of fuel (energy) in you & once it’s gone you’re exhausted again
  • seeing brilliant white light or light flares emanating from around your head and/or upper body
  • seeing brilliant colored lights or balls of colored light
  • increasing knowing over linear thinking
  • perception of linear time further disintegrating into increasing spherical “NOW” consciousness
  • growing happiness, joy, confidence, peace


January 29, 2012

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2012. All Rights Reserved.

On the Cusp of 2011 / 2012

In the beginning of the physical biological Ascension years (1998–1999 on) I felt solar flares, CME’s, solar storms, solar winds, or any solar activities in my body in these ways:

  • severe chills like when you have a fever
  • “ascension flu” caused by higher frequency Light energies coming into contact with dense lower frequencies in our bodies
  • body and bone aches
  • sudden severe stabbing ice pick-like pains in bones and joints
  • extreme inner cold all over or in specific spots on my body, usually around a chakra on the front of my body
  • weakness, fatigue, exhaustion but inability to sleep or rest and recuperate
  • mind races non-stop despite physical and emotional exhaustion
  • vision changes, seeing new colors, seeing energies and vortexes etc., dry eyes, eye fatigue and blurriness
  • hearing non-physical sounds, inner ear humming, ringing, buzzing
  • pressures and pains in the head, tenderness or bruised feeling skull and scalp
  • evolutionary changes in the Pineal and Pituitary glands and their corresponding Crown and Brow chakras

During 2011 I’ve felt these higher frequency solar energies in my body in these ways:

  • sudden intense inner cold that can last for a few minutes or hours
  • sudden chills across my skin and/or scalp
  • occasional mild body and/or bone and joint aches
  • much stronger pressures and pain (that moves around) inside my head, brain, skull, sinuses and eyes expanding out in all directions
  • much stronger changes in the Pituitary and Pineal glands and corresponding Crown and Brow chakras
  • feeling pristine stellar-like energies becoming the new 5D solar/stellar energies of the new ascended Earth
  • increasing heart-centered 5D Unity or High Heart Consciousness
  • awareness that old linear time space borders are disappearing and border-less, timeless, quantum consciousness is growing
  • increasing knowing of oneself as a real aspect of Source/All That Is and starting to function and create from this growing sense of self/Self

Because the Starseeds/Lightworkers have been physically transmuting lower frequency energies to be able to embody and anchor higher frequency energies since 1998–1999, the solar energies don’t affect us or our bodies in the same ways they did ten, eleven or twelve years ago. Thank goodness because it was brutal and profoundly painful and difficult back then. We’ve got to remember that 2012 is the final year of this difficult twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process and everything is happening astonishingly fast now and 2012 will unfold even faster which I think we’ll be grateful for. I’d rather feel like compressed and electrified crap for a final short blast compared to the endless slow motion 24/7/365 minute-by-minute torture that life and reality has been for me since the start of 1999!

I read recently that 2012 and 2013 are the peak years of a solar maximum cycle. Because we’ve completed the past Evolutionary Cycle (as represented by the Mayan calendar) and are now in a compressed completion period—October 28, 2011 through the end of 2012—I sense the 2012 solar energy transmissions may affect everyone (plus many man-made objects, like those orbiting Earth) in a more accelerate and intense way than they have previously. The more higher frequency Light energies that arrive the more the masses (and everything else) will be affected, and as we’ve already seen in many cases, not always in the best of ways. Some people who’ve not done any inner transformational work cannot tolerate such high frequency cosmic and galactic Light energies (many transmitted to us and Earth through our Sun) coming into contact with their physical bodies, energy bodies, and minds. These higher frequency cosmic/solar energies shine an intense spotlight on their (everyone’s) inner emotional energies and issues, polarized consciousness, and distorted Emotional and Mental Bodies.

Some people will choose to leave their physical bodies during this last year (2012) of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process (1987–2012), while others will have accelerated symptoms from these accelerated ascension related energies and internal and external changes. In many ways I sense 2012 will be for our Mental Bodies what 2011 was for our Emotional Bodies! A lot of inner Mental Body house cleaning of old patriarchal beliefs and belief systems (and you know what all that covers!) will transpire during 2012. However, at this point we’re already well aware of how easy it is to let go of whatever it is in us that needs to go, so keep that in mind and heart if/when you need to release more old world 3D polarized patriarchal beliefs no matter what they are.

I’m going to end this with a short quote from Barbara Hand Clow’s book Awakening The Planetary Mind (2011 second edition of what had originally been titled Catastrophobia), plus a couple random quotes from Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians Fall Equinox 2011 issue of The Pleiadian TIMES.  Marciniak’s P’s have always used the term “the nanosecond” to describe the Ascension Process years from 1987 through the end of 2012, so the term “nano” and/or “nanosecond” is referring to those intense, important years.

Sitting at the completion of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 is a powerful and important point within the overall twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process with its twenty-five winter solstice conjunctions within the “nanosecond” or “Galactic Winter Solstice”. Only one short remaining year left within this Ascension Process and grand transition then Earth and her inhabitants will fully enter a new Evolutionary Cycle and level of ongoing spiritual creativity and learning. Exhausted yes, but how exciting to have played a part in such an amazing and important transition.


December 26, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2011-2012. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.


From Barbara Hand Clow:

“Our solar system is moving out of the Orion Arm into a dark region of the Milky Way galaxy; Earth is precessing out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius as Earth’s North Celestial Pole moves to the star Polaris; and the intersection of the plane of our solar system and the plane of our galaxy is in conjunction with the winter solstice sun. During the 26,000-year-long precessional cycle, called the Great Year by the Greeks, this intersection line—the galactic axis—is closely aspected by the winter solstice sun for twenty-five years, from 1987 to 2012. This galactic alignment—the Galactic Winter Solstice—occurs when we enter the Age of Aquarius and the prophetic Mayan Calendar ends. This heralds the transfiguration of our species.

“This Galactic Winter Solstice can be thought of as a stellar mystery play: The curtain rose on Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17, 1987, an Earth celebration when millions of people meditated at sacred sites all over the world. The final act is during 2011/2012, the mysterious end date of the Mayan Calendar. Approaching 2012, it’s as if there is a strange time-attractor in the sky. We feel this pull instinctively, as if we are caterpillars undergoing metamorphosis and becoming butterflies; we are time-coded by evolution to change into new forms…”

And this from Barbara Marciniak and her channeled P’s:

“As the end of the nanosecond draws near, this final stage can best be described as a great reckoning, a period filled with dense concentrations of super-rapid accelerated energy that expand and magnify your energy fields; a time of sorting and rearranging of values, with higher order and purpose; and of settling the accounts regarding the collective and individual use and misuse of energy…”

“The time of transition demands the necessity of a new awareness…”

“You are on the approach to a solar maximum cycle that will peak in 2012 and 2013. On both the approach and decline of this cycle, very intense energies can trigger volatility; people tend to be more stirred up and aggressive at these times, for whatever is brewing inside is magnified and released as they play out their karmic stories. Those clearly focused on new awareness will readily experience a heightening of the psychic senses. The Sun is the initiating force at the end of the nano, playing a pivotal role in the alteration of your perceptions…”

“The Sun and the solar max cycle will transmit specific energy frequencies to initiate humanity into higher states of consciousness…”

“Being that the nanosecond is all about the growth of consciousness, the final homestretch may at times be the most difficult part. If the nano were a marathon, this is almost the final mile, where both physical exhaustion and waves of super-exhilaration vie for attention…”


What Is High Heart Consciousness?



In very simplified terms, pre-Ascension polarized awareness, focus and frequency range emanated from the three bottom chakras. That was mass humanity’s singular lens to perceive “reality” — straight from their crotches and solar plexus gut! Is it any wonder why things have been so dark for so long if the bottom three chakras are a species only lens on “reality”? How repulsively easy it’s been for some to mind control, manipulate and heard the human species through these bottom three chakras in Duality frequency.

But via the Ascension Process this frequency range and level of function and perception is ascending/evolving into the upper chest area. Not the old lower physical heart with its Heart chakra, but the Thymus gland which is centered and higher in the chest above it and is what I call the High Heart. Now don’t you just know that reality is going to change dramatically because of this elevation of humanities focus point?

We all know what lower frequency Duality consciousness was all about. It was an endless tug of war back and forth between one side, one person, one family, one country, one group, one religion, one belief system etc. against all others. And of course, from the opposite side or group or country or religion or belief system it looked exactly the same. Them against us, us against them, him against her, her against him, endlessly back and forth like mesmerized idiots incapable of escaping their limited dualized brains and matching frequency consciousness and external reality.

Ascending individuals with blossoming High Heart function, focus and being have resolved Duality emotional energies and projected junk in themselves to the point where they’re able to escape the endless back and forth tug of war of Duality consciousness and reality. This was the start of individuals experiencing the beginning of the Separation of Worlds over the past few years. These individuals are increasingly existing and perceiving from the High Heart area in their upper chests spherically, as opposed to the bottom three chakras within the frequency range of Duality and linear only consciousness.

The main way I know I’m existing within increasing High Heart “Unity” consciousness now is that lower frequency stuff has much less effect on me in those old lower chakra gut/solar plexus ways. I see something horrible and seemingly wrong in the world, but I have a higher perspective and knowing about it with greatly increased emotional neutrality. My High Heart instantly understands why things are happening, and I have compassion for the players playing their individual roles yet I’m finally emotionally neutral and unaffected by what is happening around me. This is one easy to recognize trait of increasingly functioning, existing and perceiving from High Heart consciousness. It exists vertically and vibrationally as integrated position number 3 in my diagram, above the lower frequency of horizontal duality, the number 1 and number 2. Its perspective is radically different from the endless lower frequency tug of war of Duality consciousness and reality.

Another clue that you’re existing and functioning within increasing High Heart consciousness is that you FEEL and KNOW much more but it doesn’t imbalance you mentally, emotionally, psychically or physically at all. You feel, you know, and you know you are connected to All (ascended 5D Aquarian group) and yet you are still a unique individual (ascended 5D creative Leo). You know things but not through the brain in your head or your egoic intellect, but through your integrated High Heart FEELING KNOWING 5D awareness center in your upper chest.

Your physical body talks to you too, informing you of all sorts of things, but again this all happens not in your head, brain or intellect but through body consciousness, cellular consciousness and memory, feeling, sensing, and knowing information without having it be an intellectual, linear thought process. You FEEL and KNOW because you are within and using a more unified frequency using a higher, more unified range of perception. The “We are all One” statement means something very different once you are consciously aware of and can feel that fact but not lose your important individuality.

The new integrated, unified, Triality-based High Heart consciousness is vastly more about FEELING and KNOWING from this evolved new Center without lower head thinking, which I know sounds to some like an impossibility or just plain crazy. But after a lifetime being a psychic in polarized 3D Earth reality, I can tell you that what I’m experiencing of High Heart consciousness so far is tremendously more advanced and comfortable than being a “psychic”—clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, empathic etc.—in lower frequency Duality. There is no comparison actually.

Be ready to KNOW and FEEL as the new ascended primary way of perception from a very different place in yourself and your body than your pre-ascension head, separated brain hemispheres and intellectual ego self. Integrated and “ascended” High Heart consciousness and Center (as I’ve experienced it to date but expect I will evolve much further into it) is so much smoother, easier, gentler, faster, wiser and far-seeing and with no intense trauma and drama. Pay attention to the new ways that you are now receiving/perceiving information and reality through your entire body and energy field instead of only the left brain in your head. You’ll be surprised at what you discover.

Denise Le Fay

September 25, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. Use or duplication of this material is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Ascension Related Symptoms & Improvements

Someone asked me recently about if and when there will be any physical body improvements concerning the ongoing Ascension pressures, aches and pains. The situation is that when something physically hurts due to the ongoing transformational Ascension Process, it’s because there are improvements happening to us and our bodies and brains!

Old polarized 3D consciousness and belief systems have taught us that if something hurts in our physical bodies it’s automatically a warning sign that something is “wrong”, that something is “sick”, that something is “not working correctly” and needs a doctor to “fix it”, typically from some pharmaceuticals. Another old lower 3D belief system about body pain is guilt. You must have done something “bad”, something “wrong”, something “incorrectly”, or you “overworked it” or you “don’t exercise enough” and on and on. A huge sense of frailty, guilt, shame, blame, dis-empowerment and separation about and within our physical bodies and why they hurt. Is it any wonder why so many people are confused and worried about why their body hurts—and in such strange ways—due to the Ascension Process?

This Ascension Process is about higher frequency Energies and Light Energies coming into our solar system, our Sun, and on to Earth and humanity as a Divine cosmic way to trigger compressed and rapid evolution (ascension) out of one dimension and level of awareness (3D density and Duality consciousness), into a higher dimension and level of awareness (5D). When higher vibrating, higher frequency energies and Light comes into contact with lower, slower frequencies, more dense, less Light-filled energies, emotions and polarized bodies and consciousness it causes pains in our physical bodies. It also causes plenty of emotional, mental, psychological and psychic pressures and pains as well.

When we repeatedly feel the Ascension related aches and pains it does not mean we’ve done anything “wrong” or that we’re “flawed”, or that we’ve “sinned”, or that we’re “sick” or “broken” etc. Those aches and pains indicate that our bodies and brains (and everything else too of course) have been Divinely triggered to evolve, and to do so in a very short span of linear time. It’s a great sign, a very positive indicator that you’ve chosen to remain in your current physical 3D body and evolve/ascend it into a much more Light-filled, higher frequency 5D version. In this case you could say, “No pain, no gain” is an accurate indicator of how you are continuing to evolve and take on increasing amounts of Light energies within your physical body, brain, and everything else which alchemically transforms it into something very different.

Another aspect of this that I suspect some people are still confused over is the old lower polarized 3D consciousness and beliefs about linear time, space, and physical distance. I’m talking about how many of the 3D “professionals” are only aware of and believe in linear time, space, and distance and how it takes “time” between something happening in space and when it actually reaches Earth—not to mention if that event will have some (if any) effect on Earth, humans, animals and life on Earth.

Since yesterday, July 3, 2011, I’ve strongly felt those old familiar body aches and pains—aka the “Ascension flu”, joint pain, muscle weakness and fatigue, head and skull pains, deep exhaustion, and repeated waves of body chills similar to when you have a fever. Today, July 4, 2011, these body pains and chills were much worse so I did what I usually do to confirm what I’m feeling in my physical body; I went to to see if the Sun is doing anything. Here’s what I found there today, July 4, 2011: (there’s a link to in my sidebar LINKS area.)

INCOMING CME: “During the early hours of July 3rd, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded a mild but beautiful explosion near growing sunspot group 1244. The B9-category blast hurled a faint cloud of plasma toward Earth, which could cause some geomagnetic activity when it arrives on ~July 6th. This is not a major event.”

According to the old 3D “professionals”   this “Incoming CME” (Coronal Mass Ejection) won’t even reach Earth—forget about how it affects humans and other life on the planet!—until July 6th, yet, I’ve been profoundly physically affected by this latest Solar energy event since the start of July 3rd. When the Sun does anything it affects us immediately and does not take days for the Solar energies to travel through linear space/time/distance to, days later, finally reach Earth and humanity. The same is true with time-coded, deep-space events like massive Energy Light Waves radiating out from the Galactic Center (GC) which are further cosmic evolution/ascension triggers for humanity, Earth, our solar system and beyond. These are instantaneous energy events that happen and affect us, change us, help us evolve/ascend from the very first second they happen.

My point is that you will feel and be affected by cosmic, solar, galactic Light Energies when YOU feel them and not necessarily when the so-called “professionals” believe they’ll physically reach Earth in a linear only way. Don’t instantly and automatically believe that you’re “wrong” or that you’re “incorrect” or “confused” because you’re being affected by solar, cosmic, magnetic, astrological, galactic and universal Energies and Light Energies even though the “professionals” believe those energies haven’t physically arrived yet, or that they cannot and do not affect humans or Earth.

These “professionals” are now only sources to confirm what YOU already know from living it yourself first. YOU are your primary source of information now and these “professionals” information is to be used only as long as you feel you need or can benefit from what they have to say about what they believe and perceive is currently happening. Remember, they do not perceive reality—nor are they affected by it—in the same way you are so you’ve got to take what they say with a huge grain of salt, correct the timeline, make the necessary adjustments to what they’ve said, and always, always pay attention to what you yourself are experiencing, feeling, perceiving and being affected by moment to moment. The rest of the world will catch up to you if and when they can, otherwise YOU are your #1 source of information now. This is another aspect of the NEW responsibilities I mentioned before; expanded consciousness always brings with it new responsibilities. Not difficult hardships or burdens, just expanded responsibilities with expanded awareness and being.


July 4, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.