New Chakra Pains & Pressures

                            (Artists unknown)


Around 2000, I started feeling a new physical pain that felt like my spine/back was breaking or broken above my heart, high up between my shoulder blades. Because I’ve had mild (although it sure doesn’t feel that way) scoliosis all my life, I assumed it was another thin disk and/or pinched nerves between vertebra in that particular area of my spine. Eventually however, I realized that physical area was the same location where I knew my energetic 5D High Heart was birthing itself. I then started understanding more about the connections between this particular place on our spines and our new 5D High Heart manifesting. In the diagram above this is number 6—the Thymus chakra. I prefer calling it the High Heart because it exists and functions well above the old lower 3D physical Heart chakra.

This physical pain in the back/spine right behind this Thymus High Heart chakra can, at times, be really painful and miserable and I’ve noticed that it causes a few other physical reactions or side effects which I think many people have been having for years now or they’ve started recently. One of the new 5D High Heart Thymus related symptoms is having our esophagus spasm painfully at or near this particular location in our spines. I never had this physical pain or symptom before my Ascension Process started, but I’ve had this painful spine/back and esophagus spasms off and on ever since. Usually eating food will cause it to spasm closed and hurt, especially if I’m hurrying, multitasking and not relaxed while eating. Other times I can be rested and relaxed and simply drink water and suddenly have my esophagus spasm and feel like there’s a stone stuck in it right at this High Heart Thymus chakra area.

Another related and very common side effect of this new 5D ascended High Heart Thymus chakra is heartburn from hell and/or acid re-flux on those super intense days.


Other exciting Ascension-related new 5D chakra pains are connected to number 4 in the diagram above—the Diaphragm chakra. Other people have called this lovely bloating, bulging, never-ending expanded upper belly/gut/diaphragm situation the ‘Buddha Belly’. I’ll never forget the first time I ran across this term online about a year and a half ago because it immediately reminded me of my dear old past-life Master Teacher and much-loved friend Master Hotei, aka the Laughing Buddha. [See The Temple of Master Hotei: A Unique Past Life Memory ]. I remember in that past life wondering why Master Hotei’s belly was so distended when he really wasn’t overweight or fat. Now I know, intimately!

The first minute my Ascension Process started on February 1, 1999, my diaphragm bloated up like I was nine months pregnant and has remained that way ever since. It doesn’t matter if I don’t eat anything for days, my upper belly area doesn’t deflate and become con-caved like it always was prior to the start of this process. This Ascension-related symptom and new 5D chakra feels just like being nine months pregnant and you tried to eat a large meal. My vertebra in this particular area will often go out-of-place too, which I believe is directly related to the birthing of this new chakra. Also your diaphragm is so bloated, so distended that you sometimes feel like you can’t get enough air into your lungs. This symptom is about as much fun as the new High Heart/Thymus chakra side effects are! And, my already bloated diaphragm gets much worse the minute I physically leave my house and go into the lower vibrating world out there because entering any place where there’s more density creates an immediate reaction in my body from all lower frequency energies. Keep this in HighHeart mind when your body suddenly lets you know that you’ve entered a lower, more dense negative frequency physical location.


The next new Ascension-related 5D chakra is number 8 in the above diagram—The Well of Dreams. Again, due to my lifelong spinal pains and problems, this particular area of my spine has always been a wreck. Because of this it’s taken me longer to discern the symptoms that accompany the birth of this new higher chakra. I haven’t read or heard anything about this new chakra, but I sense it has something to do with—and this may sound really weird even for me—the integration of our male and female energies within our body and two brain hemispheres. I sense there is a new higher octave with this new Ascension-related 5D chakra to both the Throat chakra below it and the Brow chakra above it. I sense  at some point with our DNA re-connections and other higher energy changes, we will have the ability (again) to use vocal sounds (7D) to Consciously Create certain things and manifest them into our reality. This is a really ancient ability we lost, along with many others, that will eventually return due to our going through the Ascension and dimensional shift Process. I also sense that there’s more to this particular new chakra but I haven’t perceived it yet.

The Galactic Male and Galactic Female chakras speak for themselves, except that I wonder why they would be separated or polarized like this again? Maybe we’ve got some more integrating to do at even higher levels within this Process? Or, maybe they mean something very different from male/female as we’ve known it at lower levels of consciousness. At any rate, I suspect our current brain Rewiring Process will solve this confusion or outright distortion and fully reveal some truly amazing insights, abilities and memories to us again.

Denise Le Fay

June 1, 2010

Ascension Symptoms

rainbow line rainbow line

Some of these evolutionary Ascension symptoms are ones I’ve lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. As I’ve said elsewhere over the past few years, your mileage may vary, because we each are dealing with and transmuting slightly different emotional energies, karmic, duality energies, past-life energies, and varying degrees of negative lower frequency energies across time on earth. Some of us have been processing not only our own inner emotional energetic stuff and junk from this life, but from ALL of them, plus doing transformational bloodline family work, and planetary clearing of stuck or residual negative energies created by people across time on this planet. That is what Forerunners, Starseeds, Lightworkers, LightWarriors, PathPavers and Wayshowers do and much more.


  • ascension flu— flu-like body aches and pains but you don’t get “sick” like with typical physical flu
  • abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts, severe heat in bottoms of feet, cold solar plexus etc
  • hot flashes, kundalini risings repeatedly for both sexes, intense repeated sweating from them
  • unusual headaches and pressures that just don’t go away until they are done doing what they’re doing
  • physical vision changes – blurring, seeing non-physical mist or fog, seeing new colors, lights, heat mirages, warps, vortex swirls etc.
  • physical hearing changes – inner ear clicking, high-pitched ringing, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and strange sounds
  • low-grade fever, chills, body and bone aches and pains, exhaustion when there’s heavy solar and/or cosmic energies
  • sudden food and chemical sensitivities that make it nearly impossible to eat a lot of foods or go much of anywhere
  • heartburn, acid re-flux, esophageal spasms and sensitivities due to evolving corresponding Chakras in those areas
  • insomnia and/or only being able to sleep for an hour or two and waking up repeatedly throughout the night
  • drastically less dreaming (because you’re dealing with issues/energies 24/7/365, we’re transmuting while awake too)
  • sudden diarrhea, usually after you’ve been through a hard phase of transmuting lower energies and then shifting into a higher state
  • sudden nausea or “morning sickness” for both sexes
  • weird food cravings, repeated high protein cravings due to increased transmuting of energies, need for a lot of food fuel
  • highly amplified sense of smell, smelling strange smells for days, weeks or months such as burning incense or smoke
  • amplified static electric charge in physical body, getting zapped a lot more than usual, even in rain and high humidity
  • sense that your bones are not as dense and solid as they were in lower 3D, they now feel more like cartilage that can bend etc.
  • profound exhaustion, feeling profound exhaustion and physical pains and aches after having been out in the lower world for a couple of hours, feel better once you return to your higher vibrating home, land, space etc.
  • internal electrical-like inner body vibrations or buzzing caused by the Body Rewiring Process
  • super sensitivity to sounds, light, sunlight, even movement, dizziness, sense of spinning or tipping over or dropping through the floor


  • crying over simple things that profoundly move you, crying over the stupidity, crying because you feel SO much (this is 5D HighHeart Consciousness beginning)
  • rage and deep anger over the stupidity, anger, rage, frustration over everything and everyone still in a lower energy and state of awareness. They’re literally too painful physically and emotionally to be around or to endure now
  • sudden and total intolerance of anything, anyone, any system, religion, government, foods, belief systems etc. Intolerance of anything vibrating lower than you currently are
  • sense of being very alone and on your own with no one else around you who understands what’s really happening to reality and you
  • needing to be alone and isolated from other people
  • ultra-sensitive emotionally – like puberty, pregnancy and menopause all happening at the same time
  • emotionally knowing and feeling things in other people that you never could perceive prior
  • family issues and emotions and energies that must be dealt with within yourself and your bodies
  • total emotional disconnect with things and people you used to love and enjoy very much
  • feeling like you are changing so profoundly that you’re actually dying – you are and it’s part of this process


  • sudden loss of mental focus and ability to concentrate
  • sudden inability to read books due to inability to focus, concentrate, or even comprehend what you’re trying to read
  • forgetting the names of common everyday things, objects, places, people like milk, hammer, orange and so on
  • forgetting your own name or sense of old familiar you and self
  • having to triple check things because you can’t remember if you actually did them or just thought about doing it
  • losing track of time, losing track of yourself within time, suddenly not knowing what time of the year it is or even what year it is
  • thinking and physically doing things becomes very blurred to your awareness, feeling disconnected from things like never before
  • disconnect with the ego self that was mentally multitasking constantly, inability to focus so you finally relax and unfocus which allows you to evolve, expand


  • seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, sensing nonphysical beings both positive and negative, also perceiving higher frequency energies and lights
  • hearing nonphysical voices call your name
  • seeing different colored lights, balls, points of brilliant light flash and roll around in your house and/or outside
  • seeing solid 3D objects (like walls etc.) suddenly look like a heat mirage, sparkle, shimmer with brilliant light and appear transparent
  • seeing, hearing, and even telepathy with both positive and negative beings, entities, perceiving areas of highly condensed negative energy
  • negative psychic attacks by lower vibrating living humans and/or negative non-physical beings and entities. Deal with it and move on. It’s someones unresolved negative shit looking for a new place to live. Transmute it, release it all and move on quickly.
  • working through Duality, repeated encounters with polarized energies, polarized consciousness, people and beings
  • seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, sensing higher positive non-physical Beings, Guides, ETs, Angelics, physically incarnate Starseeds, Forerunners, Lightwarriors, Lightworkers
  • increasing conscious connection and awareness with your Higher Self – spherical or triality consciousness instead of old lower 3D Duality and linear consciousness
  • increasing but HIGHER empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, greater and greater unity within your self and with other people that are vibrating at or near the same frequency and state of ascension that you are, 5D awareness or HighHeart consciousness
  • coming under negative psychic attacks occasionally from both physical humans and nonphysical beings and entities, thankfully decreasing in potency over the months and years
  • stages of dreamless sleeping, stages of numerous unpleasant nightmares each night for weeks at a time. This usually happens when we’re making yet another shift and need to process some more stuff and energies within ourselves.

Denise Le Fay

May 11, 2009

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The Ongoing REWIRING Process

About seven years ago I became aware that another unusual Ascension related Process had begun deep inside my physical body. I first noticed it when I’d wake up repeatedly throughout the night. I’d lay there in bed feeling this vibration deep inside the core of my body and it felt like a mild electrical current running, buzzing, vibrating deep inside my physical body. Now I can feel it while awake and physically doing things, but the strange thing is, I only realize this Rewiring current has been running when it shuts off for short periods! The abrupt quiet and inner body calm is a shocking contrast to the intense, high-energy current of this inner body REWIRING vibration.

Back then I was having so many other horribly intense Ascension symptoms, one more of them didn’t make much of a difference to me. Besides, this inner current/vibration didn’t ever hurt but was just strange feeling and I didn’t understand what it was or what it was doing to me for a couple of years. Then one morning in 2003 my mom told me about an unusual dream she’d just had. She described her dream as watching a group of workmen working on the city’s electrical lines. In it she asked one of the workmen what they were doing, and he replied, “We’re Rewiring the whole city.” The second I heard the word “Rewiring” I instantly KNEW what my inner body electrical current vibrations were and why I was having them.

My central nervous system and much more was being upgraded, Rewired. Why? Because it was impossible to run higher 220 current Light Energies through old lower and much smaller 110 wiring without blowing some fuses! So, I and much of humanity was, are, and will be living through this Body (and Brain) Rewiring Process so we can safely and comfortably embody, house and constantly carry vastly larger amounts of much higher frequency Light Energy within our physical bodies and all the other bodies as well.

About a year after mom’s ‘Rewiring the whole city’ dream, I ran across a couple of well-known people online who channel and this same word—”Rewiring”—was popping up all over the place. Forerunners/Lightworkers would first be going through a long period (years for most of us) of having our bodies and two brain hemispheres Rewired. After that, other groups of people would begin this body Rewiring Process too.

There are other aspects of this Rewiring that has to do with the human central nervous system being greatly expanded, evolved. This is a big subject that covers many aspects of our evolutionary Ascension Process. We must be able to literally physically and energetically embody and carry much higher and faster vibrating Light Energy in our bodies safely and this Rewiring Process of our bodies, separated or Dualized brain halves, and entire central nervous systems are doing that and so much more.

I woke up last night with this same deep inner body vibration and current present and I can, if I relax and observe, remain aware of this sensation for longer and longer periods. I realized last night that this Inner Rewiring current is and has been moving and rising slowly inside my body. I wasn’t sure about this until last night when I felt that it had indeed moved up slightly into a higher area inside my body. “The whole city IS being Rewired!”

When I first discovered this inner body electrical-like vibration it was very low in my body, in my core. Over the past few years, it’s slowly been moving upward or simply expanding. Last night I could clearly feel it had shifted a bit higher yet again. It moved from my upper chest area into my neck, throat, shoulders and base of my skull. It should be pretty wild and intense when it finally moves fully into my head/brain.

Denise Le Fay

September 30, 2007

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS 2007. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this article so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.