The Ascension Process & Eating & Digesting Difficulties

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“Dear Denise, Elila, Marilyn, Calliope, Morphqueen, and everyone else here and those commenting on food/eating issues. All I can say is I feel you all. My abdomen, also, looks like I’m about to give birth. No exaggeration – I look about 7-8 months pregnant. I’ve been battling this for years and it gets better and worse but always there. Truly, I can not find pants that fit – it is becoming a nightmare. Today, the jeans I wore to work have a waistband that came down around my abdomen and this big belly sticks out over the top – no judgment – but just to describe – looks like a big beer belly (but maybe bigger). And the eating – I lost about 15 pounds from summer to winter – couldn’t eat much of anything and really didn’t want to. Then I started craving all kinds of food – and I’ve gained some weight back. I mean, literally I am allergic to wheat gluten and soy and lactose intolerant. And most everything else bothers me too… Even water. It is very crazy making and I wish I could just get by without food. However, another issue is that food was always comforting to me – and now, when I often need comforting, I can’t even turn to food, though I’d like to – but the price I pay is too high b/c I feel so awful physically. I went to the movie yesterday and brought my own drink and indulged in some popcorn. This was my big treat for myself – then about 2 hours later felt awful and that lasted the rest of the evening. I look forward to your article Denise. Thanks, as always for all you do to keep this place for us, and thanks to all that write in.  Morgean”

I’ve quoted the Comment above by Morgean about the Ascension-related food/eating/digesting or lack of digesting miseries many of us have and still are struggling with. Thank you Morgean for your super honest Comment about this topic. The reason I used it in this article is because I’ve experienced, struggled with, been frustrated by and made utterly miserable by the identical things you mentioned since my physical Ascension Process started in February 1999. And, I’m still struggling with many of them today. Actually I’ve noticed that some of my old food/eating/digesting symptoms have amplified recently and my body is in ultra sensitivity mode once again. Because of all the Comments surrounding this food/eating/digesting issue, I guess I should have talked about this particular Ascension symptom more fully years ago.

When I was twelve or thirteen I was tested by an allergy doctor and every liquid he jabbed into my arm reacted negatively, informing him and my parents that I was allergic to everything he’d poked into my body. Those things covered certain foods, milk, chocolate (oh dear god, anything but chocolate!), dust, pollen’s, and everything with “feathers and fur” (oh dear god, not animals!). It was horrible and I was pissed and went on to eat plenty of chocolate and love many an animal anyway.

I’m not one of those people who sneezes or gets congested due to allergies, instead I get nauseous, a sore throat, swell all over like I’m retaining water, get sick feeling like I’ve been poisoned, which I have been. I’ve often been envious of people who only sneeze and have to blow their noses because it seemed less nasty than the way my body reacts, such as vomiting and/or running a low-grade fever. The grass is always greener…

For me food was never something I was much attracted to, other than chocolate that is, and never ate much or wanted to spend much time, money or thought on food/eating/cooking etc. I know many people use food for different things but all of my life — up to the start of my physical, biological Ascension Process that is — food and eating was just something I had to do every now and again to keep my body from getting a screaming headache. In other words, I ate only because I had to put gas in my tank, and never more than a 1/4 of a tank a day. Eating for me was never about fun or celebration or because it was super delicious or anything else but because it was a necessity that I put off until I absolutely had to eat something and then it was always a very small amount. I was happy with this system and it worked for me up until about age 40 — Uranus Opposition — when my body began changing for the first time in adulthood. I also entered Peri-menopause around that age which no doubt was another reason for the start of food/eating/body changes for me.

Jump forward to age 47 when my physical, biological Ascension Process began (in 1999) and the severe insanity of it all started. The day the Ascension Process started for me was the day the eating foods and digesting foods and much more began for me. Literally overnight I went from being one way my whole life to something else that was very sick constantly, ultra-sensitive to everything overnight, in pain constantly, and much more. I went from always being able to drink ice water to having to drink only room temperature water because anything cold would cause my upper gut diaphragm area to bloat so severely I couldn’t take a deep breath, and often vomit in the end. It was exactly like being nine months pregnant and trying to eat Thanksgiving dinner; there simply isn’t any room for food or water due to the full-grown baby inside ones body. As of this writing, this is how it’s been for me almost constantly since February 1999.

Another aspect of this Ascension-related eating and not digesting symptom is that I could eat one food one day or week and not have any negative reaction to it at all, but eat the same food a few days or two weeks or a couple of months later and have it make me extremely sick for 6–8 hours. Since February 1999, eating for me has literally been like playing Russian Roulette. I never know, despite my abilities to sense energies, discern, sense toxins etc., when some food is going to react in my body like a poison and make me sick for many hours. I’ve gone through this so many times since 1999, it’s embarrassing, yet this is exactly what many of us have lived with due to needing to eat foods that are — no matter how pure or organic — still vibrating with physical and energetic toxins in them that our transmuting bodies have constantly struggled with. All that plus constant incoming higher frequency ascension energies that we’re embodying.

And it hasn’t made any difference if I didn’t eat solid foods or any liquid foods, if I cut back on the amount of room temperature water I drank, or what foods I stopped eating altogether, nothing made the upper gut diaphragm area deflate back to normal for me before the Ascension Process started. Nothing. It’s still this way almost 14 years later. I suspect it’s a case of just get over it and adapt to this and the other ongoing Ascension Process symptoms.

On the other side of the “Three Days” — 12-21-2012, 12-22-12, 12-23-12 — and very much so since we entered 1-1-13, I’ve noticed another level of this food, eating and digesting misery has been reached (for me I mean, your mileage may vary) because my old symptoms have escalated, again. I also want to eat nothing now even more than I did before, yet, I still have occasional food cravings. After resisting them and seeing no improvements from that suffering, I’ve experimented diving into the bag of chocolate candies or potato chips or whatever it was then. Sometimes I got away with such a food indulgence, and other times not. I so want to not need to eat anything at this point! I want to eat Light and Love again and have that be the NEW food source, which is coming, eventually.

Depending upon which ascension phase one is in at the moment, one goes from needing to eat more high protein foods than one usually ever wants or needs. I went through almost a decade of needing, craving high protein foods. My favorites were Pot Roast and Peanut Butter. It was so convenient to thrust a teaspoon into the Peanut Butter jar when my body was needing a quick boost of protein and I was too exhausted and in pain to cook anything. One day, one week or one month you need plenty of extra protein foods because your body is rapidly transmuting tremendous inner density and old emotional issues etc. Your body is working very hard changing from transmuting residual lower stuff and also embodying the latest incoming higher frequency Light energies. Because of all this there’s times when your body needs far more protein foods to help it do all that it is due to the ongoing Ascension Process. At other times your body needs little food at all or very light foods because it can’t digest well due to so much of its energies going to the Ascension Process and not digesting foods!

Other days, other months, we go through Ascension-related phases of needing to eat much less food and when we do eat, much lighter density foods because we’re not transmuting like we were the weeks or months before and so on. (Same thing with the amount of pure water we’ve needed to drink during all this hot Ascension-related transmuting. Now that many of us are done with that intense phase, we’re not needing to drink as much water to help flush out the toxins and reduce the inner body Kundalini heat.) And back and forth it’s gone year-after-year. Weird food cravings one day, week or month, to not wanting to eat anything and being literally repulsed by foods and the need to eat anything. Back and forth between wild and seemingly crazy food junkie-ness, to near abstinence of any food(s) completely. Eventually we’ll reach a sane, neutral point with this too.

Just like I didn’t care much about foods and eating in general prior to the start of my physical Ascension Process, I also don’t personally care about the different solutions to eating, foods, digesting etc. either but that’s just me. I just want to get the transmuting done and move on to what I know is possible after this difficult Phase 1 transmuting phase.

I spent the first 40 years of this life being able to get by eating very little physical food and really filling myself up on Light and Creativity, which some people call “Love”. Being highly creative was for me, prior to the start of the difficult physical aspects of the Ascension Process, one way to eat, to ingest high frequency nutrition. I created in different ways but I was never physically hungry while in a highly creative state.

We’re evolving back to being totally self-contained and self-sustainable, within our own bodies I mean. Just you and Source recycling pure, undiluted God/Source/All That Is juice — Light and Love. No more parasitism, no more vampirism, no more opening an emotional vein for another person to energetically feed off from you and/or vice versa. Just you and Source and your Higher Self feeding one another freely and honestly. And if you want or need to ingest some physical food then you can do that too if you desire but it won’t be your only source of food; the Light (knowledge) and Love (creativity) frequencies will also be your NEW ascended nutritional food sources.

I mentioned in a Comment on another article how I enjoy viewing refracted Lights and pure colors because I gain energetic nutrition from viewing them. I also gain nutrition when I hear a baby or young child laugh, or watch animals playing, running, flying or swimming with each other. I also gain nutrition when I hear certain music that moves me, or when someone says something that I find very funny. I gain nutrition when it rains, when the sky and Sun looks so pristine and glorious. I gain nutrition when another person gains more freedom, more understanding, and more self-empowerment. We can do nine more months to reach this and much more like it can’t we? Of course we can. ❤

Denise Le Fay

January 23, 2013

Inner Body Vibrations & Other Unusual Symptoms



I see daily Search terms on my Stats page from increasing numbers of people searching for information about why they’re feeling inner body vibrations; why they’re smelling smokey burning incense; why they’re having excessive inner heat (hot flashes) in their bodies that radiate outward and so on. I thought it was time to try again to help more people being activated now to better understand what they’re experiencing and why.

Over the years I’ve written several articles about the many Ascension symptoms, about Kundalini rising and its symptoms, and about the Rewiring of the Body and Brain. The bottom-line is that all of these symptoms, all of these unusual experiences are the same Process. They all are Ascension symptoms, Kundalini symptoms, because they’re one and the SAME thing.

What better, faster way to transmute all our lower frequencies and unresolved, polarized, suppressed, ignored, wounded, fearful, traumatized, unprocessed and unloved parts than the intense Alchemical firestorm that Kundalini rising is? Why would mass numbers of people around the world all be having spontaneous, unsolicited Kundalini rising now? Because of the planetary and species Ascension Process. Why is the Ascension Process happening now in our lifetimes? Because the cycle is completing and it’s time to break free and evolve out from under the multidimensional negativity and suppression.

To help humanity with this rapid and compressed evolutionary process, higher dimensional Light energies are repeatedly released in Waves of Light — think Aquarian energy waves   — from the cosmos, the Milky Way Galactic Center, and our Sun (via solar flares, solar winds, solar storms, CME’s etc.) to trigger humanity and Earth to integrate density and Duality, purge, transmute and transform energetically. In other words to evolve—aka “ascend”—to a higher level of consciousness, being and reality.


These symptoms can last for many years for many people. Other people go through them or only some of them in shorter periods. Fear not.

  • repeated intense inner body heat “hot flashes”, hands and/or bottoms of feet extremely hot, spine, back, head, entire body heat
  • extreme sweating with every Kundalini hot flash
  • repeated cold flashes, inner body cold spots, certain chakra areas turn cold for periods
  • inner body electrical-like vibrations, buzzing, inner shaking, slowly moving inner energy vibrations of the Rewiring Process
  • extra electricity in your body, constantly getting zapped when you touch things
  • muscle spasms, twitching, itching, strange sensations on or under the skin, nerve sensitivity
  • pains & pressures in areas of spine, pressures so intense it blows certain vertebra out-of-place
  • mental confusion, inability to focus mentally, temporary loss of certain words, names, terms etc.
  • sudden mood changes, intense anger, frustration, sadness, joy, bliss, repulsion of all things negative
  • going a little “crazy” for periods
  • uncontrollably voicing your extreme anger & repulsion over all things negative
  • clairvoyantly seeing lights, seeing other dimensional Beings
  • smelling smokey burning incense when none is physically there
  • clairaudiently hearing non-physical sounds, voices, words, clicks, buzzing, unrecognizable sounds
  • sudden waves of nausea
  • sudden waves of dizziness, sense of falling, sense of tipping over, dropping through the floor etc.
  • sudden onset of or increase of allergies
  • sudden onset of chemical sensitivity
  • severe sensitivity to sounds, smells, lights, heat, cold, energies, other people, lower energies, lower consciousness etc.
  • sudden eating/food changes, craving more protein foods, needing very light foods, small amounts, eating at different times etc.
  • difficulty digesting all foods, inability to drink alcohol, take drugs etc.
  • phases of diarrhea, bowel sensitivities, bloating, pains & pressures
  • severe belly bloat, swelling in the gut & upper diaphragm area, the “Buddha Belly” thing
  • intense phases of pain in the head, pressures in the head, skull sore and bruised feeling
  • inability to physically be around people and/or large groups of people
  • inability to function, need for privacy & quiet to survive all you’re living through
  • hair falling out, breaking, not growing, weak undernourished hair
  • nightmares, archetypal dreams, lucid dreams
  • positive & negative psychic experiences, psychic attacks while awake & asleep
  • sudden unexpected out-of-body experiences
  • repeatedly waking at specific times in the night–1:11, 3:00, 3:33, 4:44, 5:55 AM etc.
  • inability to sleep, inability to remain asleep
  • needing to sleep and get out-of-body during the day, exhaustion naps
  • profound physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, mental exhaustion
  • body weakness, muscle weakness, lethargy, achy body, bones, joints
  • hyper states, restless, edgy, can’t relax, can’t rest or get comfortable, mind races despite exhausted body
  • extreme emotional phases, crying, weeping, mourning, feeling higher love for all beings etc.
  • glorious changes and expansions in consciousness, perceptions, quantum knowing things vs. linear thinking
  • major ego dismantling

There are many more symptoms but you should have a sense of how intense, strange, and multidimensional most of the Ascension Kundalini symptoms are. What’s really important about all this is that it’s happening to you and to increasing numbers of people every minute of every day now and why. Again, fear not because it’s a positive sign of our compressed evolution, our expanding consciousness and all the positive things that naturally comes with it.

Denise Le Fay

August 2, 2011

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copyright light blue Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Kundalini Rising & the Rewiring Process

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This article is for the people who may not be familiar with how Ascension related Kundalini energy feels and also how the Rewiring Process feels in the body. Many of you have already lived through these stages so it’s old-hat to you. There are however increasing numbers of people in 2011 (and beyond due to those Stair Steps) being activated who are suddenly living with some very weird energies and sensations inside their bodies. This information is primarily for them, but I hope you too will enjoy this recap.


February 1999 my physical Ascension Process suddenly began and I mean suddenly! Literally overnight I went from being and feeling one way all my life, to the next morning having my body producing some very strange physical symptoms. It was a horrible and difficult time and it lasted for many years. Your mileage will vary at this late date within the Ascension Process so don’t panic. The worst of the worst has already been done by Lightworkers over a decade ago and they’ve created a huge, wide open roadway for everyone to energetically travel down, meaning that what you experience now won’t be as long or as difficult and painful.

Before the Ascension energies were available, people who wanted to activate their kundalini energies would typically have to fast, meditate, remain celibate, and in most cases do so for years just to get their inner kundalini energies to budge or wiggle! But, with the start of the biological physical Ascension Process around 1998–1999, the need to do all those old school things went out the window. Now you don’t have to “do” anything to activate your kundalini energies and have them repeatedly burn and flash up and down your spine and work within each of your chakras to transmute the stuck energies in them. Now all you have to do is try to keep up with the Process!

You don’t need to fast, meditate, remain celibate or do any of the old past esoteric things in hopes of activating your kundalini energy. At this point within the global Ascension Process you’ll automatically be triggered or activated at exactly the time you’re supposed to and all by the perfect and flawless design and timing of your own Higher Self. So, don’t worry about any of this because it’s all been meticulously crafted by your Higher Self to unfold at the most beneficial and appropriate time for you to transmute and evolve via the available energies of the Ascension Process.

Because kundalini risings are being triggered now by your Higher Self and the cosmic, galactic, solar and astrological energies and cycles and not by a desire from your left-brained consciousness and ego self, the physical, mental, emotional and etheric symptoms they cause are not the same as old school Eastern esoteric knowledge has taught. Most all old school esoteric teachings don’t work for us now or reflect what we’re living through in our current lives and times because of the Ascension Process.


Kundalini risings activated by the Ascension Process typically do so suddenly and unexpectedly, making you instantly feel like you’re on fire from the inside out. Hot flashes are common even in male bodies, as are night sweats, which are just “hot flashes” that happen at night while you’re asleep or were sleeping! Once activated kundalini energies don’t conveniently turn off each night so we can get a good night’s sleep. Oh if only that were the case! Nope, you’re kundalini risings and inner fire, heat, sweating, emotions and purgings will be with you day and night for however long it takes for you to work/burn/transmute/release the emotional energetic junk you’ve stored in your trunk—and you’re guts, your belly, your heart, your brain/mind and so on. Oh happy day huh?  🙂 It really is a miraculous Alchemical Process of you going through the transmuting of your inner 3D Lead into higher frequency, non-polarized and integrated 5D Gold via kundalini fires activated by the ongoing Ascension Process.

  • Inner heat or kundalini fire that radiates outward and extends a good foot or more beyond the surface of your skin and physical body.
  • This same inner heat/fire in your spine/back repeatedly moving partially or completely up and down your spine/back.
  • This same inner heat in your spine/back stopping at different chakras to work on the emotional energetic junk you’ve got stored in each of them, some more than others.
  • Kundalini fire stirs up the emotional/mental/etheric issues you’ve stored and/or suppressed in each of your chakras which you will now FEEL emotionally and need to resolve and eventually fully release. This is a Process and is typically done repeatedly, layer-by-layer so we get the majority of our inner energetic junk transmuted and gone. It doesn’t happen in a couple weeks or months. Give it time to do all it must within you.
  • Strange, vivid dreams because we do the majority of our Inner Work while asleep and dreaming on the Inner Planes. We can discover, FEEL emotionally, resolve and integrate so much more in a vastly shorter time while we’re asleep and out-of-body doing this Inner Work. Expect strange but informative or symbolic and archetypal dreams and pay attention to what they reveal to you about yourself and what you’re transmuting.
  • Physical sweating…lots and lots of sweating day and night. I’d suggest you stop using chemical deodorants so you can sweat out the toxins. Try using a natural deodorant like a crystal stick or stone instead.
  • Emotional imbalances and difficult almost “crazy” periods due to past emotional issues/wounds/pains/fears/guilt etc. and their energies being brought to the surface of your consciousness and transmuted in and through your physical and emotional bodies primarily.
  • When kundalini fire is working in your solar plexus chakra, your physical belly/gut area will oftentimes bloat due to the intense energies and transformational Inner Work taking place inside. Fear not and know it will eventually decrease. Know too it will return a few times before you’re done with this Alchemical process.
  • When kundalini fire is working in your heart chakra you’ll often feel a heat, pressure, and possibly movements in this area of your body along with intense and uneven heart beats or thumps and poundings. You’ll also emotionally FEEL plenty and cry and rage and be moved by very simple and beautiful things, and very evil things too. Fear not as this is your heart being cleared and expanding to feel and house so much more of the higher energies, Light, and consciousness.
  • When kundalini fire is working in your throat chakra you’ll often feel a heat and pressure radiating out of the back of your neck. Aches and pains in your throat and jaw is common. You’ll also find yourself speaking (or yelling and demanding) things you’ve suppressed or have not been allowed to verbalize before. Finally give voice to what you’ve not so far and take your power back.
  • When kundalini fire is working in your two lower chakras, old sexual issues, feelings of guilt, and suppressed energies will demand your attention. Also fears and/or a sense of being a victim and so on will come to the surface to be consciously recognized, felt emotionally, finally dealt with and integrated and eventually released.
  • You know where each chakra exists within you and it’s pretty easy to know which physical organs exist in those areas. Those are the organs that will have more stress in them while your kundalini fire is burning and surfacing old emotional energies you’ve stored in them. Take care of yourself during these intense transformational periods. Drink plenty of water to help with the heat and fire, the constant sweating and potential mineral loss, and the constant detoxing and purging that this entire Process creates.
  • When kundalini reaches your head, just let it do what it does and don’t intellectualize the process much because you can’t and don’t need to! You’ll feel the fire and pressures inside your skull pushing and changing things in there and it all pouring up and out of the top of your head  (Crown chakra) too. Let the kundalini fire transmute your brain glands and clear and expand your Brow and Crown chakras for what will happen next.

There’s many more kundalini symptoms but this would become so long it’d be boring. Let’s move on to the Body Rewiring Process which can now happen more easily and quickly because Kundalini Fire has burned through and transmuted the majority of emotional energetic junk that had been stored, stuck throughout your physical and emotional bodies.


The Body Rewiring doesn’t hurt as most all the other Ascension symptoms do. It does however feel rather strange because you can actually feel energies vibrating, buzzing, and shaking deep inside your physical body. Thankfully no pain, just a sensation of inner vibrations that typically begin in the lower section of your body or in your core. I first felt them many years ago in my lower gut or core area. Over the years this inner body electrical-like vibrating would move slowly from one area to another and another and so on. Over the years it slowly inched its way upward in my body and lastly made it to my head and brain. At that point the Brain Rewiring took place which did and still does today cause me headaches, pressures, pains and aches both inside my head and also on the surface of my skull and scalp and Crown chakra area.


  • Typically feeling inner body vibrations that feel rather like a mild electric current running inside you. It vibrates, buzz’s, and even mildly shakes you from deep inside your physical body. It is painless and isn’t that a nice change!
  • Over the months and years this inner body vibration will move around inside your body. You’ll feel it low in your base area, then higher in your belly area where it moves around and doesn’t remain in just one area in each section of your body. It will slowly move around your core, typically from bottom to top.
  • It’s easiest to feel this inner body vibrating when you’ve been asleep and suddenly awaken. While laying there quietly in the middle of the night it’s easy to feel a strong vibrating or buzzing energy inside your body. It runs in on/off cycles of a few seconds on and less seconds off. This perfectly timed pattern will repeat until you can safely cope with the vibration running for longer and longer periods.
  • Eventually this inner body vibrating energy increases to the point where it runs or is “ON” constantly inside your body and there’s no more periods where it’s “OFF” at all. This will take time however. At this point know that you are running and housing within your physical body and self a much higher frequency Light Energy than you ever could have done and survived before.
  • Once your whole physical body has been Rewired, it enters your head/brain and then that process begins. Stair steps remember or we wouldn’t survive The Process.


When this Rewiring Ascension Process reaches your head and two brain halves you can feel and sense that you’re running a much higher, faster, undiluted Light-filled Energy throughout your whole physical body. You’ve been rewired, upgraded, and have a NEW 5D Body Grid system (central nervous system and much more) just like Earth now does. This means you—like Earth—can now run and constantly house 5D energies through your body and not fry or go mad or die because of it! You’ve succeeded in transmuting your Alchemical 3D Lead into 5D Gold and now have the latest and most energy-efficient, self-sustained model on the market. 😉 Congratulations! But, not to burst your hard-earned bubble of joy, there’s more…much more but it will be worth it so let’s continue and Rewire the head and brain—hence consciousness—so it matches your newly rewired body.

Once these transformational Rewiring Energies enter your head and brain you are going to have to deal with some pains and pressures inside your head and skull. I’m not going to pad this and say it doesn’t hurt occasionally because it does. But if you honestly think about what is happening inside your  physical head/brain, it’s SO worth the occasional headaches and pressures.

The two separate brain hemispheres will now begin being Rewired into one unified whole brain that functions without the old lower 3D polarities of left and right brain consciousness and terrible disconnects. We can’t as yet fully perceive of how we’ll be able to perceive reality with a Rewired or Unified brain. Soon however.

  • The Brain Rewiring is occasionally painful and causes headaches, pressures and pains inside the head, pains and pressures in the external skull and scalp. These pains and pressures also move around inside the head and outside on the skull.
  • It often causes a sense or feel of twirling or rotating, spinning and/or tipping over or dropping through the floor. Not “dizziness”, but a rapid rotating movement.
  • It often triggers seeing lights, colors, sparks, points or explosions of light, shadows moving, movements of energies, non-physical beings and discarnate humans etc. Just observe the weird clairvoyant show but be aware too. Everything is not always as it seems. In other words, “all that glitters” with light doesn’t mean it is of the Light. No fear just pay attention and discern.
  • You’ll feel pressures and pains in your Brow chakra area and even more so in your Crown chakra area and the top of your physical skull/head.
  • You may smell scents like burning smoke or incense very close to your body for days, weeks or months on-end. You may also have a grossly exaggerated sense of smell with certain scents that nearly choke you and/or make you nauseous. This is caused by the Rewiring happening within your brain glands, the Pineal and Pituitary glands primarily and their being connected or unified also.
  • You will find yourself perceiving, or more accurately knowing things instead of linearly thinking and intellectualizing as you’re used to. This is due to the Kundalini clearing Inner Work, the later Body Rewiring, coupled with the current Brain Rewiring. We’re evolving/ascending now into what I call Spherical or 5D High Heart Consciousness—what others call “Unity Consciousness” or “triality” consciousness. To get there tho, all these previous Ascension-related stair steps and Alchemical processes have to be gone through first. Soon we’ll know things from our Conscious High Hearts instead of having to linearly think, speculate or guess and hope for the best! We will simply know.
  • All this stuff going on in our heads and brains also causes hearing changes, inner ear pressures and the occasional inner ear stabbing pain. You will also hear strange non-physical sounds, voices, possibly words or your name being said etc. Again, no fear just realize that your two separate brain halves are being Rewired and billions of NEW neural Light pathways are being wired, connected between the two hemispheres that are becoming one unified whole brain. Of course we’re going to see, hear, smell, sense, perceive and feel all sorts of brand NEW energies, lights, Beings and dimensions etc.

Again there’s far more symptoms with the Brain Rewiring process because there’s far more happening than what I’ve written above. I’m not intentionally withholding information about these Ascension-related processes, it’s just that I haven’t completely figured out yet how to articulate what I perceive in geometric symbolic Light forms. As soon as I can better interpret into linear written words these geometric Light symbols I see over human energy and physical bodies, I’ll write about it too. I do know they represent Multidimensional, multiple layered Bodies we all have and how ALL of our different Energy Bodies from the densest to the mid-range to the highest frequency bodies closest to Source are ALL evolving/ascending simultaneously now.

Denise Le Fay

February 21, 2011

Donations can be made here and thank you for the energy exchange donation support.

Copyright sign in gold Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2011. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

New Chakra Pains & Pressures

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Around 2000, I started feeling a new physical pain that felt like my spine/back was breaking or broken above my heart, high up between my shoulder blades. Because I’ve had mild (although it sure doesn’t feel that way) scoliosis all my life, I assumed it was another thin disk and/or pinched nerves between vertebra in that particular area of my spine. Eventually however, I realized that physical area was the same location where I knew my energetic 5D High Heart was birthing itself. I then started understanding more about the connections between this particular place on our spines and our new 5D High Heart manifesting. In the diagram above this is number 6—the Thymus chakra. I prefer calling it the High Heart because it exists and functions well above the old lower 3D physical Heart chakra.

This physical pain in the back/spine right behind this Thymus High Heart chakra can, at times, be really painful and miserable and I’ve noticed that it causes a few other physical reactions or side effects which I think many people have been having for years now or they’ve started recently. One of the new 5D High Heart Thymus related symptoms is having our esophagus spasm painfully at or near this particular location in our spines. I never had this physical pain or symptom before my Ascension Process started, but I’ve had this painful spine/back and esophagus spasms off and on ever since. Usually eating food will cause it to spasm closed and hurt, especially if I’m hurrying, multitasking and not relaxed while eating. Other times I can be rested and relaxed and simply drink water and suddenly have my esophagus spasm and feel like there’s a stone stuck in it right at this High Heart Thymus chakra area.

Another related and very common side effect of this new 5D ascended High Heart Thymus chakra is heartburn from hell and/or acid re-flux on those super intense days.


Other exciting Ascension-related new 5D chakra pains are connected to number 4 in the diagram above—the Diaphragm chakra. Other people have called this lovely bloating, bulging, never-ending expanded upper belly/gut/diaphragm situation the ‘Buddha Belly’. I’ll never forget the first time I ran across this term online about a year and a half ago because it immediately reminded me of my dear old past-life Master Teacher and much-loved friend Master Hotei, aka the Laughing Buddha. [See The Temple of Master Hotei: A Unique Past Life Memory ]. I remember in that past life wondering why Master Hotei’s belly was so distended when he really wasn’t overweight or fat. Now I know, intimately!

The first minute my Ascension Process started on February 1, 1999, my diaphragm bloated up like I was nine months pregnant and has remained that way ever since. It doesn’t matter if I don’t eat anything for days, my upper belly area doesn’t deflate and become con-caved like it always was prior to the start of this process. This Ascension-related symptom and new 5D chakra feels just like being nine months pregnant and you tried to eat a large meal. My vertebra in this particular area will often go out-of-place too, which I believe is directly related to the birthing of this new chakra. Also your diaphragm is so bloated, so distended that you sometimes feel like you can’t get enough air into your lungs. This symptom is about as much fun as the new High Heart/Thymus chakra side effects are! And, my already bloated diaphragm gets much worse the minute I physically leave my house and go into the lower vibrating world out there because entering any place where there’s more density creates an immediate reaction in my body from all lower frequency energies. Keep this in HighHeart mind when your body suddenly lets you know that you’ve entered a lower, more dense negative frequency physical location.


The next new Ascension-related 5D chakra is number 8 in the above diagram—The Well of Dreams. Again, due to my lifelong spinal pains and problems, this particular area of my spine has always been a wreck. Because of this it’s taken me longer to discern the symptoms that accompany the birth of this new higher chakra. I haven’t read or heard anything about this new chakra, but I sense it has something to do with—and this may sound really weird even for me—the integration of our male and female energies within our body and two brain hemispheres. I sense there is a new higher octave with this new Ascension-related 5D chakra to both the Throat chakra below it and the Brow chakra above it. I sense  at some point with our DNA re-connections and other higher energy changes, we will have the ability (again) to use vocal sounds (7D) to Consciously Create certain things and manifest them into our reality. This is a really ancient ability we lost, along with many others, that will eventually return due to our going through the Ascension and dimensional shift Process. I also sense that there’s more to this particular new chakra but I haven’t perceived it yet.

The Galactic Male and Galactic Female chakras speak for themselves, except that I wonder why they would be separated or polarized like this again? Maybe we’ve got some more integrating to do at even higher levels within this Process? Or, maybe they mean something very different from male/female as we’ve known it at lower levels of consciousness. At any rate, I suspect our current brain Rewiring Process will solve this confusion or outright distortion and fully reveal some truly amazing insights, abilities and memories to us again.

Denise Le Fay

June 1, 2010

Heart Palpitations & the Ascension Process

I’ve heard so many people mention how they’ve had heart palpitations, sudden racing heartbeats, jumping, pounding, skipping and such. They say they’ve gone to their doctors to have it checked and in every case I’ve been told about, nothing wrong physically was ever found. All the tests, all the doctors, and they couldn’t find anything physically wrong with these many people. I’ve thought many times over the past 10 or 11 years about how doctors would be inundated with patients who were suddenly having the weirdest symptoms and aches and pains—all due to their ongoing Ascension Process. Of course the doctors wouldn’t have a clue as to why increasing numbers of people were experiencing such unusual symptoms.

I had random heart palpitations when I was in my 20’s (the 1970’s) and 30’s (the 1980’s). They would hit so suddenly and intensely that it felt like I’d been hit in the chest by something invisible. Many times when this would happen I’d be in bed or sitting reading. In other words, I was totally relaxed and at rest, yet my heart would suddenly start beating very hard and irregularly.

Boomboomboomboom….boom……boom boom……………boom…………………boomboomboomboomboom…..boom……..

During my 40’s (1990’s) I didn’t experience this much until my Ascension Process started at age 47 in February 1999. This sudden and strong heart pounding seemed to be related to the “hot flashes” I was suddenly having and for a while I thought that’s what was going on. Over the months I began to realize that it was something else and wasn’t entirely “menopause” related as I’d first thought all these weird symptoms were.

Just last week I had a cluster of these sudden heart pounding palpitations while in a complete state of physical rest and I now know this means I’ve got more higher frequency Light energies moving through my body, my CNS, and my HighHeart located in the center of the upper chest near the Thymus gland.

The ongoing astrological Age change along with the Ascension Process is opening people’s HighHearts and related chakra like crazy. (The opposite sign to Aquarius is Leo, the Lion, which rules the Heart.) Besides this astrological Age energy change, we’re shifting, evolving, ascending dimensions as well. We’re moving from the old lower polarized physical or third dimension (3D), to non-polarized, integrated, unified, vastly higher vibrating fifth dimension (5D), where HighHeart and HighHeart Consciousness is the primary tool of perception. In other words, there’s a lot going on with humanities heart/Heart/HighHeart because of all this. It’s normal for what we’re going through which is highly compressed evolution.

The ongoing Ascension Process demands that we each transmute any and all lower stuck emotional energies we’ve been hauling around inside of us for decades or lifetimes. Obviously, some of our past lower stuck emotional and energetic junk, wounds, fears, issues etc. are in our Heart chakra area. So before we can energetically reach HighHeart consciousness, we’ve got to deal and heal and clear whatever is still stuck, rotting energetically within that Heart area. When that happens we feel it as thumps, bumps, movements, flutters, spasms and sudden rapid heart pounding. I’ve repeatedly felt what feels to me something like a sudden muscle knot or spasm and/or fluttering movement sensation in the center of my chest above my physical heart—in the HighHeart. It felt like something in there would suddenly roll, flutter, pound or spasm. It didn’t hurt much but was certainly a weird physical feeling. There is nothing “wrong” with my physical heart, but these are things I’ve gone through many times over the years from clearing and transmuting my stuck emotional energies and simultaneously having the HighHeart being activated via the Ascension Process.

If your heart is doing flip-flops, fluttering, skipping beats and/or pounding hard like you’d been running while at rest, go to the doctor to have it checked if you are honestly concerned. When he finds nothing physically wrong, remember all that you and your physical heart, your energy Heart, and your 5D HighHeart are currently going through energetically due to the evolutionary Ascension Process. Fear not because it is a normal Ascension symptom.

Denise Le Fay

June 17, 2009

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Copyright © Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS, 2009. All Rights Reserved. You may share this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.

Ascension Symptoms

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Some of these evolutionary Ascension symptoms are ones I’ve lived with for many years now and have gotten familiar with how they cycle in and out, year after year, becoming less intense the more I transmuted and released. As I’ve said elsewhere over the past few years, your mileage may vary, because we each are dealing with and transmuting slightly different emotional energies, karmic, duality energies, past-life energies, and varying degrees of negative lower frequency energies across time on earth. Some of us have been processing not only our own inner emotional energetic stuff and junk from this life, but from ALL of them, plus doing transformational bloodline family work, and planetary clearing of stuck or residual negative energies created by people across time on this planet. That is what Forerunners, Starseeds, Lightworkers, LightWarriors, PathPavers and Wayshowers do and much more.


  • ascension flu— flu-like body aches and pains but you don’t get “sick” like with typical physical flu
  • abnormal heat and/or cold in certain body parts, severe heat in bottoms of feet, cold solar plexus etc
  • hot flashes, kundalini risings repeatedly for both sexes, intense repeated sweating from them
  • unusual headaches and pressures that just don’t go away until they are done doing what they’re doing
  • physical vision changes – blurring, seeing non-physical mist or fog, seeing new colors, lights, heat mirages, warps, vortex swirls etc.
  • physical hearing changes – inner ear clicking, high-pitched ringing, pressure like when you change altitude, hearing non-physical voices and strange sounds
  • low-grade fever, chills, body and bone aches and pains, exhaustion when there’s heavy solar and/or cosmic energies
  • sudden food and chemical sensitivities that make it nearly impossible to eat a lot of foods or go much of anywhere
  • heartburn, acid re-flux, esophageal spasms and sensitivities due to evolving corresponding Chakras in those areas
  • insomnia and/or only being able to sleep for an hour or two and waking up repeatedly throughout the night
  • drastically less dreaming (because you’re dealing with issues/energies 24/7/365, we’re transmuting while awake too)
  • sudden diarrhea, usually after you’ve been through a hard phase of transmuting lower energies and then shifting into a higher state
  • sudden nausea or “morning sickness” for both sexes
  • weird food cravings, repeated high protein cravings due to increased transmuting of energies, need for a lot of food fuel
  • highly amplified sense of smell, smelling strange smells for days, weeks or months such as burning incense or smoke
  • amplified static electric charge in physical body, getting zapped a lot more than usual, even in rain and high humidity
  • sense that your bones are not as dense and solid as they were in lower 3D, they now feel more like cartilage that can bend etc.
  • profound exhaustion, feeling profound exhaustion and physical pains and aches after having been out in the lower world for a couple of hours, feel better once you return to your higher vibrating home, land, space etc.
  • internal electrical-like inner body vibrations or buzzing caused by the Body Rewiring Process
  • super sensitivity to sounds, light, sunlight, even movement, dizziness, sense of spinning or tipping over or dropping through the floor


  • crying over simple things that profoundly move you, crying over the stupidity, crying because you feel SO much (this is 5D HighHeart Consciousness beginning)
  • rage and deep anger over the stupidity, anger, rage, frustration over everything and everyone still in a lower energy and state of awareness. They’re literally too painful physically and emotionally to be around or to endure now
  • sudden and total intolerance of anything, anyone, any system, religion, government, foods, belief systems etc. Intolerance of anything vibrating lower than you currently are
  • sense of being very alone and on your own with no one else around you who understands what’s really happening to reality and you
  • needing to be alone and isolated from other people
  • ultra-sensitive emotionally – like puberty, pregnancy and menopause all happening at the same time
  • emotionally knowing and feeling things in other people that you never could perceive prior
  • family issues and emotions and energies that must be dealt with within yourself and your bodies
  • total emotional disconnect with things and people you used to love and enjoy very much
  • feeling like you are changing so profoundly that you’re actually dying – you are and it’s part of this process


  • sudden loss of mental focus and ability to concentrate
  • sudden inability to read books due to inability to focus, concentrate, or even comprehend what you’re trying to read
  • forgetting the names of common everyday things, objects, places, people like milk, hammer, orange and so on
  • forgetting your own name or sense of old familiar you and self
  • having to triple check things because you can’t remember if you actually did them or just thought about doing it
  • losing track of time, losing track of yourself within time, suddenly not knowing what time of the year it is or even what year it is
  • thinking and physically doing things becomes very blurred to your awareness, feeling disconnected from things like never before
  • disconnect with the ego self that was mentally multitasking constantly, inability to focus so you finally relax and unfocus which allows you to evolve, expand


  • seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, sensing nonphysical beings both positive and negative, also perceiving higher frequency energies and lights
  • hearing nonphysical voices call your name
  • seeing different colored lights, balls, points of brilliant light flash and roll around in your house and/or outside
  • seeing solid 3D objects (like walls etc.) suddenly look like a heat mirage, sparkle, shimmer with brilliant light and appear transparent
  • seeing, hearing, and even telepathy with both positive and negative beings, entities, perceiving areas of highly condensed negative energy
  • negative psychic attacks by lower vibrating living humans and/or negative non-physical beings and entities. Deal with it and move on. It’s someones unresolved negative shit looking for a new place to live. Transmute it, release it all and move on quickly.
  • working through Duality, repeated encounters with polarized energies, polarized consciousness, people and beings
  • seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, sensing higher positive non-physical Beings, Guides, ETs, Angelics, physically incarnate Starseeds, Forerunners, Lightwarriors, Lightworkers
  • increasing conscious connection and awareness with your Higher Self – spherical or triality consciousness instead of old lower 3D Duality and linear consciousness
  • increasing but HIGHER empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance, greater and greater unity within your self and with other people that are vibrating at or near the same frequency and state of ascension that you are, 5D awareness or HighHeart consciousness
  • coming under negative psychic attacks occasionally from both physical humans and nonphysical beings and entities, thankfully decreasing in potency over the months and years
  • stages of dreamless sleeping, stages of numerous unpleasant nightmares each night for weeks at a time. This usually happens when we’re making yet another shift and need to process some more stuff and energies within ourselves.

Denise Le Fay

May 11, 2009

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