Learning To Be More Responsible, Aware & Sovereign Part 1

A month ago I received an interesting email from a reader who will remain anonymous. After reading it I asked her if I could quote it at TRANSITIONS—with everyone’s names changed—so more people could benefit from her important Ascension-related experience and she generously agreed.

I’ve been waiting for the correct time to quote her letter, and due to some other unfolding lessons that happened elsewhere I knew it was time to share it and connect it with this other situation. I am not blaming anyone for anything nor am I wounded by what was said at this other location. (M**** none of this is about you or directed at you!) The reason I’ve brought this up publicly is because people need to understand and be responsible for themselves, their words, thoughts, emotions and actions etc. We all do of course, but in this particular case it’s about how the Dark Ones use and/or try to manipulate certain people to cause more chaos, confusion, separation, emotional pain, distort, distract, and separate the growing Groups of people carrying Light Energies in themselves. For brief periods since my Ascension Process began in 1999, even my Mother has been used, manipulated occasionally by the Dark Ones to get at me. And god knows how many times over the past six or seven years the Dark Ones have tried to get me to write things to discredit and distort what certain other Lightworkers have written.

Hopefully you see how and why the Dark Ones occasionally attack and/or try to manipulate all of us to do damage to our fellow Lightworkers, the growing Groups of people embodying Light, ourselves and our loved ones, and the other folks out there just living the Ascension Process. All of this negative polarized crap is part of living the Ascension Process and learning how to be more conscious, aware, and responsible while simultaneously extricating ourselves from the negative energetic control and mind-job the Dark Ones have had over everyone on Earth. The negativity and dark tactics won’t last much longer, but it is and will do its damnedest to take as many of you down with them as they can. Wake up, take your power through being responsible and sovereign, and don’t let yourself get used or manipulated by the non-physical Dark Ones and the unaware physical humans they use.

Everyone honestly wanting to Ascend/Evolve now must realize that the Dark Ones attack Starseed Lightworkers/Lightworkers/Wayshowers and Indigos. They use and manipulate regular or non-ascending people; they try to manipulate and use those people who are evolving and embodying more and more Light in themselves to break apart the Groups of people embodying Light; and to diminish the progress and energies the Starseed Lightworker teachers make by spreading Light and teaching and so on. In other words, the teachers are not the only ones who come under attack and attempted manipulations by the Dark Ones; each of you do as well and you need to realize this, learn from it, stop projecting on to others while not taking any responsibility for your own actions, words, and part in it even if you were manipulated by the Dark Ones! This is NOT about blame or shame, guilt or weakness or any other such negative crap. It’s about being more aware, learning to take full responsibility, learning to discern your thoughts and emotions from occasional manipulations from the Dark Ones through you to do damage and/or separate fellow Lightworkers, positive Groups, or any other negative stunt they try to pull on all of us. This really has been a war and more of you are discovering this fact in 2011 during the final Ninth Wave phase.

So, here’s the email letter from M**** about her and her fiance’s personal experiences of being attacked and manipulated by the Dark Ones and other lower frequency humans the Dark Ones use and manipulate. The “Command”  M**** mentions is from Lisa Renee’s Nov. 2010 “The Restoration” article.

This is a very important spiritual, energetic, etheric, emotional, physical and psychological lesson about one of the ways the Dark Ones work and how and why they use and attack regular or non-ascending people, Starseed Lightworkers, Lightworkers, Indigos, plus all people living the Ascension Process.

Denise Le Fay

June 4, 2011

“I took your advice and have been saying the Command each evening. Before I go to sleep I wrap myself, my dog, my fiancé and the house in Light. When I’m feeling like the ether is wonky I smudge my house with Copal or sage/sweetgrass.
I can deal with myself being attacked, but when the dark is going after me through ones I love it is really difficult as you know. It is hard for negative people to get to me because I am very careful who I keep company with. I don’t work so I don’t have to deal with anyone I don’t want to. Anyway,  my fiancé is being bombarded lately. Just one thing after the other this week. Petty people pushing dark shit. Thank God my fiancé (Jim) is a sturdy guy, but he’s been pushed towards his limits.
The other night he was working nights and when he came home I felt a strange feeling of vertigo hit me as I was laying in bed, then the nausea hit me really hard, then a feeling of repulsion. It’s extremely rare for me to feel this in waking life. Well, something was attached to Jim. Someone/something sent something like an attack entity to attach to him. (I have no idea how to properly describe this.)  I have never felt this with him ever before. He was fine, said he was just really tired. He came into bed and the heat coming up my body was like I was on fire and I didn’t want him to come near me. Clairvoyantly I saw what was attached to him (it showed itself to me), it reminded me of a weird spider-like thing with lots of long legs, it was huge and nasty!!!  I closed my eyes and with all my might I filled our room with the most brilliant Light. It vaporized the entity, but not easily. It took a lot out of me. The image of it is burned into my mind.
Next day my fiancé gets a call from his terribly abusive psychopathic boss, ripping him to shreds, telling him horrible lies etc. Really really upsetting him, just crazy hurtful things beyond criticism. There are two men who for some reason have it out for him. They’re just really dark horrible people. Totally repulsive. And I knew that it was sent from whatever was animating these guys. I managed to keep Jim from totally falling into a spiral of emotional turmoil. And by the end of the day he was back to himself.
My question is, how in the world do I protect him? How can I better protect my little family (me, Jim & Daisy our dog) from intrusions like this? After all the stuff I do I can’t understand how something like this was able to get into our home. In your book you said there are ways to further shield a home and property. What happened went right along with what you had said about Dark Ones fighting more to hang on, to deter us. What happened really disturbed me. It pissed me off more than it scared me.
I’m sure you get tons of emails and I don’t want to be one of those people that tries to monopolize your time. I haven’t been able to tell anyone about this. It’s so private that I don’t want to post it publicly. But this is a different type of attack than I’m used to. I don’t want any more dark shit like that getting past my threshold. Any advice you have I would be deeply grateful. (On the plus side however….yesterday when we were driving we saw 3 rainbows. 2 of them full arches. So beautiful. I turned to Jim and I said, “See sweetie…that’s the universe telling us everything is going to be alright”.)
Sending you lots of love and tons of gratitude for all that you do to help others.”

[Also see Learning To Be More Responsible, Aware & Sovereign Part 2]   https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/learning-to-be-more-responsible-aware-sovereign-part-2/

teal purple copyrightCopyright Denise Le Fay and TRANSITIONS 2011-2012. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and you include this copyright notice and link. https://deniselefay.wordpress.com/  

Negative Beings, Psychic Attacks & Nightmares

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Because I was born a sensitive, psychic, clairvoyant, Ascension ‘Volunteer’ and Forerunner, Starseed, Lightworker, Lightwarrior I’ve always been prone to and aware of what we call negative or Dark or evil beings and energies, what I call Team Dark. To me it’s all lower vibrating consciousness and energies. Do not misunderstand me however because many of those lower vibrating energies and consciousness want to KILL YOU, want to HARM YOU, want to and do feed off you energetically and endlessly want to cause you as much MISERY, PAIN, CHAOS and FEAR as It/They possibly can, especially if you’re carrying Light. So even though it or they can be highly dangerous and even deadly during certain stages of Forerunners/Wanderers/Lightworkers/Starseeds/Wayshowers/Indigos lives within lower 3D, they are still just seriously bad-ass lower vibrating energies and consciousness. It is what it is, no more no less but don’t be stupid, naive or gullible.

In the third dimension (3D), Duality was the name of the game with the negative Team Dark (TD) aliens and other beings and entities being the controllers of humanity and human consciousness and physical reality for a very long time. That’s not the case any longer I am very proud to say, but of course that caused a big, angry, panicky uproar in the remaining unseen and seen TD nonhuman beings and TD physical human puppets.

How many of you have read any of Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadian books? If you have you’re familiar with their really great term System Busters’. I’ve always loved that term because it says it all; Forerunners/Lightworkers/Starseeds/Pathpavers are those who come in to (intentionally incarnate) energetically closed off dimensions, planets and entire systems for the reason of energetically busting down that old lower energy and consciousness to either energetically bring in and anchor a new astrological Age, and/or to help with the evolution of the planet and human species through the Ascension Process and dimensional shift such as what’s happening now. We’ve been doing all that and much more over the past decade or so. Why? Because those who volunteered to do this are the ones to clean up, literally transmute the energetic mess and imbalances (Duality) created on Earth by both humans and non-humans before the new and higher can replace it. Our time using the old 3D school with its matching systems is ending, which means the horrible distortions, negative residual emotional energies in 3D and 4D astral and general carnage had to be transmuted by those Forerunners that could, can do that level of energetic Work.

alarm Warning: This next material is rather X-Rated and very Dark so be prepared please.

Some Forerunners/Starseeds/Lightworkers (aka Team Light) incarnate into and work in total negative Darkness in the beginning of the System Busting Ascension Process. Sensitives and people carrying more Light Energies naturally glow in the negative Dark and obviously are immediately and easily perceived by negative beings, aliens and entities (TD) more so than people not carrying, not embodying higher frequency Light Energies in themselves and their physical bodies.

I’ve gone through severe and profoundly difficult periods of Lightwork since 1999, where I had to directly feel, experience and live through actual events that physically happened to other people. It was necessary for me—as it was for many other Lightworkers/Transmuters around the planet—to personally, directly live through and feel certain horrific negative events and emotions etc. that have happened to other humans. Why? Because those negative, dark events and actions leave energetic scars and residual imprints (abundant psychic, etheric trash if you will) that doesn’t simply disappear when the event/action is physically finished. Some Lightworkers/Transmuters feel/felt both what the victims felt and what the perpetrators felt during those negative events and actions. Some Lightworkers/Transmuters dealt with Dark events and actions done in this current time period, other Lightworkers/Transmuters dealt more with negative events and actions created hundreds and thousands of years ago on 3D physical Earth. And some of us have worked extensively in the 4D Astral as well transmuting and clearing out much of the abundant negativity created throughout this past Evolutionary Cycle on Earth.

The majority of the time this transformational Ascension related Lightwork was done in the dream state for the simple reason that so much could be dealt with and transmuted in a relatively short period with the least amount of trauma to the Forerunner/Lightworker/Energy Transmuter. They’ve had to personally experience these negative actions and leftover energies through their bodies to experience it, feel it, see it etc. and then transmute and discharge or neutralize it. Through this intimate direct experience of witnessing, feeling physically, emotionally, and psychologically living certain past tortures, rapes, murders, sexual tortures and perversions of both adult females and males, children of both sexes and animals, also animal tortures and murders, the lower negative Dark stuck energies and consciousness created by those humans AND Team Dark beings and the acts and events, the Forerunner/Starseed/Lightworker was able to transmute those energies. In other words, they did the work of busting that energetic system and past residual negative energies, transmute them and take back the planet energetically while pointing out the energetic “Exit Door” to any living and dead who were ready for a higher way of Light. However, there are still many pockets of lower negative energies running loose everywhere and we encounter them repeatedly through the layers, cycles and numerous energy adjustments of the ongoing Ascension Process.

The other important reason why some Ascension Process Forerunners have this unpleasant job related task is because a direct record of these negative actions done by negative nonhuman aliens, beings and entities on other humans, and done by negative humans on other humans across time in the completing past Evolutionary Cycle. Forerunners personally and directly experience and relive what the victims and victimizers both experienced, felt, saw, heard, tasted etc. because it then becomes recorded through each Forerunner who personally and directly experienced all of them in this way and will be used as multidimensional evidence on every Team Dark being and human that perpetrated the events and actions in the physical and astral dimensions. No one and nothing gets away with anything anywhere, and at the end of each lengthy Evolutionary Cycle such as what we’re living through now in these current lifetimes, some Forerunners/Lightworkers/Pathpavers are needed to personally and directly collect evidence of the negative events, actions and deeds done upon others because it will be used later in higher dimensions.

I had two intentional human generated psychic attacks in 2008 from living people. I also had 3 or 4 experiences of what I call free-floating negative energies come wafting through my home during 2008 also and I wrote articles about some of them, including all the negative energies released and transmuted via the California Fire Storms of 2007 and 2008. I know many non-psychic, non-Lightworker people have and still do occasionally encounter these pockets of free-floating, on the move dislodged negative energies and Team Dark. They are free-floating negative energies and consciousness on-the-run due to all the previous transformational energy System Busting work done over the past 10-11 years or more. Their solid hold on the old lower 3D world has been shaken to the core, broken up, and busted apart. So much of it has been transmuted already but there are still and will continue to be for a while, moving, searching pockets of this horrible negative energy and beings frantically looking for anyone to sink its claws back into again. Because of this ongoing transition, I and some of you still do have these encounters with loose, roaming negative crap that’s looking for someone to destroy or harm in any way it/they can at this point.

I and my Mom both had another of these experiences a few nights ago and it returned the next night even stronger and more focused, but that then was the end of it for us. It’s always interesting and validating for us when things like this happen while we’re asleep at night and don’t know anything is happening with the other person. The next morning when one of us tells the other that we were attacked in a dream (which took the form of a strange and abnormal for us nightmare), and the other one shares that they had a very similar nightmare attack dream the same night, then I’m certain it was focused and intentional negative energy pounding on both of us.

The first night the psychic attack was minimal and weak, so much so I wasn’t sure it even was a psychic attack. But the second night was highly focused and hell-bent on kicking the life out of us both. Because it was the middle of the night and we were asleep, this psychic attack took the form of a nightmare for both of us. A huge clue for me with these type issues is that there’s a patriarchal theme to the nightmare; males killing and/or harming other males and females for whatever sick distorted reasons. In other words, there is a very specific theme and feel to these energies, these psychic attacks and these nightmares caused by old lower energies created in and by long-standing patriarchal distortions. I’ll spare everyone the ugly details and just say my nightmare had to do with another culture and race and how certain gangs within it hunt and kill other people within that physical area. It is territorial, but aren’t they all no matter the race or culture? There was running and hiding and people being caught and killed on the spot by this other gang or group of people. It was modern-day and an actual physical event that happened and is still physically happening today in certain locations in North, Central and South America. I woke myself up right before I witnessed another young brown-skinned man in front of me be murdered by another brown-skinned man or woman.

The second I opened my eyes from this nightmare in the darkness of my bedroom, I clearly saw the tell-tale negative energies right there three inches above my face and head, trying its damnedest to etherically pound my head in! I’ve seen this same negative energy phenomenon repeatedly over the years. This type of negative energy is always much physically darker than the surrounding natural darkness of  night, and it usually is moving frantically and violently around your head, face and upper body because it is trying to pound you into oblivion. This is part of the ongoing process and I can tell you from a lifetime of personal experiences, that it does get to a point where you’re vibrating far enough beyond its frequency and abilities that you finally are vibrationally untouchable. A very, very, long time coming to be sure but it does happen eventually.

The great difference between this recent psychic attack of a few nights ago and the last one of 5 months ago is monumental however. This recent attack could not and did not actually make contact with me enough to affect me physically. Yes it did make contact etherically because it’s so much easier to do that, especially if we’re asleep and OOB (out-of-body), but again, not enough to affect me physically which has always been the case my whole life. I am not sick physically from this recent psychic attack from another pocket of free-floating, dis-connected, lower negative energy, and this is a first for me. Blessed, hard-fought progression both internally and externally. Stay strong, stay aware, and keep moving forward vibrationally everyone. Know that these random encounters with the dying dark Negativity are vastly less powerful than before so fear not and keep moving forward because it is so much easier now than ever before.

Denise Le Fay

January 28, 2009

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