Interesting Quotes About 2012

I wanted to share some random quotes from Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians 2011 winter Solstice The Pleiadian TIMES article. The ‘nano’ or ‘nanosecond’  is a term Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians have used to indicate the Ascension Process years from 1987 through the end of 2012. Everything in bold was done by me to highlight the information and draw attention to it. CME stands for coronal mass ejection.

If you don’t have a subscription to The Pleiadian TIMES, check out the website and consider getting a very affordable subscription. It’s a great quarterly newsletter.

Denise Le Fay

January 24, 2012

“The period 1987 through 2012 is a window in time noted for a steadfast acceleration of energy. We refer to this period as the nanosecond, a time when every moment keeps expanding with new possibilities. The increase in energy that began slowly in 1987 and increased in intensity over the years will now reach a peak of ultra high-speed in 2012. During the nano, people’s lives become richer with knowledge as they integrate a steady stream of new information…”

“Many people have long anticipated the arrival of the year 2012, so it is already filled to the brim with all manner of thought forms, projections, fantasies and dreads. Along with your own expectations, 2012 will host many amazing moments, as fantastic discoveries, new expanded areas of inquiry and towering waves of cosmic energy awaken the world mind to new understandings of reality. Everyone will be thinking in much bigger terms. New revelations about ancient life forms and Earth’s hidden history, along with super-intense transmissions from the Sun and anomalous cosmic activities, will compel people to question and search for larger truths…”

“More people will be making life-altering changes because of job losses and financial gridlock, changes in transportation systems, a radical reduction in services and a decline in the value of money...”

“As protests increase in fervor and millions of people get swept up with the psychic forces of the group mind, authorities will attempt to squash the rebellions…”

“As governments, financial institutions, religions and the sciences frantically attempt to hold onto their collapsing systems, eroding civil liberties will stimulate more acts of civil disobedience…”

“Forces behind the scenes will grow more desperate in their antics, so do not underestimate the power of hidden technologies to wow the public with contrived events designed to steer the show along certain lines of thinking…”

“The general public has become far too vulnerable and is too easily fleeced because of the loss of their psychic senses…”

“The time has now arrived for billions of people to really sense and feel the influence of the cosmos. As a year of supreme personal empowerment, 2012 will be greatly rewarding for those focused on the expansion of consciousness. To gain the benefit of and effectively integrate the ultra high-speed energies, we advise you to be fully present and aware, and completely in charge of your physical body…”

“During the final year of the nanosecond there are still a great many vistas of understanding for humanity to be acquainted with. People will be challenged to discern between truth and deceit and recognize the fool, the fantasy seeker, the sucker and the rigid believer for what they are. At some point everyone will begin to wonder what is really real…”

“As time moves closer to the end point of the nano, gridlock really sets in because of the further unfolding of financial duress. The ever-widening European debt crisis may well instigate financial havoc across the globe, for many banks are insolvent and the crisis is only beginning to unravel...

“When a CME is directed toward Earth, the effects arrive within a few days and linger for days after; satellites and electrical systems are at risk because solar radiation can fry electronic hardware. Solar activity always affects the body’s electrical aspects, inducing a need for cellular and DNA adaptability. Earth’s polar regions act as antennas, receiving and distributing the solar energies around the planet in brilliant displays of polar auroras. In the human body, the spine and DNA serve as antennas and search modems sending and receiving signals into the field of existence…”

“Your DNA is highly adaptable and fully capable of responding to the cosmic waves that are encoded with messages in light frequencies that support the growth of consciousness…”

“The Sun works with you, sending signals encoded in a language of light that is integrated through the pineal gland. Cosmic bombardments from energies and frequencies are also part of the process that expands consciousness. The codes assist in perceptual alterations, for in these changing times, your senses are being heightened and expanded out of necessity. Cosmic influences may well converge at the end of the nano to stimulate a graceful spiritual awakening for humankind…”

“In this regard, there is a pressing need for humanity to come to terms with the reality of nonphysical interference in terms of visitors, hitchhikers, attachments and entity possessions that feed off people’s energy. Most ancient cultures recognized the existence of these beings because they knew the intruders’ signs and sensed their presence. As people lost psychic awareness, it became easier for the non-physicals to move in since they were no longer detected. Humans must take their spiritual maturity to new levels of awareness and learn to see the red flags and stop projecting their trust onto unworthy people and unsavory situations.

Nonphysical energies come in all shape and sizes, yet generally speaking they occupy three main categories: the Earth-bound or unquiet dead, the mischief-makers, and the dark forces or demons. The common factor in each category is that the beings enter and take over a body without permission…”

“The Earth-bound or unquiet dead consist of those who do not know where to go or what to do when they die…” “Many people die and have no realization they are dead. The unquiet dead can move into the physical body of anyone who is too empathic, too wide-open and lacking strong boundaries. While the unquiet dead are generally lost and looking for a place to hang out, they can still cause severe unbalances in the life of the host by draining energy and altering behavior, tastes, habits and directions in life.

“The next category of interfering nonphysicals is the mischief-makers, which includes aliens, anomalous beings and otherwordly dimensional characters. The mischief-makers are usually dishonest and conniving, so they like to entice their hosts into self-destructive acts; they befuddle the mind of the host in foggy confusion and instigate devious behavior; lies are a common signature of the mischief-makers, for they care little about the host and enjoy seducing a person into dishonesty and thievery…”

“The third category is composed of the dark forces or demons. Older cultures depict the dark forces as the most troublesome and prone to instigate acts of great moral degradation, violence and very destructive obsessions. The dark-side influence has long been recognized by all major religions. Modern cultures have become so accustomed to defending and protecting themselves with manufactured weapons they have missed the invasion of the nonphysicals…”

“Entity attachments can be due to a wide variety of causes: weak mental, physical and emotional boundaries, some form of severe trauma that shatters the spirit’s anchor in the body, or because of unresolved issues carried over from other lifetimes. Nonphysical entities are also attracted to those who habitually vacate the body for various reasons, including through excessive feelings of fear, pain, shame and guilt, or through obsessive addictions such as gambling, pornography, drugs, meds, alcohol and inappropriate sexual behavior. When the conditions are right and the vacancy sign is flashing “open house”, the nonphysicals can move in to set up home in a physical body. Sometimes the host recognizes voices and unwarranted impulses, yet the entities may act as protectors or even guides, so the host allows them to stay…”

“Attachments can also be formed for seemingly benign reasons such as through strong love bonds, or for reasons of revenge and hatred; in either case, the person uses his or her will to attach, follow or even haunt another soul from lifetime to lifetime. Attachments do not necessarily dissolve when a person dies; sometimes they cling to the spirit of the deceased in the afterlife…”

“During the final year of the nanosecond, the speed of change will require all people to recognize their inner power. 2012 will test everyone’s ability to manage all types of energy in the 3D world, including the ability to adapt to an increasing array of cosmic energies. Greater numbers of people will recognize the power of the mind and its role in creating reality. The high-speed energies of 2012 will begin to clear the playing field of those who have breached their integrity. Cosmic activity and solar transmissions can expand the capabilities of consciousness; yet also elicit detrimental effects in people with unstable minds…”

“There is a great and noble purpose behind the upheavals in the world, for the rising chaos is compelling people to think in bigger terms, which is the very process that expands consciousness…”

“Earth will be receiving and releasing a lot of energy in 2012, and unusual paranormal activities will be on the rise…”

27 thoughts on “Interesting Quotes About 2012

  1. Hi Denise!

    Debbie’s appeal touched my heart and I hope my experience from last week might give her some ideas.

    I invited someone I know to live in my house when she had a situation she did not have a place to stay although I didn’t know her well. She moved in four months ago and it turned out she has had a fair share of emotional and psychological problems (anorexia for instance). When she first moved in, she was constantly talking with absolutely no breaks at all, and she created quite a nervous and negative atmosphere in my home! She taught my other dog to beg from table although I had specifically told her not to feed them from the table, and when she was blaming the poor bastard for begging, I told her she was the one responsible for the dog’s behavior. Ever since she didn’t talk to me any more, at all. Atmosphere in my home was just getting better, as you can imagine!

    I asked her if she is mad me. No. I told her that her not speaking feels rejecting and even aggressive to me, in my mind. She said she has never been physically violent and it is just that she is preoccupied because of other things. I said it’s ok with me, and continued that this is kind of a learning experience for me too because I am practicing to maintain balance in all kinds of circumstances.

    I tried to be ok with her moping around but then I watched Lilou Mace’s video diary note on emotional boundaries and I got it! This is my home, I did a favor for her and her behavior is not ok with me. I planned in my mind what I would say to her: that I don’t like her sulking and if this is the best she can do, I wish she moved out.

    When I stopped trying so hard to be ok with her, I realized I was actually quite pissed. I borrowed The Dragon Theo someone introduced here some time ago and I cleared my energy of her influence with some mighty fire spitting. That felt good!

    The miracle happened. The next time we met each other in my kitchen later that same evening she responded to something I said and the atmosphere is perhaps slightly getting better now. I did not actually need to say the things I had planned to, it was as if she had heard my point!

    What I get from this is that the situation was solved on the energetic level when I recognized and started to respect my own emotional boundaries.

    Wish you all the best with your husband, Debbie!

    – Aya

  2. “The message is the one from the Shimmering Ones 26th January, I see now there are 2 more, haven’t read them yet. I like to save this sort of reading for lunchtime at work, get me away from the old energy/vibration!……..”


    I finally had the time to run in and read (part of) this Jan. 26th channeling by the “Shimmering Ones” you shared. What I read of it I could not agree more with and have talked about those very things myself for years. Not as sweetly and politely as they did but there ya go! 😆

    It’s bugged me for years that so many, too many, are obsessed, fixated on having “disclosure” finally happen by the government. It’s fucking ridiculous to me and a total waste of valuable ascension time and awareness, but, in many ways that’s the real reason behind it; certain negative alien “mischief-makers” want as many people as possible obsessed over something so they miss the ascension energies while waiting for the government to be honest! I’ve said for years that as consciousness evolves so too will our ability to naturally perceive and interact with many of these other-dimensional ETs and other non-physical Beings.

    Thanks again Stu,

  3. I finally got to check out the site, We are the…………WOW 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Been really down for a while now and these videos made me so high. Thanks to who ever suggested it. I am pretty sure it was someone from the comment area here, could have been a long time ago because I had a note on a scrap of paper in my mailbox at work. Also the site stubeing suggesed I enjoyed reading a few of those. LOVE>>>LOVE>>>LOVE to everyone here and thanks.

  4. Hey Denise 🙂

    Sorry my friend, I got the original link from the Galactic messages site, didn’t want to put that here, so I just copied the crystalline one, my work internet didn’t let me view it, so I assumed it had the link to the right one.

    The message is the one from the Shimmering Ones 26th January, I see now there are 2 more, haven’t read them yet. I like to save this sort of reading for lunchtime at work, get me away from the old energy/vibration!……..

    Love and hugs,

    Stu xoxox

  5. i just read Denise is writing about symptoms to do with solar flares etc – be interesting to know what they are.
    for the past 5 weeks i have had the worst sinus condition – ever – pains in my head and chest – plus constant hot flashes – i feel like i’m going to spontaneously combust – but when i feel my skin its cold – also been feeling spaced out – weirdly fearful – many other v odd things going on – i’m sort of hoping they are to do with the solar flares – would explain a lot!!
    about the ascension process – i’ve noticed that when one person is far ahead of the people they are living with they sort of pull those along with them so you all move forward – maybe not at the same level but but so no one gets left behind – is just happens –

  6. “I don’t know if this is the forum for this question; I need some help from the “normal” people. I am trying to hold on to a 25yr marriage, with a husband who doesn’t want to budge from the “sand”! I really feel the acceleration of the whole shebang!! I don’t want to leave my home or animals. I had a 3hr “movie” last night about my husband telling me ” I don’t love you that way anymore” –WTF– My ? is are there any TIPS/SUGGESTIONS for living with deniers without constant : sadness, anger,etc….. I think of you all as my therapist, Dratzo”


    All of us here at TRANSITIONS are the New “normal”. The rest of the world, well much of them, is just in a process of transitioning into this New. 😉

    Keep reading through my old articles here debbie because there’s plenty of Ascension related material that will help you with what you’re experiencing with you stuck husband.

    You may not want to hear this but many of us have had to leave loved ones, family members, friends, lovers, adult children etc. behind so that we could continue evolving within this process. The biggest confusion with the entire Ascension Process is in my opinion the misunderstanding that everyone is NOT at the same identical level within the ascension process. If they were then you wouldn’t be enduring what you are with your husband.

    The other thing you need to keep in mind/heart is the fact that your husband may be so far behind you developmentally that the two of you will make each other crazy enough to separate. Just be prepared and don’t wait forever for him because that’s not positive for you or any of us.

    Even with two people who are both living the ascension process and doing so together (as mates or lovers or friends or family members etc.), there are many times when one person moves forward energetically a bit ahead of the other person and until the other person catches up vibrationally, there’s a gap between the two people as one struggles with and lives with certain energies and symptoms etc. that the other person hasn’t reached yet…but will in a few weeks or months. I’ve experienced this over and over again over the past 13 years and know that eventually both people return to a frequency range that’s much closer which makes the relationship–whatever it is–vastly easier for both parties.


  7. “I’m still detoxing rapidly both physically and emotionally, and having dreams that could be made into miniseries for TV. Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed that a lot of my Facebook friends and their family members have been having sudden, drastic changes to their health, and a few have passed on. My intuition is telling me now that there will be a lot more of this throughout 2012.”

    Absolutely Tom, many people will be exiting their physical bodies throughout 2012. Look at how potent just January has been with the new and greatly amplified solar energies, and this is just the start of this!

    I’m working on a quickie article about the 2012 January solar activities/energies mainly to let people know that the symptoms of them are and will be slightly different for different people based on which Stair Step or level within the ascension process they’re in now.

    Hang in there and I know what you mean about the epic vivid dreams!


  8. I don’t know if this is the forum for this question; I need some help from the “normal” people. I am trying to hold on to a 25yr marriage, with a husband who doesn’t want to budge from the “sand”! I really feel the acceleration of the whole shebang!! I don’t want to leave my home or animals. I had a 3hr “movie” last night about my husband telling me ” I don’t love you that way anymore” –WTF– My ? is are there any TIPS/SUGGESTIONS for living with deniers without constant : sadness, anger,etc….. I think of you all as my therapist, Dratzo

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