Completing 2011: Preparing for 2012

So far the week of December 4–10, 2011 has been a nearly constant daily/nightly onslaught of severe pain and pressure in my head, skull and eyes again. Just like six months ago from the Summer Solstice energies. This head/skull/brain/eye pain is accompanied by pain down my spine to the area between my shoulder blades or the High Heart (Thymus) chakra/area. As my throbbing head and I attempt to write this today, it’s the total Lunar eclipse at 18° Gemini 11′. No doubt this has much to do with this December buildup of painful, pushing energies. From today through the New Moon on December 24, 2011 is one energy event after another so I assume we’ll all be feeling these energies in varying degrees of intensity. Happy Holidays!

  • December 10, 2011 total Lunar eclipse/Full Moon 18° Gemini 11′
  • December 12, 2011 is 12-12-11, which I suspect is like a dress rehearsal for 12-12-12
  • December 18–21, 2011 is the Galactic Crossing—the Sun transiting across (aligning or conjunction with) the Galactic Plane or equator which means major energy downloads
  • December 21, 2011 is the Winter Solstice—the Sun enters 0° Capricorn at 9:30 P.M. Pacific Time
  • My 60th birthday sandwiched between the escalating Winter Solstice energy downloads and general holiday insanity cheer
  • December 24, 2011 the New Moon at 2° Capricorn 34′


For many of us—it certainly was for me—2011 was difficult because it was a much more compressed and intense year of having to, if not master, then at the very least get vastly better with regards to our Emotional Bodies and our reactionary emotional reactions to whomever or whatever it is that WE still let get to us. It doesn’t matter in the least who or what those emotional triggers are; what matters is that you/me/each of us evolves beyond this lower level and gets ourselves free and clear. Why? Because Conscious Creators aren’t allowed to Create if they still have loose emotional cannons rolling around within themselves that other people or situations can ignite at any moment! Can’t you just see some sudden horrible emotional creation I/you/each of us created and manifested all because someone or something pushed one of our unresolved Emotional Body buttons? Not gonna happen, and this is a very good thing for everyone’s sake!

Before the full-on 5D Conscious Creating and Co-Creating business begins, I/you/each of us MUST first—as in Cosmic Safety Precaution Law—master our Emotional Body and its old familiar reactionary ways. There’s no shame or guilt in any of this, only evolution/ascension to a higher dimension, state of being, consciousness and reality. It seems that the “Goddess” and 11’s of 2011 were primarily about this transformational task and many of us have made great headway with this particular Ascension issue and will soon be able to check it off our Ascension list of things to transmute prior to the end of December 2012.

This plus the Dark Ones, in all their forms and positions in this dimension and others, have been GREATLY reduced during 2011. By greatly reduced I mean that many of these Dark Ones have—sorry but I can’t resist using this line—seen the Light and retired from their distorted perspectives and jobs being the “Bad Guys” during the past Evolutionary Cycle. During 2011 many of them just laid down their attitudes and bad-ass selves and willingly walked into the Light! Wow…what a trip that’s been!

Remember I mentioned recently that I’d been getting the symbolism of a big X lately? This big X has indicated there’s polarity integration happening at higher levels. Said really simply, this big X shape I’ve been perceiving indicated that in 2011 many of the Dark Ones had to integrate enough Light for them to continue evolving too, or not, and be reabsorbed by Source. And if 2011 was this phase for the Dark Ones, then, unless I’ve misunderstood what I’ve perceived, 2012 is the year for the Light Ones to do the same and integrate enough Dark within themselves at the levels and dimensions they exist on now. And we down here in 3D thought it was just us having all the high drama, intensity and excitement!

All of this is so everyone everywhere is free and clear and ready for the massive Cosmic Energy Imprinting of the New Evolutionary Cycle that will come through the alignment of Earth with the Milky Way galactic center one year from now.


It’s hard to believe, especially if you’re a Starseed who’s been transmuting and embodying your guts out every second for the past twelve years, that we’re not yet ready for the Cosmic imprinting tsunami that we’ll orbit into one year from now. How many times have we asked ourselves or our Ascension Assistants or Source on those extraordinarily difficult moments, “Is it soup yet?” And how many times over the years have we been told ever so gently, “Not yet…close but not quite yet.” Gads really? Well okay, what’s another mile at this point right?

Looking back it’s easy to see that we’ve already transmuted tons of Dark energetic stuff within ourselves, other timelines, negative actions done by other people in this and other timelines, the planet, and the 4D lower Astral plane. But to realize in December 2011 that there’s one last years worth of transmuting, embodying, releasing and mastering to do before we’re vibrating fast and high enough to step into the NEW Evolutionary Cycle energies arriving in one year is almost too much to deal with while one’s head feels like mine does now! But that’s exactly why my head feels like it does now. So, there it is in all its this-side-of-the-finish line dull glory. I know that you and I will be singing a very different song about this time next year however so hang in there with me my fellow exhausted and pain-ridden Starseed Reality Transmutors.

What I’ve perceived about 2012 so far is escalating world chaos; increased mental and emotional illness in many; general dysfunction; violence; solar energies repeatedly shutting down the Internet, cell phones and whatever else; increasing lack of jobs and money; corrupt systems falling apart under the Light; and certain gigantic egos with their beliefs fighting to the end to never relinquish power and control. Simultaneously to all this we’ll be putting the finishing touches on our personal Ascension Process throughout 2012. I sense that throughout 2012 many people will finally have to consciously face the fact that the Dark Ones (physical humans and non-physical non-humans) exist and the evil deeds they’ve done and how humanity went along with it all. This revealing of different world “heroes” and “leaders” as actually egocentric and sick monsters will be shocking to many, but 2012 is grow-up time because nothing and no one can hide from the Light any longer and the masses need to consciously know to what extent they’ve been lied to, used, manipulated and paid for it all.

To heal you’ve first got to know and acknowledge the negative, the Dark, the hidden, the projected, wounded etc. then go from there. Much of the masses will be profoundly shocked to discover how severe and complete the Dark has run this planet and humanity and for how long. Yet, at the same time, many of these people will quickly become ready to move through this phase and be able to accept the new High Heart ways of existing. We laid the Path for them to do this many years ago and in 2012 we’ll continue watching growing numbers of people willingly walk out of the old darkness and step on to this higher frequency Path.

For the rest of us Starseeds/Indigos/Lightworkers we’ve got 2012 to refine and complete anything we need to before December 2012. I sense we’ll have more work to do on our Mental Bodies and belief systems throughout 2012, just like we had to do with our Emotional Bodies and knee-jerk reactions during 2011. We and the masses both have plenty of old reality beliefs/belief systems to let go of in greater ways than we have so far. These beliefs can be as subtle as things like your age, your physical health, expectations, worth, how consciousness works, what 5D is like and so on. No matter how small or large our beliefs may be at this late date, if they restrict us in any way they’ll present themselves to be greatly expanded or fully released. Time is short so these final lessons and issues will surface fast and furiously throughout 2012 in an attempt to HELP us get free and clear. Just do it.

During 2012 we’ve got to consciously know more about Source, multidimensional reality, quantum existence outside of time so that we can embody it and more within ourselves. 2012 will be about consciously knowing much more and not becoming imbalanced or ungrounded because of our evolving base of operations and sense of “Self”. Said another way, 2012 is when we’ll embody more of our Higher Selves, “God” or Source in conscious ways. Remember we worked long and hard to cast-off these higher, larger aspects of ourselves to even get down into 3D physicality. Now on the return trip we’re required to pick these aspects of our Selves back up and put them on once again. This last year of the Ascension Process will appear highly polarized as the old lower fights to survive while we remain steadfast and focused on embodying and getting up-to-speed energetically for next December’s Cosmic energy tsunami.


December 10, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2011–2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.

Higher Solar Energies Affecting More People

Oct. 16, 2010 solar magnetic filament

Over the past couple of years grocery shopping (to be totally honest about this, simply leaving my house) has taken on the same dread and resistance as having to go to the dentist for a Root Canal… and pay for it! Seriously, the normal choirs of living in physicality have become dreaded journeys out of my higher frequency safe zone house, into the lower frequency realms of physical hell just to forage for food and supplies. Since the Ascension Process began many years ago, leaving my house and property to shop meant I’d be dropping back down into lower frequency energies, people and consciousness—and as we’ve all discovered—it’s extremely physically and psychologically painful doing this.

I used to return home with my hard-gained groceries and other physical booty and have to physically and emotionally recover from having spent time out there in that lower frequency environment. Sometimes it took hours to recover and regain my strength and transmute the lower junk I’d encountered while out there, other times it takes days to recover. In 2011 there doesn’t seem to be any recovery anymore, just more exhaustion and physical pain that lessens over time but never goes away completely. What a price to pay just to buy food, toilet paper, shampoo, cat food, clothes etc. Crazy.

This morning, November 28, 2011, I had to go to two stores to grocery shop and it was as usual physically and psychologically painful, but there was something different that happened and that’s why I’m writing this. What I saw today while shopping was an eye-opener for me and gave me a sense of what 2012 is probably going to be like for many, many, people.

While in these two stores grocery shopping this morning my Mom and I kept running into other shoppers in the isles which is normal, BUT, every one of these people was totally unaware, confused, dazed, incapable of responding with any sort of normal reaction to their being in the way of other shoppers and so on. The first few times this happened I ignored it and pushed on past them all. But isle after isle we kept encountering this same mentally dazed, brain-dead, zombie-like state in 99% of all the shoppers. I saw only one young adult man with his little son who was functioning like a “normal” human. He was very aware of where he was, what he was doing there, the other shoppers all around him, of me and me of him, what he was doing and so on. I think this may be why he and I noticed each other repeatedly throughout the store; we both were glad to encounter another human who wasn’t acting like a lost zombie in some cheesy movie!

These shoppers were not all seniors either but a good mix of society both in age and sex so this can’t all be blamed on the old people having a senior moment!  Isle after isle we kept running into small groups of shoppers behaving like zombies who’d gotten themselves—and everyone else who came upon them—stuck in a zombie cluster-f*** traffic jam pile-up where none of them could even figure out how to solve the problem and escape the congestion. It really was unbelievable.

These people where spaced-out, zoned-out, dazed and staring glassy-eyed at merchandise on the shelves, at their mate, smiling helplessly and frozen at other shoppers needing them to move, or just staring blankly into empty air. I’m not exaggerating, it was incredible, and once we finally made it to the grocery checkout both the young cashier and grocery bagger were spaced-out and got lost mentally in mid-sentence while dealing with us. My Mom and I watched them both get lost at different points with what they were doing and eventually come back up-to-speed mentally. Very weird to witness this to this degree in so many “normal” people out in public.

Driving home I reviewed what I’d witnessed in two different shopping stores with different groups of shoppers. Then I remembered how ungrounded and out-of-it I felt last week when I had to go out to buy something. I felt I was an ungrounded ridiculous mess at the time and was embarrassingly aware of my condition. It was also abnormally difficult for me to drive that day because I now feel other drivers mental intentions and line of focus and they usually come into direct energetic contact with my car, me, and where I’m driving which is very stressful while trying to not be effected by these mental and emotional lines of intent other drivers exude.

I was having trouble walking in straight lines and interacting with salespeople on this particular day last week. It was so severe that I was embarrassed over how abnormally ungrounded I was while out in public. It’s one thing to walk into door jambs in the privacy of my home when I’m adjusting and adapting to the latest Wave of higher Light Energies, but it’s another thing being in public while in these now constant embodying Ascension states.

It’s one thing having Ascension related words and nouns-be-gone brain fog which shuts off ones ability to remember the simplest of words for the simplest of things when trying to talk—make that pantomime—to a family member who, thankfully is also living the same Ascension related symptoms so completely understands your inability to articulate much of anything beyond grunts, frustrated hand signals and abundant cursing. But, trying to look and sound “normal” while out in public when one is deep in their 47,000th Ascension symptom is another thing entirely. I don’t want strangers observing me or having to interact with me while I’m dealing and struggling with what I’m transmuting and embodying in 2011. I’ve had to deal with this since February 1999 and I don’t want to be observed (and totally misunderstood) while doing my Living Alchemical Ascension Work during those brief moments when I have to be out there shopping. That’s what I want but of course not what always happens.

Ten, twelve years ago I couldn’t wait for the time when the rest of humanity would begin showing positive signs that they were living the Ascension Process. That time has arrived. It’s one thing being a Starseed whose mission is living and “Path Paving” these higher energies first, but it’s something else seeing for myself other “normal” people showing blatant signs that they’re being deeply effected and altered by the higher frequency Light Energies our Sun is transmitting to humanity and all life on Earth. I found it interesting that none of the shoppers my Mom and I saw acting like lost, confused, spaced-out zombies were consciously aware of how they were acting. Ignorance is bliss and it’s better they’re not consciously aware of how much they’re actually changing/evolving now physically…just like everything else in this world and reality.

We Forerunners/Starseeds (and some older Indigos) have had to consciously carry this knowing (some longer than others) while we lived and struggled through transmuting the old lower and embodied the new higher, but the masses will it seems, only stagger around out there for a while looking, acting, and sounding like unaware zombies slowly awakening from a long, horrible nightmare. This is a kindness for them and a benefit for the rest of us.

I have another article I’ll publish soon that talks more about the building solar energies of the 2012–2013 “solar maximum” period and how it’s already affecting the more sensitive people and their bodies and consciousness. Until then, remember that the Sun has been preparing to transmit higher frequency energies more often via solar activities but in new ways because we’ve completed the Mayan calendar/past Evolutionary Cycle and its framework and are in a highly receptive transitional zone until the end of 2012. The even higher energies the Sun will be transmitting throughout 2012–2013 will be much more intense, compressed, potent and fast-acting upon all life on Earth than anything we’ve experienced before the end of the Mayan calendar/Evolutionary Cycle on October 28, 2011. Said another way, hold on to your cosmic socks and learn to gracefully maneuver around the growing clusters of unaware shopping zombies while they too are activated to evolve now faster than the speed of Light.


November 29, 2011

Copyright sign in goldCopyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.

2011 & 2012 & Beyond

For a few months before the 11-11-11 portal I’d been sensing some partial and half-understood impressions about it multidimensionally. Months ago these 11-11-11 impressions seemed ass-backwards and mildly strange to me so I decided to wait until I was able to perceive this information a bit better before I mentioned them publicly. In all honesty, this particular information is still a bit strange sounding even to me and that should tell you something about it! But first, let’s backtrack a few years for clarity and perspective because then 2012 and 2013 will be a bit easier to perceive. As you look at the number images below, be very aware that there are THREE of them in each sequential Stair Step and this has to do with our evolving out of the TWO of lower frequency, lower consciousness 3D duality, and into the THREE of unity (triality) or High Heart consciousness and being.

The September 9, 2009 09-09-09 portal was about the ending of an intense Ascension phase with huge overtones of death and/or dying required to reach the next frequency level or Stair Step.

The October 10, 2010 10-10-10 portal was about our individually preparing to physically embody a good bit more of our Higher Selves in our current bodies, personalities, and being.

The November 11, 2011 11-11-11 portal was about our first global 5D Group Conscious C0-Creating event in the New Evolutionary Cycle of Unity because we’re free of the old Evolutionary Cycle/Mayan calendar and duality. However, as many of us unexpectedly discovered, for us to pass through the 11-11-11 Initiatic portal we first HAD to consciously be aware of, transmute and integrate ANY remaining lower frequency emotional tidbit we may still have had within ourselves first.

After continuously doing personal inner transformational Polarity Resolution work since February 1999 (the start of the Mayan calendar Eighth Wave), I assumed I had the majority of my inner junk already transmuted, and I did, except for another small past life speed-bump issue with my Mom. [See Post October 28th & 11-11-11 Adventures] To make sure I didn’t miss this particular emotional tidbit I still contained on the morning of 11-11-11, the Dark Ones personally hand delivered the message to me via activating my Mom so that she’d trigger this old issue in me so I’d feel and see it. How helpfully thorough of them. No I’m serious, the Dark Ones did me a favor with this one even though I wasn’t feelin’ the luv towards them that day at all! All I felt the morning and day of 11-11-11 was that the Dark Ones had stolen and derailed 11-11-11 for me and Mom, but because I’m stubborn and know better, I worked through that immature and incorrect lower emotional take on their actions and transmuted my past life speed-bump that the Dark Ones made sure I would not miss. They are professionals at what they do after all…  😉

To pass through the 11-11-11 Initiation portal many of us unexpectedly found ourselves depressed and/or ready to quit. I’ve never encountered any of the previous number portals having this effect on me, my Mom, or anyone else but the 11-11-11 portal did and this told me it was an extra important portal of change for us individually and as a Group in the New 5D Unity Cycle.

I know I’ve only perceived the outer edges of this complex multidimensional topic about the 11-11-11 portal, 2012, and the 12-12-12 portal, but I expect to perceive more about this topic and how it’s effecting us and other-dimensions Beings over the coming weeks and months. Please understand that everything is very different now that we’ve completed and exited the old Mayan calendar/Evolutionary Cycle. I’ve been adjusting, adapting and embodying like crazy since October 28, 2011 and it’s profoundly exhausting and at times painful to the point of having to remain in bed. I haven’t been able to write nearly as much as I always have due to the intense transmuting and embodying that’s been happening non-stop. I know many of you won’t want to hear this next bit, but, many of us Starseeds will be doing massive amounts of embodying to this degree throughout 2012. Sorry, don’t hate the messenger.

For most of 2011 I kept perceiving and clairvoyantly seeing the 11-11-11 portal as very Goddess-like in its energy. I don’t mean total Goddess but one aspect of the Goddess seemed to be intimately involved with whatever happened multidimensionally on 11-11-11. Now here’s the seemingly ass-backwards part that’s been confusing to me over the months. I kept sensing the Dark Ones connected to the 11-11-11 portal and this one aspect of the Goddess energies but in a highly positive and perfect way. After some time I’ve been able to perceive that—and this makes total sense once you get your bearings on the other side of the end of the Mayan calendar/Evolutionary Cycle—it’s also Graduation or Retirement Time for the Dark Ones and Light Ones and the missions and roles each Group has held in place (embodied) for the rest of us during the past Evolutionary Cycle in duality.

I’ve known that these other Beings—both Light and Dark and everything else—cannot evolve or change jobs or roles until WE had completed what WE in physicality needed to here. Once WE’D completed that, which we have on October 28, 2011, then all the other multidimensional players, aspects and participants can and will also transition into the next Evolutionary Cycle, whatever and wherever that is for each one of us. Until then however, we’ve all been obligated and pretty much trapped in our polarized roles and missions throughout this past Evolutionary Cycle and this includes the Dark Ones as well as the Light Ones.

Evidently the 11-11-11 portal was where many important things began for all of us, including the Beings we’ve known in the past as the Dark Ones. Throughout 2011 increasing numbers of the Dark Ones finally understood what’s happening, what’s changing and why, and slowly began relinquishing their old roles and moved on. However as is still obvious, some of the non-physical, non-human Dark Ones are still clinging, hanging on and fighting, not realizing that their mission has ended because the October 28, 2011 Expiration Date has been reached and it’s time for everyone to move on to the next Evolutionary Cycle and learning. I sense this final completion phase will unfold very quickly throughout 2012 no matter who or what resists this multidimensional Evolutionary Process.

I’ve been sensing that 2012 and the 12-12-12 portal will be for the non-physical, other dimensional Team Light players what 2011 and the 11-11-11 portal was for the non-physical, other dimensional Team Dark players. If I’m correct with what I’ve been perceiving so far about this unfolding completing/beginning, then the 12-12-12 portal of December 12, 2012 will be the cut-off date for Team Light to connect with an aspect of  God-like energies (this is the X shape multidimensional crossover symbol I’ve been seeing) and evolve into their New roles. To my awareness today, this feels like the aspects that we call “God/Goddess” are integrating their fragmented, polarized parts back into themselves and evolving into something new also. Stair Steps, always stair steps with the entire Ascension Process.

Once we complete 2012 we’ll be energetically ready to enter the new Evolutionary Cycle fully. This new unity cycle exists beyond the old system of 12 and duality. The easiest way to describe this higher system of 13 is to use the old system of 12. In it the 12 apostles represented humanity within 3D physicality and linear time, while Jesus represented the 13 and a quantum connection with Source. Once we’ve completed all the Stair Steps coming throughout 2012, then Earth/humanity enters the conjunction alignment with the Super Galactic Center’s incomprehensible energies and then we’ll begin the new cycle that’s like 13 with its conscious connection to Source and Higher Self.


November 26, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

10-10-10 REPOST & Connection With 11-11-11

I’m re-posting this particular article to remind, reconnect and align last years 10-10-10 portal with the November 11, 2011 11-11-11 portal. A lot has happened during just the past year and much more will after we pass through the 11-11-11, and yet again with next years 12-12-12. Many Stair-steps have been needed for us to remain in-body while we transmuted and embodied so very much. Here’s to tomorrow and beyond. 


November 10, 2011

In typical Denise fashion I perceive, receive, higher complex information and large concepts in almost embarrassingly simplified ways. This is why I write the way I do — I cut to the chase and go for the bottom-line because I usually don’t perceive/receive all the detailed filler information such as names, sub-zones, levels and such. It isn’t all that important to me in all honesty. Once I have perceived some main aspects of certain Bigger Pictures, I don’t need all of the names and complex finer details. I perceive/receive the overall gist and feel of what’s happening, why and when.


I’ve decided to write this exactly as I perceived/received this information and not do as much interpreting, explaining and defining as I usually try to do. We’re all needing to evolve to where we don’t depend on certain people and/or systems  and/or only our left-brained intellect to define reality for us. After thousands of years of deliberate dark BS, lies and distortions from lower frequency people and  global systems etc., we’ve reached spiritual adulthood now and need to start defining reality for ourselves. The Body and Brain Rewiring will enable us to do this and much more.

I’d like you to see in your mind’s eye exactly what I’ve seen, felt and know about the 09-09-09 through 12-21-12 transitions because I believe it’s how more of us are going to be perceiving/receiving higher Light information/knowledge now; decreased linear words (telepathic and physically written/spoken) with increased visual symbols as large chunks of complex Light information. Below are two highly simplified symbolic visual information concepts about the 10-10-10 energy Stair-step transition that I perceived/received a while ago. Actually, it is not only the triple tens of October 10, 2010. Another level or phase (within the ongoing Ascension Process) was activated via the 09-09-09 of September 9, 2009, and will  continue to unfold quickly and dramatically now through the 10-10-10, and the 11-11-11, and the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 remaining important energy transitions. See, feel and know these two symbolic visuals and interpret this phase of The Process for yourself.


In your mind’s eye, envision a massive dense rain forest from overhead as if you were in an airplane looking down on it. There is absolutely nothing down there but dense trees and other thick vegetation. No cleared areas whatsoever, no roads, absolutely nothing but thick, dark, dense, scary and impenetrable rain forest. Do you see it? Can you hear the airplane’s little engine running far up above? Can you see the vast and dense rain forest below you? See it, hear it, feel it and hold it in your inner mind’s eye and heart as you keep reading, feeling and knowing.

The pilot of this small plane has one very important passenger on-board who desires to land in that dense Earth forest. Problem is, there’s absolutely no place to land the plane and this very important passenger must land and step off on to the ground. This passenger will not parachute, but must land and touch the ground in this precise way. So the pilot and his very important passenger continue flying in large slow circles overhead, searching, waiting, searching far and wide, hoping to find a small landing strip somewhere below in the massive denseness.


You have a burning, unrelenting, cosmic soul NEED to carve out a landing strip in the middle of a dense, dark rain forest by yourself. WTF! Really? Do you realize how insanely difficult and dangerous that’s going to be? Are you aware that you may not be able to complete the landing strip in time for the small airplane to land? Shit… Hum… No, I can do it. It is what I do and do very well so cheerio, fuck-it-all, I’m carving out a damned landing strip in the middle of a massive dense, dark rain forest alone and by-hand and I absolutely will not stop until it is completed.

Amazingly, you’ve succeeded in carving out a large magnificent landing strip in the middle of a dense rain forest. You are however all cut up, bruised, bloody, beat to hell, unimaginably exhausted, and you just want to sit down and have a good long hard cry and little Pity Party for yourself. Go ahead, you’ve earned it for god sake. You carved out a freaking landing strip in the middle of a dense dark jungle where angels fear to tread! Have that hard-earned, gut-wrenching, snot-flying, deep soul-sobbing cry and be proud because you did it despite the enormous difficulties and dangers involved. (This fellow Lightworkers, Forerunners, Pathpavers represents Phase 1 of the Ascension Process, which I’m sure you recognize.)

So there you are in all your Starseed, Lightworker, Pathpaver dirty, bloody and beat-up glory sitting exhausted and crying on your damned fine looking landing strip in the middle of a dense—but now oh so much brighter open and cleared—rain forest. You wait, and wait, and wait there for months, then years, but no one comes. Insert more intense and dejected crying, confusion, anger and short periods of self-doubt here.

Then one day you hear it, the ever so faint sound of a small airplane flying overhead far in the distance. OMG, could it be? Is The Great Day finally here? You bet your sweet Forerunner, Lightworker, tired Old Soul ass it is finally here!

‘Da plane, da plane!’  your weary and nearly broken mind sings excitedly to you like a spiritual joke from that old TV show Fantasy Island. You hear the small plane finally approaching and you know its going to land on your beloved landing strip. Deep inside you also know that the real fun will start now. You glance at your watch to check the date and time and sure enough, it’s 10-10-10. Oh man, here it finally comes after all these brutal, isolated, painful and dangerous years of intense preparation Work.


See this next symbolic scenario in your mind’s eye and High Heart too for you already know all this but maybe haven’t put all the puzzle pieces together yet.

You’ve got very special company coming to visit you soon so you start the massive house cleaning, yard cleaning, window washing, buffing and polishing, washing and everything cleaning in preparation. This is so exciting and rare, but it is going to take plenty of time and serious energy-consuming cleaning and clearing Work to get your house, yard, and yourself ready for the arrival of your very special company.

You start the massive cleaning, clearing and trash removal Work on your house—inside and out—and in your yard too. You’ve got plenty of time to get it all done before your company arrives, however, you know your back is going to hurt like all hell doing it all, that you’re going to become profoundly tired and in a lot of extra pain and stress trying to do so much work, so much cleaning, so much polishing and prep Work for this special company that’s coming. It doesn’t matter, you dive into all your cleaning and clearing work despite the extra aches, pains and fatigue that it causes your physical body and everything else. You rest when you can and get back to the intense cleaning and clearing work day after exhausting day. On top of all this however, you still have your daily “regular life’s work and chores” that need to be done too but you somehow manage to get it all done.

It’s slow going and there’s far more dirt and mess than you initially realized was there but you keep at it because you’re so excited to have this particular company coming. It makes the long and difficult cleaning and trash removal Work worth it when you think about how much fun it’s going to be once this particular company arrives.

Finally, you take a long careful look around your house both inside and out, and check the yard to make sure it is clean and beautiful. Most all the cleaning Work is done now, and despite your being absolutely exhausted after endless months of cleaning and prep Work, your house, yard and everything else is looking and feeling exceptionally nice, clean, tidy and ready for your very special company. You glance at your calendar one more time to check the date to see how long before your company arrives and you discover it’s only a few days now. 10-10-10 is right around the corner and your very special company will begin arriving then. (This represents an aspect of Phase 2 let us call it of more Ascension work during 2009 and 2010 up to now.)


You smile in anticipation and joy over having succeeded in carving out the difficult landing strip in the middle of the dense and nearly impenetrable rain forest on time. You smile in anticipation and joy over having succeeded in cleaning and clearing your entire house, yard, and everything else in preparation of the arrival of your special out-of-town company. And importantly, you finally understand WHO the special passenger is in the small plane that’s getting ready to land now; you understand WHO your special out-of-town company is that’s arriving with the 10-10-10 energies. You finally understand WHY you were so obsessed about carving a landing strip in the middle of a dense rain forest by yourself (the old physical 3D dense world of Duality). You finally understand WHY you were so obsessed about cleaning and clearing your entire house and yard (the transmuting and resolving of polarity, karma, and all lower frequency energies within yourself, mind, heart, and bodies that was Phase 1 of the Ascension Process). All of this long, painful and incredibly difficult prep Work was absolutely necessary so that higher aspects of YOU could even “land” and then start to merge with, be embodied by you physically.

10-10-10 is the start of this intense phase of us embodying, continuously and increasingly housing within our physical bodies more of what has always existed at higher dimensions. You know why this can finally happen because you’ve done all the insanely difficult and painful Work, cleaning and clearing for over a decade. Since 09-09-09, we’ve been inching our ways towards finally having these next particular transitions happen. The 10-10-10, the 11-11-11 and the 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 Stair-steps or portals or gates are the last three important Ascension Process transitions we have to journey through. There’s more than just these three but they’re huge in what and why.

The plane is finally landing, our special company is finally arriving via these remaining 10-10-10 and beyond incremental energy Stair-steps. Guess how amazing and easily creative it’s going to be to embody so much more of YOU—the pilot, his special passenger, your special company, plus you who did all the cleaning and landing strip prep Work—in your physical body on the new 5D Earth from here on out? Hey, that sounds like your doorbell ringing, you had better get it.  ❤

Denise Le Fay

October 8, 2010

Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2010. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Current Global Chaos Indicates Massive Positive Changes

I recently received an email from “irrepressible” who posts on the David Icke forum. (All WordPress Blogs have a Stats Page that lists incoming links, search terms, daily hits etc. It was through the incoming links from the David Icke forum that I discovered this conversation about one of my recent articles.)

I’ve decided to take advantage of irrepressible’s question and answer him in an article instead of a private email (which I discussed with him via emails) because it’s a question I’ve gotten a few times from different individuals. He asked me what I meant by this one sentence, but to answer him I’ve got to include a larger overview. Needless to say, this overview is highly condensed and bring us up to today and what’s happening via the Ascension Process, the end of the Mayan calendar/16-billion-yearlong Evolutionary Cycle, end of the Dark Ones reign and horrific perversions to humanity and Earth, and the Separation of Worlds.

” ‘Just like those transformational ascension flights of stair steps with their embodying landings, the masses that don’t know what’s really happening and why have to make huge changes now too or exit. Protect yourself and your loved ones and pets as we transition across the Expiration Date and 11-11-11 and simultaneously embody more Light and Divine Source Blueprints from Home. It is indeed the best of times but at lower levels it is the worst of times.’

This sounds like the old Bible stuff of “believe or be damned.”

What does Denise mean by “make huge changes now too or exit”? “

And in another forum reply irrepressible said:

“Thanks for the link Ryan

When I say things people know what they mean, I leave nothing open to interpretation, there’s nothing vague.

I mean what I say and say what I mean, if you know what I mean

Interpretations are what have screwed the world up for thousands of years.”

It’s the wisdom of irrepressible’s last sentence that’s the answer to all this: “Interpretations are what have screwed the world up for thousands of years.”   However, I’ll refine it and say that widely varied interpretations are due to the EXTREMELY different levels of individual development and consciousness between people across the planet. No better than, just different levels of awareness and consciousness is all. Are the kids in sixth grade better than kids in fifth, fourth, third, second grade or pre-school? Of course not.

So much worldwide pain, confusion, suffering, warring, religion-generated murder and warring, suppression, manipulation of others, power over others and so on has been maintained due to the different levels of awareness between humans on Earth. The Dark Ones have seen to it that these differences between people around the world are maintained and directed because it’s benefited them and their agendas in every way for eons. (By Dark Ones I mean the non-physical, non-human Reptilian Beings, Draconian Beings, and certain other non-physical, non-human Beings I’m not certain what to even call them despite having seen many of them and occasionally had confrontation conversations with them over the years. These Beings plus the living physical human elite patriarchy that the Dark Ones control and use to control the rest of humanity on Earth. This negative dark (4D) astral and (3D) Earth system is rapidly being dismantled throughout 2011 by the Light so it too is finally ending.)

The Earth world that we incarnated into in these current lives (have to make this distinction due to the current Ascension Process) was a wide-open system which meant that any ole riffraff was allowed to incarnate into 3D Earth physicality. It’s been a wide-open planetary system where souls who were close to spiritual Mastery or Ascending/Evolving into an entirely different system and dimension could incarnate here. Alternatively, very young souls who were just starting to learn about physicality, density, duality, polarized consciousness, ego and egoic consciousness, male/female, and everything else that goes with having a life/lives within a physical world in a physical body also incarnated here.

Said another way, Earth has been a totally open system within a Freewill Zone where any “newbie”, egoic asshole, great spiritual Master, average joe, Initiate, madman, well-developed soul and everything in-between could incarnate on Earth, and once here, we’ve all had to live our lives side-by-side despite the incredibly varied range of development, consciousness, awareness and current life focus between souls/people. The sixth graders and the pre-school kids and everyone in-between have all been crammed into an open 3D Earth school and that has made it extra difficult on everyone.


The original Earth blueprint was that it would exist with Freewill, but that it was a very advanced world of Unity and Beauty that, over time, would become dense enough to become a physical planet and world. Over time it would involute deeper into density and polarity to the point that the first beings living on it would eventually fragment even further out of their natural higher state of unity (androgyny) and experience being in both female and male bodies and consciousness within dense physicality. We were individually androgynous, unified Beings prior to this further decent into density and eventual physicality, and this has NOTHING to do with having done anything “wrong”. It was simply the spiritual desire to experience further seeming separation from Source and Greater Self within less dense dimensions, one of which was 3D physicality on Earth.

Due to the current Ascension Process with its Body and Brain (right/left brain) Rewiring  and so much more, many of us are currently Ascending/Evolving back into a greater level of integration and unity and will externally reflect this return to an increasingly more androgynous state of individual unity and integration. Some of us will prefer to continue using one sexed body over the other, but this will be an individual choice as we evolve within the Fifth Dimension and beyond. All of this has nothing to do with sex, sexual preference, or sexuality but everything to do with evolution and integration into increasing 5D unity within ourselves, our brains, hearts, bodies and consciousness.

Original Earth supported tremendously advanced stellar humans on it for a very long time. From what I’ve remembered from my past life in Egypt around 12,600 B.C. [see A Lightworker’s Mission] plus other knowledge beyond that, something happened physically that suddenly threw Earth and humanity into profound chaos and darkness. Barbara Hand Clow’s book CATASTOPHOBIA: The Truth Behind Earth Changes In The Coming Age Of Light is an excellent source about this difficult planetary event that happened around 9,500 B.C. and how it changed humanity from that point forward.

What I sense also happened due to this catastrophic global event that further stunted humanity and natural human evolution was that some non-physical, non-human, negative Alien Beings (Reptilian, Draconian and some others) took advantage of an already traumatized and weakened humanity and invaded 3D Earth and 4D Astral to basically set up shop. They deliberately unplugged the majority of humanities DNA, horrifically perverted the human Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies energetically to keep humanity functioning within a VERY low frequency and consciousness range so they could parasitically use humanity as their personal fueling station and energy food generators. According to some current higher awareness Teachers, this multidimensional negative Alien invasion began approximate  5,100 years ago.

Source knows Earth exists within a Freewill Zone and has allowed all of this to play out for all. However—and here come’s the interesting part—once Source decided enough was enough with the horrific perversions and parasitic actions the Dark Ones had/have done to humanity, Earth and why, a massive call went out across the Cosmos for Volunteers to help correct this situation. Many of us heard this call from Source and said, “We’ll go!” And so, many Starseeds from the Milky Way galaxy and others intentionally Volunteered to incarnated/reincarnated into 3D Earth physicality now to help correct this situation from within it, disguised as local 3D Earth natives.

I’ve consciously remembered this call since the early 1980’s and my volunteering to reincarnate now (as Denise) to help energetically transmute and override what the Dark Ones have done to humanity, while simultaneously embodying Light and Source’s Original Divine Blueprint as the way to correct this situation. By doing so humanity can get back on-track within the natural God-given right to evolve and NOT be suppressed and prevented from evolving. This call went out and the many Starseeds/Wanderers/Lightworkers volunteered to incarnate within 3D physicality to literally energetically override what the Dark Ones or negative Aliens have done to humanity and reality on Earth. All these multidimensional events are due to the approaching completion of the 16-billion-yearlong Evolutionary Cycle—aka the end of the Mayan calendar on October 28, 2011—and the Separation of Worlds that’s happening because of it.


irrepressible asked,What does Denise mean by ‘make huge changes now too or exit’?”

I meant that this is an energetic fact and cyclical necessity for all concerned now and has absolutely nothing to do with religion/religions or better than type thinking or beliefs. Because the call went out and many millions volunteered to incarnate/reincarnate on Earth now to override the Alien Dark Ones and their agendas and actions to humanity, their bodies, minds and consciousness, Earth and the Astral, that was the big clue that major positive change had/has finally arrived on Earth. Many of us have labelled all this the Ascension Process and/or Dimensional Shift etc.

The bottom line is that no matter how incomprehensibly long these Source-created Evolutionary Cycles run, Source always includes an Expiration Date/Graduation Date/Separation Date within them. And, if needed, outside help is called upon to come into a derailed and suppressed planetary system and species like humanity and Earth has been since the negative Alien takeover to help get it back on-track and functioning again as the Original Divine Blueprint. That’s what’s happening in your/my/our lifetimes and why.

1987–2012 is the Grand Finale to a very long Evolutionary Cycle and is a separation point for some people and a graduation point to another level for others. Again, no better than business with this but a simple, honest choice for each human whether they are ready and desirous of ascending/evolving at the end of this great Evolutionary Cycle or not. Due to this completion and choice to ascend/evolve/graduate to the next level of learning or choosing to continue learning within duality and physicality will require more than one Earth world and timeline. Levels of spiritual focus, frequency, consciousness, and learning are extremely varied and literally cannot co-exist within the same space, the same Earth world, the same reality and timeline. No better than just two (or more) schools of learning for different groups of souls functioning at different frequency rates within different timelines and locations.

For a long time Earth has been a wide-open system within a Freewill Zone which meant that any and all were allowed to incarnate into 3D Earth physicality and everyone had to endure the vastly different range of soul and consciousness development all crammed into School Earth together. Since the (approximate) 9,500 B.C. event, and the 5,100 B.C. multidimensional negative Alien invasion of humanity and Earth, School Earth has been a dark perverted monstrosity of Source’s Original Divine Blueprint. That negative Alien takeover and human derailment and suppression was only going to be allowed for a certain amount of time however.

Due to the current Ascension Process the Expiration Date of the ending 16-billion-yearlong Evolutionary Cycle; the incarnate Volunteers/Starseeds and non-incarnate Beings working from multiple dimensions and timelines to override the Dark Ones/Team Dark interference and suppression of humanity; and because the Graduation/Separation/Expiration Day is approaching with the December 2012 winter Solstice Cosmic Conjunction or Alignment, School Earth will no longer be a single world that’s open to any and all to incarnate into.

What’s naturally evolving out of it is what I’ve called the Separation of Worlds, some others have called it “entering the new timeline” or other terms. We’re all saying the same thing which is, due to the Ascension Process and completion of the Evolutionary Cycle, those humans who are now ready and desirous to evolve out of dense duality are experiencing increasing Light frequencies with matching consciousness (the Ascension/Evolutionary Process and its many symptoms) to the extent that they’re consciously perceiving and feeling a Separation of Worlds & Timelines away from the old lower 3D patriarchal Earth world we all incarnated into. The humans who are not currently ready or desirous of utilizing the available Ascension/Evolutionary Light Energies to evolve/ascend now will have an appropriate Earth world and timeline to continue learning within an even greater density duality physical world and reality. There will be at least two primary Earth or Earth-like worlds and timelines for all of humanity instead of only one where all levels of developing souls and consciousness were crammed in together.

My statement about humanity needing to make huge changes now too or exit means exactly that. Higher and lower frequencies cannot co-exist within the same space so there is and will continue to be a frequency Separation of Worlds & Timelines providing both groups of humanity with a matching frequency world and reality to continue learning within. It’s that complex, and yet that simple, and it is our lives now. All that’s required to ascend/evolve/graduate to the next level now is an honest desire to be and live in a higher state of being. Are you gonna go my way now, or later? Either choice and timeline is perfect but the Expiration Date—December 21, 2012—is coming no matter what.


October 17, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link.

Light Is Flowing Through Our Veins

I wanted to share a bit about what I’ve recently been feeling and perceiving while awake and asleep. This stage is new to me/us so there will be more information about this to come I’m sure. Put simply, I can feel the hormones throughout my body’s blood system, brain, and Chakra systems changing now! The other night while asleep and out-of-body I heard the statement that, “Testosterone levels are being reduced in males and females.” I immediately thought, well just that alone is going to monumentally help everyone!

What I’ve been feeling is that something very positive is happening throughout our hormonal and blood systems. Said another way, we’ve got new Light Energy flowing through us now that’s rapidly altering, evolving the hormonal levels and production throughout our physical bodies and brains, which will naturally affect our consciousness also. Stair Steps remember? I believe Lisa Renee talked about this particular process in her September 2011 article and called it “Liquid Light” and “Diamond Sun Crystal Body”. [Full article here ]

Here’s a quote from Lisa Renee about this:

“For those of us that have made it to the other side, the inner peace and supportive energy has been nothing short of awe-inspiring. (So this means YOU will get here too!) It is very clear that the Liquid Light of the Christ Sun Body is here, and we can feel it “living” inside our body. We are making a new residence for the Diamond Sun Crystal Body within our person and within the planet, and a joyful optimism is emanating from our hearts that we “made it”! We are learning the new “Diamond Sun” sensory language, as this is a new level of energetic communication that has completely changed the way we process information…”

“…Many of us have recently had our 7D crucifixion implants released and are awaiting the monadic attunement in the next weeks to this merkabic circulatory system that runs the Krystic Living Light throughout our body…”

In April 2011 I wrote an article, First The Rewiring, Then The Power Gets Turned On in which I talked about further embodying, “Prototyping” more of the new Light Energies. [Full article here ]

As with everything in the Ascension Process these transformations must unfold incrementally through numerous Stair Steps and stages otherwise too much too fast would harm or destroy our lower frequency bodies, brains, nervous systems, electrical systems, psyche, hormonal/endocrine/Chakra systems and everything else. Too much higher frequency Light poured too fast into a smaller, more dense physical container would energetically and physically rip it apart, so the Ascension Process of us transmuting our physical bodies while we remain in them must happen in incremental Stair Steps so our minds and our bodies survive and repeatedly adjust to the ongoing Process.

But…we’ve finally reached the point where the higher Light Energies (Source designed and generated higher frequency “architecture” or patterns) is rapidly coming online within those of us who multidimensionally embody and anchor first (the “Prototypers”) and is flowing through our hormonal chemistry, our veins, nerves, cells, heart and consciousness and more of us are currently feeling these wonderful upgrades within our bodies and individual realities now. Know that this is just the beginning of many more amazingly wonderful evolutionary/ascension changes happening inside our bodies and consciousness, which is naturally and automatically reflected in our external world realities and the new Group collective. Fear not and continue to let go of all you must today, tomorrow, next week and for however long you/me/us need to do so because nearly incomprehensibly wonderful replacement patterns and materials from Source are currently firing-up in every physical Light-filled cell and drop of our blood.


September 18, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

Ascension: Approaching the End of a 25-Yearlong Process

Ascension symbol

Ascension symbol

  (An Ascension Symbol by Denise Le Fay – artist Yasmeen Harper)

Today is September 5, 2011, and we’ve entered DAY Six.

We’ve reached an important point within the Ascension Process where I know it’s time I share some details I haven’t so far. I’m going to try to list them sequentially to give you a partial overview and recap (from my current perspective) of some of what’s been unfolding, what was postponed and why; the Separation of Worlds; one world with more Light, the other world with more Dark. And of course I’ve left out plenty because all of this doesn’t need going over again now. These type of recap articles usually sound choppy and disconnected because I’m trying to cover a lot of Ascension related ground. The material is obviously condensed down and said in really simplified terms for ease, time and space, and also from the level I was and am today capable of perceiving. As always I reserve the right to grow and perceive more tomorrow, next week, the week after.


1987–2012 is the Nanosecond in time’ as Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians have called the very short compressed 25-yearlong period of the Ascension Process.

August 1987 Harmonic Convergence: an obvious start of the Ascension Process in 3D, but not in our physical bodies yet. Incarnate Starseeds—aka ground crews’— continued preparing and working inter-dimensionally with other-dimensional Beings, Starbeings, Lightbeings, ETs, Ascended Masters, Angelics etc. on their individual and Group Missions as energetic transmuters and therefore reality changers. We planted  new higher frequency seeds, anchored higher dimensional energies, and prepared for the more intense Work coming in the years ahead.

January 5, 1999 the Eighth Wave/Galactic Underworld begins: start of the difficult and painful physical, biological Ascension Process in most of the Starseeds first.

• From 1999 on, increasing numbers of Starseed Prototypers/Lightworkers/Wayshowers were energetically activated to begin their physical Ascension Process in Waves or Groups (First Wave, Second Wave and so on) to individually embody/prototype/live the Alchemical transformational Ascension Kundalini Process through their multiple energetic and physical bodies from within the physical polarized third dimension. They volunteered to do this so they could enter the 3D Earth system and embody/prototype higher Light Energies and 6D geometric blueprints or “architecture” and insert those blueprints/architecture/templates from Source into the lower frequency Earth world and override the deliberate multidimensional negative distortions and manipulations created by the Dark Ones as feeding and fuel devices for themselves and control over humanity and Earth.

• Many years of extremely painful, difficult, and oftentimes dangerous energetic transformational Ascension work through their Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies often while under repeated negative psychic and physical attacks either directly from non-physical Dark Ones and/or from manipulated, unaware physical humans. Incredibly difficult and dangerous working conditions to say the least!

• Between 2006–2009 there were numerous multidimensional meetings between many of the incarnate Starseeds/Volunteers/Wayshowers with certain higher dimensional Beings/Starbeings/Lightbeings/ETs etc. about when the Separation of Worlds would happen in 3D; when the completion of the Ascension Process would happen in 3D; and when the absolute last Expiration or cutoff date in 3D physicality would be for people who hadn’t chosen to Ascend/Evolve into increasing Unity and Responsibility over continued Separation and not taking Responsibility. [I hinted at some of this in my July 2009 article My Lightworker Strike ]

Many Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers expected that all 7 billion-plus people incarnate on Earth now would make this current “Harvest” or Ascension at the end of this Great Cycle. I and other Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers knew that all 7 billion-plus people would not and so petitioned for an earlier date to the Separation of Worlds. We were overruled at that time so I insisted that the First and Second Wave Starseeds, plus any who were profoundly sensitive and exhausted from the density, duality and negativity, be given some sort of reprieve via a higher frequency Safe House type zone or whatever so we could even continue doing our Ascension work while we worked towards and waited for more people to wake-up enough to choose to Ascend/Evolve. Out of my exhaustion and unending pain I insisted upon this and told the non-physical Beings that many of us incarnate Starseeds could die or become so psychically, mentally and emotionally wounded and damaged (much like many Indigos have) that we’d become incapable of continuing our Ascension Work in the physical IF we didn’t have a higher frequency space provided for us while we continued working and waiting for others at lower frequencies to decide to get on-board the Ascension train. This was immediately granted and many of us have lived for years already in these small, isolated patches of higher frequency Light Energies inside our physical homes and property (a Separation of Worlds) within the not-yet-fully formed NEW ascending Earth world.

This group entered the Separation of Worlds years ago and have worked and waited in our tiny higher frequency spaces and homes for every last soul whose going to choose to ascend/evolve to do so before the Expiration Date. My term Expiration Date means exactly that; the time to choose to Ascend/Evolve or not now will expire over specific days because this current Ascension Process cannot and will not go on indefinitely. The end of the Mayan calendar on Oct. 28, 2011 is an Expiration Date, as is the following 11-11-11 portal of Nov. 11, 2011, as is the Winter Solstice of Dec. 21, 2012 and so on. Humanity is given multiple, incremental energy Stair-steps, levels and dates before the absolute Expiration date or cutoff point within 3D physicality to this current Ascension/Evolutionary Process. Be grateful that this Process and its expiration is not as polarized or black/white, today/tomorrow, all/nothing as many people think it is! If it happened that way, billions more people would miss the opportunity to choose and use these universal, galactic, cosmic, solar and astrological energies to Ascend/Evolve now. Always incremental Stair-steps to this great Process, with a final cutoff point that is.

The energetic Separation of Worlds & Timelines has been happened incrementally for years already for many of us, but it’s the final physical Expiration Date that’s got some people confused and concerned. People need to remember that the Ascension Process—which is a slow-motion Separation of Worlds & Timelines in itself—has unfolded step-by-step, layer-by-layer in 3D physicality since about 1987 and is a 25-yearlong or so event, not something that’s going to suddenly all happen on one particular day. It’s the expiration of and cutoff point to the 25-yearlong Ascension Process as we’ve known it in this cycle…not the day that everyone ascends.

• More painful and difficult transmuting Emotional body and Mental body work while hiding-out in our higher frequency spaces in what’s felt like some strange isolated foot in both worlds type Safe House zone. At least we can recuperate and refuel a bit while in our higher frequency Light homes/spaces before we have to go out into the still lower frequency world for supplies! This entire situation will noticeably improve on the other side of October 28, 2011, and even more so with the 11-11-11 separation of November 11, 2011.

November 6, 2010 I experienced a lucid dream Astral kidnapping conducted by a small group of ancient Dark Ones.

It was the highly unusual behavior of this group of Dark Ones and what one of them screamed at me in a fit of rage that was important. Basically, this giant-sized Dark One wanted to tell me face-to-face how much he hated me—”me” meaning all Starseeds/Lightworkers not just Denise—because I’d/we’d ruined his reality, his way of life, his reign, his energetic human food and fuel supplies, his everything. What this unusual meeting revealed to me was that the Dark Ones reign was finally ending throughout the dimensions, and obviously many of them were and still are profoundly angry about this unexpected fact. They actually never believed this would happen and they thought they’d be able to prevent (via endless attacks) the Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers/Prototypers and Indigos from doing what we’ve done in physicality. This lucid dream kidnapping event may sound rather insignificant but it was an extremely important hand-delivered sign that the energetic Changing of the Guards was well underway and had reached the higher level Astral plane (4D) during the fall of 2010. Incremental stair steps going both up and down with this entire multidimensional Ascension Process.

March 9, 2011 the Ninth Wave/Universal Underworld begins: certain old Ascension symptoms from the Eighth Wave returned on this day, plus I perceive for the first time that the Cosmic Cavalry as I’ve called them (extremely advanced Beings of Light that reside close to Source) were on their down through the higher dimensions towards 3D physicality and Earth. This happening is going to make the incarnate Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers and Indigo’s jobs VASTLY easier and shorter!

Why are They coming down into physicality now? Because the Dark Ones are finally being unseated, dethroned, removed and redirected away from the Ascending/Evolving Earth world and its population and this magnificent happening has been increasingly easy to see across Earth since the start of the Ninth Wave. In really simplified Denise terms, some very advanced Lightbeings had to come down through the higher dimensions (which coincided with the start of the Ninth Wave) to do an intervention on the Dark Ones. This action by these Lightbeings upon the Darkbeings (Dark Ones) is another huge and very important process within the multidimensional final stages of the Separation of Worlds.

July & August 2011 required the Starseeds to embody/prototype/transmute massive distortions from within their Mental bodies (some more in their Emotional bodies) and from the planetary Collective’s Mental body also. As usual, this was a painful process in and through our physical bodies but much Dark patriarchal negativity, distortions and manipulations from within the individual/Collective Mental body were unplugged, transmuted, removed and replaced with Source-created Light codes/blueprints/architecture.

August 2011 the Cosmic Cavalry arrived within the physical world and an intervention with the Dark Ones (Team Dark as I call them) was fully implemented. Said another way, this was the start of the Separation of Worlds from the third dimension (3D) finally. Between what was happening with the intervention by the Cosmic Cavalry, the 2011 summer Energy Work done by and through many Starseeds/Wayshowers, major Dark manipulations and distortions within the human Mental body were transmuted and the Team Dark took a huge blow and were multidimensionally ousted. Another Stair-step and layer to the unfolding Separation of Worlds & Timelines process.

This intervention has been unfolding throughout the higher dimensions since the start of the Ninth Wave, but it arrived and was fully implemented within the physical dimension and Earth world during the month of August 2011. Because of all this old lower frequency things (global systems and rulers etc.) will more rapidly disintegrate, while higher frequency things will simultaneously strengthen until the two different frequency worlds with their matching frequency populations literally repel energetically, break apart, and we have complete Separation of Worlds & Timelines.

This is another reason why we’ve been learning over the years how to keep and remain within a higher frequency energy (within the lower Eye of the Storm) and keep our focus on/in our High Hearts and what we’re doing, why, and where we’re headed. It’s been so easy to fall vibrationally back down into the lower frequency patriarchal world reality which is painful, not to mention dangerous for us, but this too has been training in learning to maintain a specific level and focus (and read different frequencies of Energy) no matter what negativity and insanity is going on all around us.

• Accelerated earthquakes and weather related destruction, purging fires and floods: more in-your-face blatant negativity, lies, greed, corruption, insanity and violence for mass humanity to hopefully finally see and chose the Light over the Dark. What appears to many to be horrific destructive events around Earth are also last-minute warning signs and scare tactics desperately trying to get more people’s attention, redirect it, and shock them awake and into their Hearts enough to refocus on higher ways of living, being and perceiving. Some people got/get these difficult and shocking messages in their hearts—others haven’t and won’t.

• Further major changes coming in through the October 10th and 11th 2011 portals—10-10-11 and 10-11-11.

• I’ve been seeing 10:10 screaming at me (again) since June so I took a closer look at the dates of the remaining Mayan DAYS/NIGHTS and was amazed to discover this potent, reality-changing double whammy right around the corner! 10-10-11 is the last day of NIGHT Six. 10-11-11 is the first day of the last Day—DAY Seven! I have a draft written about just the 10-10-11 and the 10-11-11 that I’ll publish soon.


For decades I’ve clairvoyantly seen certain nearly incomprehensible to me scenes of an Earth world filled with billions of people that didn’t want to ascend that quickly drops even deeper into the Dark. I’ve never talked about this because it’s worse than the worst movies we’ve all seen, like the Matrix and others. I’ve also not talked about what I’ve seen of this world because it will upset people, make them angry and frightened and in many cases they lash out at the messenger instead changing themselves and their ways.

I’ve seen this Earth world and its population becoming more Dark, more controlled than the Earth world we all incarnated into in these current lives. One main way that humans in this world relinquish more of their personal power and mental capacities to whomever wants it is through the use of machines and machines surgically implanted into human bodies, organs and brains. Also, tiny machines (nanobots I believe they’re called today) are added to foods, drinks, water, vaccinations, pharmaceuticals, soaps, shampoos, skin creams, eye drops etc. as a way to control the minds and bodies of the population completely. (There are many people today that cannot wait to be made into part human part machine.)

What’s so painful about all this is that once the Separation of Worlds is complete, the world that ascends will have much more Light in it where the world that doesn’t ascend will have much more Dark in it than Earth did prior to the Ascension Process if you can comprehend that. The non-ascending world and its population that’s still attracted to warring, killing, violence, need to control, greed, manipulation, having power over others, handing your power over to others, wanting someone else to tell you what to do, think, feel, fix, heal etc. won’t continue the existence they’ve had on the old patriarchal Earth world; they’ll experience that world and reality rapidly becoming much darker and much worse. (Don’t attack or protest at the messenger!)

It was tremendously difficult for me to see and realize that the humans who weren’t ready to utilize the Ascension Process at the end of this Great Cycle would continue into more density and negativity not less. They’ll enter a world with more Dark pressures and restrictions, all to try to get them to finally choose responsibility instead of handing their power, consciousness and everything else over to another for any reason.


I sense that the Earth world that does ascend can—if we want it to—change dramatically in a split-second. I’ve also sensed that it can—if we want it to—change much more slowly. (It’s going to change dramatically anyway and simply being rid of the Dark Ones/Team Dark and all the horrific things they’ve done to our bodies will instantly altar and improve reality in astonishing ways.) Personally, I’m more than ready to make the quick short jump into 5D Universal Society and all that goes along with it in the twinkling of an eye.

Another aspect of the ongoing Separation of Worlds is that, especially since 2011, we’ve been perceiving certain things where they shouldn’t be. I know many of us have seen objects, Crystal Cities and/or Crystal buildings etc., Beings and such that exist in higher frequency realms and dimensions increasingly superimposed or bleeding-through into our world and space and vice versa. As we and Earth continue vibrating with more Light, we literally transition into a higher, larger, more complex, faster frequency level, dimension, place in space and timeline. Doing this means we’re going to be seeing and feeling many new positive things and Beings. It also means we’re going to be seeing many old familiar lower frequency 3D things, people/populations, objects, buildings, beliefs, systems, polarized consciousness and such rapidly disappearing from our ascending and expanding level of perception and matching external world and reality. These old lower things will fade away like many of our memories of our lives on Earth prior to Ascension and the Ascension Process itself, unless we want to retain those memories that is. Needless to say the ascended Earth world will have a greatly reduced population due to the billions of people who’ve chosen not to ascend/evolve at the end of this particular Great Cycle. This dramatic reduction in global population will also cause many changes.

OCTOBER 28, 2011 vs. DECEMBER 21, 2012

I sense that Oct. 28, 2011 is the correct end date of the Mayan calendar. However, like many other things within the 25-yearlong Ascension Process, there are multiple levels, stages and phases (Stair Steps) for people ready and able to use them earlier than other people. Personally, I sense that more will be felt and perceived on Nov. 11, 2011 once we pass through that cutoff 11-11-11 portal than on Oct. 28, 2011, but they’re each Stair Steps within the same unfolding Process, Separation of Worlds, and Expiration Date.

There’s been a big push to convince the masses that the End Date is Dec. 21, 2012. Some of this was done by the Dark Ones to distract and prevent people from utilizing the current cosmic energies available to help them transmute themselves and embody more Light yesterday, today and tomorrow. Also so-called “Disclosure” is going to naturally happen because you’ll ascended/evolved to a frequency range where you can see, know for yourself and communicate with many different Starbeings/ETs because you’ve done the Inner transformational Work on yourself. Reentering 5D Universal Society is the natural outcome of us transmuting our dense polarized energies, emotions, and consciousness and evolving. Forget about endlessly waiting for the government to finally confess that they’ve known ETs and UFOs exist for decades. Even if or when they do, are you going to be able to discern the truth from their lies and distortions about this? Plus, why are you still handing your power over to those lying master manipulators and wasting valuable ascension time? Just a suggestion however.

Repeating myself a bit, I sense that the people who are ready to use the Oct. 28, 2011 end date and the 11-11-11 cutoff point will do exactly that and experience more changes before other people do just as we always have since 1987 and 1999. Stair-steps and different level phases remember? I also sense that this Process we’ve lived since 1987 (for many, long before 1987) will continue through 2012 and will, for the rest of the people focused on 12-21-2012 as THE important end date, experience a completion and shift at that time. This isn’t about absolute all or nothing type duality, but is much more flexible, complex and layered Stair-steps than some people believe or perceive. Moving through 2012 and its 12 energies is important, especially for the people coming up behind most of us within this Process to complete and exit the old lower world frequency and consciousness framework of 12. After the December 21, 2012 Expiration Date, everyone who has ascended/evolved with the ascended/evolved Earth enters an entirely higher frequency and level that exists beyond the old system and reality of 12.


September 5, 2011

Copyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this Copyright Notice and  live link.

Transmuting More of the Patriarchy


Usually it takes me either a couple of hours or a couple of days to write an article. It’s taken me all of July 2011 and a few days into August to write this article because the Ascension “prototyping” body pains I’ve been having have been that severe. From many of the Comments recently, many of you have done this current “prototype” transmuting work too in July.

As of July 31, 2011 we entered Day Five (July 31–Aug. 17) of the Ninth Wave and I think most everyone is expecting the Shit-storm of Change to manifest now in ways it never has before. We’ve reached the point now where the negative patriarchal/Dark Ones crafted world reality is disintegrating fast and in very obvious far-reaching ways. Because of the specific pains my body’s been going through in July, and still is to a slightly lesser degree as I write this, I know the two things are intimately connected. I realize how strange that sounds unless you’re a Starseed Lightworker “Prototyper” to borrow Lisa Renee’s great term. If you’re living/transmuting/anchoring/creating as a Starseed Lightworker “Prototyper”, then the microcosm/macrocosm business is fairly familiar to you at this point.

However…the severe pains in my physical body throughout July 2011 had me, at times, mildly concerned if some internal organ—my liver, gall bladder, stomach, diaphragm, intestines, ribs and spine around the solar plexus chakra—were about to explode, meltdown, or have some little alien burst through my gut like in the movie Alien. Relax, I jest. I didn’t really think an alien would burst through my bloated Buddha Belly solar plexus, but I did wonder a few times if my internal organs near my solar plexus would hold up through this intense transformational phase. Things have to get pretty serious inside my body before I start second-guessing so that should tell you something about how large and important (and physically painful) what’s unfolding energetically throughout July and August 2011 really is. The rest of the energy climb up the unfolding numerical stair steps and then through the 11-11-11 cutoff portal is going to be something else as the entire patriarchal world and its negative reality disintegrates into dust.

Most Ascension “prototyper” physical pains aren’t worrisome to me because I usually know what they are, what they’re doing, why, and so on. However, there are certain internal organ pains that, when they arrive with a vengeance as they did in early July, they sometimes cause me to second-guess what in the world is going on inside my body and why. Such is how the month of July unfolded for this “prototyper”.

When I have small concerns or self-doubt about what my body is prototyping as I had a couple of times during July 2011, it’s that much harder for me to clearly perceive what all is happening and why. Because of this it’s taken me longer to consciously connect the multiple puzzle-pieces to better understand what’s happening in and through my physical and mental bodies and discover the connection to the accelerated disintegrating patriarchal world reality, its systems, its methods of control, the entire money thing not to mention the overall fears, frustrations and anger coming from the American masses plus the entire planetary Collective now.


I’ve had severe pains in and around my solar plexus area and said organs radiating out from the front and right side all the way through my body and out my spine and back. Kundalini hot flashes about every 20 minutes; occasionally clairvoyantly seeing head-shots of negative non-physical Beings flash angrily in my mind’s eye (if looks alone could kill I’d be one dead Starseed Lightworker Prototyper!); endless patriarchal American government (possessed) insane tactics and manipulations; plus more of my own patriarchal Dad anger about past family money issues and other issues surfaced for me to fully remember, feel, transmute and let go of.

In early July my solar plexus Buddha Belly expanded like a balloon while repeated hot flashes/kundalini fire scorched my back, body and head; inside my head felt like a series of invisible laser beams have been doing energy surgery to my brain, brain glands and skull; unexpected anger towards my own Father’s past actions and attitudes surfaced—plus energetically feeling the masses increasingly worried about their disappearing money and the “American Dream”—I realized what was manifesting in my solar plexus organs and spine was intimately connected to the current patriarchal disintegration override.

I didn’t think too much about the increase of symptoms I was feeling in the first-half of July but I did recognize that something much larger was up when I suddenly had old Dad anger pop up in my mind after having worked through numerous layers of personal Dad stuff many years earlier. That was my clue that another HUGE layer of the global patriarchy is currently being transmuted by those of us who do “prototype” work. This stuff was about my biological Father, but it’s also about the global Patriarchy—the Father, the Male, individual family providers and protectors, governmental providers and protectors, the “bread-winner”, he who controls, he who owns etc.


Over the past couple decades I’ve often thought about the difficulties many people—mostly males—are going to have as the patriarchy and its systems rapidly disintegrate. Males especially have been taught to perceive and function within a very narrow range in the patriarchal world reality; that of boss, husband, father, warrior, intellectual, money earner, possessions owner etc. Females have been equally pigeon-holed during the patriarchal rule but at least they could emotionally feel and cry over the horrific nightmare that this Dark reality has been!

One man’s fearful Shit-storm of Change is a Starseed Lightworker “prototyping” which overrides and helps anchors the NEW energy blueprints through their physical and non-physical bodies on Earth. In other words, it’s business as usual for the prototypers, but for the negative patriarchal world reality it’s definitely the “end times”. Transmuting and pulling out energy plugs and controls in our mental bodies is usually painful, but this latest Work sure is doing what it’s designed to do to the negative systems! What’s a month or two of severe gut pains, extra bloating and burning hot flashes when it’s to help free humanity’s mental bodies from the Dark Ones negative control systems? Exactly. This is what we do and why we do it. Rest and recuperate because August 2011 is going to be potent, Leonine dramatic and reality changing too. Thanks everyone and hang in there.


August 4, 2011

copyright silver Copyright Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2011-2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

Physical Body Restrictions Created by Your Higher Self

This is another topic that’s well familiar to me but one I realized I’ve not talked about publicly at TRANSITIONS. The subject is about why many of us have built-in safeguards in these incarnations which, from our perspective, seem like miserable physical handicaps, disabilities, or restrictions. Because I was born with scoliosis and have had arthritis in my spine since forever, I’ve had a life of physical pain and things I couldn’t do…but tired damned hard nonetheless!

So why would my Higher Self limit Denise this way in this incarnation? I’ve discovered that, had I not had these types of physical restraints imposed upon me in this life and timeline, I would still be doing all those intense physical things I loved so when I was young/younger. But because I did not reincarnate in this life and timeline so I could be that jockey I wanted to be as a kid, or a professional dancer for more years than I actually was, or use my 5′ 2″ female body to landscape people’s yards to resemble my past-life memories of Master Hotei’s temple gardens, or redecorate people’s houses to resemble other of my past-life memories or any other such fun physical stuff, my Higher Self helped keep me on-track in this life by placing some physical limitations on my physical body. And even after all that I’ve still used my small beat-up female physical body as if it were a healthy and very strong  6′ 2″ male body! Sometimes remembering more of one’s past lives lived in opposite sexed bodies doesn’t always make this current life and focus easier. Sometimes this type of past-life memories and energetic integration is supposed to be used in non-physical ways.

To prevent some of us Forerunners/Wayshowers/Starseeds/Lightworkers who specifically incarnated (Volunteered) on Earth now to live and anchor the Ascension Process and its changes from getting happily sidetracked in other fun physical 3D things for all of our lives, our Higher Selves help us by giving us certain physical restrictions or limitations. I know this may sound harsh, cruel, karmic or such but that’s not the case at all — quite the opposite in fact. To help us do what we came to physical Earth now to do, oftentimes our Higher Self will, in some way, deliberately limit our physical body so we cannot permanently go rushing off once back in 3D physicality and become permanently enmeshed in some very physical endeavor… like dancing, or soccer, or building houses, or whatever it is that we’re deeply attracted to once back in a physical body on a physical world.

I mentioned in A Lightworker’s Mission that I could always clairvoyantly See my life up until the age of 40. From that point on it was black to the me I was prior to age 40. This told me that I was working within a tight timeline in this lifetime and that I had until age 40 (actually it was the start of my Uranus Opposition at age 39) to do most of those intense physical things I desired doing. From age 39-on however I was fully on the clock so to speak and there wouldn’t be room or time for me to fool around with certain “normal” physical endeavors like I had prior to age 40. I was and still am grateful that I had those 39 years to try to make my physical body do things it wasn’t designed in this life to do.

A few years ago I discovered a story by David Icke about the onset of his rheumatoid arthritis. He too had an intense passion for the physical and evidently wanted and had planned on being a professional soccer player when he was young. But his Higher Self had other plans and to help David stay on-track with those plans he too had physical limitations or restrictions placed upon his physical body. I know there are many other Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers who’ve lived lives in physical bodies that don’t work the way they’d like them to and for the same reasons as mine and David Icke’s. It was to help us do what we came to Earth now to do and that has nothing to do with racing thoroughbred horses, dancing professionally, playing soccer professionally, or physically moving boulders and trees around outside to create the correct energy flow in one’s backyard, or any other such intense physical labors of love, no matter how intense the passion.

So if you’ve found yourself restricted or limited in some way like this, stop and honestly do a Reality Check to get your spiritual bearings again. What at first may seem a terrible and unfair restriction placed upon you in this life, may actually be the very thing that protects you from becoming sidetracked and/or lost your entire Ascension Process lifetime in intense earthy physicality when that’s not why you’re here now at all!  Thanks Higher Self for the personal help and protection. What’s that great old saying…? “Lo tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall not tarry and build a summer cottage!”  Nope, we’re here now to turn the entire planet into a 5D “summer cottage”. 


July 24, 2011

teal copyrightCopyright © Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS, 2011–2013. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

Remember Volunteering For This?



One afternoon in the early 1980’s I had a sudden intense memory surface within my Denise consciousness. Because this memory happened before the start of the Ascension Process (1987), it was unusually intense for me to make a fully conscious quantum connection with this particular memory—more accurately the actual event happening simultaneously. During the minute or so of my remembering and seeing in my mind’s eye this simultaneous quantum event, I instantaneously had sweat running down my back and was shaking mildly from the conscious connection with this higher, larger aspect of myself. That’s how much more difficult it was some thirty years ago to make a conscious quantum connection with a very high dimension and aspect of SELF like this. I—not just this Denise aspect but many other aspects of my greater SELF also—was/am aware of existing simultaneously in multiple forms in multiple dimensions. Here’s what I suddenly remembered that special day thirty years ago.

Suddenly I was aware of being a Being of Light that exists vibrationally closer to Source with a small group of other like-Beings or Spiritual Family. There were maybe five or so of these similar Beings standing in front of the rest of us like-Beings. We’d gathered together to discuss something very important and make equally important decisions about it. I was one of the Beings listening to the other Beings informing the rest of us about these situations and the changes needed.

The short discussion consisted of us being informed that THE Plan needed help from some of us to be corrected, separated, completed, and lifted up to an entirely new level and dimension. That was all that needed to be understood or discussed because it was instantaneously known by all of us what was happening, what would happen, what was needed and why. At this point I raised my hand and announced, “We’ll go!” and that was that. That’s all that was required to volunteer to seed an aspect of one’s Greater SELF to incarnate within lower frequency 3D on Earth as a Starseed Lightworker/Lightworker/Wayshower/Path Cutter to work from within that dimension and Earth world disguised as a local to seed, embody, and manifest the transformational energies of the Ascension Process.

To take this topic one more quantum step—which we must to be completely honest about this—if your Greater Self volunteered for this current Ascension Mission, then this part of You didn’t seed and send out only one aspect of You to do this, You most likely seeded many aspects and deliberately sent them to incarnate in different timelines and countries around Earth (aka your “past lives”). Why? Because it was/is a quantum crash-course in learning about living and functioning within polarized 3D physicality; living, perceiving and functioning within dense polarized male and female physical bodies; existing, functioning and perceiving within greatly restricted linear time; and learning to function with greatly restricted awareness and consciousness etc.


When this call went out for volunteers to help with dislodging humanity and Earth up and out from the dark mud-pit it had fallen into thanks to some other stubborn and confused aspects—aka the Dark Ones—YOU intentionally seeded different aspects of Yourself to incarnate on 3D Earth to all work on this particular Mission simultaneously. I know, I know, just breath and don’t think linear thoughts and linear time! Let your sense of self, selves, Self expand back to what it really is which is NOT linear and separated at all.

The Greater Self You volunteered to help with getting THE Plan back on-track and to accomplish this It seeded aspects of Itself into…let’s say…Lemuria, Atlantis, ancient Egypt, ancient China, Asia, north, central, and south America as native Indians, Mayans etc., Tibet, India, north and south Africa, different countries and timelines throughout Europe and so on. And It seeded these different aspects of Itself into these different countries and timelines in both male and female bodies so that as much knowledge, learning, creativity and integration could be gained. (Think spherical not linear.)

In many of these past/simultaneous lives you were trained by other Master Teachers, other Starbeings and by other-dimensional Beings (who in some cases where also other aspects of You as well) all to help the overall quantum Mission and teach these different incarnated aspects of You the things you/You/YOU all needed/need to know from firsthand experience within the third dimension and polarized physicality. How could you possibly help anyone or anything if you/You/YOU didn’t know what it’s like living in a dense physical body with limited consciousness in a profoundly polarized physical world? So, crash-course to learn, to live, taste, feel, to know for yourself/selves how and why and all the in’s and out’s of a life in 3D. And because You have inserted aspects of Self within this Earth world and THE Plan, you’re not breaking any universal Freewill Laws by making the needed Ascension-related changes. Now the many different you’s have some serious personal knowledge tools to work with during the last leg of this quantum Mission, plus no one’s Freewill has been infringed upon either.

So here comes the real mind-bender with all this. Breath, expand your sense of self and relax.

This current incarnation, this current life you aspect is the really, really important volunteer piece in this massive elaborate quantum Mission. I know it doesn’t seem like you are and it sure as hell doesn’t feel like you are, but you are nonetheless. This current self you and incarnation is the real anchor aspect to all this; the real incarnation body/mind/soul that’s the one living, transmuting, and embodying within the Ascension, the “End Times”, the end of the 16 billion-yearlong Plan timeline to actually do the deed of Ascension through yourself, your bodies, your heart and soul. All the rest of it has been, is, quantum prep-work and support for this particular aspect of You in this life, this incarnation and timeline to wrap this Mission up and bring it home, Home, HOME.

Many years ago I read something channeled by Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadians. They called us Starseeds/Lightworkers/”System Busters” the “Standard Bearers of our Souls”. When I first read that term I wasn’t positive of what they meant by it. A few weeks later I totally understood. We are indeed the aspects that are embodying and living the Alchemical Ascension Process and 16 billion-yearlong polarity resolution transformational work within and through our current bodies and selves to get THE Plan back on-track and provide a way out of the old stuck mud-pit Earth now for any who wish to extricate themselves from the endless negativity, darkness, polarity, violence, suffering, greed, lack, pain and tears.

Let your greater quantum identity and volunteered role sink in a bit and go have a bowl of ice cream or something and cut yourself some slack. Is it any wonder why so many of us are exhausted beyond comprehension at this point? Well done everyone and just a little way left to go now.


July 9, 2011

multicolored copyright 2Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and live link.